BlogExplosion        Get your FREE Blog RSS Reader!

Do you have hundreds of favorite blogs that you visit on a regular basis and need a quick and easy way to read them every day? No problem - Download the BE Blog Reader for FREE !
Free download
  • Reads all the latest XML feed formats (RSS 2.0 and Atom 1.0)
  • Works on Windows 98/2000/XP/Me/NT operating systems
  • Requires no plug-ins or additional software or downloads
  • Does not require collection of any personal information
  • Program is FREEWARE and contains NO SPYWARE or ADWARE
  • Includes an uninstall function
  • File size is 1.2 MB
To download BE Blog Reader for free, click here.

Direct to desktop content
BE Blog Reader is a free newsreader (does not contain adware or spyware) which allows you to pull content directly from the Web onto your desktop without email. Simply click and drag RSS feeds (those orange feed icons) to BE Blog Reader to view news, blogs, podcasts and online content in real-time.

Now iPod friendly!
With our latest podcasting release, now you can search and download music and media files while you sleep and even synch with your iPod! We've added a Downloads Manager to schedule and download up to five files to your desktop at once

SPAM-proof your desktop
Quickly add, manage or remove content or media files onto your desktop in real-time without having to provide an email address or share any personal information.

Reduce information overload
Consolidate web content more efficiently than your browser, manage information more easily than with email. BE Blog Reader provides the ability to view RSS or Atom feeds in real-time on your desktop. You can subscribe or unsubscribe to content on your terms, without risk of SPAM, privacy or security issues associated with email.

How does it work?
BE Blog Reader uses RSS and Atom which are standard XML formats for instantly receiving syndicated content over the Internet. RSS stands for "Really Simple Syndication" or "Rich Site Summary" or even "Really Stops Spam", depending on who you talk to. Atom is a widely recognized open-source XML format for content syndication. Basically both are really just highly efficient standardized formats for reading, managing and sharing timely information across the web.

What are the benefits?
1) Gives you control. BE Blog Reader allows you to "pull" content from the Internet based on your topic criteria and timing. Rather than having email newsletters or content pushed to you on a daily, weekly or monthly basis, BE Blog Reader enables you to decide what content you want and when. Topic feeds are uploaded to your BE Blog Reader in real-time from the publisher source. You can unsubscribe or delete a content channel or topic at any time, manage content in folders and even export your channel topics to send to a friend or use on a second computer.

2) Provides timely information. Subscribers get updates and breaking news as soon as they are published, not only on the date an email newsletter is delivered. BE Blog Reader allows users to plug into selected sources of information, like independent reporters, researchers, blogs and industry analysts. When they disseminate or report some new information, it allows you to get it without having to subscribe to any newsletter, or having to provide an email address or disclose any personal information.

3) SPAM-free. There is no way to be "SPAMMED" by using BE Blog Reader, given that you must specifically request to add each content channel and can delete a topic or unsubscribe from a channel at any time.

4) Reduces information overload. Relevant messages can be easily archived, sorted into folders and organized according to topic, in a fully automated way, something impossible previously with email newsletters.

5) Private and secure. Content subscribers never have to provide an email address to their selected information provider. Publishers cannot as a consequence easily resell those emails to unscrupulous marketers and email spammers. Tristana does not contain any SPYWARE or ADWARE and therefore does not slow down your system or track any activity or personal information.

6) Is safe and virus-free. BE Blog Reader cannot carry viruses or trojans like a newsletter or email attachment can.

7) Promotes community. BE Blog Reader provides the ability for you to export or import your content channel preferences, allowing workgroups and online communities to share research, news and information.

Free download

To download BE Blog Reader for free, click here.