Battle of Arnhem - British Gliders Shot at by SS (1944) [HD]
The Battle of Arnhem, 1944, taken from the British Pathe newsreel "Red Devils of Arnh...
published: 06 Sep 2011
Author: WarArchives
Battle of Arnhem - British Gliders Shot at by SS (1944) [HD]
The Battle of Arnhem, 1944, taken from the British Pathe newsreel "Red Devils of Arnhem". Video footage of the famous World War 2 British-led military operation that was ultimately a failure. The Brits planned to enter the Netherlands but met unexpected resistance from the 9th and 10th SS divisions. Reinforcements were sent via gliders with a paratroop regiment, but due to foggy conditions they arrived late and were shot down by the SS. Polish troops were late too and when they arrived were not strong enough in numbers to help to push the operation through. Subscribe to War Archives: www.youtube.com Follow the archive on Twitter @britishpathe: www.twitter.com Join us on Facebook: www.facebook.com View all 90000 British Pathe newsreels on www.britishpathe.com
Part of Operation market garden the battle of Arnhem fought by the British 1st airborne di...
published: 23 Jun 2011
Author: jbmilitarycollector
Part of Operation market garden the battle of Arnhem fought by the British 1st airborne division and the Polish airborne brigade in an unequal battle with German tank divisions. Both the British and Poles suffered terrible casualty's. This is my second video about the battle of Arnhem after visiting the battle fields at Arnhem and oosterbeek I was inspired to do a hopefully better tribute to the men that fought there. I have used some footage from the film Theirs is the glory made in 1945 using survivors of the battle at Arhem not actors so everybody you see in the video was there. Foranybody that's interested in 20th century military and home front collecting have a look at my web site it has more videos plus speeches and news broadcasts of the 20th century. Plus veteran recording. And don't miss the veterans section look for the poppy. josephs-militaria-and-homefront-collection.co.uk
Medal Of Honor Frontline song - Arnhem Knights
A great game, a great level, a great music. Enjoy....
published: 28 Jan 2008
Author: Themagicplayer
Medal Of Honor Frontline song - Arnhem Knights
A great game, a great level, a great music. Enjoy.
Monster Jam Arnhem 2012 Grave Digger & Maximum Destruction Double Freestyle / Encore
Dual Freestyle of Grave Digger and Maximum Destruction. Putting on a show in The Gelredome...
published: 29 Sep 2012
Author: monsterjam0000
Monster Jam Arnhem 2012 Grave Digger & Maximum Destruction Double Freestyle / Encore
Dual Freestyle of Grave Digger and Maximum Destruction. Putting on a show in The Gelredome in Arnhem. (Saturday First Show)
Shoppen in Arnhem! Route + tips
veracamilla.nl Sorry voor mijn gehijg, ik ben nog steeds niet helemaal opgeknapt. Hopelijk...
published: 12 Jul 2012
Author: VeraCamilla
Shoppen in Arnhem! Route + tips
veracamilla.nl Sorry voor mijn gehijg, ik ben nog steeds niet helemaal opgeknapt. Hopelijk vinden jullie de video leuk! It feels good to be back 2de kanaal (Mee met Vera vlogs + bloopers) youtube.com twitter.com facebook.com Intro en outro beelden: youtube.com Intro en outro muziek: doubleg-music.com RIP Lieve Jermaine.
Dordeduh live @ Willemeen Arnhem 28-09-2012.
Great performance by Dordeduh, an atmospheric folk black metalband from Romania. They deli...
published: 29 Sep 2012
Author: FredNijmegen
Dordeduh live @ Willemeen Arnhem 28-09-2012.
Great performance by Dordeduh, an atmospheric folk black metalband from Romania. They delivered a powerful set full of adventure. A rich tapestry of sounds which delves deep into your soul. I enjoyed it a lot. First class musicianship and a wonderful lady in the line up as well. Apart from her tasty notes on the keyboards I loved her headbanging as well. While they played Willemeen was not a musicstage anymore but a forest were you can wander around between magical trees. So without further adue, enjoy this great performance by Dordeduh. Setlist 1-Dojană 2-Zuh 3- Pândarul 4- Cumpăt 5-E-an-na 6- Jind de Tronuri 7- Flăcărarii All the best, Fred Nijmegen www.myspace.com FOR NON COMMERCIAL USE ONLY. I share it only on youtube.
D66 wil verspreiding coffeeshops, oa naar Arnhem Zuid
published: 20 Sep 2012
Author: TelevisieArnhem
D66 wil verspreiding coffeeshops, oa naar Arnhem Zuid
Ongeregeldheden bij het Gelredome in Arnhem
Aan het einde deelde een team van de politie ook nog klappen uit. Vandaar uit kon ik nog n...
published: 13 May 2012
Author: Nieuwskant Nieuws
Ongeregeldheden bij het Gelredome in Arnhem
Aan het einde deelde een team van de politie ook nog klappen uit. Vandaar uit kon ik nog net optijd wegkomen. Jammer dat ik het niet in beeld kon brengen, vaders met kinderen werden ook gewoon geslagen.
Lastige omstander bij ongeval in Arnhem
Ongeval op De Monchyplein in Arnhem. Omstander wilde door de afzetting heen fietsen en wer...
published: 28 Mar 2012
Author: Nieuwskant Nieuws
Lastige omstander bij ongeval in Arnhem
Ongeval op De Monchyplein in Arnhem. Omstander wilde door de afzetting heen fietsen en werd opstandig.
Zeer groot ongeval A12 bij Arnhem
7 augustus 2012 ARNHEM - Een van de gewonden bij het ongeluk op de A12 bij Arnhem dinsdag ...
published: 09 Aug 2012
Author: nebe4video
Zeer groot ongeval A12 bij Arnhem
7 augustus 2012 ARNHEM - Een van de gewonden bij het ongeluk op de A12 bij Arnhem dinsdag heeft een uur onder de vrachtwagen gelegen voordat de politie hem ontdekte. Zijn auto was onder de vrachtwagen terechtgekomen en was volgens de politie slecht zichtbaar vanaf de buitenkant. Daarnaast was de chaos zo groot dat de politie bezig was met andere slachtoffers. De politie is nog bezig met het onderzoek naar de toedracht van het ongeluk, waarbij een Duitser om het leven kwam. In dat onderzoek wordt dit incident ook meegenomen. ARNHEM - De 46-jarige Didammer die dinsdag zwaargewond raakte bij een ongeluk met een vrachtwagen is buiten levensgevaar. Dat heeft zijn echtgenote gezegd tegen Omroep Gelderland. Volgens haar is het een wonder dat haar man nog leeft. Hij ligt zwaargewond in het Nijmeegse Radboudziekenhuis. Dinsdag, aan het eind van de middag, schoot een vrachtwagen door de middenberm bij knooppunt Waterberg. De truck schepte verschillende auto's. Een Duitser kwam om het leven, drie mensen raakten gewond, onder wie de Didammer. Man uur onder vrachtwagen De man lag een uur onder de vrachtwagen in zijn autowrak voordat hulpdiensten hem zagen. Hij verloor veel bloed en brak enkele nekwervels, zijn rug, benen, pols en armen. De komende tijd wordt hij geopereerd en zal hij moeten revalideren. De vrouw van het slachtoffer koestert geen wrok tegen de hulpdiensten. Ze begrijpt dat de situatie na het ongeluk erg onoverzichtelijk was.
Arnhem Centraal
Deze 3D animatie laat zien hoe station Arnhem Centraal en het stationsgebied er na de verb...
published: 29 May 2012
Author: prorail
Arnhem Centraal
Deze 3D animatie laat zien hoe station Arnhem Centraal en het stationsgebied er na de verbouwing uit komen te zien. In de zomer van 2012 start ProRail met de bouw van de nieuwe stationshal in Arnhem. Deze stationshal is het laatste grote project van ProRail in Arnhem, na het aanpassen van de sporen, perrons en perronkappen en de bouw van de nieuwe reizigerspassage. In dit project werkt ProRail samen met de gemeente Arnhem en NS.
Arnhem Central
Video / animation of the Arnhem Central project in the Netherlands, showing the realised p...
published: 25 May 2012
Author: karn68
Arnhem Central
Video / animation of the Arnhem Central project in the Netherlands, showing the realised phases and the upcoming transfer terminal which is sheduled for completion in 2014.
Walk through Arnhem
The project Walk through Arnhem resulted in a flip book, photo exhibition and this movie. ...
published: 08 Aug 2012
Author: basfontein
Walk through Arnhem
The project Walk through Arnhem resulted in a flip book, photo exhibition and this movie. Made in cooperation with production house Plaatsmaken.
Battlefields of World War II Arnhem 720p HD
Keep up with us - Subscribe here: www.youtube.com FaceBook Page: www.facebook.com www.face...
published: 02 Aug 2012
Battlefields of World War II Arnhem 720p HD
Keep up with us - Subscribe here: www.youtube.com FaceBook Page: www.facebook.com www.facebook.com Follow on Twitter twitter.com Google+ - gplus.to Visit us on the web: www.myspace.com orkut - www.orkut.com
Vimeo results:
Barramundi Fishing in Australia showcasing a special Lure
Barramundi fishing to some anglers is the ultimate destination fishing. Brett Wilson trave...
published: 21 Nov 2011
Author: hardliner
Barramundi Fishing in Australia showcasing a special Lure
Barramundi fishing to some anglers is the ultimate destination fishing. Brett Wilson travels to the very unique Arnhem Land in the Northern Territory of Australia to try out a brand new lure and technique for catching Barramundi. See the lure in action as it travels through the water and works its magic while Brett reels in the first ever Barramundi with this exciting new Shimano Waxwing.
Karel Martens
Evoking meaning, rather than boldly presenting truth: this is the essence of typographer K...
published: 02 Nov 2011
Author: Submarine Channel
Karel Martens
Evoking meaning, rather than boldly presenting truth: this is the essence of typographer Karel Martens' work. To achieve this he likes to experiment with numbers, abstract figures and vivid colors.
During the seventies Karel Martens worked for SUN, a socialist publisher led by a group of highly motivated individuals. He succeeded in giving all their publications a very distinctive appearance.
Martens has been teaching throughout most of his career. Like for instance here at Werkplaats Typografie in Arnhem.
Dutch Profiles is a series of short documentaries produced by Submarine commissioned by DutchDFA about architects, graphic, product and fashion designers in the Netherlands. Dutch Profiles focuses on the conceptual, context-oriented and research-based practice of Dutch designers and includes interviews with, among many
others: Rem Koolhaas, Marcel Wanders, Studio Job, MVRDV, Jurgen Bey, Claudy Jongstra, Wim Crouwel, Irma Boom, Marlies Dekkers and G-Star.
Commissioning editor: Geert van de Wetering, Producer: Olivia Sophie van Leeuwen, Produced by Submarine, Femke Wolting & Bruno Felix Commissioned by DutchDFA, Research: Liselotte Francken, Director: Geert van de Wetering Camera: Wiro Felix, Pierre Rezus, Sound: Steven van Dijk, Editor: Geert van de Wetering, Colorcorrection: Maurik de Ridder, Music Sound Design: Pastelle Music
Images of East Arnhem Land - Fishing the Wild
A collage of images from a recent trip to Arnhem Land in Australia's Northern Territory.
published: 19 Nov 2011
Author: Michael Fletcher
Images of East Arnhem Land - Fishing the Wild
A collage of images from a recent trip to Arnhem Land in Australia's Northern Territory.
Predominately a shoot to capture the amazing fishing in this region (more on that to come) I have purposely left out all of the fishing action sequences as my passion is always for the environment and exploring remote locations so I wanted to highlight just a few of the amazing landscapes we visited over eight days.
On this trip I travelled with 4 other guys who are definitely passionate about their fishing and this wilderness area of Northern Australia. To them Arnhem Land is about being remote, camping under the stars, and living off the land. I hope you will be able to get a feel for living the idyllic wilderness experience through this film.
Filmed with two 5D's and the Canon XF305 generously supplied by Graeme Carleton from Canon Australia, never was there a more fitting test of camera equipment under some of the toughest filming conditions imaginable. Without so much as one hick up the Canons performed brilliantly as I have come to expect.
This is the basis of a broader project in the pipeline. For now it's just a small indulgence of mine so I can show off to my family and friends just how special Arnhem Land is.
For those of you who don't know, Arnhem Land can only be visited with permits granted by the traditional owners of the land, some who I met on this trip and have the greatest respect for.
I'm impatiently hoping to return one day to continue my exploration of a wonderful part of this world.
Music Credits
'Plus 30 minus 2" by Sonver from the album Luz Del Abyss. Purchase the album here itunes.apple.com/au/album/luz-del-abyss/id313371056
Sonver www.sonver.co.uk/
Jo Quail www.joquail.co.uk/
Ruban Byrne www.evivine.com/
Al Richardson www.evivine.com/
Ben McLees www.thisisradiosilence.com/
After effects
Boyd Rotgans
Computervaardigheden 2 / IMD
ArtEZ / Arnhem / Maart 2009
published: 24 Mar 2009
Author: brotgans
After effects
Boyd Rotgans
Computervaardigheden 2 / IMD
ArtEZ / Arnhem / Maart 2009
Youtube results:
Crazy guy in Arnhem!
This is a video of a crazy foreign guy we came across in Arnhem.(I added translation for e...
published: 01 Aug 2011
Author: Theo Pranger
Crazy guy in Arnhem!
This is a video of a crazy foreign guy we came across in Arnhem.(I added translation for english speaking folk) He was screaming, rolling on the floor and shadow boxing. I think he was high on drugs!! The fat guy is the manager of the movie theatre who wanted to meddle. Scoop Boom Motherfucker! Dit is een video van een gekke buitenlander die we tegenkwamen in Arnhem, Hij was aan het schreeuwen, over de grond aan het rollen en aan het schaduw boksen. Volgens mij was hij flink van de kaart van de harddrugs. De dikke gast is de bedrijfsleider van de biscoop die niet wou dat we filmden. Scoop Boom Motherfucker!
A12 Arnhem, NL: 2x3
A drive across the newly widened A12 motorway round the city of Arnhem, the Netherlands. T...
published: 14 May 2012
Author: aswchris
A12 Arnhem, NL: 2x3
A drive across the newly widened A12 motorway round the city of Arnhem, the Netherlands. The widening of the A12 motorway was completed May 14th, 2012 Recorded: Monday May 14th, 2012 Video footage: © aswchris 2012
Men of Arnhem
A MECO production. Homage to the film 'Theirs is the Glory'; a film about Operatio...
published: 09 May 2012
Author: MECo19081982
Men of Arnhem
A MECO production. Homage to the film 'Theirs is the Glory'; a film about Operation Market (The Airborne part of Operation Market Garden). Dedicated to the Men of Arnhem and the Men of the British Airborne Division
Highlights of a training of Footballclub Vitesse Arnhem
A short video of the training of Vitesse Arnhem at 27 april 2012 at Papendal in The Nether...
published: 27 Apr 2012
Author: martwout
Highlights of a training of Footballclub Vitesse Arnhem
A short video of the training of Vitesse Arnhem at 27 april 2012 at Papendal in The Netherlands.