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Professors donate to Obama, opine about election in the news

Bob Cusack - 10/16/12 05:00 AM ET

The findings of The Hill’s months-long investigation come as Republicans allege a media bias against Mitt Romney.…
Obama, Romney look to channel Bill Clinton in next presidential debate

Justin Sink - 10/15/12 05:39 PM ET

Clinton's 1992 debate set the gold standard for the town-hall format, which both Obama and Romney struggle with…
Retirees to get 1.7 percent cost-of-living hike in their Social Security benefits

Erik Wasson - 10/16/12 09:55 AM ET

This year’s change is one of the lowest ever, and prompted an outcry from the seniors lobby.…
Guantánamo suspects opt to boycott proceedings at 9/11 pre-trial hearings

Jeremy Herb - 10/16/12 11:35 AM ET

Among the three who boycotted the Tuesday court session was Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the self-proclaimed mastermind behind the 9/11 attacks.…
Congress tops Coburn's 'Wastebook'

Erik Wasson - 10/16/12 08:34 AM ET

Congress is 2012’s biggest waste of taxpayer money, according to Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.).…
Special Feature
The Hill's 2012 Race Ratings

Republicans are expected to retain the House while Democrats hold a slight edge in the Senate.

Report: Tennessee conservatives pressuring Rep. DesJarlais to resign

Pete Kasperowicz - 10/16/12 09:46 AM ET

Conservatives are unhappy with Rep. Scott DesJarlais (R-Tenn.) following a report that he had a relationship with a patient.…
Warren, Brown battle to the end

Alexandra Jaffe - 10/16/12 05:00 AM ET

Warren has an edge in the polls and in fundraising three weeks before Election Day. …

Related: Obama weighs in with endorsement of Warren

Team Romney banks $170M in September, trails Obama by $11M

Justin Sink - 10/15/12 03:22 PM ET

The figure indicates the Republican candidate has no issue keeping pace with Obama through the campaign's final weeks.…
Poll: Romney surges ahead of Obama in the dozen swing states

Jonathan Easley - 10/15/12 03:46 PM ET

The Obama campaign disputes USA Today/Gallup poll showing the Republican nominee with a 5-point lead in the electoral battlegrounds. …
Supreme Court allows early voting in Ohio

Sam Baker

10/16/12 01:03 PM ET

The Supreme Court said Tuesday that early voting can proceed in Ohio — a major win for President Obama.…
Obama feels ‘fabulous’ about second debate

Amie Parnes

10/16/12 11:34 AM ET

It's a far cry from before the first debate, when Obama described his preparations as "a drag."…
Appeals court tosses conviction of former driver for bin Laden

Carlo Muñoz

10/16/12 11:51 AM ET

Salim Hamdan was convicted of providing "material support" to al Qaeda, but the appeals court said the ruling was flawed.…
Poll finds voters favor Obama energy policies over Romney platform

Zack Colman

10/16/12 12:20 PM ET

The poll showed growing acceptance of renewable energy and concern over climate change.…
Obama's flip-flop strategy against Romney carries risks

Niall Stanage and Amie Parnes

10/16/12 05:00 AM ET

The prime danger is that voters might not hold ideological malleability against Romney.…

Video: First lady: Obama 'going to do well' in this debate

Clinton on Libya attack: ‘I take responsibility’

Mario Trujillo

10/15/12 08:44 PM ET

"I want to avoid some kind of political gotcha," the Secretary of State said.…

Video: Clinton says she wants to avoid 'political gotcha'

Related: Republicans unmoved by Clinton's contrition on Libya

DOJ seeks dismissal of House GOP’s lawsuit over Fast and Furious

Jordy Yager

10/16/12 08:42 AM ET

DOJ asserts courts cannot intervene when the White House refuses to comply with a congressional subpoena by asserting executive privilege.…

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