Diamond planet super-Earth is twice the size of planet Earth. Discovered 40 light years from us
goodnews.ws Nearby super-Earth likely a diamond planet. New research led by Yale Universit...
published: 14 Oct 2012
author: newssciencenews
Diamond planet super-Earth is twice the size of planet Earth. Discovered 40 light years from us
goodnews.ws Nearby super-Earth likely a diamond planet. New research led by Yale University scientists suggests that a rocky planet twice Earth's size orbiting a nearby star is a diamond planet. "This is our first glimpse of a rocky world with a fundamentally different chemistry from Earth," said lead researcher Nikku Madhusudhan, a Yale postdoctoral researcher in physics and astronomy. "The surface of this planet is likely covered in graphite and diamond rather than water and granite." The paper reporting the findings has been accepted for publication in the journal Astrophysical Journal Letters. The planet — called 55 Cancri e — has a radius twice Earth's, and a mass eight times greater, making it a "super-Earth." It is one of five planets orbiting a sun-like star, 55 Cancri, that is located 40 light years from Earth yet visible to the naked eye in the constellation of Cancer. The planet orbits at hyper speed — its year lasts just 18 hours, in contrast to Earth's 365 days. It is also blazingly hot, with a temperature of about 3900 degrees Fahrenheit, researchers said, a far cry from a habitable world. The planet was first observed transiting its star last year, allowing astronomers to measure its radius for the first time. This new information, combined with the most recent estimate of its mass, allowed Madhusudhan and colleagues to infer its chemical composition using models of its interior and by computing all possible combinations of elements and compounds that would <b>...</b>
Meet the Planet That's One-Third Diamond
Watch: youtube.com slatev.com Follow twitter.com facebook.com Astronomers have found a pla...
published: 13 Oct 2012
author: slatester
Meet the Planet That's One-Third Diamond
Watch: youtube.com slatev.com Follow twitter.com facebook.com Astronomers have found a planet that gives new meaning to the word "bling." Twice the size of Earth and eight times heavier, this weird world may be at least one-third pure diamond. Forty light years away, the newfound planet couldn't be more alien to ours. Although it orbits a sunlike star, 55 Cancri e has only an 18-hour year, and surface temperatures reach nearly 4000 degrees Fahrenheit. Graphite and diamond—rather than granite and water—most likely cover its surface, challenging the assumption that all rocky planets out there are Earth-like. Everything from atmosphere to biology on these alien rocks may be far more diverse than currently imagined. But before you start looking into venture capital for mining rights, you may want to reread your F. Scott Fitzgerald. A planet's worth of diamonds would render the shiny objects of desire more worthless than the author's fictitious diamond mine that proved to be his characters' moral undoing.
A planet Larger than Earth is found... and it is made of DIAMOND Yahoo Article: sg.news.ya...
published: 13 Oct 2012
author: BiokinecticsNews
A planet Larger than Earth is found... and it is made of DIAMOND Yahoo Article: sg.news.yahoo.com If you want to research more on it, it is called 55 Cancri
"55 Cancri-e": Super-Earth Planet Likely Made of Diamond
Avis aux amateurs de pierres précieuses. Des astronomes ont découvert une no...
published: 12 Oct 2012
author: SonAirlines
"55 Cancri-e": Super-Earth Planet Likely Made of Diamond
Avis aux amateurs de pierres précieuses. Des astronomes ont découvert une nouvelle planète, formée en grande partie de diamant. "La surface est probablement recouverte de graphite et de diamant plutôt que d'eau et de granite", explique Nikku Madhusudhan de l'Université Yale aux Etats-Unis, un des co-auteurs de cette découverte à paraître dans la revue américaine Astrophysical Journal Letters."Ceci est notre premier aperçu d'une exoplanète rocheuse (en dehors du système solaire, ndlr) avec une composition chimique radicalement différente de celle de la Terre", ajoute-t-il dans un communiqué. Selon eux, le diamant pourrait représenter au moins un tiers de cette planète rocheuse baptisée 55 Cancri-e ou l'équivalent de trois fois la masse terrestre. Une planète inhospitalière 55 Cancri-e a un rayon deux fois plus grand que celui de la Terre, soit 12 747 km. Elle se situe à 40 années lumière de notre planète dans la constellation du Cancer et tourne tellement vite qu'elle fait le tour de son étoile en à peine 18 heures, quand la Terre autour du Soleil met 365 jours. Elle est aussi beaucoup plus dense que la Terre avec une masse huit fois supérieure. Les températures à sa surface atteignent 2148 degrés et la rendent très inhospitalière. 55 Cancri-e a été initialement observée en 2011 quand elle passait devant son étoile, permettant aux astronomes de mesurer son rayon pour la première fois. Contrairement à ce que ces chercheurs avaient pensé initialement, la planète ne contient <b>...</b>
Science News 10/11/12 Physics, Medicine, Astrophysics
Nobel Prize Winners in Physics The winners of this year's Nobel Prize in Physics have ...
published: 12 Oct 2012
author: scienceneedknowbasis
Science News 10/11/12 Physics, Medicine, Astrophysics
Nobel Prize Winners in Physics The winners of this year's Nobel Prize in Physics have captured a particle for the first time. David Wineland and Serge Haroche, optics specialists, worked independently trapping particles at temperatures close to Absolute Zero to examine the quantum state for the first time. Scientists cite many other applications for quantum research, including quantum computing, code-breaking, and more accurate GPS. Also, notably, this year's Nobel Prize in Medicine was awarded to stem cell researchers John Gurdon and Shinya Yamanaka. Credit: AFP, AP Washington State University scientists have developed a drug that restores neuronal connections in the brain that could restore cognitive function to people with Alzheimer's disease. Led by Joe Harding and Jay Wright, WSU researchers modified a blood pressure chemical and designed a drug that is 10 million times stronger than the chemical that is found naturally to promote new synapse formation, called brain-derived neurotrophic factor, or BDNF. The drug is so powerful that even old rats were nearly instantly able to accomplish a cognitive test like they were young again. Credit: Washington State University, ahaf.org Freezing water droplets have been shown to form mountain-like peaks and spout crystals resembling trees since water expands as it freezes. These images show approximately 4 millimeter diameter water droplets as they freeze over 20 seconds. Once the water is frozen, the tip attracts water vapor in <b>...</b>
Astronomers Discover Planet Made of Diamonds
Scientists have discovered that a giant planet about 40 light years away is made up comple...
published: 12 Oct 2012
author: Buzz60
Astronomers Discover Planet Made of Diamonds
Scientists have discovered that a giant planet about 40 light years away is made up completely of diamonds. The Diamond Planet is officially known as 55 Cancri e and is about twice the size of Earth. Astronomers say that the diamond makeup could lead to some interesting seismic activity. Patrick Jones has the story. Check out more videos at www.youtube.com Buzz60 is designed for the way we live now. Short, quirky video snacks that are a little sassy, and always smart. Buzz 60 -- and the Buzz60 channel on YouTube - produces all kinds of newsy video clips for web viewers who want more than just repurposed content. Our team is a diverse group of video journalists with dozens of Emmy awards, an authentic sense of humor, and a mandate to connect with viewers every day. Subscribe to our channel: www.youtube.com Like us Facebook: www.facebook.com Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com Pin with us on Pinterest: pinterest.com
NASA Astronomers Reveal Planet Is Made Of Diamond
Researchers say the discovery of a diamond planet gives us the first glimpse of a world wi...
published: 12 Oct 2012
author: My3yoon
NASA Astronomers Reveal Planet Is Made Of Diamond
Researchers say the discovery of a diamond planet gives us the first glimpse of a world with a different chemistry to Earth. A planet about 40 light years away and twice the size of Earth is made largely out of diamond, astronomers have said. The rocky planet, called 55 Cancri e, which is in the constellation of Cancer, is orbiting a sun-like star that is visible with the naked eye. Discovered by a US-Franco research team, the planet's radius is twice that of Earth's and its mass eight times greater. Temperatures on its surface reach 3900 degrees Fahrenheit (1648 Celsius). "The surface of this planet is likely covered in graphite and diamond rather than water and granite," said Nikku Madhusudhan, the Yale researcher whose findings are due to be published in scientific journal The Astrophysical Journal Letters. The study, with Olivier Mousis at the Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planetologie in Toulose, France, estimates that at least a third of the planet's mass could be diamond. Diamond planets have been spotted before but this is the first time one has been seen orbiting a sun-like star and studied in such detail. "This is our first glimpse of a rocky world with a fundamentally different chemistry from Earth," Dr Madhusudhan said. He added that the discovery of the carbon-rich planet means distant rocky planets can no longer be assumed to have chemical constituents, interiors, atmospheres, or biologies similar to Earth. David Spergel, an astronomer at <b>...</b>
It's a Diamond, Larger Than Earth
Data suggests this massive planet is composed of diamond. Scientists at Yale University ar...
published: 12 Oct 2012
author: geobeats
It's a Diamond, Larger Than Earth
Data suggests this massive planet is composed of diamond. Scientists at Yale University are claiming that a planet, called 55 Cancri e, which is twice as big as Earth, is literally a diamond planet. The head researcher stated "This is our first glimpse of a rocky world with a fundamentally different chemistry from Earth. The surface is likely covered in graphite and diamond rather than water and granite." Discovered in 2004, the planet is eight times as massive as Earth. With its temperature estimated to be 3000-4000 degrees fahrenheit, unfortunately, it is not habitable. However, it's said to have suitable conditions for presence of diamonds. The study's researchers conclude that up to 1/3 of the entire planet is potentially diamond. Diamonds may be more common in our Universe than what the prices at a jewelry store suggest. The Russian government has declassified their discovery of an enormous diamond deposit that reportedly contains trillions of carats of the precious gem, large enough to satisfy markets' demand for 3000 years. While the government has known about the contents of the site below a 62 mile asteroid crater in eastern Siberia since the 1970s, the information was disclosed only recently.
Scientists Discover Planet Made of Diamond
A group of American and French scientists have discovered a planet that's likely to be...
published: 12 Oct 2012
author: NewsyScience
Scientists Discover Planet Made of Diamond
A group of American and French scientists have discovered a planet that's likely to be a third made of diamond in a nearby solar system.
New Diamond Planet Found - October 11, 2012
The new planet found made of diamonds. This aired on October 11, 2012 in thw mainstream ne...
published: 11 Oct 2012
author: Hawkkey Davis
New Diamond Planet Found - October 11, 2012
The new planet found made of diamonds. This aired on October 11, 2012 in thw mainstream news. For mor on UFOS, Strange And Extreme Weather or End Time Eventsgo to or subscribe to my channel. Thanks for watching here!
55 Cancri e The planet Diamond Alien
55 Cancri e The planet Diamond Alien Light from an alien "super-Earth" twice the...
published: 11 Oct 2012
author: piloute mangue
55 Cancri e The planet Diamond Alien
55 Cancri e The planet Diamond Alien Light from an alien "super-Earth" twice the size of our own Earth has been detected by a NASA space telescope for the first time in what astronomers are calling a historic achievement. NASA's infrared Spitzer Space Telescope spotted light from the alien planet 55 Cancri e, which orbits a star 41 light-years from Earth. A year on the extrasolar planet lasts just 18 hours. The planet 55 Cancri e was first discovered in 2004 and is not a habitable world. Instead, it is known as a super-Earth because of its size: The world is about twice the width of Earth and has about eight times the mass of Earth.
Shine On, You Crazy Diamond Planet There's a gigantic diamond in outer space, accordin...
published: 11 Oct 2012
Shine On, You Crazy Diamond Planet There's a gigantic diamond in outer space, according to new research from a team led by Yale University scientists. About as twice as big as Earth and with eight times more mass, the rocky planet is a "Super Earth" and orbits a star 40 light years away in the constellation Cancer. The alien planet, a so-called "super-Earth," is called 55 Cancri e and was discovered in 2004 around a nearby star in our Milky Way galaxy. After estimating the planet's mass and radius, and studying its host star's composition, scientists now say the rocky world is composed mainly of carbon (in the form of diamond and graphite), as well as iron, silicon carbide, and potentially silicates.
Breaking News: 55 Cancri - E the diamond planet was discovered in 2004, a third of this ma...
published: 11 Oct 2012
author: Gagare1952
Breaking News: 55 Cancri - E the diamond planet was discovered in 2004, a third of this mass is pure diamonds, So thats why 55 Cancri E is the first diamond planet found in the universe. Music, Artwork & Video by Didier Manchione all rights reserved Moonfull publishing Socan Canada 2012 MUSICNEWS NETWORK.
CPreports 10/11/12 - JP Morgan's CFO steps down, Mo Yan Nobel Prize for Literature, Giant Diamond
Looks like JPMorgan's chief financial officer, Doug Braunstein, may step down from his...
published: 11 Oct 2012
author: CorporateProfile
CPreports 10/11/12 - JP Morgan's CFO steps down, Mo Yan Nobel Prize for Literature, Giant Diamond
Looks like JPMorgan's chief financial officer, Doug Braunstein, may step down from his current job, to take another position with the bank. My guess - the new janitor? Hmmm. This would be the latest management change at the bank, which made itself very unpopular by losing $6 billion from bad bets on derivatives. According to some insider sources, Braunstein's decision t step down voluntarily, and would be unrelated to the trades. Yeah I'm, sure that is the case, especially after CEO Jamie Dimon testifying a month earlier to a US Senate committee, that Braunstein was one of the people who had wrongly assured him in April, that the derivatives losses were not a big deal. Oh what we could have done with 6 billion extra dollars! We could have partied like it's hot! We could have bolstered the US presidential campaign. we could have bought Greece to party there like it's hot.oh the possibilities. And the much awaited Nobel Prize for Literature goes to Chinese writer Mo Yan, whose real name is Guan Moye. A slightly controversial award given that many Chinese artists and writers have critized him for being a bit too buddy buddy with the Chinese Government, and for not using his status as one of China's most respected writers, to push for greater freedom of expression in China. He is known as a prolific writer, and in case you didn't know, many of his novels have been translated into English, including "Life and Death Are Wearing Me Out," which won several awards. Let's hope that <b>...</b>
Planet diamond 55 Cnc e 55 Cancri E Планета алмаз
ENGLISH: hainanwel.com РУССКИЙ:hainanwel.com...
published: 11 Oct 2012
author: 111222sanya
Planet diamond 55 Cnc e 55 Cancri E Планета алмаз
ENGLISH: hainanwel.com РУССКИЙ:hainanwel.com
The Search For Earth-Like Planets
Watch this and other space videos at SpaceRip.com The search for Earth-like planets is rea...
published: 09 Jan 2010
author: SpaceRip
The Search For Earth-Like Planets
Watch this and other space videos at SpaceRip.com The search for Earth-like planets is reaching a fever-pitch. Does the evidence so far help shed light on the ancient question Is the galaxy filled with life, or is Earth just a beautiful, lonely aberration? If things dont work out on this planet Or if our itch to explore becomes unbearable at some point in the future Astronomers have recently found out what kind of galactic real estate might be available to us. Well have to develop advanced transport to land there, 20 light years away. The question right now: is it worth the trip? If things don't work out on this planet... Or if our itch to explore becomes unbearable at some point in the future... Astronomers have recently found out what kind of galactic real estate might be available to us. We'll have to develop advanced transport to land there, 20 light years away.... But that's for later. The question right now: is it worth the trip? The destination is a star that you can't see with your naked eye, in the southern constellation Libra, called Gliese 581. Identified over 40 years ago by the German astronomer Wilhelm Gliese, it's a red dwarf with 31% of the Sun's mass... and only 1.3% of its luminosity. Until recently, the so-called M Stars like Gliese 581 flew below the radar of planet hunters. They give off so little energy that a planet would have to orbit dangerously close just to get enough heat. Now, these unlikely realms are beginning to show some promise... as <b>...</b>