
Volcano Lava
Get immersed in a volcanic landscape with bubbling lava, spewing eruptions, and colliding ...
published: 27 Jul 2009
Author: NationalGeographic
Volcano Lava
Get immersed in a volcanic landscape with bubbling lava, spewing eruptions, and colliding rivers of fire.

Scientist gets too close to lava lake! - Richard Hammond's Journey to the Centre of the Planet - BBC
More about this programme: www.bbc.co.uk A scientist takes a big risk to get a lava sample...
published: 25 Jul 2011
Author: BBC
Scientist gets too close to lava lake! - Richard Hammond's Journey to the Centre of the Planet - BBC
More about this programme: www.bbc.co.uk A scientist takes a big risk to get a lava sample from the rim of a lava lake.

iPad 2 in HOT LAVA - By ZooGue
THE BEST iPad CASE www.zoogue.com FREE iPhone Case from ZooGue www.zoogue.com Behind The S...
published: 09 Dec 2011
Author: ZooGueBROKEtoRICH
iPad 2 in HOT LAVA - By ZooGue
THE BEST iPad CASE www.zoogue.com FREE iPhone Case from ZooGue www.zoogue.com Behind The Scenes Video youtu.be In this video - ZooGue CEO Tim Angel goes to Hilo Hi to put an iPad 2 in Lava. Get your FREE iPad/Tablet stylus from ZooGue www.zoogue.com Check out the blog of our awesome Lava guide Bryan Lowry lavapix.wordpress.com Check out our very functional cases www.zoogue.com

Lava Oct '02
Big Island Hawaii Oct'02...
published: 30 Nov 2007
Author: DeepSeaDv
Lava Oct '02
Big Island Hawaii Oct'02

Kilauea Volcano lava crosses the highway
Lava crosses the highway at Hawaii's Kilauea Volcano www.emergency.co.nz...
published: 19 Jul 2009
Author: geoffmackley
Kilauea Volcano lava crosses the highway
Lava crosses the highway at Hawaii's Kilauea Volcano www.emergency.co.nz

Rivers of molten lava high up Pulama Pali - Hawaii Island Feb. 2012
A surge of lava spews out of a rupture in the lava tube system and is heading down steep c...
published: 27 Feb 2012
Author: KumukahiHawk
Rivers of molten lava high up Pulama Pali - Hawaii Island Feb. 2012
A surge of lava spews out of a rupture in the lava tube system and is heading down steep cliffs, or pali in Hawaiian. This strong flow is being supplied lava from Kilauea Volcano's Pu`u O`o Crater four miles to the northwest. The rupture was at the 1600-foot elevation about four miles northwest of Kalapana Gardens, and directly above the old Royal Gardens subdivision. Further down the mountain I shot the rough a`a lava and chunky pahoehoe lava river, and at the 800-ft elevation I videoed the lava 'toes'. Video shot by Leigh Hilbert February 24th, 2012 EDIT: One week later this lava flow destroyed the last occupied home left in Royal Gardens subdivision. The story, images and video on Hawaiian Lava Daily March 2nd : hawaiianlavadaily.blogspot.com Want to be listed in the credits of my upcoming feature lava movie? Check out the sidebar on my Blog: Hawaiian Lava Daily: hawaiianlavadaily.blogspot.com - or just enjoy scrolling through the posts of Hawaii volcanic eruption activity and photos Also, my fine art still images for photos or canvas prints: www.Leigh-Hilbert-Photography.com

Benny Lava...(WITH LYRICS) Hilarious
Follow me on twitter @kbhurosah This is what an eastern film sound like in english. This i...
published: 08 Feb 2008
Author: kbhurosah
Benny Lava...(WITH LYRICS) Hilarious
Follow me on twitter @kbhurosah This is what an eastern film sound like in english. This is not a translation but what it sounds like in english, and it is so looooooooooooooool!!! This video was created by Buffalax. OOOOOOOOooouuuuuuuAAAAAAAooooooEEEEEEEEAAAAAaaaaAAAA WeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaoooooooooeeeeaAAAAAAAAAAAAAA My loony bun is fine Benny Lava! Minor bun engine made Benny Lava! Anybody need this sign? Benny Lava! You need a bun to bite Benny Lava! Have you been high today? I see the nuns are gay! My brother yelled to me... I love you inside Ed! My loony bun is fine Benny Lava! Minor bun engine made Benny Lava! I told a high school girl... I love you inside me! I'd love to see you pee on us tonight! I'd love to see you pee on us tonight! OOOOOOOooooOOOOOoooo OOOOOOOooooOOOOOoooo You feel me up with doom. Quit looking up at me! You got a minute girl? The puppy had a fee! Don't think I do love her We're looking in a pill! We're looking in a pill! All of them like the bun! Now poop on them Oliver! OOOO DADDY! JUST SAY IT! You know the hole to put it! Just sing it! You love me! Your pundit got armor! You send me... Offended... You know the hole to put it! Just sing it! You love me! Your pundit got armor! ho put the goat in there? The yellow goat I ate! My loony bun is fine Benny Lava! Minor bun engine made Benny Lava! (I like to swim in it) (I like to swim in it) (I like to swim in his) (beeeeejaaaaayyy!) (I like to swim in it) (I like to swim in it) (I like to swim <b>...</b>

Volcano Lava Flow - Timelapse
Check this out.... . You can get the full description and details of this and many other v...
published: 26 Jan 2007
Author: cja6900
Volcano Lava Flow - Timelapse
Check this out.... . You can get the full description and details of this and many other videos at: hvo.wr.usgs.gov

Eruption after person falls in lava lake of volcano (test with organic waste, garbage, trash)
Incineration of waste in Erta Ale Volcanoes lava lake. It is frequently discussed whether ...
published: 16 Jan 2012
Author: Photovolcanica
Eruption after person falls in lava lake of volcano (test with organic waste, garbage, trash)
Incineration of waste in Erta Ale Volcanoes lava lake. It is frequently discussed whether it is possible to sink in lava. Due to its high density, a person would generally be expected to remain on the surface. Indeed it is possible to briefly walk on certain types of lava if professional heat-protective clothing is worn (do not try yourself). However, the video shows that falling from a height, a person would be able to penetrate the crust of the lake and submerge in it. The test was performed with a box of camp waste (largely food rests) in a bin bag. Estimated weight 30kg, Size 60x60x60cm. Fall height, about 80m. The lake reacts with violent lava fountaining activity, presumably in part due to steam produced from the organic matter. The lava lake at Erta Ale has persisted for many years and contains relatively fluid basaltic lava. Only few volcanoes have such lakes. Due to the large number of copyright violations in recent days, users are reminded that they may not resubmit the video or parts of it (in amended or unamended form) under their own name. This is being monitored and youtube will be notified of any further violations. This is the original version of the video which I filmed myself and of which I am the sole rights holder.

Lava Enters the Pacific Ocean in Hawaii
Lava finally reaches the Pacific Ocean at Kamokuna after a seven mile journey from the Pu&...
published: 21 Jul 2007
Author: volcanochaser
Lava Enters the Pacific Ocean in Hawaii
Lava finally reaches the Pacific Ocean at Kamokuna after a seven mile journey from the Pu'u O'o vent in Kilauea Volcano. A small black sand beach is formed when the surf quenches the hot lava. Recorded March 27, 2005 More photos and videos: volcanochaser.smugmug.com Eruption Update Info: hvo.wr.usgs.gov

Pyroclastic flows and lava flows at Etna volcano
Lavaflows, lava fontains and debris avalanches with tendence to small pyroclasitc flows at...
published: 12 May 2010
Author: Marc Szeglat
Pyroclastic flows and lava flows at Etna volcano
Lavaflows, lava fontains and debris avalanches with tendence to small pyroclasitc flows at Mount Etna in November 2006. A fracture was opening during this spectacular eruption from SE-Crater-Cone.

LAVAOCEAN April 6, 2008 Our experienced group of Lava Divers take you to the forming of pi...
published: 01 May 2008
Author: LavaOceanAdventures
LAVAOCEAN April 6, 2008 Our experienced group of Lava Divers take you to the forming of pillow lava in HD video. Bud & Shane Turpin take many trips to the flow before getting in the water so please do not try this without proper preperations. Lava diving is dangerous! That said enjoy Peles rivers flowing to the ocean depths below. Shot aboard the "LavaKat" www.lavaocean.com Available in HDV

Hawaiian Volcano Still Spews Hot Lava
SelectPlusHawaiian Volcano Still Spews Hot LavaHawaiian Volcano Still Spews Hot LavaThe As...
published: 10 Jul 2008
Author: AssociatedPress
Hawaiian Volcano Still Spews Hot Lava
SelectPlusHawaiian Volcano Still Spews Hot LavaHawaiian Volcano Still Spews Hot LavaThe Associated PressRed-hot lava continues to flow from a fountain and through tubes at Kilauea volcano. The current eruption, which started 25 years ago, has already destroyed 66 homes and other structures. (July 10)This video contains ONLY natural sound. No script is available.

Nyiragongo Lava Lake - Congo
Photos and more info: www.stormchaser.ca The Nyiragongo lava lake near the Congo border. i...
published: 05 Aug 2007
Author: gkourounis
Nyiragongo Lava Lake - Congo
Photos and more info: www.stormchaser.ca The Nyiragongo lava lake near the Congo border. in 2002, the lava lake drained, pouring lava into the nearby city of Goma. This footage was shot in 2005 during the filming of the Angry Planet TV series.
Vimeo results:

Iceland, Eyjafjallajökull - May 1st and 2nd, 2010
So I saw all of these pictures of that volcano in Iceland nobody can pronounce the name of...
published: 11 May 2010
Author: Sean Stiegemeier
Iceland, Eyjafjallajökull - May 1st and 2nd, 2010
So I saw all of these pictures of that volcano in Iceland nobody can pronounce the name of, so I figured I should go and do something that is not news footage but something more cinematic. But the flights to get over took forever as expected (somewhat). 4 days after leaving I finally made it, but the weather was terrible for another 4. Just before leaving it got pretty good for about a day and a half and this is what I managed to get.
Wish I had more time. I missed all the cool Lightning and the Lava of the first eruption. But I figure this will just be a trial run for another day.
I am of course accepting sponsors to send me back there for more please...!! haha
Music: Jónsi - Kolniður (http://jonsi.com)
Canon 5d mkII
HUGE thanks for the Motorized Dolly via Dynamic Perception (http://www.dynamicperception.com)
© Sean Stiegemeier

Winter in Hell
Follow me: http://www.facebook.com/epraw - twitter.com/EnriquePacheco_
This is a 8 minute...
published: 29 Jan 2011
Author: Enrique Pacheco
Winter in Hell
Follow me: http://www.facebook.com/epraw - twitter.com/EnriquePacheco_
This is a 8 minutes short film, not a quick youtube video, please be patient or watch it later.
I shot this film over the course of a year. It then took me few months to edit and color grade it.
Winter 2010, the stunning landscape of Iceland succumbs to the Arctic cold. Beaches and lakes get frozen, but something unexpected is going to happen... the earth shakes, warms up, and suddenly a big crack opens up at the top of the glacier Eyjafjallajokull. Lava, smoke, ash and fire come up from the depth of the earth, melting everything in its path.
Shot with the Canon 7D and 5D MarkII using Canon & Carl Zeiss lenses.
Special thanks to Die! Goldstein for the music. www.die-goldstein.com
More info about me here: http://www.enriquepacheco.com

Com Truise - "Brokendate"
Music as evocative as the stuff made by Com Truise—master of the transporting synth odysse...
published: 19 Sep 2011
Author: Ghostly International
Com Truise - "Brokendate"
Music as evocative as the stuff made by Com Truise—master of the transporting synth odyssey—necessitates videos that are nothing short of cinematic. Hence the fully blown-out treatment for “Brokendate,” which rolls everything from eighties cop noir to Blade Runner retro-futurism to slo-mo Hype Williams nods into one five-minute world unto itself.
Says previous collaborator and director Will Joines of 10 lb Pictures: “While I was cutting the ‘Fairlight’ video earlier in the year I kept thinking that it was fun, but if I ever had the opportunity to actually film something for one of Com Truise's songs then I could really go all out and create this whole world that would be specifically tailored to his music.” Mission accomplished.
When talking about the music of Com Truise (one of the many pseudonyms of New Jersey designer/musician Seth Haley), the nostalgia bit inevitably comes up, so let's get that out of the way. Yes, his songs tap classic sci-fi and proto-electro in a way that is distinctly early eighties in scope. But they're also remarkably weird—stutter-step proggy and intoxicatingly psychedelic, like those classic touchstones got drunk on lava lamp juice inside a pinball machine. After his well-received Cyanide Sisters EP, a grip of remixes for artists like Twin Shadow, Neon Indian, and, uh, Daft Punk, and a few floating MP3s, Truise's first LP, Galactic Melt, will finally enter brainspaces this summer.
Find 'Galactic Melt' in The Ghostly Store:
Production House:
10lb Pictures | http://10lbpictures.com/
Director: Will Joines
Producer: Sarah Romney
Cinematographer: Zoë White
Release details:
Tour Dates:

Lava Pour No. 5
Syracuse Lava Project
On January 22, 2011, the fifth lava pour took place using the #700 ...
published: 27 Jan 2011
Author: robert wysocki
Lava Pour No. 5
Syracuse Lava Project
On January 22, 2011, the fifth lava pour took place using the #700 gas fired tilt furnace operated by the SU Sculpture Program. This 610lb pour was the most successful to date in terms of material consistency, volume, duration of pour, viscosity, duration of flow, structure of flow, etc. The lava was poured on to a 6” thick block of ice measuring 3.5’ by 10’. This pour was conducted for Prof. Ben Edwards, Dickinson College Earth Sciences Department. Prof. Edwards is a specialist in the area of lava and ice interaction.
On February 12, 2011, Pour No. 6 will take place on a large block of ice and through a series of ice tunnels. The SU Lava Project is a joint research venture between SU Earth Sciences and SU Sculpture. For further information please contact Prof. Robert Wysocki, SU Sculpture at rjwysock@syr.edu or Dr. Jeffrey Karson, SU Earth Sciences at jakarson@syr.edu
Syracuse University Copyright © 2011
Youtube results:

Ministry - Lava
slideshow of hot lava and volcano...
published: 09 Apr 2009
Author: currva70
Ministry - Lava
slideshow of hot lava and volcano

Molten Lava Cake
Recipe: showmethecurry.com...
published: 11 Feb 2009
Author: ShowMeTheCurry
Molten Lava Cake
Recipe: showmethecurry.com

twra Lava feat Stikoydi(OFFICIAL VIDEO CLIP)
published: 07 Mar 2009
Author: leytpapa
twra Lava feat Stikoydi(OFFICIAL VIDEO CLIP)

Lava - Hold Out For Love
Lava started as a instrumental band playing jazz/rock, and was founded by Svein Dag Hauge ...
published: 03 Sep 2011
Author: SjamanFunk
Lava - Hold Out For Love
Lava started as a instrumental band playing jazz/rock, and was founded by Svein Dag Hauge back in Årdal, Norway in 1977. After the selftiteled first album LAVA, the band reformed with 5 new members, Marius Müller (guitar), Rolf Graf (bass), Per Kolstad (keyboards), Geir Langslet (keyboards) and Sigurd Køhn (sax) in addition to guitarist Svein Dag Hauge and drummer Per Hillestad. After the successful 2 album "Cruisin'", Lava found singer Egil Eldøen, and the lineup stand consistant throughout the 80's. In 1983 Lava became Randy Crawfords regular backing band and toured extensively for a period of 10 years around the world. Japan, Australia, UK, The Arabic Emirates, Zwaziland, Zimbabwe iwas visited n addition to several european and scandinavian tours. With two sold out concerts of Royal Albert Hall as one as the most memorable moments. Lava also recieved a norwegian Grammy for their fourth album "Fire" (84), and topped the charts with the fifth album "The Rhythm of Love" (89). REUNION Randy and Lava will work together on a tour this winter and do concerts in the biggest citys of Norway in april 06. She sings on two Lava-albums in duets on "You" and "Shine a little light". NEW PROJECTS A live DVD with totally live material is planned to be released at the same time. A special box with all the original Lava albums is being released, hopefully this Christmas. The first three albums has never been out on CD, and only "The best of LAVA" (97) is available in the market. The box <b>...</b>