The Wayback Machine -
Wednesday, 14 November 2012
DJ BabeyDrew & CBE Australia SupaFest
CBE - Spend It All (18+)
CBE - Marvin's Room Remix
CBE Plateau Brazzaville
CBE crew
CBE Crew @ Chozin's Class
CBE Loutété - images Bernard Coyault
Top 10 Plays - 2010 CBE Classic
CBE de Paris - images Jean-Pierre Passy
John Thaw CBE
George Daniels Master Watchmaker - CBE FBHI 1926-2011
Death Underground USA Earthquakes NIJ CBE PGRE..." width="225" height="168" class="playvideo1 gotop" onClick="activateTab('playlist1')" style="display: block;" />


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DJ BabeyDrew & CBE Australia SupaFest
  • Order:
  • Duration: 12:18
  • Updated: 11 Nov 2012
Adventures of the CBE crew in Australia during the "Supafest" Tour
published: 02 May 2012
author: babeydrew
views: 16847 BabeyDrew & CBE Australia SupaFest
CBE - Spend It All (18+)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:20
  • Updated: 23 Oct 2012

published: 07 Apr 2011
views: 7789 - Spend It All (18+)
CBE - Marvin's Room Remix
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:32
  • Updated: 29 Oct 2012
CBE Marvin's Room Remix Follow @GodfreyTabarez
published: 28 Jun 2011
views: 724945 - Marvin's Room Remix
CBE Plateau Brazzaville
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:46
  • Updated: 13 Jul 2012
La sous-section CBE du Plateau anime le culte protestant, dimanche 25 novembre 2007, paroisse du Plateau - Brazzaville.
published: 25 Jan 2008
views: 17755 Plateau Brazzaville
CBE crew
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:57
  • Updated: 11 Sep 2012
I dont get Bucc but hell why not
published: 13 Mar 2007
author: bshaw72
views: 31845 crew
CBE Crew @ Chozin's Class
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:09
  • Updated: 16 Sep 2012
Chozin's dance class in Glasgow, Scotland....honeydip, davi, janina, and larke
published: 12 Jan 2009
author: yoyo2830
views: 24868 Crew @ Chozin's Class
CBE Loutété - images Bernard Coyault
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:31
  • Updated: 04 Jun 2012
La sous-section de loutété chante un des classiques du répertoire CBE, lors d'une retraite spirituelle.
published: 08 Apr 2008
author: KilomboGmail
views: 10897 Loutété - images Bernard Coyault
Top 10 Plays - 2010 CBE Classic
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:49
  • Updated: 18 Apr 2012
Top plays from Duke's wins over Marquette and #4 Kansas State at the CBE Classic
published: 25 Nov 2010
views: 11912 10 Plays - 2010 CBE Classic
CBE de Paris - images Jean-Pierre Passy
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:41
  • Updated: 13 Jul 2012
La sous-section de Paris chante "Nge ntwenia ya Kongo" (Toi, jeune du Congo) pendant la retraite spirituelle de la Communauté Evangélique Congolaise en France. Juin 2007.
published: 08 Apr 2008
author: KilomboGmail
views: 12862 de Paris - images Jean-Pierre Passy
John Thaw CBE
  • Order:
  • Duration: 9:57
  • Updated: 02 Nov 2012
John Edward Thaw CBE (3rd January 1942 - 21st February 2002) was an English actor, who appeared in a range of television, stage and cinema roles, his most popular being police and legal dramas such as Redcap, The Sweeney, Inspector Morse and Kavanagh QC. A heavy drinker, and smoker for 40 years, Thaw was diagnosed with cancer of the oesophagus in June 2001. He underwent chemotherapy in hope of overcoming the illness, but had a setback in early January 2002. He died on Thursday, 21st February 2002, seven weeks after his 60th birthday, the day after he signed a new contract with ITV, and the day before his wife's birthday. At the time of his death he was living at his country place, near the villages of Luckington and Sherston in Wiltshire, and was cremated at Westerleigh Crematorium in South Gloucestershire in a very private service.
published: 04 Aug 2010
views: 15897 Thaw CBE
George Daniels Master Watchmaker - CBE FBHI 1926-2011
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:54
  • Updated: 11 Nov 2012
In Memory of George Daniels Master Watchmaker. FBHI CBE DCs FSA. 1926-2011 Dear Sir, RIP
published: 09 Feb 2012
author: myclocks0071
views: 7157 Daniels Master Watchmaker - CBE FBHI 1926-2011
Death Underground USA Earthquakes NIJ CBE PGRE
  • Order:
  • Duration: 14:57
  • Updated: 26 Sep 2012
PGR 101 (Post Glacial Rebound)(Isostasy) - 3 - Larry King Why USA Mega Earthquakes! Nuclear Power Meltdowns. Continental Bowing Effect! Floods PGRE NASA Fact Giant Breach in Earth's Magnetic Field Post Glacial Rebound Effect. NASA 1 foot water Ocean = 2 feet on Land. Earth Undone DVD 2020 Report is 2011 Now! Have a Plan Nuclear Event - USA - Limerick Nuclear Power Plant - Pennsylvania - 29-05-2011 DVD is forsale now. it will provide a $5 donation for every sale to the Underground, and Robs Radio Show. to help cover costs as a alternative media source. / helping get out the info. to people not on YT. Love Scott (BUG) Mr. Owen BDS CAS CFDA Opportunity Number Comp. ID # Date/Time Received Status Status Date Submission Name 15.807 10HQPA0001 10HQPA0001 GRANT10318874 14-May-09 12:34:54 AM Validated 14-May-09 02:55:37 AM expanding ocean and earthquake impacts from post glacial rebound effect. Airplanes Crash Skyquakes NASA FACT! Moon Will Go! Post Glacial Rebound & More info Alternative view: The earths oceans are sinking. Due to this heavy loading of new water into Geo fragile zones. Fault zones. Thus causing sea floor sinking. Just as the other regions of the world are rebounding up. "As stated in this article".[12] thus these islands are not getting flooded by sea level rise, as ...
published: 25 Aug 2011
views: 9941 Underground USA Earthquakes NIJ CBE PGRE
STi Stock exhaust VS Invidia Q300 CBE
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:14
  • Updated: 11 Nov 2012
stock 2011 STi sedan exhaust VS Invidia Q300 CBE
published: 26 Mar 2011
author: sciontuner
views: 16470 Stock exhaust VS Invidia Q300 CBE
JOE BATAAN live @ CBE Cologne - 19.04.2011
  • Order:
  • Duration: 14:58
  • Updated: 11 Oct 2012
Club Bahnhof Ehrenfeld - the greatest club on this side of the planet! http camera: Kathinka Marcks, Dorina Köbele-Milaş, Yasser Berenjkoub, Camilo Gray, Thomas Nier edit: Thomas Nier (
published: 27 Apr 2011
views: 5291 BATAAN live @ CBE Cologne - 19.04.2011
  • DJ BabeyDrew & CBE Australia SupaFest...12:18
  • CBE - Spend It All (18+)...4:20
  • CBE - Marvin's Room Remix...4:32
  • CBE Plateau Brazzaville...1:46
  • CBE crew...0:57
  • CBE Crew @ Chozin's Class...1:09
  • CBE Loutété - images Bernard Coyault...2:31
  • Top 10 Plays - 2010 CBE Classic...5:49
  • CBE de Paris - images Jean-Pierre Passy...5:41
  • John Thaw CBE...9:57
  • George Daniels Master Watchmaker - CBE FBHI 1926-2011
  • Death Underground USA Earthquakes NIJ CBE PGRE...14:57
  • STi Stock exhaust VS Invidia Q300 CBE...2:14
  • JOE BATAAN live @ CBE Cologne - 19.04.2011...14:58
Adventures of the CBE crew in Australia during the "Supafest" Tour
published: 02 May 2012
author: babeydrew
views: 16847
DJ Babey­Drew & CBE Aus­tralia Su­paFest
Ad­ven­tures of the CBE crew in Aus­tralia dur­ing the "Su­pafest" Tour...
pub­lished: 02 May 2012
au­thor: babey­drew
CBE - Spend It All (18+)
pub­lished: 07 Apr 2011
CBE - Mar­vin's Room Remix
CBE Mar­vin's Room Remix Fol­low @God­freyTabarez...
pub­lished: 28 Jun 2011
CBE Plateau Braz­zav­ille
La sous-sec­tion CBE du Plateau anime le culte protes­tant, di­manche 25 novem­bre 2007, paroi...
pub­lished: 25 Jan 2008
CBE crew
I dont get Bucc but hell why not...
pub­lished: 13 Mar 2007
au­thor: bshaw72
CBE Crew @ Chozin's Class
Chozin's dance class in Glas­gow, Scotland....​honeydip, davi, jan­i­na, and larke...
pub­lished: 12 Jan 2009
au­thor: yoy­o2830
CBE Loutété - im­ages Bernard Coy­ault
La sous-sec­tion de loutété chante un des clas­siques du réper­toire CBE, lors d'une re­traite...
pub­lished: 08 Apr 2008
Top 10 Plays - 2010 CBE Clas­sic
Top plays from Duke's wins over Mar­quette and #4 Kansas State at the CBE Clas­sic...
pub­lished: 25 Nov 2010
CBE de Paris - im­ages Jean-Pierre Passy
La sous-sec­tion de Paris chante "Nge ntwe­nia ya Kongo" (Toi, jeune du Congo) pen­dant la re...
pub­lished: 08 Apr 2008
John Thaw CBE
John Ed­ward Thaw CBE (3rd Jan­uary 1942 - 21st Febru­ary 2002) was an En­glish actor, who app...
pub­lished: 04 Aug 2010
George Daniels Mas­ter Watch­mak­er - CBE FBHI 1926-2011 www.​bhi.​co.​uk
In Mem­o­ry of George Daniels Mas­ter Watch­mak­er. FBHI CBE DCs FSA. 1926-2011 Dear Sir, RIP...
pub­lished: 09 Feb 2012
Death Un­der­ground USA Earth­quakes NIJ CBE PGRE
PGR 101 (Post Glacial Re­bound)(Isosta­sy) - 3 - Larry King www.​youtube.​com Why USA Mega Ear...
pub­lished: 25 Aug 2011
STi Stock ex­haust VS In­vidia Q300 CBE
stock 2011 STi sedan ex­haust VS In­vidia Q300 CBE...
pub­lished: 26 Mar 2011
au­thor: sciontuner
JOE BATAAN live @ CBE Cologne - 19.04.2011
Club Bahn­hof Ehren­feld - the great­est club on this side of the plan­et! www.​cbe-cologne.​de ...
pub­lished: 27 Apr 2011
Vimeo results:
Chris Brown feat K-Mac "Strip"
www.​rivetingentertainment.​com CBE RCA...
pub­lished: 15 Dec 2011
Chris Brown x Wiz Khal­i­fa x Big Sean "Till I Die"
cbe riv­et­ing en­ter­tain­ment...
pub­lished: 30 May 2012
CBE - Spend It All (18+)
pub­lished: 06 Apr 2011
Chris Brown FOR­TUNE Album Com­mer­cial
pub­lished: 18 Jun 2012

Youtube results:
2010 Honda Ac­cord v6 Mag­naflow CBE No res­onator w/RV6 J-pipe Video
Honda Ac­cord V6 Coupe, Com­par­ing Mag­naflow CBE w/o Resna­tor be­fore Jpipe and After jpipe...
pub­lished: 07 Mar 2011
au­thor: Bpearl2010
HKS Hi Power CBE (07 Sub­aru STi)
HKS Hi Power Ex­haust w/ stock dp....
pub­lished: 19 Nov 2007
au­thor: sub­yrid­er07
Kyrie at the CBE
Be­hind-the-scenes with Kyrie Irv­ing and the Blue Dev­ils at the Col­lege Bas­ket­ball Ex­pe­rien...
pub­lished: 22 Nov 2010
Nu­cle­ar Mis­sile [Red­pow­er/Wire­less Red­stone-CBE/IC2]
A com­pact (6*6*14) nu­cle­ar missle that holds 3 nukes and brings them to the tar­get au­tomat...
pub­lished: 29 Apr 2012
au­thor: Cook­iebal
Photo: USAF
Aerial view of the Antarctic coastline from a C-141C Starlifter returning to Christchurch, New Zealand, during Operation DEEP FREEZE 2001.
The Daily Telegraph
12 Nov 2012
The amount of ice in the Arctic may be at a record low but Antarctic sea ice is increasing, according to a new study. Antarctic sea ice cover has increased under the effects of climate...

Photo: AP / Adel Hana
People gather around a wreckage of the car in which was killed Ahmed Jabari, head of the Hamas military wing in Gaza City, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012.
The Star
14 Nov 2012
GAZA (Reuters) - Israel launched a major offensive against Palestinian militants in Gaza on Wednesday, killing the military commander of Hamas in an air strike and threatening an invasion of the...

Photo: US Army / Public Domain
File - Marine Corps Gen. John R. Allen, commander of NATO and International Security Assistance Force troops in Afghanistan, gives a soldier assigned to Forward Operating Base Ghazni a thump on his body armor as he thanked him for his service and sacrifice.
Yahoo Daily News
13 Nov 2012
WASHINGTON - David Petraeus's downfall took another victim Tuesday as the current U.S. commander in Afghanistan seemingly saw his hopes to become head of NATO go up in smoke amid allegations he...

Photo: AP / Matt Dunham
File - Abu Qatada is driven away after being refused bail at a hearing at London's Special Immigration Appeals Commission, which handles deportation and security cases, in London, Tuesday, April 17, 2012.
The Daily Telegraph
13 Nov 2012
Abu Qatada, the extremist cleric, will be back on the streets of Britain today and allowed to roam free for eight hours a day after a court ruled he cannot be deported. Abu Qatada Photo: AP...

Photo: AP / Khin Maung Win
In this photo taken on Monday, Nov. 12, 2012, a Buddhist monk walks in the debris after a pagoda was damaged by a strong earthquake, in Thabeikkyin township in Mandalay, Myanmar.
The Star
13 Nov 2012
YANGON: A powerful earthquake that struck Myanmar at the weekend has left 38 people dead or missing, the Red Cross said Tuesday as a new tremor rattled the government's showpiece capital Naypyidaw....

Bloomberg A gauge of U.S. corporate credit risk reached the highest in more than three months before President Barack Obama meets with lawmakers in an effort to reach a budget accord to avert the so-called fiscal cliff. The Markit CDX North America Investment Grade Index, a credit-default swaps benchmark that...(size: 5.5Kb)
Sporting News LAWRENCE – Some distinctions might be in order when people talk about Kansas and its seven freshmen. Two of those freshmen, Ben McLemore and Jamari Traylor, redshirted last season while academically ineligible. Five others are freshmen in the true sense, getting their first exposure to college...(size: 11.1Kb)
Pac-12 Confidential 14 Nov 2012
Seattle Times A certain rhythm dominate early college basketball, including the Pac-12. Open with some beatable teams, and then jump into something more testy Thanksgiving week (or for a couple, this weekend). That's the way it shapes up for most of the teams in the league. Washington's loss to Albany Tuesday...(size: 6.4Kb)
The Charlotte Observer Fact Stats FACTS & STATS: Site: Thomas Assembly Center (8,000) -- Ruston, Louisiana. Television: None. Home Record: Arkansas-Little Rock 1-0, Louisiana Tech 0-0. Away Record: Arkansas-Little Rock 0-0, Louisiana Tech 0-1. Neutral Record: Arkansas-Little Rock 0-0, Louisiana Tech 0-0. Conference...(size: 4.2Kb)
The Charlotte Observer GAME NOTES: A pair of teams that opened the season with home victories are set to square off as part of the CBE Hall of Fame Classic, as the Santa Clara Broncos take on the Saint Louis Billikens. Santa Clara got its season off to a roaring start last Saturday by defeating Simpson, 106-66. While it...(size: 2.9Kb)
The Examiner Related topics Kansas Jayhawk BasketballMichigan State SpartansCollege BasketballBill Self Advertisement It was a back and forth early season battle that showed Kansas weaknesses and strengths in this young college basketball season. In the end on Tuesday, November 14, 2012, Kansas was dropped to a...(size: 10.3Kb)
IMDb Cast your mind back to the pre-internet age (admittedly, a tough task) where film-related content was sparse, and finding out about the latest...(size: 1.0Kb)
my SA COLLEGE STATION – Troy coach Don Maestri readied to peel off a light-colored sports coat following his team's contest against Texas A&M on Monday night. "That's the last time I'm wearing this jacket," Maestri said. "I can go throw this baby away." It wasn't the jacket that caused the Trojans...(size: 3.6Kb)
The News Tribune A couple of powerhouse programs meet up in Atlanta, as the 21st-ranked Michigan State Spartans take on the seventh-ranked Kansas Jayhawks as part of the Champions Classic at the Georgia Dome. The Spartans return to the U.S. following a season-opening matchup with the Connecticut Huskies at Ramstein...(size: 2.7Kb)
The News Tribune GAME NOTES: A couple of powerhouse programs meet up in Atlanta, as the 21st- ranked Michigan State Spartans take on the seventh-ranked Kansas Jayhawks as part of the Champions Classic at the Georgia Dome. The Spartans return to the U.S. following a season-opening matchup with the Connecticut Huskies...(size: 3.0Kb)
my SA COLLEGE STATION, Texas (AP) — Four players scored at least 13 points for Texas A&M on Monday night in an 83-65 thumping of Troy — exactly what Aggies coach Billy Kennedy envisions for this squad. "We're going to have to win by committee," Kennedy said. Senior guard Elston Turner led the way with...(size: 3.4Kb)
Seeking Alpha ST. LOUIS, Nov. 12, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- ESCO Technologies Inc. (NYSE: ESE) today reported its operating results for the fourth quarter and fiscal year ended September 30, 2012. Summary Highlights Q4 2012 EPS of $0.65 per share increased $0.08 per share, or 14 percent compared to EPS of $0.57 in Q4...(size: 40.6Kb)
Order of the British Empire
Ster Orde van het Britse Rijk.jpg
Grand Cross's star of the Order of the British Empire
Awarded by the Sovereign, on the advice of the Government
Type Award
Motto For God and the Empire
Day NA
Eligibility British nationals or anyone who makes an impact on the UK
Awarded for A national order of merit
Status Currently constituted
Sovereign Queen Elizabeth II
Grand Master Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh
Principal Commander Sovereign
Grades (w/ post-nominals) Knight/Dame Grand Cross (GBE)
Knight/Dame Commander (KBE/DBE)
Commander (CBE)
Officer (OBE)
Member (MBE)
Former grades NA
Established 1917
First induction ND
Last induction ND
Total inductees ND
Distinct recipients ND
Next (higher) Royal Victorian Order
Next (lower) Varies, depending on rank
Lint Orde van het Britse Rijk.jpg
Ribbons: civil (upper), military (lower)
MBE as awarded in 1918
File:Mbe Cpt Masterman 05-02-2010.jpg
Close up of an MBE from 1945 showing the "For God and the Empire"
Lieutenant General Sir Robert Fulton, KBE
Dame Jane Goodall, DBE

The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire is an order of chivalry established on 4 June 1917 by George V of the United Kingdom.[1][2] The Order is composed of five classes in civil and military divisions. In descending order of seniority, these are:

  • Knight or Dame Grand Cross of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (GBE), see Knight Grand Cross.[a]
  • Knight Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (KBE) or Dame Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (DBE)
  • Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (CBE)
  • Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (OBE)
  • Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (MBE)

Only the highest two ranks automatically cause an individual to become a knight or dame, an honour allowing the recipient to use the title "Sir" (male) or "Dame" (female) before their first name (though men can be knighted separately from this and other Orders of Chivalry). Honorary knighthoods, given to individuals who are not nationals of a realm where Queen Elizabeth II is Head of State, permit use of the honour as a post-nominal but not as a title before their name. Awards in the Order of the British Empire in the Commonwealth Realms were discontinued with the establishment of national systems of honours and awards such as the Order of Australia, the Order of Canada and the New Zealand Order of Merit. Foreign recipients are classified as honorary members of the Order they receive, and do not contribute to the numbers restricted to that Order as full members do.

There is also a related British Empire Medal, whose recipients are not members of the Order, but who are nonetheless affiliated with the Order. The British Empire Medal has not been used in the United Kingdom or its dependencies since 1993,[3] but is still used by the Cook Islands and by some other Commonwealth nations.

The Order's motto is For God and the Empire. It is the most junior of the British orders of chivalry, and the largest, with over 100,000 living members worldwide.[2]



King George V founded the order to fill gaps in the British honours system:

In particular, King George V wished to honour the many thousands of people who had served in numerous non-combatant capacities during the First World War. Originally, the Order included only one division; however, in 1918, soon after its foundation, it was formally divided into Military and Civil Divisions.[4]

This order has a more democratic character than the Order of the Bath or the Order of St Michael and St George, and in its early days was not held in high esteem. However, this has changed over the years.

Several past American statesmen and diplomats who have performed service for, or on behalf of, the United Kingdom have been given the designation of Knight Commander of the order. However, since membership requires swearing allegiance to a foreign head of state (currently Queen Elizabeth II), the title is officially considered "honorary", and the person is not entitled to be referred to as Sir or Dame. Occasionally the media incorrectly refer to foreign recipients with the prefix title, an example being Bob Geldof KBE, a Republic of Ireland citizen.


The British monarch is Sovereign of the Order, and appoints all other members of the Order (by convention, on the advice of the Government). The next most senior member is the Grand Master, of which there have been three: Edward, Prince of Wales (1917–1936), Queen Mary (1936–1953), and the current Grand Master, The Duke of Edinburgh (since 1953).

The Order is limited to 300 Knights and Dames Grand Cross, 845 Knights and Dames Commander, and 8960 Commanders. There are no limits applied to the total number of members of the fourth and fifth classes, but no more than 858 Officers and 1464 Members may be appointed per year. Appointments are made on the advice of the governments of the United Kingdom and some Commonwealth realms. By convention, female judges of the High Court of Justice are created Dames Commander after appointment, while male judges become Knights Bachelor.

Although the Order of the British Empire has by far the highest number of members of the British Orders of Chivalry, there are fewer appointments to knighthoods than in other orders. Most Knights Commander are honorary members or British citizens living abroad, with only a handful being residents of the United Kingdom.[citation needed] The grade of Dame Commander, on the other hand, is the most common grade of dame in the British honours system, and is awarded in circumstances in which men would be created Knights Bachelor.

Most members are citizens of the United Kingdom or the limited number of Commonwealth realms without their own national system of honours and awards. Citizens of other countries, however, may be admitted as "honorary members". They do not count towards the aforementioned numerical limits, and are not formally addressed as "Sir" or "Dame". They may be made full members if they subsequently become citizens of Commonwealth realms. See List of honorary British Knights.

At the foundation of the Order, the "Medal of the Order of the British Empire" was instituted. In 1922, it was renamed the "British Empire Medal". Recipients, who are not members of the Order itself, are grouped into the Civil and Military Divisions. Only junior government and military officials are awarded the medal; senior officials are directly appointed to the Order of the British Empire. The United Kingdom's Government has not recommended the awarding of the medal since 1992, although some Commonwealth realms continue the practice.

The Order has six officials: the Prelate, the Dean, the Secretary, the Registrar, the King of Arms, and the Usher. The Bishop of London, a senior bishop in the Church of England, serves as the Order's Prelate. The Dean of St Paul's is ex officio the Dean of the Order. The Order's King of Arms is not a member of the College of Arms, as are many other heraldic officers. The Usher of the Order is known as the Gentleman Usher of the Purple Rod; he does not – unlike his Order of the Garter equivalent, the Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod – perform any duties related to the House of Lords.

If one is appointed to a higher class within the order, one must return one's existing insignia in exchange for the more senior one, and cease using the junior post-nominal letters. Some people, however, have been appointed to both divisions, such as Dame Kelly Holmes, who has been appointed an MBE in the military division and a DBE in the civil division, and is therefore known as "Dame Kelly Holmes, DBE, MBE (Mil.)".[citation needed]


From 1940, a person could be appointed a Commander, Officer or Member of the Order of the British Empire for gallantry, for acts of bravery (not in the face of the enemy) which were below the level required for the George Medal, with the grade being determined by the same criteria as usual and not by the level of gallantry (and with more junior people instead receiving the British Empire Medal). Oddly, this meant that it was awarded for lesser acts of gallantry than the George Medal, but, as an Order, was worn before it and listed before it in post-nominal initials. From 14 January 1958 these awards were designated the Order of the British Empire for Gallantry.[5] Any individual made a member of the Order for gallantry could wear an emblem of two crossed silver oak leaves on the same riband, ribbon or bow as the badge. It could not be awarded posthumously and was effectively replaced in 1974 with the Queen's Gallantry Medal. If a recipient of the Order of the British Empire for Gallantry was promoted within the Order, whether for gallantry or otherwise, they continued to also wear the insignia of the lower grade with the oak leaves.[6] However, they only used the post-nominal letters of the higher grade.

Vestments and accoutrements[link]

Female appointees may wear their insignia on a bow, as displayed in this image of Bessie Rischbieth, the Australian social reformer

Members of the Order wear elaborate costumes on important occasions (such as quadrennial services and coronations), which vary by rank (the designs underwent major changes in 1937):

  • The mantle, worn only by Knights and Dames Grand Cross, was originally made of yellow satin lined with blue silk, but is now made of purple satin lined with pearl-grey silk. On the left side is a representation of the star (see below).
  • The collar, also worn only by Knights and Dames Grand Cross, is made of gold. It consists of six medallions depicting the Royal Arms, alternating with six medallions depicting the Royal and Imperial Cypher of George V ("GRI", which stands for "Georgius Rex Imperator"). The medallions are linked with gold cables depicting lions and crowns.

On certain "collar days" designated by the Sovereign, members attending formal events may wear the Order's collar over their military uniform, formal day dress, or evening wear. When collars are worn (either on collar days or on formal occasions such as coronations), the badge is suspended from the collar. Collars are returned upon the death of their owners, but other insignia may be retained.

At less important occasions, simpler insignia are used:

  • The star is an eight-pointed silver star used only by Knights and Dames Grand Cross and Knights and Dames Commander. It is worn pinned to the left breast. Varying in size depending on class, it bears a crimson ring with the motto of the Order inscribed. Within the ring, a figure of Britannia was originally shown. Since 1937, however, the effigies of George V and his wife Queen Mary have been shown instead.
  • The badge is the only insignia used by all members of the Order. Until 1937, it was suspended on a purple ribbon, with a red central stripe for the military division; since then, the ribbon has been rose-pink with pearl-grey edges, with the addition of a pearl-grey central stripe for the military division. Knights and Dames Grand Cross wear it on a riband or sash, passing from the right shoulder to the left hip. Knights Commander and male Commanders wear the badge from a ribbon around the neck; male Officers and Members wear the badge from a ribbon on the left chest; all females other than Dames Grand Cross wear it from a bow on the left shoulder. The badge is in the form of a cross patonce (having the arms growing broader and floriated toward the end), the obverse of which bears the same field as the star (that is, either Britannia or George V and Queen Mary); the reverse bears George V's Royal and Imperial Cypher. Both are within a ring bearing the motto of the Order. The size of the badges varies according to rank: the higher classes have slightly larger badges. The badges of Knights and Dames Grand Cross, Knights and Dames Commander and Commanders are enamelled with pale blue crosses and crimson rings; those of Officers are plain gold; those of Members are plain silver.
  • The British Empire Medal is made of silver. On the obverse is an image of Britannia surrounded by the motto, with the words "For Meritorious Service" at the bottom; on the reverse is George V's Imperial and Royal Cypher, with the words "Instituted by King George V" at the bottom. The name of the recipient is engraved on the rim. This medal is nicknamed "the Gong", and comes in both a full-sized and miniature versions – the latter for formal white-tie and informal black-tie occasions.
  • A lapel pin for everyday wear was first announced at the end of December 2006, and is available to recipients of all levels of the Order, as well as to holders of the British Empire Medal. The pin design is not unique to any level. The pin features the badge of the Order, enclosed in a circle of ribbon of its colours of pink and grey. Lapel pins must be purchased separately by a member of the Order at the fixed price of £19.50.[7] The creation of such a pin was recommended in Sir Hayden Phillips' review of the honours system in 2004,[8].
Order of the British Empire ribbon bars
Civil Military
UK OBE 1917 civil BAR.svg
UK OBE 1917 military BAR.svg
Since 1936
Order of the British Empire (Civil) Ribbon.png


The chapel of the order is in the far eastern end of the crypt of St Paul's Cathedral, but it holds its great services upstairs in the main body of the cathedral. (The Cathedral also serves as the home of the chapel of The Most Distinguished Order of St Michael and St George.) Religious services for the whole Order are held every four years; new Knights and Dames Grand Cross are installed at these services. The chapel was dedicated in 1960.

Precedence and privileges[link]

A Knight or Dame may display the circlet of the Order on the coat of arms, with the badge of the Order suspended from it.[b]

Members of all classes of the Order are assigned positions in the order of precedence. Wives of male members of all classes also feature on the order of precedence, as do sons, daughters and daughters-in-law of Knights Grand Cross and Knights Commander; relatives of Ladies of the Order, however, are not assigned any special precedence. As a general rule, individuals can derive precedence from their fathers or husbands, but not from their mothers or wives (see order of precedence in England and Wales for the exact positions).

Knights Grand Cross and Knights Commander prefix "Sir", and Dames Grand Cross and Dames Commander prefix "Dame", to their forenames.[c] Wives of Knights may prefix "Lady" to their surnames, but no equivalent privilege exists for husbands of Dames. Such forms are not used by peers and princes, except when the names of the former are written out in their fullest forms. Male clergy of the Church of England or the established Church of Scotland do not use the title "Sir" as they do not receive the accolade (i.e., they are not dubbed "knight" with a sword), although they do append the post-nominal letters.

Knights and Dames Grand Cross use the post-nominal "GBE", Knights Commander "KBE", Dames Commander "DBE", Commanders "CBE", Officers "OBE" and Members "MBE". The post-nominal for the British Empire Medal is "BEM".

Knights and Dames Grand Cross and Knights and Dames Commander who are not citizens of Commonwealth realms can be awarded honorary titles but do not receive the accolade and are not entitled to the prefix "Sir" or "Dame", but may still use the post-nominal abbreviations. For example, American Bill Gates was made a Knight Commander, but is not entitled "Sir Bill" or "Sir Bill Gates", although he may use the title "Bill Gates, KBE". Bob Geldof, KBE received a knighthood in 1986 and although he is often referred to as "Sir Bob", he is not a citizen of a Commonwealth realm and he is not entitled to use the prefix "Sir". If recipients later become citizens of Commonwealth realms, then they are usually made substantive members of the Order, and are entitled to begin using the Sir prefix. For example, Irish broadcaster Terry Wogan was appointed an honorary KBE in 2005. He subsequently took dual British and Irish nationality, was made a substantive member, and is now entitled to use the name "Sir Terry Wogan".[9]

Knights and Dames Grand Cross are also entitled to be granted heraldic supporters. They may, furthermore, encircle their arms with a depiction of the circlet (a circle bearing the motto) and the collar; the former is shown either outside or on top of the latter. Knights and Dames Commander and Commanders may display the circlet, but not the collar, surrounding their arms. The badge is depicted suspended from the collar or circlet.


The order has attracted some criticism for its connection with the idea of the British Empire.[10] Benjamin Zephaniah, a British Jamaican poet, publicly rejected an OBE in 2003 because, he claimed it reminded him of "thousands of years of brutality". He went on to say: "It reminds me of how my foremothers were raped and my forefathers brutalised."[11]

Others[who?] have declined honours, but, at the request of the Prime Minister's office, did not reveal the fact until some years later.[citation needed] In 2004, a House of Commons Select Committee recommended changing the name of the award to the "Order of British Excellence" and changing the rank of "Commander" to "Companion", as the former was said to have a "militaristic ring".[10][12]

A notable person to decline the offer of an Order of the British Empire was the author C. S. Lewis (1898–1963), who had been named on the last list of honours by George VI in December 1951 but declined so as to avoid association with any political issues.[13][14]

The members of The Beatles were made MBEs in 1965. John Lennon justified the comparative merits of his investiture by comparing military membership in the order: "Lots of people who complained about us receiving the MBE received theirs for heroism in the war – for killing people... We received ours for entertaining other people. I'd say we deserve ours more." Later, Lennon returned his MBE insignia on 25 November 1969 as part of his ongoing peace protests.[15] Other criticism centres on the claim that many recipients of the Order are being rewarded with honours for simply doing their jobs, they claim that the civil service and judiciary receive far more orders and honours than leaders of other professions.[10]

Chin Peng, long-time leader of the Malayan Communist Party, was granted the OBE for his share in fighting against the Japanese during World War II, in close cooperation with the British commando Force 136. It was withdrawn by the British government (and became undesirable for Chin Peng himself) when the Communist leader headed his party's guerrilla insurgency against the British in the Malayan Emergency.[16]

See also[link]


  1. ^ It is incorrect to omit "of the Most Excellent Order" and other important words not implied by the initials. The British Empire no longer exists as a formal entity, but the Order of the British Empire continues.
  2. ^ In the image provided, the recipient has also been received into the Venerable Order of Saint John, and so that badge is shown also, on the black ribbon to the right.
  3. ^ Never surnames – thus Sir Antony Sher may be shortened to Sir Antony, but not to Sir Sher
  1. ^ London Gazette: (Supplement) no. 30250. pp. 7791–7999. 1917-08-24. Retrieved 2010-06-13.Original Order of the British Empire Statutes dated 24 Aug 1917
  2. ^ a b The Monarchy Today > Queen and public > Honours > Order of the British Empire The Official Website of the British Monarchy, Accessed 24 August 2009
  3. ^ The UK Honour System official website – Types of Honour> Download Orders of Chivalry (PDF) Under Order of the British Empire section, reads "The British Empire Medal has not been used in the United Kingdom since 1993".
  4. ^ London Gazette: no. 31084. p. 15135. 27 December 1918.
  5. ^ London Gazette: (Supplement) no. 41285. p. 365. 14 January 1958.
  6. ^ London Gazette: (Supplement) no. 56878. p. 3353. 17 March 2003.
  7. ^ Emblems for honours at the Government website, 27 May 2012
  8. ^ Reform of the Honours system, Cabinet Office, February 2005, PDF, 648 kb download
  9. ^ Radio's Wogan becomes Sir Terry. BBC News, 6 December 2005, Retrieved 7 February 2009
  10. ^ a b c A Reformed Honours system, Select Committee on Public Administration, 7 July 2004, Retrieved 13 May 2012
  11. ^ Mills, Merope (2003-11-27). "Rasta poet publicly rejects his OBE". The Guardian, 27 November 2003. Retrieved on 2007-02-28 from,3604,1094118,00.html.
  12. ^ "Honours system outdated, say MPs", BBC News, 13 July 2004, Retrieved 28 February 2007
  13. ^ "Chronology of the Life of C.S. Lewis". 
  14. ^ C.S., Lewis (1994). W. H. Lewis, Walter Hooper. ed. Letters of C.S. Lewis. New York: Mariner Books. pp. 528. ISBN 0-15-650871-0. 
  15. ^ Brian Roylance; George Harrison, John Lennon, Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr (2000). The Beatles Anthology. Chronicle Books. pp. 183. ISBN 0-8118-2684-8. 
  16. ^ Dead or Alive,(Subscription required) TIME Magazine, May 12, 1952

External links[link]

Related pages: dell'Impero BritannicoŘád britského impéria Imperium Britania del Imperio BritánicoОрден Британской империи van het Britse Rijk Imperium Brytyjskiego de l'Empire britannique of the British Empire do Império Britânico

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John Thaw, CBE
Thaw as Inspector Morse
Born John Edward Thaw
(1942-01-03)3 January 1942
Longsight, Manchester, Lancashire, England
Died 21 February 2002(2002-02-21) (aged 60)
Luckington, Wiltshire, England
Occupation Actor
Years active 1960–2001

Sally Alexander (m. 1964–1968) «start: (1964-06-27)–end+1: (1969)»"Marriage: Sally Alexander to John Thaw" Location: (linkback: (divorced); 1 child

Sheila Hancock (m. 1973–2002) «start: (1973-12-24)–end+1: (2002-02-22)»"Marriage: Sheila Hancock to John Thaw" Location: (linkback: (his death); 2 children

John Edward Thaw, CBE (3 January 1942 – 21 February 2002) was an English actor, who appeared in a range of television, stage and cinema roles, his most popular being police and legal dramas such as Redcap, The Sweeney, Inspector Morse and Kavanagh QC.


Early life[link]

Thaw came from a working class background, having been born in Longsight, Manchester, Lancashire then moved to nearby Gorton to parents John and Dorothy (née Ablott). His father was a long distance lorry driver. He had a difficult childhood as his mother left him when he was seven years old and he didn't see her again until 12 years later. His younger brother, Raymond Stuart "Ray" emigrated to Australia in the mid-1960s.[1]

Thaw grew up in the Burnage area of the city, and attended Ducie Technical High School for Boys. Thaw entered the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art at the age of 16, where he was a contemporary of Tom Courtenay.[2]


Soon after leaving RADA he made his stage début in A Shred of Evidence at the Liverpool Playhouse and was awarded a contract with the theatre. His first film role was a bit part in the 1962 adaptation of The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner starring Tom Courtenay and he also acted on-stage opposite Sir Laurence Olivier in Semi-Detached (1962) by David Turner. He appeared in several episodes of the BBC police series Z-Cars in 1963–64 as a detective constable with an unusual drink problem - he had a glass head, so couldn't take the alcohol so often part of the copper's work. Between 1964 and 1966 he appeared as the central role of hard-nosed military policeman, Sgt John Mann, in two series of the ABC Weekend Television/ITV production Redcap. He was also a guest star in an early episode of The Avengers. In 1967 he appeared in the Granada TV/ITV series, Inheritance, alongside James Bolam and Michael Goodliffe, as well as appearing in TV plays such as The Talking Head and episodes of series such as Budgie, where he played against type (opposite Adam Faith) as an effeminate failed playwright with a full beard and a Welsh accent.

Thaw will perhaps be best remembered for two roles: the hard-bitten Flying Squad detective Jack Regan in the Thames Television/ITV series (and two films) The Sweeney (1974 – 1978), which established him as a major star in the United Kingdom, and as the quietly spoken, introspective, well-educated and bitter detective Inspector Morse (1987 – 1993, with specials from 1995 – 1998 and 2000). Starring alongside Kevin Whately as the put upon Detective Sergeant Lewis, Morse became a cult character—"a cognitive curmudgeon with his love of classical music, his vintage Jaguar and spates of melancholy".[3] Morse became one of the UK's most loved TV series; the final three episodes, shown in 2000, were seen by 18 million people, about one third of the British population.[4] He won "Most Popular Actor" at the 1999 National Television Awards and won two BAFTA awards for his role as Morse.

He subsequently played liberal working class Lancastrian barrister James Kavanagh in Kavanagh QC (1995 – 1999, and a special in 2001). Thaw also tried his hand at comedy with two sitcomsThick as Thieves (London Weekend/ITV, 1974) with Bob Hoskins and Home to Roost (Yorkshire/ITV, 1985 – 1990). Thaw is best known in America for the Morse series, as well as the BBC series A Year in Provence with Lindsay Duncan.

During the 1970s and 1980s, Thaw frequently appeared in productions with the Royal Shakespeare Company and Royal National Theatre. He appeared in a number of films, including Cry Freedom, where he portrayed the conservative South African justice minister Jimmy Kruger, for which he received a BAFTA nomination for Best Supporting Actor, and Chaplin alongside Robert Downey Jr. for director Richard Attenborough.

Thaw also appeared in the TV adaptation of the Michelle Magorian book Goodnight Mister Tom (Carlton Television/ITV). It won "Most Popular Drama" at the National Television Awards, 1999.[5] In September 2006, Thaw was voted by the general public as number 3 in a poll of TV's Greatest Stars.[5]

Personal life[link]

In 1964, Thaw married Sally Alexander (a theatre stage manager), but they divorced four years later.[6] He met actress Sheila Hancock in 1969 on the set of a London comedy So What About Love?.[7] She was married to fellow actor Alexander "Alec" Ross, and after Thaw professed his love to Hancock, she told him that she would not have an affair.[7] After the death of her husband (from oesophageal cancer) in 1971, Thaw and Hancock married on 24 December 1973 in Cirencester,[7][8] and he remained with her until his death in 2002 (also from oesophageal cancer).[9]

Thaw had three daughters (all of whom are actresses): Abigail "Abs" Thaw from his first marriage, Joanna "Jo" Thaw from his second, and he also adopted Sheila Hancock's daughter Melanie Jane "Ellie" from her first marriage.[6][10] Melanie legally changed her name from Ross to Thaw.[7]

Thaw was a lifelong supporter of the Labour Party.[11] Thaw was appointed a Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (CBE) in March 1993 by Queen Elizabeth II.[12] In September 2006, Thaw was voted by the general public as number 3, after David Jason and Morecambe and Wise, in a poll of TV's 50 Greatest Stars for the past 50 years.[13]

Illness and death[link]

A heavy drinker,[7] and a smoker from the age of 12,[10] Thaw was diagnosed with cancer of the oesophagus in June 2001.[14][15] He underwent chemotherapy in hope of overcoming the illness, and at first seemed to be responding well to the treatment, but in early January 2002 was told that the cancer had spread.[16]

He died on 21 February 2002,[10] seven weeks after his 60th birthday, the day after he signed a new contract with ITV,[17] and the day before his wife's birthday. At the time of his death he was living at his country home, near the villages of Luckington and Sherston in Wiltshire,[18] and was cremated at Westerleigh Crematorium in South Gloucestershire in a private service.[19] A memorial service was held on 4 September 2002 at St Martin-in-the-Fields church in Trafalgar Square, attended by 800 people including Prince Charles and Cherie Blair.[20]

Honours and awards[link]


Television series[link]

TV Films[link]

  • 1961 Serjeant Musgrave's Dance
  • 1963 The Lads
  • 1964 I Can Walk Where I Like, Can't I?
  • 1964 The Other Man
  • 1966 The Making of Jericho
  • 1974 Regan
  • 1978 Dinner at the Sporting Club
  • 1980 Drake's Venture
  • 1984 The Life and Death of King John
  • 1984 Killer Waiting
  • 1985 We'll Support You Ever More
  • 1987 The Sign of Four
  • 1992 Bomber Harris
  • 1993 The Mystery of Morse
  • 1994 The Absence of War
  • 1996 Into the Blue"
  • 1998 Goodnight Mister Tom
  • 1999 The Waiting Time
  • 2000 The Last Morse
  • 2000 Inspector Morse: Rest in Peace
  • 2001 Hidden Treasure / Buried Treasure




  1. ^ Whitty, Fiona (November 13, 2000), "The last interview before Morse dies", The Sun (London, England) 
    "House of the Week Boulevard beauty is Creek choice", The Northern Times, April 13, 2001 
    Viner, Brian (October 11, 2001), "Is there life after Inspector Morse?", The Independent (London, England) 
    Dibben, Kay (March 10, 2002), "Mother's rejection that haunted my brother John Thaw - Brisbane man tells of family heartache", The Sunday Mail 
    Moon, Timur (April 7, 2002), "The secret hideaway of John Thaw", The Northern Echo (Middlesbrough, England) 
    "A class of his own", The Sun (London, England), August 31, 2002 
    Nixson, Matt (September 22, 2002), "Sally, the wife who Thaw just couldn't forget", The Mail on Sunday (London, England) 
    Pritchard, Louisa (April 11, 2004), "Now tragic John Thaw 's brother battles cancer", The Mail on Sunday 
    Hancock, Sheila (2009), The Two of Us: My Life with John Thaw, Bloomsbury Publishing, ISBN 978-1-4088-0693-7 
  2. ^ "John Thaw: Forever Morse". The BBC. 21 February 2002. Retrieved 20May, 2010. 
  3. ^ BBC Obit accessed 2010-02-20
  4. ^ ITV Morse synopsis accessed 2010-02-20
  5. ^ a b Goodnight Mister Tom synopsis. ITV. Retrieved: 2010-02-20.
  6. ^ a b McGowan, Bob and Catherine Avery (22 September 2002). "Mystery of John Thaw fortune". Express on Sunday. 
  7. ^ a b c d e Driscoll, Margarette (19 December 2004). "The Morse Saga - Interview". The Sunday Times. 
  8. ^ Lee, David (22 February 2002). "Friends' tribute to Morse star Thaw". The Scotsman. 
  9. ^ Guinness, Daphne (11 November 2004). "Morse: More Sad, More Angry Than You Ever Knew". The Sydney Morning Herald. 
  10. ^ a b c "John Thaw - Obituary". The Times. 23 February 2002. 
  11. ^ Sengupta, Kim (5 September 2002). "Prince and Cherie Booth at Thaw memorial". The Independent (London). 
  12. ^ "No Mystery Here". The Buffalo News. 19 March 1993. 
  13. ^ "Who dares WINS, Rodders! - David Greatest TV Star for 50 Years". News of the World. 10 September 2006. 
  14. ^ "John Thaw Has Throat Cancer". Evening Standard. 19 June 2001. 
  15. ^ "John Thaw Pledges Comeback as He Reveals Cancer Battle". The Guardian. 20 June 2001. 
  16. ^ "Thaw's Cancer Setback". Herald Sun. 6 January 2002. 
  17. ^ "Thaw Signed New Contract". Wales on Sunday. 7 April 2002. 
  18. ^ "Sold Down the River". Western Daily Press. 19 April 2006. 
  19. ^ Cowling, James (27 February 2002). "Actor Thaw Remembered for 'Generosity and Kindness'". Gloucestershire and Wiltshire Counties Publications. 
  20. ^ "Charles joins Thaw memorial". BBC News. 4 September 2002. 


John Thaw.The Biography.Stafford Hildred and Tim Ewbank.London:Andre Deutsch.ISBN 0 233 99475 0

External links[link]

Related pages:Тоу, Джон Thaw Thaw

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This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.