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  • Israel PM Benjamin (Bibi) Netanyahu's Address to the United Nations on Iran and Radical Islam...32:36
  • Algeria, Democracy and the Left...11:59
  • Candidates prepare for second US election debate...1:02
  • Karadzic trial begins at Hague...4:00
  • AlgosysFx Forex News Desk: Portugal announces tough 2013 budget to reduce debt...2:06
  • Israel MPs gather to clear way for snap election...1:06
  • 'Don't expect Kosovo to become UN member' - UNGA President (RT Exclusive)...11:40
  • Muslim rebels in the Philippines hope for peace...2:11
  • Malala Yousafzai: Pakistani girl shot by Taliban being flown to UK for treatment...0:37
  • Ex Chief Former Military Chiefs Face Lobbying Ban...3:23
  • South Africa's Lonmin Marikana mine clashes killed 34 and at least 78 people were injured!...15:00
  • Norodom Sihanouk- Cambodia's former king dies...2:09
  • Red Bull Stratos - Freefall from the Edge of Space - Felix Baumgartner Jumps At 128k feet!...3:11
  • CrossTalk: Syria's Dogs of War...23:40

On September 27, 2012, Israel Prime Minister Benjamin (Bibi) Netanyahu addressed the General Assembly of the United Nations. He spoke about the danger Iran poses to the world, and Radical Islam. Netanyahu presented the danger radical Islam, and Iran pose to the world. Netanyahu clearly presented the Jewish claim to the land of Israel. Netanyahu asked for a redline before Iran completes Stage 2 of the uranium enrichment process and made the case to the world on a chart with a drawing of a bomb on it that the entire Western world faces danger if Iran succeeds. (5WPR is a Top 25 US PR Firm, which was founded by Ronn Torossian.) Related article
Is­rael PM Ben­jamin (Bibi) Ne­tanyahu's Ad­dress to the Unit­ed Na­tions on Iran and Rad­i­cal Islam
Al­ge­ria, Democ­ra­cy and the Left
Can­di­dates pre­pare for sec­ond US elec­tion de­bate
Karadz­ic trial be­gins at Hague
Al­go­sys­Fx Forex News Desk: Por­tu­gal an­nounces tough 2013 bud­get to re­duce debt
Is­rael MPs gath­er to clear way for snap elec­tion
'Don't ex­pect Koso­vo to be­come UN mem­ber' - UNGA Pres­i­dent (RT Ex­clu­sive)
Mus­lim rebels in the Philip­pines hope for peace
Malala Yousafzai: Pak­istani girl shot by Tal­iban being flown to UK for treat­ment
Ex Chief For­mer Mil­i­tary Chiefs Face Lob­by­ing Ban
South Africa's Lon­min Marikana mine clash­es killed 34 and at least 78 peo­ple were in­jured!
Norodom Si­hanouk- Cam­bo­dia's for­mer king dies
Red Bull Stratos - Freefall from the Edge of Space - Felix Baum­gart­ner Jumps At 128k feet!
CrossTalk: Syria's Dogs of War
Kan­da­har, Afghanistan Mil­i­tary Po­lice

School children - girls and boys playing on the school ground in the school - India
photo: WN / Aruna Mirasdar
Now, get info on schools at the click of a mouse
Full Article The Times of India
PUNE: Profiles of all secondary schools in the state will now be available at the click of a mouse. A project to this effect has been undertaken by the state Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan, a campaign launched by the Union government to provide quality education. Information like location of a school, number of teachers, annual performance and...

Eine Hand zeigt in Berlin fuer eine Fotoillustration auf einen Computer-Bildschirm mit der Startseite der Videotauschboerse "Youtube" (Foto vom 06.11.06).
photo: AP / Clemens Bilan
Des dizaines de millions de personnes ont regardé le saut de Baumgartner
Full Article France24
Des dizaines de millions de personnes ont regardé dimanche avec fascination et angoisse le saut spectaculaire du parachutiste autrichien Felix Baumgartner, qui a franchi pour la première fois le mur du son en chute libre. La vidéo - diffusée avec un décalage de 20 secondes pour donner le temps aux...

Skydiver Felix Baumgartner lands safely on Earth after skydiving fom 24 miles
photo: AP / Predrag Vuckovic
Skydiver Felix Baumgartner lands safely on Earth after skydiving fom 24 miles
Full Article Detroit Free Press
Update: Extreme athlete Felix Baumgartner has landed on Earth after a jump from the stratosphere in what could be the world's first supersonic skydive. Baumgartner landed in eastern New Mexico desert minutes after jumping from 28,000 feet, or 24 miles. He lifted his arms in victory shortly after landing. Previous story: ROSWELL, N.M. — Sky...

Pakistani men hold pictures of 14-year-old schoolgirl Malala Yousufzai, who was shot last Tuesday by the Taliban for speaking out in support of education for women, during a candlelight vigil in Karachi, Pakistan, Saturday, Oct. 13, 2012.
photo: AP / Shakil Adil
Pakistan sends 14-year-old girl shot by Taliban to UK for care
Full Article Richmond Times Dispatch
ISLAMABAD — Pakistan airlifted a 14-year-old activist who was shot and seriously wounded by the Taliban to the United Kingdom for treatment today, a move that will give her access to the specialized medical care she needs to recover and also protect her from follow-up attacks threatened by the militants. The attack on Malala Yousufzai as...

Felix Baumgartner, left, of Austria, and Art Thompson, technical project director, hug one another after Baumgartner successfully jumped from a space capsule lifted by a helium balloon at a height of just over 128,000 feet above the Earth's surface, Sunday, Oct. 14, 2012, in Roswell, N.M.
photo: AP / Ross D. Franklin
Baumgartner kwam even in beruchte 'flat spin' terecht
Full Article de Volkskrant
De Oostenrijkse parachutist Felix Baumgartner is gedurende zijn recordsprong even in een zogeheten flat spin terechtgekomen, zo vermoedt hij. Dat was vooraf de meest gevreesde toestand waarin hij zou kunnen verzeilen. Op de een af andere manier wist hij zijn lichaam weer...

President Barack Obama watches the Vice Presidential debate aboard Air Force One with staff, en route to Joint Base Andrews, Maryland, from Florida, Oct. 11, 2012.
photo: White House / Pete Souza
Obama must fight back against blowback and bluster
Full Article Al Jazeera
Even as Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan continue to blast President Obama and Secretary Clinton's foreign policy successes, al-Qaeda leader Zawahiri issued another statement urging Muslims to protest the anti-Islamic film and to "continue their opposition to American crusader Zionist aggression against Islam and Muslims", according to Reuters. On the eve...

Boeing 777-300ER with the badge and cups of FC Barcelona. Turkish Airlines is the official sponsor and carrier of the club.[
photo: Creative Commons / Mertborak
Syria bans Turkish planes in airspace
Full Article BBC News
Syria's government has imposed a ban on all Turkish civilian planes flying through its airspace. The move...

U.S. Army overhauling its force for post-Afghanistan era
photo: US DoD / Tyler Meister
U.S. Army overhauling its force for post-Afghanistan era
Full Article Denver Post
FORT POLK, la. — Shortly after dark, the paratroopers jumped out of C-130s into a Caspian Sea country teeming with mayhem, political unrest and insurgents. Their first mission was to prevent a U.S. consulate from being overrun. Then they were to repel an invasion by a hostile neighboring nation that was after the oil wealth of...

UNKNOWN FLARE IN SKY ON RIGHT. IMAGE NOT WORKSHOPPED. Armed policemen keep an eye on protesting women at the Lonmin mine near Rustenburg, South Africa, Friday Aug. 17, 2012.
photo: AP / Denis Farrell
South African Worker's (and World's) Constitutional Crises
Full Article
Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling. Holding in his arms his bruised and beaten and lifeless daughter, one wouldn't even know that South Africa, and this South African Lonmin Marikana platinum miner, had a Constitution that recognized "the injustices of our past." Neither would one perceive that South Africa's constitutional preamble's...

A Free Syrian Army fighter fires his weapon against Syrian Army positions in the Karmal Jabl district, Aleppo, Syria, 10 October, 2012.
photo: AP / Manu Brabo
Rights group says Syria using cluster bombs
Full Article Yahoo Daily News
AMMAN, Jordan (AP) — An international human rights group said Sunday it has obtained new evidence that Syrian troops are using cluster bombs — widely banned munitions that pose a grave risk to civilians because they burst into bomblets over large areas and often linger on the ground, detonating only when touched. Steve Goose of U.S.-based Human...

Riot policemen stand guard outside the Portuguese parliament beside a fire set by demonstrators during a protest against the government's 2013 budget, Monday, Oct. 15, 2102 in Lisbon.
photo: AP / Francisco Seco
Protests flare over Portugal's 2013 budget
Full Article BBC News
Demonstrators started a fire outside the Portuguese parliament on Monday night as anti-austerity protests continued in Lisbon. The draft budget for 2013 is one of the...

File - Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika leaves a voting booth before voting in the Parliamentary elections in Algiers, Thursday, May, 10, 2012.
photo: AP / Sidali Djarboub
Algeria awaits change after 50 years under ruling party
Full Article Reuters
ALGIERS (Reuters) - Algeria is a young country ruled by old men. A generation of leaders who won their spurs during Algeria's 1954-62 independence war against France remains in power, having defeated a violent challenge by armed Islamists in the 1990s and, at least for now, seen off the rebellious spirit that toppled Arab autocrats in Tunisia,...

Felix Baumgartner, of Austria, gestures prior to speaking with the media after successfully jumping from a space capsule lifted by a helium balloon at a height of just over 128,000 feet above the Earth's surface, Sunday, Oct. 14, 2012, in Roswell, N.M.
photo: AP / Ross D. Franklin
Austrian skydiver Felix Baumgartner smashes sound barrier
Full Article Zeenews
Zeenews Bureau Roswell: Diving at a speed faster than the sound, Austrian skydiver Felix Baumgartner has become the first man in history to make the highest jump ever – from a whopping altitude of 128,000 feet. ‘Fearless Felix’, as he is known, is the first skydiver to have smashed the sound barrier by reaching a maximum velocity of 833.9mph...

Eine Hand zeigt in Berlin fuer eine Fotoillustration auf einen Computer-Bildschirm mit der Startseite der Videotauschboerse "Youtube" (Foto vom 06.11.06).
photo: AP / Clemens Bilan
Felix Baumgarter breaks YouTube record as 8 million viewers watch his space jump (video)
Full Article Engadget
Felix Baumgartner might not have broken Joe Kittinger's world record for the longest time spent in freefall, but he did smash a fourth milestone during his dive. In addition to records for the highest ever jump, longest distance fall and fastest downward speed, the stunt was watched by eight million YouTubers at the same time. While the site hasn't...

	US, Canadian civilians reported missing in Afghanistan
photo: DOD / Tyler Meister
US, Canadian civilians reported missing in Afghanistan
Full Article Stars and Stripes
KABUL – Two foreign civilians have been reported missing in Afghanistan, police said Saturday. “The US military based in Wardak province came to us and said that a Canadian man and an American woman traveling from Kabul to Wardak were missing on the outskirts...

Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, waves to supporters at his Florida primary primary night rally in Tampa, Fla., Tuesday, Jan. 31, 2012.
photo: AP / Gerald Herbert
Romney campaign raises $170 m in September
Full Article The Hindu
Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney enjoyed a record surge in his campaign donations in September, raising $170.4 million and now has more than $191 million cash on hand ahead of the November 6 presidential elections. The Obama Campaign had raised...

Government peace negotiator Marvic Leonen, right, and Moro Islamic Liberation Front chief negotiator Mohagher Iqbal, left, shake hands as they exchange signed peace documents following formal signing ceremony Monday Oct. 15, 2012 at Malacanang Palace in Manila, Philippines. Witnessing the signing are Malaysian peace broker Dato Tengko Abdul Ghafar, center, and from left second row, MILF Chair Al Haj Murad, Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak, Philippine President Benigno Aquino III, and Government peace negotiator Teresita Deles. Muslim rebels and the Philippine government overcame decades of bitter hostilities and took their first tentative step toward ending one of Asia's longest-running insurgencies with the ceremonial signing of a preliminary peace pact Monday that both sides said presented both a hope and a challenge.
photo: AP / Bullit Marquez
Muslim rebels ink Philippine pact as step to peace
Full Article Jakarta Post
Government peace negotiator Marvic Leonen, right, and Moro Islamic Liberation Front chief negotiator Mohagher Iqbal, left, shake hands as they exchange signed peace documents following formal signing ceremony Monday Oct. 15, 2012 at Malacanang Palace in Manila, Philippines. Witnessing the signing are Malaysian peace broker Dato Tengko Abdul Ghafar,...

Chinese police officers stand outside what is believed to be the residence of former Cambodian King Norodom Sihanouk in Beijing, China, Monday, Oct. 15, 2012.
photo: AP / Ng Han Guan
Cambodia's ex-king Norodom Sihanouk dies in Beijing
Full Article Zeenews
Beijing: Cambodia's former king Norodom Sihanouk died of natural causes at the age of 90 here, Chinese state media reported Monday. "Our former King died at 2:00 am early Monday in Beijing due to natural cause. This is a great loss for Cambodia. We feel very sad. The former king was a great king that we all respect and love him," Cambodian Deputy...

Pakistani children sit around a picture of 14-year-old schoolgirl Malala Yousufzai, who was shot last Tuesday by the Taliban for speaking out in support of education for women, as they pray for her recovery during a candlelight vigil in Hyderabad, Pakistan, Saturday, Oct. 13, 2012.
photo: AP / Pervez Masih
Malala still on ventilator; special prayers held across Pak
Full Article The Siasat Daily
Islamabad, October 13: Teenage rights activist Malala Yousufzai on Saturday continued to be on ventilator at a military hospital after being shot in the head by Taliban militants though doctors treating her said her vital signs were normal and her condition was satisfactory. Rallying behind Malala, people across Pakistan offered special prayers for...

Felix Baumgartner, left, of Austria, and Art Thompson, technical project director, hug one another after Baumgartner successfully jumped from a space capsule lifted by a helium balloon at a height of just over 128,000 feet above the Earth's surface, Sunday, Oct. 14, 2012, in Roswell, N.M.
photo: AP / Ross D. Franklin
Felix Baumgartner, premier homme à franchir le mur du son en chute libre
Full Article Liberation - France
L'aventurier autrichien Felix Baumgartner est devenu dimanche le premier homme à franchir le mur du son en chute libre après s'être élancé d'une capsule accrochée à un ballon d'hélium d'une altitude record d'un peu plus de 39.000 mètres dans le ciel du Nouveau-Mexique (sud-ouest). Baumgartner, 43 ans, a franchi le mur du son après quelques dizaines...

Israel needs to stop settlement activity: India
Full Article Zeenews
16 Oct 2012

United Nations: Regretting the lack of progress in resolving the Palestinian stalemate, India has said the issue faces a "real danger" of being relegated to the sidelines even as it asked Israel to stop its settlement activity in West Bank and east Jerusalem. While democratic aspirations of people in several countries in the Arab world are being...
Israel needs to stop settlement activity: India
photo: UN / Paulo Filgueiras

Algeria awaits change after 50 years under ruling party
Full Article Reuters
16 Oct 2012

ALGIERS (Reuters) - Algeria is a young country ruled by old men. A generation of leaders who won their spurs during Algeria's 1954-62 independence war against France remains in power, having defeated a violent challenge by armed Islamists in the 1990s and, at least for now, seen off the rebellious spirit that toppled Arab autocrats in Tunisia,...
File - Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika leaves a voting booth before voting in the Parliamentary elections in Algiers, Thursday, May, 10, 2012.
photo: AP / Sidali Djarboub

Obama must fight back against blowback and bluster
Full Article Al Jazeera
16 Oct 2012

Even as Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan continue to blast President Obama and Secretary Clinton's foreign policy successes, al-Qaeda leader Zawahiri issued another statement urging Muslims to protest the anti-Islamic film and to "continue their opposition to American crusader Zionist aggression against Islam and Muslims", according to Reuters. On the eve...
President Barack Obama watches the Vice Presidential debate aboard Air Force One with staff, en route to Joint Base Andrews, Maryland, from Florida, Oct. 11, 2012.
photo: White House / Pete Souza

Radovan Karadzic to begin Yugoslavia war crimes defence at The Hague
Full Article The Guardian
16 Oct 2012

Former Bosnian Serb leader has been on trial since 2009 for orchestrating genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity Radovan Karadzic is to open his defence at the international criminal tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. Photograph: Jeremy Lampen/AFP/Getty...
Former Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic enters the courtroom of the U.N.'s Yugoslav war crimes tribunal in The Hague, Netherlands, Tuesday Nov. 3, 2009.
photo: AP / Michael Kooren/Pool

Protests flare over Portugal's 2013 budget
Full Article BBC News
16 Oct 2012

Demonstrators started a fire outside the Portuguese parliament on Monday night as anti-austerity protests continued in Lisbon. The draft budget for 2013 is one of the...
Riot policemen stand guard outside the Portuguese parliament beside a fire set by demonstrators during a protest against the government's 2013 budget, Monday, Oct. 15, 2102 in Lisbon.
photo: AP / Francisco Seco

Israeli parliament dissolves for early vote
Full Article Al Jazeera
16 Oct 2012

Israel's Parliament has set a January 22 date for a national election and opinion polls predict an easy win for Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu in balloting expected to focus on his tough policies on Iran's nuclear programme and economics. Members of the Knesset approved the measure by a vote of 100 to nil late on Tuesday after a more than...
Israel's Prime Minister designate Benjamin Netanyahu, addresses the Knesset, Israel's Parliament, ahead of the swearing-in ceremony of his new government in Jerusalem, Tuesday, March 31, 2009. Netanyahu struck a conciliatory tone as he took office Tuesday, promising to seek a "permanent arrangement" with the Palestinians and "full peace" with the entire Arab and Muslim world
photo: AP / David Silverman, Pool

UN envoy urges Syria truce as conflict enters 20th month
Full Article Khaleej Times
15 Oct 2012

UN envoy Lakhdar Brahimi called Monday for a ceasefire in Syria during the upcoming four-day Muslim holiday of Eid Al Adha, as the revolt entered its 20th month with a death toll of more than 33,000. Brahimi made his call as he shuttled between Syria’s neighbours, which have been bitterly divided by the conflict along the confessional lines that...
U.N. envoy on Syria, Lakhdar Brahimi, left, talks with Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi, during their meeting in Tehran, Iran, Sunday, Oct. 14, 2012.
photo: AP / Vahid Salemi

Muslim rebels ink Philippine pact as step to peace
Full Article Jakarta Post
15 Oct 2012

Government peace negotiator Marvic Leonen, right, and Moro Islamic Liberation Front chief negotiator Mohagher Iqbal, left, shake hands as they exchange signed peace documents following formal signing ceremony Monday Oct. 15, 2012 at Malacanang Palace in Manila, Philippines. Witnessing the signing are Malaysian peace broker Dato Tengko Abdul Ghafar,...
Government peace negotiator Marvic Leonen, right, and Moro Islamic Liberation Front chief negotiator Mohagher Iqbal, left, shake hands as they exchange signed peace documents following formal signing ceremony Monday Oct. 15, 2012 at Malacanang Palace in Manila, Philippines. Witnessing the signing are Malaysian peace broker Dato Tengko Abdul Ghafar, center, and from left second row, MILF Chair Al Haj Murad, Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak, Philippine President Benigno Aquino III, and Government peace negotiator Teresita Deles. Muslim rebels and the Philippine government overcame decades of bitter hostilities and took their first tentative step toward ending one of Asia's longest-running insurgencies with the ceremonial signing of a preliminary peace pact Monday that both sides said presented both a hope and a challenge.
photo: AP / Bullit Marquez

Pakistan sends 14-year-old girl shot by Taliban to UK for care
Full Article Richmond Times Dispatch
15 Oct 2012

ISLAMABAD — Pakistan airlifted a 14-year-old activist who was shot and seriously wounded by the Taliban to the United Kingdom for treatment today, a move that will give her access to the specialized medical care she needs to recover and also protect her from follow-up attacks threatened by the militants. The attack on Malala Yousufzai as...
Pakistani men hold pictures of 14-year-old schoolgirl Malala Yousufzai, who was shot last Tuesday by the Taliban for speaking out in support of education for women, during a candlelight vigil in Karachi, Pakistan, Saturday, Oct. 13, 2012.
photo: AP / Shakil Adil

The muck and the top brass
Full Article The Daily Telegraph
15 Oct 2012

The fact that some of Britain’s leading ex-servicemen were prepared to lobby the Ministry of Defence on behalf of foreign arms companies is just the latest example of the cosy but compromising revolving door between Whitehall and the private sector, says Andrew Gilligan. By Andrew Gilligan...
File - Britain's General Sir Richard Dannatt, center, seen, being installed as the 159th Constable of the Tower of London during a ceremony, in London, Wednesday Oct. 7, 2009. He once commanded Britain's army.
photo: AP / Matt Dunham

South African Worker's (and World's) Constitutional Crises
Full Article
15 Oct 2012

Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling. Holding in his arms his bruised and beaten and lifeless daughter, one wouldn't even know that South Africa, and this South African Lonmin Marikana platinum miner, had a Constitution that recognized "the injustices of our past." Neither would one perceive that South Africa's constitutional preamble's...
UNKNOWN FLARE IN SKY ON RIGHT. IMAGE NOT WORKSHOPPED. Armed policemen keep an eye on protesting women at the Lonmin mine near Rustenburg, South Africa, Friday Aug. 17, 2012.
photo: AP / Denis Farrell

Norodom Sihanouk, Cambodian Leader Through Shifting Allegiances, Dies at 89
Full Article The New York Times
15 Oct 2012

Norodom Sihanouk, the charismatic Cambodian leader whose remarkable skills of political adaptation personified for the world the tiny, troubled kingdom where he was a towering figure through six decades, died early Monday in Beijing. He was 89. Enlarge This Image Stephen Shaver/Agence France-Presse Norodom Sihanouk was crowned king in 1941 and held...
** FILE ** Retired Cambodian King Norodom Sihanouk greets to well-wishers upon his arrival at Phnom Penh International Airport, Cambodia, in this May 26, 2006, file photo.
photo: AP / Heng Sinith, FILE

Skydiver Felix Baumgartner lands safely on Earth after skydiving fom 24 miles
Full Article Detroit Free Press
14 Oct 2012

Update: Extreme athlete Felix Baumgartner has landed on Earth after a jump from the stratosphere in what could be the world's first supersonic skydive. Baumgartner landed in eastern New Mexico desert minutes after jumping from 28,000 feet, or 24 miles. He lifted his arms in victory shortly after landing. Previous story: ROSWELL, N.M. — Sky...
Skydiver Felix Baumgartner lands safely on Earth after skydiving fom 24 miles
photo: AP / Predrag Vuckovic

Rights group says Syria using cluster bombs
Full Article Yahoo Daily News
14 Oct 2012

AMMAN, Jordan (AP) — An international human rights group said Sunday it has obtained new evidence that Syrian troops are using cluster bombs — widely banned munitions that pose a grave risk to civilians because they burst into bomblets over large areas and often linger on the ground, detonating only when touched. Steve Goose of U.S.-based Human...
A Free Syrian Army fighter fires his weapon against Syrian Army positions in the Karmal Jabl district, Aleppo, Syria, 10 October, 2012.
photo: AP / Manu Brabo

Singer Arlo Guthrie says wife, Jackie, has died
Full Article Newsday
16 Oct 2012

(AP) -- Folk singer Arlo Guthrie has announced the death of his wife, Jackie, at age 68. An obituary released by Guthrie's record label says Jackie Guthrie had inoperable cancer and died Sunday at the couple's winter home in Sebastian, Fla. They had recently celebrated their 43rd wedding anniversary. In a Facebook posting, Guthrie says his...
Arlo Guthrie
photo: GFDL / Shelka04

President Obama weighs in on Nicki/Mariah beef
Full Article CNN
16 Oct 2012

The blowout between "American Idol" judges Mariah Carey and Nicki Minaj was bad enough to draw the attention of President Obama, apparently. During a recent call on "The Yo! Show," the president was asked about the "Idol" drama, which revolved around a contentious and curse-laden exchange between Minaj and Carey. But...
Nicki Minaj performs during the 'Pink Friday Tour' at the James L. Knight Center Miami, Florida - July 24, 2012
photo: WN / Aaron Gilbert

Kellie Pickler promotes new iPhone cover to benefit breast-cancer campaign (Video)
Full Article The Examiner
16 Oct 2012

Related topics breast cancerKellie Pickler 2012country music news 2012National Breast Cancer Awareness Month Advertisement Pin up-worthy country artist Kellie Pickler has joined forces with Trϋ Protection, a mobile-phone accessory provider, to promote a limited-edition iPhone case that will benefit the American Cancer Society. The partnership...
Country-music singer and songwriter Kellie Pickler performs for service members during the United Service Organization's Holiday Tour on Dec. 19. The 2006 American Idol contestant was joined by musician Kid Rock Zac Brown, and comedians John Bowman, Kathleen Madigan, Lewis Black and Tichina Arnold. The group is set to tour five military bases throughout the Middle East boosting troops' morale. "It's amazing being out here supporting our military," said Pickler. "I'm taking a little piece of home out to them." The performers entertained the crowd all afternoon and into the night. "It was an awesome show," said Sgt. Joshua G. Martin, 24, Lincoln, Neb., motor transportation operator, Transportation Company, Combat Logistics Battalion 2, 1st Marine Logistics Group. "I hope they can come out here and do it again."
photo: Public Domain / Kelly

Elvis Presley Duets With Daughter Lisa Marie in New Video
Full Article Jakarta Globe
16 Oct 2012

When Lisa Marie Presley said she was done fighting her legacy as the only child of rock and roll king Elvis, she apparently meant it. Lisa Marie's new video, "I Love You Because," is an emotional duet with her late father. Due to premiere this week, the video was recorded in August for the 35th...
In this photo taken Thursday, May 10, 2012, singer Lisa Marie Presley poses for a photo in West Hollywood, California
photo: AP / Damian Dovarganes

My version of song better than Rihanna: Lewis
Full Article Newstrack India
16 Oct 2012

Tweet London, Oct 16 (IANS) British singer Leona Lewis says she was the first to lend vocals to the hit song "We Found Love", penned by Calvin Harris, but it was finally released with Rihanna's vocals. "I didn't commit to it because I wanted 'Trouble' to be my first single so I think that was...
My version of song better than Rihanna: Lewis
photo: WN / Aruna Gilbert

At 50, Rolling Stones set to rock again
Full Article The Times of India
16 Oct 2012

LONDON: The Rolling Stones will rock the stage once again with four gigs in Britain and the United States to mark their 50th anniversary, the legendary British band confirmed on Monday. In a...
Rolling Stones Concert
photo: Creative Commons / Alexander O'Neill

Justin Bieber, Pitbull, Carly Rae Jepsen to perform at the 2012 Jingle Bash (Video)
Full Article The Examiner
16 Oct 2012

Related topics Justin BieberLive MusicPsypitbull Advertisement On Oct. 12 the official lineup was revealed for B96 Pepsi Jingle Bash, and performing at the 2012 holiday concert will be Justin Bieber, Pitbull, Carly Rae Jepsen, Calvin Harris, Austin Mahone, Afrojack, and PSY. The 2012 B96 Pepsi Jingle Bash will take place in Chicago on Dec. 15 at...
Pitbull perfoms during the 2011 Y100 Jingle Ball at the Bank Atlantic Center Sunrise, Florida - December 10, 2011
photo: WN / Aaron Gilbert

Adele Climbs the Funeral Music Chart (Also: There Are Funeral Music Charts)
Full Article Vanity Fair
15 Oct 2012

Newly minted Bond girl, Grammy winner, and otherwise flawless songstress Adele has ascended yet another music chart,...
Adele Singer
photo: Creative Commons / CHRISTOPHER MACSURAK

Mertesacker: We have to start overpowering Spain, not just challenge them
Full Article Goal
16 Oct 2012

The experienced Nationalelf defender believes that his side needs to work harder on the pitch if they are to catch up with and overtake the world and...
Arsenal's Per Mertesacker, center, tries to get pass Swansea City's Joe Allen, left, and Leon Britton, right, during their English Premier League soccer match at Emirates Stadium, London, Saturday, Sept. 10, 2011.
photo: AP / Sang Tan

Marcelo to undergo operation in Amsterdam on Friday
Full Article Goal
16 Oct 2012

The Brazilian will visit a surgeon in Netherlands as he tries to recover quickly and help the La Liga champions recover from their poor start to the season...
Real Madrid's Marcelo from Brazil kicks the ball during a Spanish La Liga soccer match against Getafe at the Coliseum Alfonso Perez stadium in Getafe, near Madrid, Spain, Sunday, Aug. 26, 2012.
photo: AP / Andres Kudacki

Day 8 - Roberta Vinci (ITA) v Agnieszka Radwanska (POL) - US Open 2012 USTA Billie Jean King National Tennis Center New York City, USA - September 3, 2012
photo: WN / Aaron Gilbert

Elena Baltacha rules out retirement and looks to return to competitive action
Full Article Sky Sports
16 Oct 2012

Elena Baltacha has discounted the possibility of retirement and is now itching to return to professional tennis once she has regained full fitness. The former British number one, 29, has not played since the Olympics, where she announced she was planning to have foot surgery that would keep her out for six months and could signal the end of her...
Elena Baltacha of Great Britain competes against Shaui Zhang of China during the Day 2 of qualifying rounds of the Sony Ericsson Open at Crandon Park Tennis Center on March 20, 2012 in Key Biscayne, Florida - USA.
photo: WN / Aaron Gilbert

Tyson Gay looks toward 2016 Olympic Games
Full Article The Examiner
16 Oct 2012

Related topics Olympic Gamestyson gaysprintingRunningTrack and Field Advertisement American Tyson Gay knows his Olympic legacy leaves a little bit to be desired. Gay is one of the fastest 100-meter sprinters in history. He holds the American record at 9.69 seconds and, when healthy, has proven that he has the speed necessary to compete with the...
Sprinter Tyson Gay of the United States, works out at during a training session at the Beijing 2008 Olympics in Beijing Sunday, Aug. 10, 2008.
photo: AP / Lynne Sladky

Senegal kicked out of Africa Cup of Nations - CAF
Full Article France24
16 Oct 2012

AFP - Senegal have been disqualified from the 2013 Africa Cup of Nations after crowd trouble forced their qualifier with Ivory Coast to be abandoned, the Confederation of African Football (CAF) governing body said Tuesday. The decision was taken at a CAF disciplinary meeting in Cairo after violence flared in Dakar on Saturday, with Ivory Coast...
Senegal's Moussa Konate celebrates after scoring against Britain during their group A men's soccer match at the London 2012 Summer Olympics, Thursday, July 26, 2012, at Old Trafford Stadium in Manchester, England.
photo: AP / Jon Super

Ivory Coast qualify as Senegal eliminated
Full Article FourFourTwo
16 Oct 2012

Ivory Coast qualify as Senegal eliminated Africa Cup of Nations 30 minutes ago Evergrande's Lippi dismisses Drogba rumours Rest of the World Today, 08:06 Cape Verde cap rapid rise with finals place Africa Cup of Nations Yesterday, 18:06 Di Matteo: Mikel is Chelsea's unsung hero England Yesterday, 12:05 Crisis-torn Chile braced for Messi's Argentina...
Ivory Coast soccer team poses during their African Cup of Nations semi final soccer match against Mali at Stade de L'Amitie in Libreville, Gabon, Wednesday, Feb. 8, 2012.
photo: AP / Francois Mori

Player Ratings: Japan 0-4 Brazil
Full Article Goal
16 Oct 2012 was on hand to cast a critical eye over the players in Poznan, where the Selecao strolled to a comfortable friendly victory By Keeghann Sinanan...
Brazil's national soccer team players pose for a photo prior to a friendly soccer match between Brazil and Japan in Wroclaw, Poland, Tuesday, Oct. 16, 2012.
photo: AP / Alik Keplicz

Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson spotted out at lunch together
Full Article Daily Press
16 Oct 2012

Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are continuing their public outings after apparently getting back together in the wake of Stewart's cheating scandal with "Snow White and the Huntsman" director Rupert Sanders. TMZ is reporting that the two were spotted Monday (Oct. 15) having lunch in Hollywood with a group of friends. In the pics, both are...
Actress Kristen Stewart writes in wet cement during the Twilight hand and footprint ceremony at The Chinese Theatre in Los Angeles on Thursday, Nov. 3, 2011. (AP Photo/Dan Steinberg)
photo: AP / Dan Steinberg

Box office report: 'Taken 2' nabs No. 1 for second weekend
Full Article CNN
15 Oct 2012

October 15, 2012 -- Updated 1219 GMT (2019 HKT) Liam Neeson stars as operative Bryan Mills in the action film, "Taken 2." ( -- It's official: Neeson Season has stretched to October. Liam Neeson's Taken 2 kicked its way back into the top slot for a second weekend with an estimated $22.5 million, and Ben Affleck's political thriller Argo and...
 Actor Liam Neeson poses for photographers as he arrives at the Young Collectors Council 2006 Artist´s Ball held at the Guggenheim Museum in New York, Thursday, Dec 14, 2006. Sponsored by Giorgio Armani, the ball celebrates a generation of young art
photo: AP/Stuart Ramson

Russell Crowe And Danielle Spencer Split
Full Article Skynews
15 Oct 2012

Russell Crowe has reportedly split from his wife of nine years, Danielle Spencer. The Oscar winning actor and his musician wife have separated with Crowe’s busy work schedule being cited as the reason for the break-up, according to The Sydney Morning Herald....
Russell Crowe and his wife Danielle Spencer at the 2011 Launch of The Star (originally called Star City) in Sydney Australia on September 14th, 2011
photo: Creative Commons / Paul Cush

Shilpa Shetty: 'I'm not coming back to Bollywood for a year'
Full Article Digital Spy
15 Oct 2012

Shilpa Shetty has revealed that she will not be making any film commitments for a year. The Celebrity Big Brother winner gave birth to her son Vian on May 21 this year. She told IANS: "Having a baby is a full-time job so there is no time for, you know, acting. I am doing endorsements because that happens at my time. I feel for acting, it will take...
Bollywood actress Shilpa Shetty signs cricket bats during first Twenty20 international match between South Africa and Australia in Johannesburg
photo: AP / Themba Hadebe

The Walking Dead season 3 premier recap: Zombies, prison and new characters
Full Article The Examiner
15 Oct 2012

Related topics The Walking Dead recapThe Walking DeadRick GrimesMichonne Rating for The Walking Dead season 3 premier recap 5 Advertisement As season 3 of “The Walking Dead” opens it is several months since we last saw our heroes having to vacate the farm as it was overran with zombies. The season 3 premier opens with a bang as Rick (Andrew...
Sarah Wayne Callies
photo: GNU

  Lindsay Lohan Will Reportedly Sit Down With Barbara Walters
Full Article The Inquisitr
15 Oct 2012

Posted: October 15, 2012 Linsday Lohan will sit down in the coming weeks for an interview with Barbara Walters, according to TMZ. Although she’s a little hesitant to sit down for a chat given the amount of turmoil in her life at the moment, sources claim she trusts that Walters won’t toss any tricky or embarrassing questions in her...
Actress/singer Lindsay Lohan holds a picture up of Long Island college student Caitlin Ann Boyle, 19, who died of complications from meningitis Wednesday Nov. 16, 2005, backstage after performing at the 33rd annual American Music Awards in Los Angeles on Tuesday, Nov. 22, 2005
photo: AP / Kevork Djansezian

Shekhar Kapur to make film on Armenian genocide? (Movie Snippets)
Full Article Newstrack India
15 Oct 2012

Tweet Mumbai, Oct 15 (IANS) Filmmaker Shekhar Kapur says he might be tempted to make a movie on the 1915 Armenian genocide. "Going to Yeravan (capital of Armenia). Is there an Armenian community in India? Going to Armenia to study massacre of Armenians in 1915 and perhaps make a film on it later," tweeted Kapur....
Shekhar Kapur on the set of Elizabeth: The Golden Age
photo: GFDL /

Susan Sarandon fell victim to casting couch as young actress
Full Article Newstrack India
15 Oct 2012

Tweet London, Oct 15 (ANI): Susan Sarandon has opened up about a 'disgusting' casting-couch experience that happened in her younger years. Talking to Elle magazine, the Oscar winner actress has revealed that as a young hopeful she was the victim of exploitation as she auditioned for a role. When asked if she had ever had a casting-couch experience,...
Susan Sarandon
photo: GNU /

Greece, troika talks hit snag on labor reforms
Full Article Daily Press
16 Oct 2012

ATHENS (Reuters) - Greece's labor minister and international lenders briefly suspended talks on austerity cuts on Tuesday to confer with their leaders on the thorny issue of labor reforms, which raised objections among government coalition partners. After weeks of tense negotiations on 11.5 billion euros of budget cuts in 2013-2014, the talks hit a...
Greece, troika talks hit snag on labor reforms
photo: WN / marzena

  Obama Under Fire For Not Paying Campaign Rally Bills In Ohio
Full Article The Inquisitr
16 Oct 2012

Posted: October 16, 2012 President Barack Obama is coming under fire for not paying municipal expenses during past campaign events in the all-important swing state. Fiscal officers in both Copley Township and Fairlawn have still not been repaid approximately $50,000 the municipalities spent on police overtime and other related expenses. Akron’s...
President Barack Obama pauses during his joint news conference with Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, and Mexican President Felipe Calderon, Monday, April 2, 2012, in the Rose Garden of the White House in Washington.
photo: AP / Carolyn Kaster

Kolkata shopkeepers do brisk business as festive season commences
Full Article Newstrack India
16 Oct 2012

Tweet Kolkata, Oct.16 (ANI): Festive fever gripped Kolkata as locals thronged markets ahead of the popular Durga Puja festival. Durga Puja is one of India's most famous festivals. Legend has it that "Asuras" or demons from the underworld invaded the heavens after a hundred year war with the gods. The Hindu trinity of Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu...
Jeans , T-Shirt , Trouser , Shirt , Pant , Cargo Pant Garment Shop at Kolkata in Eastern India City
photo: WN / Bhaskar Mallick

Sen. Paul running pro-Akin ad in Republican challenge of Democratic Mo. Sen. McCaskill
Full Article Star Tribune
16 Oct 2012

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. - Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul is coming to the aid of Missouri Senate candidate Todd Akin with a new advertising campaign. Paul's political...
Rand Paul speaking to supporters at a townhall in Meredith, New Hampshire, along with his father, Ron Paul.
photo: Creative Commons / Gage Skidmore

Khurshid row: Vayalar Ravi calls Beni Prasad's small amount remark 'sarcastic'
Full Article DNA India
16 Oct 2012

Union Minister Vayalar Ravi on Tuesday made light of his Cabinet colleague Beni Prasad Verma's remarks that a man like Salman Khurshid will not do any wrong for Rs71 lakh, saying importance should not be given to the "sarcastic" comment. "He...
The Union Minister for Overseas Indian Affairs, Shri Vayalar Ravi addressing a press conference to announce the venue of the 11th Pravasi Bharatiya Divas-2013, in New Delhi on June 19, 2012.
photo: PIB of India

The Coca-Cola Company Reports Third Quarter and Year-to-Date 2012 Results
Full Article Seeking Alpha
16 Oct 2012

Strong 4% global volume growth in the third quarter with growth across every geographic operating group Worldwide brand Coca-Cola growth of 3% year-to-date Volume and value share gains continued in total nonalcoholic ready-to-drink beverages Strong cash from operations, up 15% year-to-date Third Quarter and Year-to-Date 2012 Highlights Strong...
Coke - Sofdrink
photo: WN / Yolanda

Greece prepares second wave of privatisations
Full Article The Guardian
16 Oct 2012

ATHENS (Reuters) - Greece plans to launch tenders to sell or lease a string of state assets, including its biggest refiner and two largest ports, as it battles to pay down debt and meet the terms of an international bailout....
Greece prepares second wave of privatisations
photo: WN / Marzena J.

President Thein Sein under pressure as Burma's ruling party contemplates bleak future
Full Article The Daily Telegraph
16 Oct 2012

With young Burmese flocking to leave the country and support for the ruling Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP) at an all-time low, President Thein Sein appears increasingly vulnerable to a leadership challenge. President Thein Sein under pressure as Burma's ruling party contemplates bleak future Photo: REUTERS...
Myanmar President U Thein Sein, right, greets Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP), party members during the first conference of their USDP party at the party's headquarters Sunday, Oct. 14, 2012 in Naypyitaw, Myanmar.
photo: AP

Israel PM Benjamin (Bibi) Netanyahu's Address to the United Nations on Iran and Radical Islam
Israel PM Benjamin (Bibi) Netanyahu's Address to the United Nations on Iran and Radical Islam
  • Order:
  • Duration: 32:36
  • Published: 27 Sep 2012
  • Updated: 16 Oct 2012
Author: 5WPRSpeakers
On September 27, 2012, Israel Prime Minister Benjamin (Bibi) Netanyahu addressed the General Assembly of the United Nations. He spoke about the danger Iran poses to the world, and Radical Islam. Netanyahu presented the danger radical Islam, and Iran pose to the world. Netanyahu clearly presented the Jewish claim to the land of Israel. Netanyahu asked for a redline before Iran completes Stage 2 of the uranium enrichment process and made the case to the world on a chart with a drawing of a bomb on it that the entire Western world faces danger if Iran succeeds. (5WPR is a Top 25 US PR Firm, which was founded by Ronn Torossian.)'s_Address_to_the_United_Nations_on_Iran_and_Radical_Islam
Algeria, Democracy and the Left
Algeria, Democracy and the Left
  • Order:
  • Duration: 11:59
  • Published: 03 Dec 2011
  • Updated: 23 Dec 2011
Author: NewsClickin
Samia Zennadi, a writer and an activist discusses the political situation in Algeria with Newsclick. While agreeing that the events in the Arab world and pro-democracy movements will have an impact on Algeria as well, she also focuses on the past such movements. She discusses the weakness of the secular and left forces in Algeria and contrasts it with the kind of grass-root support that Islamist forces are able to generate.,_Democracy_and_the_Left
Candidates prepare for second US election debate
Candidates prepare for second US election debate
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:02
  • Published: 16 Oct 2012
  • Updated: 16 Oct 2012
Author: telegraphtv
Janet Brown, executive director of the Commission on Presidential Debates explains how tonight's town hall debate between President Barack Obama and Republican candidate Mitt Romney poses particular challenges for candidates as they must engage with voters. Get the latest headlines Subscribe to The Telegraph Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Google+ and are websites of The Daily Telegraph, the UK's best-selling quality daily newspaper providing news and analysis on UK and world events, business, sport, lifestyle and culture.
Karadzic trial begins at Hague
Karadzic trial begins at Hague
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:00
  • Published: 16 Oct 2012
  • Updated: 16 Oct 2012
Author: AlJazeeraEnglish
The trial of former Bosnian Serb politician Radovan Karadzic has begun at the Hague. He faces a genocide charge for his alleged role in a massacre in the Bosnian town of Srebrenica in July 1995, when Bosnian Serb troops killed almost 8000 Muslim men and boys and dumped their bodies into mass graves. Karadzic also faces charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity for actions allegedly committed during the break up of Yugoslavia between 1992 and 1995. A trained psychiatrist, Karadzic spent thirteen years on the run. When he was finally arrested in Belgrade in 2008, he was working as a doctor of alternative medicine. He says he plans to call 300 witnesses to testify in the 300 hours given to him by the court for his defence. Nick Spicer is at The Hague in The Netherlands with more details.
AlgosysFx Forex News Desk: Portugal announces tough 2013 budget to reduce debt
AlgosysFx Forex News Desk: Portugal announces tough 2013 budget to reduce debt
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:06
  • Published: 16 Oct 2012
  • Updated: 16 Oct 2012
Author: AlgosysFx
Get more news and analyses at Follow us on twitter The Portuguese government has revealed details of its draft budget for 2013, one of the harshest in the country's recent history. Source: BBC News
Israel MPs gather to clear way for snap election
Israel MPs gather to clear way for snap election
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:06
  • Published: 15 Oct 2012
  • Updated: 15 Oct 2012
Author: AFP
The Israeli parliament was in session on Monday to vote on a motion to dissolve itself and clear the way for a snap election, likely to be set for January 22. Duration: 01:05
'Don't expect Kosovo to become UN member' - UNGA President (RT Exclusive)
'Don't expect Kosovo to become UN member' - UNGA President (RT Exclusive)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 11:40
  • Published: 16 Oct 2012
  • Updated: 16 Oct 2012
Author: RussiaToday
RT is the first media organization to interview the former Serbian Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremic in his new position as President of the UN General Assembly. Jeremic speaks out on how much clout the United Nations really wields in trying to solve various crises around the world. RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 500 million YouTube views benchmark.'Don't_expect_Kosovo_to_become_UN_member'__UNGA_President_RT_Exclusive
Muslim rebels in the Philippines hope for peace
Muslim rebels in the Philippines hope for peace
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:11
  • Published: 03 Oct 2011
  • Updated: 29 Jul 2012
Author: AFP
Ageing Muslim rebel leaders in the southern Philippines are voicing growing frustration that efforts to end one of Asia's longest and deadliest insurgencies have hit a diplomatic brick wall. Duration: 02:10
Malala Yousafzai: Pakistani girl shot by Taliban being flown to UK for treatment
Malala Yousafzai: Pakistani girl shot by Taliban being flown to UK for treatment
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:37
  • Published: 15 Oct 2012
  • Updated: 16 Oct 2012
Author: abpnewstv
Malala Yousafzai, a 14-year-old Pakistani girl shot by the Taliban in retaliation for her education campaign, is being transferred to the UK for further treatment, according to the military. For more info log on to:
Ex Chief Former Military Chiefs Face Lobbying Ban
Ex Chief Former Military Chiefs Face Lobbying Ban
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:23
  • Published: 15 Oct 2012
  • Updated: 15 Oct 2012
Author: DynamoMor
Ex Chief Former Military Chiefs Face Lobbying Ban Ex-military chiefs may be barred from contact with ministers and Ministry of Defence officials after several were secretly filmed claiming to be able to help secure deals for arms firms. At least one of the six top figures filmed by The Sunday Times was still subject to the two-year lobbying ban imposed on former military personnel leaving public service, Defence Secretary Philip Hammond said. The rules state they cannot become involved in any activity which might be helped by their previous role for those two years. Reporters posed as representatives of arms firms and arranged meetings with former top military figures and recorded them offering their influence and contacts with ministers and in return for six-figure sums. Mr Hammond said any breaches of the lobbying rules would be investigated. Philip Hammond on The Andrew Marr Show Mr Hammond said an investigation will be launched He also said the revelations were "deeply damaging to the individuals concerned and their reputations" but insisted there was "no way that retired officers influence the way that military equipment is procured". Instead, he said those filmed were "rather bigging up their capabilities" and showing "bravado" to impress. But the rules appeared to have been broken and may need tougher enforcement, Mr Hammond said. "There are many, many reasons why it is sensible for the MoD to maintain contact with retired officers," he told BBC1's Andrew Marr Show <b>...</b>
South Africa's Lonmin Marikana mine clashes killed 34 and at least 78 people were injured!
South Africa's Lonmin Marikana mine clashes killed 34 and at least 78 people were injured!
  • Order:
  • Duration: 15:00
  • Published: 17 Aug 2012
  • Updated: 15 Oct 2012
Uploaded by Antonis Ashiotis: August 19, 2012 By Michelle Faul - Associated Press JOHANNESBURG, South Africa -- Miners and their families welcomed expelled politician Julius Malema on Saturday as he told the thousands who gathered at the site where 34 miners were killed last week that South African police had no right to fire the live bullets that killed them. Malema, the former youth leader of the governing African National Congress, arrived as family members continued to hunt for loved ones missing since Thursday's shootings. Women said they did not know whether their husbands and sons were among the dead, or among the 78 wounded or about 256 arrested by police on charges from public violence to murder. "They had no right to shoot," Malema said, even if the miners had opened fire first. Malema is the first politician to address the miners at the site during a more than weeklong saga in which 10 people were killed before Thursday's shootings -- including two police officers butchered to death and two mine security guards whom strikers burned alive in their vehicle. He said he had come because the government had turned its back on the strikers. Strikers complained earlier that President Jacob Zuma had not come to hear their side of the story when he flew to the Marikana platinum mine on Friday, cutting short his part in a summit in neighboring Mozambique so that he could visit wounded miners in the hospital. Zuma said he was organizing a <b>...</b>'s_Lonmin_Marikana_mine_clashes_killed_34_and_at_least_78_people_were_injured!
Norodom Sihanouk- Cambodia's former king dies
Norodom Sihanouk- Cambodia's former king dies
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:09
  • Published: 15 Oct 2012
  • Updated: 15 Oct 2012
Author: sandyvideoz
Cambodia's former king Norodom Sihanouk, who played an important role in events in South East Asia for more than half a century, has died in Beijing. Norodom Sihanouk, aged 89, was a pivotal figure in Cambodian public life for more than six decades. He reigned as king, then served as prime minister, before two decades of turmoil that saw him stand as both an ally and a prisoner of the Khmer Rouge.'s_former_king_dies
Red Bull Stratos - Freefall from the Edge of Space - Felix Baumgartner Jumps At 128k feet!
Red Bull Stratos - Freefall from the Edge of Space - Felix Baumgartner Jumps At 128k feet!
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:11
  • Published: 09 Oct 2012
  • Updated: 16 Oct 2012
Author: MicDuty
ORIGINAL JUMP! RedBull Stratos Trailer: RedBull Stratos Lego Stopmotion: FOLLOW: Jumps At 128k feet! A LIVE webcast of the Red Bull Stratos will be live streamed at and Red Bull Stratos is a mission to the edge of space that will try to surpass human limits that have existed for more than 50 years. Supported by a team of experts, Felix Baumgartner will undertake a stratospheric balloon flight to more than 120000 feet 36576 meters and make a record-breaking freefall jump in the attempt to become the first man to break the speed of sound in freefall (an estimated 690 miles / 1110 kilometers per hour), while delivering valuable data for medical and scientific advancement. 127k foot jump 127000 footjump felix 100000 ft jump felix 100000 ft jump felix 100000 ft jump Red Bull Stratos - freefall from the edge of space Red Bull Stratos - freefall from the edge of space Red Bull Stratos - freefall from the edge of space Red Bull Stratos - freefall from the edge of space Felix Breaks 100k Feet! Felix Breaks 100k Feet! Felix Breaks 100k Feet! felix, baumgartner, stratos, red bull stratos, mission to edge of space, space dive, freefall, live jump felix, baumgartner, stratos, red bull stratos, mission to edge of space, space dive, freefall, live jump Red Bull Stratos is a mission to the edge of space that will try to surpass human limits that have existed for more than 50 years. Supported by a <b>...</b>!
CrossTalk: Syria's Dogs of War
CrossTalk: Syria's Dogs of War
  • Order:
  • Duration: 23:40
  • Published: 10 Oct 2012
  • Updated: 15 Oct 2012
Author: RussiaToday
Hostilities between Syria and Turkey are escalating -- will they worsen? Does Turkey really want an all-out war? What's at stake for other regional powers like Saudi Arabia, Iran, Qatar and the US? And are we getting any closer to a resolution of the Syrian conflict? CrossTalking with Mark Almond, Fadi Hakura and Majid Rafizadeh. Follow Peter Lavelle on Twitter Watch all CrossTalk shows here: (Sep 2009 - Feb 2011) (Mar 2011 - Jul 2012) (Jul 2012 - current) RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 500 million YouTube views benchmark.'s_Dogs_of_War
Kandahar, Afghanistan Military Police
Kandahar, Afghanistan Military Police
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:07
  • Published: 08 Aug 2011
  • Updated: 12 Oct 2012
Author: Veenker
2nd Squad, of 2nd Platoon, of 552nd Military Police Co, OEF July 2010- July 2011 Military Police, Combat Tested cops.,_Afghanistan_Military_Police

Senate Judiciary Committee member Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla. speaks on Capitol Hill in Washington, Monday, July 13, 2009, during the committee's confirmation hearing for Supreme Court nominee Judge Sonia Sotomayor. Italy coach Cesare Prandelli listens to a reporter's question during a press conference at the San Siro stadium in Milan, Italy, Monday, Oct. 15, 2012, in view of the World Cup Group B qualifying soccer match against Denmark scheduled for Tuesday. Fiat 500 Abarth A Grand Experiment to Rein in Climate Change

 break-up with the Mamata Banerjee-led Trinamool Congress has opened up an "opportunity" for reviving the Congress in West Bengal asserts party president Pradip Bhattacharya (Second from right) Brazil's Leandro Damiao (9) abd Brazil's Neymar (11) react during the men's soccer final against Mexico at the 2012 Summer Olympics, Saturday, Aug. 11, 2012, in London. Rice - crop - food - staple food in Asian countries Majority of Indians prefer unlimited Internet data plans, a survey says.- Technology- India

A demonstrator holds up images of former Haiti's President Jean Bertrand Aristide during a protest in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Sunday, Oct. 14, 2012. Hundreds of people protested in Haiti's capital over what they say is a higher cost of living. The demonstrators marched through the cinderblock shanties of downtown Port-au-Prince as they criticized the policies of President Michel Martelly. Mexico's Oribe Peralta, left, and teammate Miguel Ponce (16) celebrate during the men's soccer final against Brazil at the 2012 Summer Olympics, Saturday, Aug. 11, 2012, in London. Prime Minister of Haiti Addresses Assembly’s High-level Meeting on Rule of Law Laurent Salvador Lamothe, Prime Minister of Haiti, addresses the General Assembly’s High-level Meeting on the Rule of Law at the National and International Levels. Aedes aegypti mosquito feeding in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

PM makes surprise visit to troops Marinko Matosevic during the Finals match against Kevin Anderson on Day 7 of the Delray Beach International Tennis Championships Delray Beach, Florida - March 4, 2012 Ikea The Great Barrier Reef is clearly visible from jet planes flying over it

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Four years after the worst political crisis since it gained independence in 1963, pre-election tensions are mounting in Kenya. Writer Gray Phombeah believes the country is set for...
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By Adam Morrow and Khaled Moussa al-Omrani CAIRO - The election of the Muslim Brotherhood's Mohammed Morsi to the presidency this summer was followed by a flurry of conjecture that...
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The proliferation of militant jihadi groups across the Arab world is posing a new threat to the region's stability, presenting fresh challenges to emerging democracies and...

NATO's role in the European Union's success
James Goldgeier, the dean here at American University's School of International Service, makes the case that NATO gets a lot of credit for the EU's success. He sees the Balkans as important recent evidence that the alliance has had as much...
photo: US DoD / Erin A. Kirk-Cuomo
EU Affirms Confidence In Ghana's Electoral System
Mr Claude Maerten, Head of the European Union (EU) Delegation to Ghana, on Tuesday said the Union would not monitor the December 2012 general elections. The Union has observed that Ghana has developed internal structures and has the capacity to...
photo: EC / EC
'Big Daddy' Roth 'bloodshot eyeball' shift knob, a 1960s craze. Paint was an important concern. Once bodywork was done, the cars were painted unusual colors.
October 16, (RIA Novosti) - The mystery behind the softball-sized eyeball discovered by a man walking along a beach in the US state of Florida last week has been solved by researchers, who believe the giant orb belonged to a swordfish. “Experts on...
photo: Creative Commons / Trekphiler
As Syrians continue to flee, UN urges European Union to uphold asylum principles
Print 16 October 2012The United Nations today urged European Union (EU) member States to adhere to their asylum principles as the number of Syrians seeking refuge in these countries has started to grow. “These include ensuring access to...
photo: UN / Paulo Filgueiras
Korean firm eyes entertainment complex project
Tourists get on a boat to explore the caves at Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park - Photo: Mong Binh HCMCZeta Plan and Investment Co., an alliance of leading financial and technology firms in South Korea, intends to build an...
photo: WN / Marzena J.
File - In this image taken from video and released by SITE Intelligence Group on Monday, Nov. 8, 2010, Anwar al-Awlaki speaks in a video message posted on radical websites.
Posted: October 16, 2012 The CIA arranged a bride in a plot to kill a suspected terrorist, in what sounds more like a slapstick comedy than operations within the most sophisticated intelligence agency in the world, a report alleges. The CIA’s...
photo: AP / Site Intelligence Group
Losing Their Grip in Afghanistan
Now in its eleventh year, the U.S. occupation of Afghanistan is reeling from crisis to crisis. The U.S. government has spent nearly $600 billion on the war, yet the Taliban insurgency is unbowed. Afghan National Security Forces, which the U.S. is...
photo: DOD / Public Domain
updated 16 Oct 2012; published 27 Sep 2012
Is­rael PM Ben­jamin (Bibi) Ne­tanyahu's Ad­dress to the Unit­ed Na­tions on Iran and Rad­i­cal Islam
Zeenews 16 Oct 2012, United Nations: Regretting the lack of progress in resolving the Palestinian stalemate, India has said the issue faces a "real danger" of being relegated to the sidelines even as it asked Israel to stop its settlement activity in West Bank and east Jerusalem. While democratic aspirations of people in several countries in the Arab world are being...

updated 23 Dec 2011; published 03 Dec 2011
Al­ge­ria, Democ­ra­cy and the Left
Reuters 16 Oct 2012, ALGIERS (Reuters) - Algeria is a young country ruled by old men. A generation of leaders who won their spurs during Algeria's 1954-62 independence war against France remains in power, having defeated a violent challenge by armed Islamists in the 1990s and, at least for now, seen off the rebellious spirit that toppled Arab autocrats in Tunisia,...

updated 16 Oct 2012; published 16 Oct 2012
Can­di­dates pre­pare for sec­ond US elec­tion de­bate
Al Jazeera 16 Oct 2012, Even as Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan continue to blast President Obama and Secretary Clinton's foreign policy successes, al-Qaeda leader Zawahiri issued another statement urging Muslims to protest the anti-Islamic film and to "continue their opposition to American crusader Zionist aggression against Islam and Muslims", according to Reuters. On the eve...

updated 16 Oct 2012; published 16 Oct 2012
Karadz­ic trial be­gins at Hague
The Guardian 16 Oct 2012, Former Bosnian Serb leader has been on trial since 2009 for orchestrating genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity Radovan Karadzic is to open his defence at the international criminal tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. Photograph: Jeremy Lampen/AFP/Getty...

updated 16 Oct 2012; published 16 Oct 2012
Al­go­sys­Fx Forex News Desk: Por­tu­gal an­nounces tough 2013 bud­get to re­duce debt
BBC News 16 Oct 2012, Demonstrators started a fire outside the Portuguese parliament on Monday night as anti-austerity protests continued in Lisbon. The draft budget for 2013 is one of the...

updated 15 Oct 2012; published 15 Oct 2012
Is­rael MPs gath­er to clear way for snap elec­tion
Al Jazeera 16 Oct 2012, Israel's Parliament has set a January 22 date for a national election and opinion polls predict an easy win for Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu in balloting expected to focus on his tough policies on Iran's nuclear programme and economics. Members of the Knesset approved the measure by a vote of 100 to nil late on Tuesday after a more than...

updated 16 Oct 2012; published 16 Oct 2012
'Don't ex­pect Koso­vo to be­come UN mem­ber' - UNGA Pres­i­dent (RT Ex­clu­sive)
Khaleej Times 15 Oct 2012, UN envoy Lakhdar Brahimi called Monday for a ceasefire in Syria during the upcoming four-day Muslim holiday of Eid Al Adha, as the revolt entered its 20th month with a death toll of more than 33,000. Brahimi made his call as he shuttled between Syria’s neighbours, which have been bitterly divided by the conflict along the confessional lines that...

updated 29 Jul 2012; published 03 Oct 2011
Mus­lim rebels in the Philip­pines hope for peace
Jakarta Post 15 Oct 2012, Government peace negotiator Marvic Leonen, right, and Moro Islamic Liberation Front chief negotiator Mohagher Iqbal, left, shake hands as they exchange signed peace documents following formal signing ceremony Monday Oct. 15, 2012 at Malacanang Palace in Manila, Philippines. Witnessing the signing are Malaysian peace broker Dato Tengko Abdul Ghafar,...

updated 16 Oct 2012; published 15 Oct 2012
Malala Yousafzai: Pak­istani girl shot by Tal­iban being flown to UK for treat­ment
Richmond Times Dispatch 15 Oct 2012, ISLAMABAD — Pakistan airlifted a 14-year-old activist who was shot and seriously wounded by the Taliban to the United Kingdom for treatment today, a move that will give her access to the specialized medical care she needs to recover and also protect her from follow-up attacks threatened by the militants. The attack on Malala Yousufzai as...

updated 15 Oct 2012; published 15 Oct 2012
Ex Chief For­mer Mil­i­tary Chiefs Face Lob­by­ing Ban
The Daily Telegraph 15 Oct 2012, The fact that some of Britain’s leading ex-servicemen were prepared to lobby the Ministry of Defence on behalf of foreign arms companies is just the latest example of the cosy but compromising revolving door between Whitehall and the private sector, says Andrew Gilligan. By Andrew Gilligan...

updated 15 Oct 2012; published 17 Aug 2012
South Africa's Lon­min Marikana mine clash­es killed 34 and at least 78 peo­ple were in­jured! 15 Oct 2012, Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling. Holding in his arms his bruised and beaten and lifeless daughter, one wouldn't even know that South Africa, and this South African Lonmin Marikana platinum miner, had a Constitution that recognized "the injustices of our past." Neither would one perceive that South Africa's constitutional preamble's...

updated 15 Oct 2012; published 15 Oct 2012
Norodom Si­hanouk- Cam­bo­dia's for­mer king dies
The New York Times 15 Oct 2012, Norodom Sihanouk, the charismatic Cambodian leader whose remarkable skills of political adaptation personified for the world the tiny, troubled kingdom where he was a towering figure through six decades, died early Monday in Beijing. He was 89. Enlarge This Image Stephen Shaver/Agence France-Presse Norodom Sihanouk was crowned king in 1941 and held...

updated 16 Oct 2012; published 09 Oct 2012
Red Bull Stratos - Freefall from the Edge of Space - Felix Baum­gart­ner Jumps At 128k feet!
Detroit Free Press 14 Oct 2012, Update: Extreme athlete Felix Baumgartner has landed on Earth after a jump from the stratosphere in what could be the world's first supersonic skydive. Baumgartner landed in eastern New Mexico desert minutes after jumping from 28,000 feet, or 24 miles. He lifted his arms in victory shortly after landing. Previous story: ROSWELL, N.M. — Sky...

updated 15 Oct 2012; published 10 Oct 2012
CrossTalk: Syria's Dogs of War
Yahoo Daily News 14 Oct 2012, AMMAN, Jordan (AP) — An international human rights group said Sunday it has obtained new evidence that Syrian troops are using cluster bombs — widely banned munitions that pose a grave risk to civilians because they burst into bomblets over large areas and often linger on the ground, detonating only when touched. Steve Goose of U.S.-based Human...