Fireworks disaster Enschede
This is a video footage from the fireworks disaster at Enschede, The Netherlands on 13th o...
published: 01 Sep 2006
Author: TijnK
Fireworks disaster Enschede
This is a video footage from the fireworks disaster at Enschede, The Netherlands on 13th of may 2000. 23 people were killed and 950 people were injured. 1250 people got homeless. Their homes where totally destroyed by the final blast.
TV Enschede Nieuws 03-09-2012 - Proef-eet
TV Enschede FM - www.tvenschedefm.nl Onderwerpen - Proef eet Presentatie: Martijn de Lange...
published: 04 Sep 2012
Author: TVEnschede
TV Enschede Nieuws 03-09-2012 - Proef-eet
TV Enschede FM - www.tvenschedefm.nl Onderwerpen - Proef eet Presentatie: Martijn de Lange
Vuurwerkramp Enschede
Beelden gemaakt door de Enschedese fotograaf Robert Hoetink direct na de vuurwerkramp op 1...
published: 25 Apr 2012
Author: PaparazzoEnschede
Vuurwerkramp Enschede
Beelden gemaakt door de Enschedese fotograaf Robert Hoetink direct na de vuurwerkramp op 13-05-2000 te Enschede, in de straten rond het gebied waar de explosie plaatsvond. U ziet de reactie van de mensen, de schade, en de politie en brandweer aan het werk. A local photographer filmed the area where the fire factory explosion on 13-05-2000 in the Netherlands just happened. You see the reaction of the people, the damage, and the police and firefighters at work.
Queensnight 2012 Enschede
Lights By: Gerwin Sanderman For more info: www.gslichttechniek.nl...
published: 30 Apr 2012
Author: GSLichttechniek
Queensnight 2012 Enschede
Lights By: Gerwin Sanderman For more info: www.gslichttechniek.nl
Zeer grote brand Enschede
Zeer grote brand Enschede....
published: 19 Sep 2012
Author: Carl Derks
Zeer grote brand Enschede
Zeer grote brand Enschede.
TV Enschede Nieuws 12-09-12
TV Enschede FM - www.tvenschedefm.nl Onderwerpen - Verkiezingen Tweede Kamer - Stolperstei...
published: 14 Sep 2012
Author: TVEnschede
TV Enschede Nieuws 12-09-12
TV Enschede FM - www.tvenschedefm.nl Onderwerpen - Verkiezingen Tweede Kamer - Stolpersteine - Actie programma leegstand en verfraaiing Presentatie: Marly Wilens
Groeten uit... Enschede! [aflevering 5]
Onze razende reizende reporter Daan was dolblij toen hij te horen kreeg dat de volgende af...
published: 27 Feb 2012
Author: Choemchoem
Groeten uit... Enschede! [aflevering 5]
Onze razende reizende reporter Daan was dolblij toen hij te horen kreeg dat de volgende aflevering van Groeten uit... opgenomen zou worden in Enschede, thuisstad van FC Twente! Naast een groot bezoek aan de Grolsch Veste, het stadion van FC Twente, ging Daan ook langs in de binnenstad van Enschede en duikt hij in de roerige recente geschiedenis van Enschede en bezoekt daarvoor de in 2001 door de vuurwerkramp getroffen wijk van de Overijsselse stad.
Watergevecht op Van Heekplein in Enschede
Zo'n 200 mensen hebben zondagmiddag meegedaan aan een heus watergevecht op het Van Hee...
published: 16 Jul 2012
Author: RTVOost
Watergevecht op Van Heekplein in Enschede
Zo'n 200 mensen hebben zondagmiddag meegedaan aan een heus watergevecht op het Van Heekplein in Enschede. Het initiatief voor het watergevecht komt van Ricardo Neeter uit Enschede en ontstond een paar weken geleden spontaan op Facebook. Hij riep iedereen op naar het plein te komen met waterpistooltjes, boterhamzakjes, supersoakers en waterballonnen. Ongeveer 200 mensen gaven gehoor aan die oproep. Daarmee werd een heus Nederlands record gevestigd, wat nog nooit eerder werd er in Nederland zo'n massaal watergevecht gehouden.
Het Geluid van Enschede Aflevering 11 - Geuzenpop
TV Enschede FM - www.tvenschedefm.nl Enschede Promotie - http Stad van Nu In de elfde afle...
published: 09 Aug 2012
Author: TVEnschede
Het Geluid van Enschede Aflevering 11 - Geuzenpop
TV Enschede FM - www.tvenschedefm.nl Enschede Promotie - http Stad van Nu In de elfde aflevering van Het Geluid van Enschede brengt presentator Jerry Kroezen een bezoek aan Geuzenpop, een weekendfestival op het Rutbeek in Enschede. Op zaterdag 4 augustus is er verslag gedaan tijdens optredens van Note to Amy, Temple of Gasoline en Ignite. Festivaldirecteur Marco Reitsma vertelt over de gehele organisatie van Geuzenpop
oud enschede vele foto's
hoop dat u plezier hebt aan de foto reportage die ik in elkaar heb gezet mocht u belang he...
published: 20 Aug 2012
Author: BO3L3
oud enschede vele foto's
hoop dat u plezier hebt aan de foto reportage die ik in elkaar heb gezet mocht u belang hebben bij van de foto's kunt u altijd een berichtje achterlaten heb alle foto's hier in bezit kan ze altijd mailen als u maar weet op welke tijd de foto is kan ik hem opzoeken
Hayko Cepkin - Compilation - Holland 2012 Atak Enschede
Hayko Cepkin (born March 11, 1978 in Istanbul) is a Turkish musician of Armenian ethnicity...
published: 06 May 2012
Author: ErhanLiveMetal
Hayko Cepkin - Compilation - Holland 2012 Atak Enschede
Hayko Cepkin (born March 11, 1978 in Istanbul) is a Turkish musician of Armenian ethnicity who is mostly known for the unique music he constructs that ranges from alternative metal to melodic tunes. At the same time he is a Brutal and Scream vocalist. This is recorded on Saturday 5th of May 2012 at Atak Enschede, the Netherlands. www.haykocepkin.com.tr www.facebook.com
TV Enschede Nieuws 14-06-12 - I Am Media - Bloeddonordag - Robot UT
Onderwerpen: - I Am Media - Bloeddonordag - Robot Universiteit Twente Presentatie: Marly W...
published: 15 Jun 2012
Author: TVEnschede
TV Enschede Nieuws 14-06-12 - I Am Media - Bloeddonordag - Robot UT
Onderwerpen: - I Am Media - Bloeddonordag - Robot Universiteit Twente Presentatie: Marly Wilens
13-03-12 Nieuws TV Enschede FM - Slechtste chauffeur ramt oldtimer
Onderwerpem: - Slechtste chauffeur ramt oldtimer....
published: 13 Mar 2012
Author: TVEnschede
13-03-12 Nieuws TV Enschede FM - Slechtste chauffeur ramt oldtimer
Onderwerpem: - Slechtste chauffeur ramt oldtimer.
TV Enschede Nieuws - Volledig interview Joop Munsterman na afloop persconferentie FC Twente
TV Enschede FM - www.tvenschedefm.nl Het volledige interview met Joop Munsterman na afloop...
published: 08 Aug 2012
Author: TVEnschede
TV Enschede Nieuws - Volledig interview Joop Munsterman na afloop persconferentie FC Twente
TV Enschede FM - www.tvenschedefm.nl Het volledige interview met Joop Munsterman na afloop van de persconferentie die FC Twente gaf in aanloop naar het nieuwe voetbalseizoen 2012 In het interview komen de nieuwe aankopen aan bod, de verkochte spelers, het lenteakkoord, een kleine terugblik naar de stadionramp en meer. Interview: Marly Wilens
Vimeo results:
Shielding your film using a darkslide
Even though the development of our film's post-exposure-light sensitivity is getting bette...
published: 25 Feb 2011
Author: Impossible Project
Shielding your film using a darkslide
Even though the development of our film's post-exposure-light sensitivity is getting better and better, you are still well advised to shield your current Impossible images from light as soon as they are ejected from the camera. There are several ways to do this easily, but here is - directly from the Impossible factory in Enschede - our most recently developed and beloved trick to easily enhance the performance of the Impossile films.
Note that this trick only works with folding SLR cameras, not plastic-body cameras!
Making music on a microscopic scale
Strings a fraction of the thickness of a human hair, with microscopic weights to pluck the...
published: 28 Sep 2010
Author: University of Twente
Making music on a microscopic scale
Strings a fraction of the thickness of a human hair, with microscopic weights to pluck them: researchers and students from the MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology of the University of Twente have succeeded in constructing the first musical instrument with dimensions measured in mere micrometres - a 'micronium' - that produces audible tones. A composition specially written for the instrument was performed in Enschede on Sunday 26 September.
WHAT IS UP? | a site-specific virtual theatre | documentation
„WHAT IS UP?“ is an architectural projection on „de Pakkerij“ - a typical Dutch dwelling h...
published: 07 Feb 2011
Author: urbanscreen
WHAT IS UP? | a site-specific virtual theatre | documentation
„WHAT IS UP?“ is an architectural projection on „de Pakkerij“ - a typical Dutch dwelling house in the city center of Enschede / Netherland. It was performed during the International Festival of Arts “Grenswerk” on the 25th of September 2010.
A house located in a dark street. A young man ambles along the sidewalk and returns home. He enters his own leisure area and sheltered home in order to withdraw from the outer world. In its surrealistic occurrence that space does not refer to any realistic scenario. The projection bypasses any extended borderline framing human intimacy - and gives a deep insight to our protagonist`s soul.
By means of a precise fitting projection the whole house turns into a three-dimensional vast room hosting a human being of huge proportions. The conventional physical laws appear to be repealed and strangely linked to the mental processes of the protagonist. Sudden changes of gravity or mysterious modifications of the walls take place. The house seems to have a life of its own.
The house facade thereby marks the dividing membrane between a private sphere and the public space where the audience is located. The architectural surface is staged as a boundary layer similar to human clothing - the facade acts as an interface to people’s deepest privacy. The projection screens this separating layer and provides an intimate view of the young man`s inner life to the audience.
“WHAT IS UP?” focuses on the question of how someone reacts if nothing is like it used to be. The basic Idea was to reflect upon our constructions of inside and outside. It examines the relation between defined physical boundaries of our living environment and the limits of our distinct “soul space“. Despite being challenged by extraordinary occurrences the main character deals with all unexpected effects in a playful way. He easily comes up with solutions. He dances life and simply says ‘WHAT IS UP?’.
Actors: Constantin Georgescu, Angela Kecinski, Till Botterweck
Concept / art direction: Thorsten Bauer, Max Goergen
Compositing: Thorsten Bauer, Max Goergen, Till Botterweck
3D Operator: Peter Pflug
Sound design: Jonas Wiese (http://soundcloud.com/jonaswiese)
Bass clarinet: Tomppu Houtari
Box construction: Falk Richter, Sasa Kloos, Dr. Wolfgang Fendrich, Rene de Vries
Set Assistant: Moritz Horn, Andy Rosenthal
Producer: Urbanscreen
Produced for “Grenswerk-Kunstenfestival Enschede”
Realized with: Wings VIOSO Server
Video edit: Jonas Wiese
more on www.urbanscreen.com
WHAT IS UP? | a sitespecific virtual theatre | trailer
see the full documentation of the project here: http://vimeo.com/19671005
„WHAT IS UP?“ i...
published: 07 Feb 2011
Author: urbanscreen
WHAT IS UP? | a sitespecific virtual theatre | trailer
see the full documentation of the project here: http://vimeo.com/19671005
„WHAT IS UP?“ is an architectural projection on „de Pakkerij“ - a typical Dutch dwelling house in the city center of Enschede / Netherland. It was performed during the International Festival of Arts “Grenswerk” on the 25th of September 2010.
A house located in a dark street. A young man ambles along the sidewalk and returns home. He enters his own leisure area and sheltered home in order to withdraw from the outer world. In its surrealistic occurrence that space does not refer to any realistic scenario. The projection bypasses any extended borderline framing human intimacy - and gives a deep insight to our protagonist`s soul.
By means of a precise fitting projection the whole house turns into a three-dimensional vast room hosting a human being of huge proportions. The conventional physical laws appear to be repealed and strangely linked to the mental processes of the protagonist. Sudden changes of gravity or mysterious modifications of the walls take place. The house seems to have a life of its own.
The house facade thereby marks the dividing membrane between a private sphere and the public space where the audience is located. The architectural surface is staged as a boundary layer similar to human clothing - the facade acts as an interface to people’s deepest privacy. The projection screens this separating layer and provides an intimate view of the young man`s inner life to the audience.
“WHAT IS UP?” focuses on the question of how someone reacts if nothing is like it used to be. The basic Idea was to reflect upon our constructions of inside and outside. It examines the relation between defined physical boundaries of our living environment and the limits of our distinct “soul space“. Despite being challenged by extraordinary occurrences the main character deals with all unexpected effects in a playful way. He easily comes up with solutions. He dances life and simply says ‘WHAT IS UP?’.
Actors: Constantin Georgescu, Angela Kecinski, Till Botterweck
Concept / art direction: Thorsten Bauer, Max Goergen
Compositing: Thorsten Bauer, Max Goergen, Till Botterweck
3D Operator: Peter Pflug
Sound design: Jonas Wiese (http://soundcloud.com/jonaswiese)
Set Assistant: Moritz Horn, Andy Rosenthal
Producer: Urbanscreen
Produced for “Grenswerk-Kunstenfestival Enschede”
Realized with: Wings VIOSO Server www.VIOSO.com
Video edit: Jonas Wiese
Bass clarinet: Tomppu Houtari
for more visit www.urbanscreen.com
Youtube results:
17-4-2012 Nieuws TV Enschede FM - Vrachtwagen ramt pand - Woningbrand - Texaco mag uitbreiden
Onderwerpen: - Vrachtwagen ramt pand moterfietshandel - Scooterbrand oorzaak uitslaande wo...
published: 17 Apr 2012
Author: TVEnschede
17-4-2012 Nieuws TV Enschede FM - Vrachtwagen ramt pand - Woningbrand - Texaco mag uitbreiden
Onderwerpen: - Vrachtwagen ramt pand moterfietshandel - Scooterbrand oorzaak uitslaande woningbrand - Texaco-station Boulevard mag van wijkraad uitbreiden
Hayko Cepkin ft. Anneke van Giersbergen - Atak Enschede Holland 2012
Anneke van Giersbergen is a Dutch singer and musician. She is the former lead singer of th...
published: 06 May 2012
Author: ErhanLiveMetal
Hayko Cepkin ft. Anneke van Giersbergen - Atak Enschede Holland 2012
Anneke van Giersbergen is a Dutch singer and musician. She is the former lead singer of the Dutch progressive/alternative rock band The Gathering which she departed in August 2007. Since then, she has been involved in a solo project called Agua de Annique which also included her husband & drummer of the band, Rob Snijders. She now performs under her own name with her husband & other members. She has also worked with Lawn, Farmer Boys, Ayreon, Napalm Death, Novembers Doom, Moonspell, Globus, Arjen Anthony Lucassen, Giant Squid, Devin Townsend, Anathema and Within Temptation. www.annekevangiersbergen.com www.facebook.com www.youtube.com Hayko Cepkin (born March 11, 1978 in Istanbul) is a Turkish musician of Armenian ethnicity who is mostly known for the unique music he constructs that ranges from alternative metal to melodic tunes. At the same time he is a Brutal and Scream vocalist. This is recorded on Saturday 5th of May 2012 at Atak Enschede, the Netherlands. www.haykocepkin.com.tr www.facebook.com
TV Enschede Nieuws - Bestrijding eikenprocessierups
Onderwerpen: - Bestrijding eikenprocessierups....
published: 26 Apr 2012
Author: TVEnschede
TV Enschede Nieuws - Bestrijding eikenprocessierups
Onderwerpen: - Bestrijding eikenprocessierups.
TV Enschede Nieuws 08-05-12 - Presentatie Dusan Tadic bij FC Twente, Enschede krijgt pannenkoeken
TV Enschede FM - www.tvenschedefm.nl Onderwerpen - Presentatie Dusan Tadic bij FC Twente -...
published: 08 May 2012
Author: TVEnschede
TV Enschede Nieuws 08-05-12 - Presentatie Dusan Tadic bij FC Twente, Enschede krijgt pannenkoeken
TV Enschede FM - www.tvenschedefm.nl Onderwerpen - Presentatie Dusan Tadic bij FC Twente - Burgemeester en wethouders gemeente Enschede krijgen pannenkoeken van oudheidkamer Holten - Myra Koomen afwezig bij motie van afkeuring Presentatie: Martijn de Lange