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Rules of Ettiquette: When To Apologize

Rules of Ettiquette: When To Apologize

Mitt Romney thinks it disgraceful to apologize for America. I think it's useful. Yesterday I left a frying pan on a hot burner. "You left...
Converting Rhetoric Into Reality on Atrocity Prevention

Converting Rhetoric Into Reality on Atrocity Prevention

The next administration needs to consistently send the message to the public and Congress that preventing genocide and mass atrocities...
Middle East, Three Mistakes and One Collective Solution

Middle East, Three Mistakes and One Collective Solution

It's time for the United States to face the legacy of a half century of policies in the Middle East, the legacies of the Cold War as well...
Memo to the Presidential Candidates: Cut the Warfare State, Not the Welfare State

Memo to the Presidential Candidates: Cut the Warfare State, Not the Welfare State

Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan's foreign policy and military stance is taking us in entirely the wrong direction. We need saving from a Romney-led...
52 Reasons to Vote for Obama: #36, Joe Biden

52 Reasons to Vote for Obama: #36, Joe Biden

Biden has revolutionized the office of the vice presidency, giving it more weight than any other administration in history.

Romney's Unrealistic Foreign Policy Vision: National Security Funded by Money Growing Trees

I can think of few better examples of American exceptionalism than the ability to produce genetically-modified flora that will give us...
Rethinking U.S. Relations With Dictators

Rethinking U.S. Relations With Dictators

10. 9.2012
U.S. interests are best served by pushing for reform and building ties with the political opposition and civil society, including possible...
Romney vs. Reagan

Romney vs. Reagan

10. 9.2012
The more Romney talks about foreign policy, the more he illustrates that he is tone-deaf about international affairs. After all, the problem...
Powell: There Is a 'Bias' Against Diplomats in Washington

Powell: There Is a 'Bias' Against Diplomats in Washington

10. 9.2012
Former Secretary of State Colin Powell says many in Washington -- his fellow Republicans in particular -- are biased against diplomats,...

Foreign Policy, Diplomacy and Military Force

10. 8.2012
Strength and power are "hawkish" words -- kind of like shock and awe. Words don't necessarily get you into conflict but the attitudes behind...
American Exceptionalism and Other Isms

American Exceptionalism and Other Isms

10. 4.2012
History offers abundant examples of what happens when one state attempts to impose its ways on others.
Four Axes of the East: Iran Looms Large in Russia's and China's Stance on Syria

Four Axes of the East: Iran Looms Large in Russia's and China's Stance on Syria

10. 3.2012
It is widely argued that Russian and Chinese economic and strategic interests embedded in the survival of the Assad's regime have outweighed...
Why the US Needs a PR Campaign

Why the US Needs a PR Campaign

10. 1.2012
If the country undertakes a smart, knowing, and well-targeted campaign, it will pay for itself many times over in wars that are not fought,...
For'n Uhfares

For'n Uhfares

10. 1.2012
A murdered ambassador, Chris Stevens, and three other Americans dead in Benghazi. These men died courageously. Lacking courage, Romney...