- published: 16 Nov 2008
- views: 16807
Philippe Huttenlocher (born November 29, 1942) is a Swiss baritone.
He was born in Neuchâtel, Switzerland. He first studied violin at the conservatory in Neuchâtel, and then voice in Fribourg. In 1972, he won the international singing competition in Bratislava.
He is married to the soprano Danielle Borst.
He has had a long association with the Ensemble Vocal de Lausanne and Michel Corboz. He is known for his interpretations of Bach. He has made many recordings, particularly of sacred music.
Along with Nina Hagen, he sings Lars Von Trier's Europa Aria, at the end of the film Europa_(film) (1991).
Stabat Mater Dolorosa, often referred to as Stabat Mater, is a 13th-century Catholic hymn to Mary, variously attributed to the Franciscan Jacopone da Todi and to Innocent III. It is about the Sorrows of Mary.
The title of the sorrowful hymn is an incipit of the first line, Stabat mater dolorosa ("The sorrowful mother stood"). The Stabat Mater hymn, one of the most powerful and immediate of extant medieval poems, meditates on the suffering of Mary, Jesus Christ's mother, during his crucifixion. It is sung at the liturgy on the memorial of Our Lady of Sorrows. The Stabat Mater has been set to music by many composers, with the most famous settings being those by Palestrina (~1590), Domenico Scarlatti (1715), Alessandro Scarlatti (1723), Pergolesi (1736), Vivaldi (~1727), J.S.Bach (1748), Haydn (1767), Rossini (1832/42), Dvořák (1877), George Henschel, Karol Szymanowski (1925/26), Poulenc (195/51), Toivo Kuula and Arvo Pärt (1985).
The Marian hymn Stabat mater is generally ascribed to Jacopo da Todi (ca. 1230-1306).
The Te Deum (also known as Ambrosian Hymn or A Song of the Church) is an early Christian hymn of praise. The title is taken from its opening Latin words, Te Deum laudamus, rendered as "Thee, O God, we praise".
The hymn remains in regular use in the Catholic Church in the Office of Readings found in the Liturgy of the Hours, and in thanksgiving to God for a special blessing such as the election of a pope, the consecration of a bishop, the canonization of a saint, a religious profession, the publication of a treaty of peace, a royal coronation, etc. It is sung either after Mass or the Divine Office or as a separate religious ceremony. The hymn also remains in use in the Anglican Communion and some Lutheran Churches in similar settings.
In the traditional office, the Te Deum is sung at the end of Matins on all days when the Gloria is said at Mass; those days are all Sundays outside Advent, Septuagesima, Lent, and Passiontide; on all feasts (except the Triduum) and on all ferias during Eastertide. Before the 1962 reforms, neither the Gloria nor the Te Deum were said on the feast of the Holy Innocents, unless it fell on Sunday, as they were martyred before the death of Christ and therefore could not immediately attain the beatific vision. A plenary indulgence is granted, under the usual conditions, to those who recite it in public on New Year's Eve.
Huttenlochner sings Vi ricorda, o bochi ombrosi L'Orfeo,Monteverdi
Ein unbegreiflich Licht erfüllt.. (Adalbert Kraus & Philippe Huttenlocher, 1983)
Philippe Huttenlocher: Cantata BWV 82 "Ich habe genung" by Bach
EUROPA ARIA by Nina Hagen & Philippe Huttenlocher
08 Philippe Huttenlocher - Requiem, Op. 48: III. Sanctus
Jean-Baptiste Lully "Te Deum" Jean-Francois Paillard
Fauré : Requiem, Corboz / Bern Symphony Orchestra フォーレ:レクイエム コルボ指揮 ベルン交響楽団
Claudio Monteverdi - L'Orfeo (Full opera / N.Harnoncourt 1978)
Haydn: Stabat Mater [Corboz] Sheila Armstrong, Ann Murray, Hill, Huttenlocher
MONTEVERDI L'Orfeo (1/12)
Orfeo is performed by Philippe Huttenlochner in this Monteverdi's L'Orfeo adaptation. Nikolaus Harnoncurt conducting a superb period-instruments ensemble. Staged, directed and designed by Jean Pierre Ponnelle. It's also really cool watching Harnoncourt conducting. He is a brilliant conductor and this opera was brilliantly staged and perfromed.
Ein unbegreiflich Licht erfüllt den ganzen Kreis der Erden. Es schallet kräftig fort und fort ein höchst erwünscht Verheißungswort: Wer glaubt, soll selig werden. ---- Adalbert Franz Kraus & Philippe Huttenlocher, 1983
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) Ich habe genug BWV 82 (Festo Purificationis Mariae ♦ At the Feast of the Purification ♦ Am Feste Mariä Reinigung Pour la fête de la Purification de la Vierge) 0:00 1. Aria: Ich habe genug 6:44 2. Recitativo: ich habe genug 7:38 3. Aria: Schlummert ein, ihr matten Augen 16:22 4. Recitat.: Mein Gott! wann kommt das schöne Nun! 17:00 5. Aria: Ich freue mich auf meinen Tod Philippe Huttenlocher, bass Concentus musicus Wien Conducted by Nikolaus Harnoncourt 1978 _
end credits of the movie "EUROPA" by lars von trier
Varios - The Best Organ Works of Classical Music, Vol. II Artista Intérprete: Philippe Huttenlocher Compositor: Gabriel Fauré Orquesta: Berner Symphonieorchester Conjunto: Choeur de Maîtrise Saint-Pierre-Aux-Liens de Bulle Director: Michel Corboz
"Te Deum" for five soli, two choirs and orchestra by Jean Baptiste Lully 1. Symphonie - Te Deum 2. Patrem immensae majestatis 3. Symphonie - Te ergo quaesumus 4. Symphonie - Dignare Domine Jennifer Smith & Francine Bessac, sopranos Zeger Vanderstene, countertenor Louis Devos, tenor Philippe Huttenlocher, bass Ensemble Vocal "A Coeur Joie" de Valence Orchestre de Chambre Jean-Francois Paillard
Gabriel Fauré : Requiem op.48 フォーレ作曲 レクイエム 作品48 MIchel Corboz (Conductor) ミシェル・コルボ指揮 Bern Symphony Orchestra ベルン交響楽団 Alain Clément (Soprano) アラン・クレマン(ソプラノ) Philippe Huttenlocher (Baritone) フィリップ・フッテンロッハー(バリトン) Philippe Corboz (Organ) フィリップ・コルボ(オルガン) Maîtrise Saint-Pierre-Aux-Liens De Bulle サン=ピエール=オ=リアン・ドゥ・ビュール聖歌隊 André Corboz (Chorus master) アンドレ・コルボ(コーラス・マスター) I. Introit & Kyrie (1. イントロイトゥスとキリエ) 7:47 II. Offertory (2. オッフェルトリウム) 8:03 III. Sanctus (3. サンクトゥス) 3:58 IV. Pie Jesu (4. ピエ・イエズス) 3:19 V. Agnus Dei (5. アニュス・デイ) 6:13 VI. Libera Me (6. リベラ・メ) 6:17 VII. In Paradisum (7. イン・パラディズム) 4:18
Nikolaus Harnoncourt Das Monteverdi-Ensemble des Opernhauses Zürich Jean-Pierre Ponnelle Filmed in 1978 Orfeo : Philippe Huttenlocher (baryton) Euridice : Dietlinde Turban (soprano) La Musica - La speranza : Trudeliese Schmidt (soprano) Apollo : Roland Hermann (ténor) Proserpina - La messaggera : Glenys Linos (soprano) Plutone : Werner Gröschel (basse) Caronte : Hans Franzen (basse) Ninfa : Suzanne Calabro (soprano) Introduction: L'Orfeo is a late Renaissance/early Baroque opera by Claudio Monteverdi with a libretto by Alessandro Striggio. It is based on the Greek legend of Orpheus, and tells the story of his descent to Hades and his fruitless attempt to bring his dead bride Eurydice back to the living world. It was written in 1607 for a court performance during the annual Carnival at M...
Franz Joseph Haydn (1732-1809) Stabat Mater 0:00 1. Stabat Mater dolorosa (Largo, tenor/chorus) 6:23 2. Quam tristis et afflicta (Larghetto, alto) 13:08 3. Quis est homo, qui non fleret (Lento, chorus) 14:54 4. Quis non posset contristari (Moderato, soprano) 20:47 5. Pro peccatis suae gentis (Allegro ma non troppo, bass) 23:10 6. Videt suum dulcem natum (Lento e maestroso, tenor) 28::28 7. Eja mater, fons amoris (Allegretto, chorus) 31:15 8. Sancta mater istud agas (Larghetto, soprano/tenor) 38::09 9. Fac me vere tecum flere (lagrimoso, alto) 43:45 10. Virgo virginium praeclara (Andante, quartet/chorus) 50:22 11. Flammis orci ne succendar (presto, bass) 52:27 12. Fac me cruce custodiri (Moderato, tenor) 55:10 13. Quando corpus morietur...paradisi gloria (Largo assai, soprano, alto/chorus)...
MONTEVERDI LOrfeo (1978) Nikolaus Harnoncourt, direction Jean-Pierre Ponnelle, direction Philippe Huttenlocher (Orfeo) Dietlinde Turban (Euridice) Trudeliese Schmidt (Music, Hope) Roland Hermann (Apollo) Glenys Linos (Messenger, Proserpina) Werner Gröschel (Plutone) Hans Franzen (Caronte) Peter Keller (First Shepherd) Francisco Araiza (Second Shepherd, First Spirit) Ballet de l'Opéra de Zürich Choeur de l'Opéra de Zürich Das Monteverdi ensemble Pet Halmen, costumes
Requiem for Ground Zero by Steven Berkoff 19 - 22 July 2017 @ The Crescent Studio Theatre http://www.crescent-theatre.co.uk/theatre-event/?EventID=89931
Und Gott befahl ihnen im Traum, daß sie sich nicht sollten wieder zu Herodes lenken, und zogen durch einen andern Weg wieder in ihr Land. So geht! Genug, mein Schatz geht nicht von hier, er bleibet da bei mir, ich will ihn auch nicht von mir lassen. Sein Arm wird mich aus Lieb mit sanftmutsvollem Trieb und größter Zärtlichkeit umfassen; er soll mein Bräutigam verbleiben, ich will ihm Brust und Herz verschreiben. Ich weiß gewiß, er liebet mich, mein Herz liebt ihn auch inniglich und wird ihn ewig ehren. Was könnte mich nun für ein Feind bei solchem Glück versehren! Du, Jesu, bist und bleibst mein Freund; und werd ich ängstlich zu dir flehn: Herr, hilf!, so laß mich Hülfe sehn! Nun mögt ihr stolzen Feinde schrecken; was könnt ihr mir für Furcht erwecken? Mein Schatz, mein Hort ist hier ...
Published on 31 Jan 2014 Filmed: November 15th 2013 Jeremy Weller started as a painter at Goldsmiths College during the BritArt years alongside other contemporaries such as Damien Hirst and Tracey Emin. But he found painting lonely and the art world elitist so he moved on to theatre, using marginalised people instead of actors. He then moved to film in order to further explore and play with reality and fiction. His first film, LIMBOLAND (2010), won the Danish Film Academy Robert Award, and featured teenage immigrants living in Denmark. The film takes place in a no-man's-land between fact and fiction, and features ordinary teenagers, immigrants living in Denmark where they are having a hard time settling down. LIMBOLAND on YouTube: youtu.be/-P7Q4PlQ5Fo
Il y a désormais plus d'un demi siècle que Michel Corboz a fondé son Ensemble Vocal de Lausanne (EVL) qui réunit un noyau de jeunes choristes auquel viennent s'adjoindre, selon l'œuvre interprétée, d'autres chanteurs de haut niveau. Cette configuration à géométrie variable permet au maestro helvète d'aborder un large répertoire allant du baroque au XXe siècle. A 79 ans passés, Corboz reste habité par les œuvres qu'il a dirigées tout au long de sa dense carrière. Les lauriers pour ses enregistrements du "Vespro" et de l' "Orfeo" de Monteverdi, en 1965 et 1966, avaient marqué le début de sa carrière internationale. A compter de 1969, celui qui naquit en Gruyère a également dirigé le Chœur Gulbenkian à Lisbonne, avec lequel il a exploré le répertoire symphonique. Deux formations étroitement l...
Claudio Monteverdi: Vespro Della Beata Vergine: Ave maria stella Hymnis (Michel Corboz,1967) Tenor: Eric Tappy and Hugues Cuenod Basse: Enrico Fissore and François Loup Baryton: Philippe Huttenlocher Alto: Magali Schwartz Soprano: Maria Grazia Ferracini Mlacarne and Ticinelli Fattori
Europa - Lars Von Trier - Dinamarca (1991). Matrimônio.
گفتگو های زمانه آمستردام 30-11-2012
Extraits de La Passion selon Saint Jean de Johann Sebastian Bach, au Festival de La Chaise-Dieu 2013, en l'abbatiale Saint-Robert de La Chaise-Dieu. Avec l'Ensemble Pygmalion, direction Raphaël Pichon.
Un montage du film/Making of "Europa" de Lars Von Trier. 2éme année.
Orfeo is performed by Philippe Huttenlochner in this Monteverdi's L'Orfeo adaptation. Nikolaus Harnoncurt conducting a superb period-instruments ensemble. Staged, directed and designed by Jean Pierre Ponnelle. It's also really cool watching Harnoncourt conducting. He is a brilliant conductor and this opera was brilliantly staged and perfromed.
Ein unbegreiflich Licht erfüllt den ganzen Kreis der Erden. Es schallet kräftig fort und fort ein höchst erwünscht Verheißungswort: Wer glaubt, soll selig werden. ---- Adalbert Franz Kraus & Philippe Huttenlocher, 1983
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) Ich habe genug BWV 82 (Festo Purificationis Mariae ♦ At the Feast of the Purification ♦ Am Feste Mariä Reinigung Pour la fête de la Purification de la Vierge) 0:00 1. Aria: Ich habe genug 6:44 2. Recitativo: ich habe genug 7:38 3. Aria: Schlummert ein, ihr matten Augen 16:22 4. Recitat.: Mein Gott! wann kommt das schöne Nun! 17:00 5. Aria: Ich freue mich auf meinen Tod Philippe Huttenlocher, bass Concentus musicus Wien Conducted by Nikolaus Harnoncourt 1978 _
end credits of the movie "EUROPA" by lars von trier
Varios - The Best Organ Works of Classical Music, Vol. II Artista Intérprete: Philippe Huttenlocher Compositor: Gabriel Fauré Orquesta: Berner Symphonieorchester Conjunto: Choeur de Maîtrise Saint-Pierre-Aux-Liens de Bulle Director: Michel Corboz
"Te Deum" for five soli, two choirs and orchestra by Jean Baptiste Lully 1. Symphonie - Te Deum 2. Patrem immensae majestatis 3. Symphonie - Te ergo quaesumus 4. Symphonie - Dignare Domine Jennifer Smith & Francine Bessac, sopranos Zeger Vanderstene, countertenor Louis Devos, tenor Philippe Huttenlocher, bass Ensemble Vocal "A Coeur Joie" de Valence Orchestre de Chambre Jean-Francois Paillard
Gabriel Fauré : Requiem op.48 フォーレ作曲 レクイエム 作品48 MIchel Corboz (Conductor) ミシェル・コルボ指揮 Bern Symphony Orchestra ベルン交響楽団 Alain Clément (Soprano) アラン・クレマン(ソプラノ) Philippe Huttenlocher (Baritone) フィリップ・フッテンロッハー(バリトン) Philippe Corboz (Organ) フィリップ・コルボ(オルガン) Maîtrise Saint-Pierre-Aux-Liens De Bulle サン=ピエール=オ=リアン・ドゥ・ビュール聖歌隊 André Corboz (Chorus master) アンドレ・コルボ(コーラス・マスター) I. Introit & Kyrie (1. イントロイトゥスとキリエ) 7:47 II. Offertory (2. オッフェルトリウム) 8:03 III. Sanctus (3. サンクトゥス) 3:58 IV. Pie Jesu (4. ピエ・イエズス) 3:19 V. Agnus Dei (5. アニュス・デイ) 6:13 VI. Libera Me (6. リベラ・メ) 6:17 VII. In Paradisum (7. イン・パラディズム) 4:18
Nikolaus Harnoncourt Das Monteverdi-Ensemble des Opernhauses Zürich Jean-Pierre Ponnelle Filmed in 1978 Orfeo : Philippe Huttenlocher (baryton) Euridice : Dietlinde Turban (soprano) La Musica - La speranza : Trudeliese Schmidt (soprano) Apollo : Roland Hermann (ténor) Proserpina - La messaggera : Glenys Linos (soprano) Plutone : Werner Gröschel (basse) Caronte : Hans Franzen (basse) Ninfa : Suzanne Calabro (soprano) Introduction: L'Orfeo is a late Renaissance/early Baroque opera by Claudio Monteverdi with a libretto by Alessandro Striggio. It is based on the Greek legend of Orpheus, and tells the story of his descent to Hades and his fruitless attempt to bring his dead bride Eurydice back to the living world. It was written in 1607 for a court performance during the annual Carnival at M...
Franz Joseph Haydn (1732-1809) Stabat Mater 0:00 1. Stabat Mater dolorosa (Largo, tenor/chorus) 6:23 2. Quam tristis et afflicta (Larghetto, alto) 13:08 3. Quis est homo, qui non fleret (Lento, chorus) 14:54 4. Quis non posset contristari (Moderato, soprano) 20:47 5. Pro peccatis suae gentis (Allegro ma non troppo, bass) 23:10 6. Videt suum dulcem natum (Lento e maestroso, tenor) 28::28 7. Eja mater, fons amoris (Allegretto, chorus) 31:15 8. Sancta mater istud agas (Larghetto, soprano/tenor) 38::09 9. Fac me vere tecum flere (lagrimoso, alto) 43:45 10. Virgo virginium praeclara (Andante, quartet/chorus) 50:22 11. Flammis orci ne succendar (presto, bass) 52:27 12. Fac me cruce custodiri (Moderato, tenor) 55:10 13. Quando corpus morietur...paradisi gloria (Largo assai, soprano, alto/chorus)...
MONTEVERDI LOrfeo (1978) Nikolaus Harnoncourt, direction Jean-Pierre Ponnelle, direction Philippe Huttenlocher (Orfeo) Dietlinde Turban (Euridice) Trudeliese Schmidt (Music, Hope) Roland Hermann (Apollo) Glenys Linos (Messenger, Proserpina) Werner Gröschel (Plutone) Hans Franzen (Caronte) Peter Keller (First Shepherd) Francisco Araiza (Second Shepherd, First Spirit) Ballet de l'Opéra de Zürich Choeur de l'Opéra de Zürich Das Monteverdi ensemble Pet Halmen, costumes
Stabat Mater, D 383 for soloists, choir and orchestra by Franz Schubert Sheila Armstrong, soprano Alejandro Ramirez, tenor Philippe Huttenlocher, baritone . Orchestre et ensemble vocal de Lausanne Direction Michel Corboz Ténor Alejandro Ramirez. S:シーラ・アームストロング - Sheila Armstrong T:アレハンドロ・ラミレス - Alejandro Ramirez B:フィリップ・フッテンロッヒャー - Philippe Huttenlocher .
Sheila Armstrong, soprano Alejandro Ramirez, tenor Philippe Huttenlocher, baritone Ensemble Vocal de Lausanne Orchestre de Chambre de Lausanne Michel Corboz, conductor. 1980.
"Te Deum" for five soli, two choirs and orchestra by Jean Baptiste Lully 1. Symphonie - Te Deum 2. Patrem immensae majestatis 3. Symphonie - Te ergo quaesumus 4. Symphonie - Dignare Domine Jennifer Smith & Francine Bessac, sopranos Zeger Vanderstene, countertenor Louis Devos, tenor Philippe Huttenlocher, bass Ensemble Vocal "A Coeur Joie" de Valence Orchestre de Chambre Jean-Francois Paillard
"Andromède", Lyric & Symphonic Poem by Guillaume Lekeu Dinah Bryant (Andromède) Zeger Vandersteene (Persée) Philippe Huttenlocher (Le Récitant) Jules Bastin (Une Voix) Choeur Symhonique de Namur (Choeur des Néréides/Choeur des Ethiopiens/Les Pretres d'Ammon) Orchestre Philharmonique de Liège et de la communauté francaise Pierre Bartholomée, conductor
Operette bouffe in ein Akt Libretto: Adolphe Jaime fils und Hector Crémieux Uraufführung: Paris, Bouffes-Parisiens, 1857 Pigeonneau ............ ......... ......... .... Vincent Girodi Demeloir ............ ......... ......... ...... Philippe Huttenlocher Aspasie ............ ......... ......... ....... Berta Retshizka orchestre de la Radio Suisse-Romande Isidore Karr Radio Suisse-Romande (broadcast), January, 18, 1970.
Stabat Mater, D 383 for soloists, choir and orchestra by Franz Schubert Sheila Armstrong, soprano Alejandro Ramirez, tenor Philippe Huttenlocher, baritone Ensemble Vocal de Lausanne Orchestre de Chambre de Lausanne Michel Corboz, conductor 1980
J.S. Bach - Osteroratorium, 'Kommt, eilet und laufet,' BWV 249 Gächinger Kantorei Stuttgart Bach-Collegium Stuttgart Leitung: Helmuth Rilling Soprano: Arleen Auger Contralto: Julia Hamari Tenore: Adalbert Kraus Basso: Philippe Huttenlocher Recorded: Gedächtniskirche Stuttgart 1980-81
Claudio Monteverdi ORFEO- Michel Corboz 1968 Tenor: Eric Tappy Mezzo soprano: Magali Schwartz Soprano: Wally Staempfli Soprano: Laura Sarti Soprano: Juliette Bise Contralto: Margrit Conrad Soprano: Yvonne Perrin Basse: Jakob Staempfli Basse: François Loup Tenor: Theo Altmeyer Haute-contre: Vincent Girod Baryton: Philippe Huttenlocher Tenor: Olivier Dufour Director: Michel Corboz 1968
Claudio Monteverdi ORFEO- Michel Corboz 1968 Tenor: Eric Tappy Mezzo soprano: Magali Schwartz Soprano: Wally Staempfli Soprano: Laura Sarti Soprano: Juliette Bise Contralto: Margrit Conrad Soprano: Yvonne Perrin Basse: Jakob Staempfli Basse: François Loup Tenor: Theo Altmeyer Haute-contre: Vincent Girod Baryton: Philippe Huttenlocher Tenor: Olivier Dufour Director: Michel Corboz 1968
Nikolaus Harnoncourt Das Monteverdi-Ensemble des Opernhauses Zürich Jean-Pierre Ponnelle Filmed in 1978 Orfeo : Philippe Huttenlocher (baryton) Euridice : Dietlinde Turban (soprano) La Musica - La speranza : Trudeliese Schmidt (soprano) Apollo : Roland Hermann (ténor) Proserpina - La messaggera : Glenys Linos (soprano) Plutone : Werner Gröschel (basse) Caronte : Hans Franzen (basse) Ninfa : Suzanne Calabro (soprano) Introduction: L'Orfeo is a late Renaissance/early Baroque opera by Claudio Monteverdi with a libretto by Alessandro Striggio. It is based on the Greek legend of Orpheus, and tells the story of his descent to Hades and his fruitless attempt to bring his dead bride Eurydice back to the living world. It was written in 1607 for a court performance during the annual Carnival at M...