Links to Irish Political Sites


Socialist Workers Party

Socialist Party


International Links

International Viewpoint

Inprekorr (German)

Inprecor (French)

The International Institute for Research and Education (IIRE)

LabourNet UK

Links to organisations of the Fourth International


Belgium - POS/SAP

Britain - International Socialist Group

Denmark - Socialistisk Arbejderparti

France - Ligue Communiste Révolutionnaire

Germany - Revolutionar Sozialistischer Bund

                  - Internationale Sozialistische Linke

Greece -  Organosi Kommouniston Diethniston Ellados - Spartakos

Italy -  Associazione Bandiera Rossa

Netherlands -  Socialistiese Arbeiderspartij

Poland - Nurt Lewicy Rewolucyjne

Portugal - Partido Socialista Revolucionario

The Spanish state - Izquierda Alternativa

                                   - Col-lectiu per una Esquerra Alternativa

Sweden - Socialist Party

Sympathising organisation:

Norway - Forbundet Innternasjonalen i Norge


China/Hong Kong - Pioneer

Sympathising organisations:

Australia - Socialist Democracy

Japan - Japan Revolutionary Communist League


Fourth International supporters work in:

Turkey -  Özgürlük ve Dayanisma Partisi


Antilles - Groupe Révolutionnaire Socialiste

Puertro Rico - Taller de Formacion Politica

Québec - La Gauche

Sympathising Organisations

Canada - Socialist Action

USA - Socialist Action

Fourth International supporters also work in:

Canada - New Socialist Group

USA - Labor Standard

USA - Solidarity



Fourth International supporters work in:

Algeria - Parti Socialiste des Travailleurs

Senegal -  And Jëf/Parti africain pour la Démocratie et le Socialisme


Socialist Democracy
tel: 353 830 028 959