LOGO: Truthdig: Drilling Beneath the Headlines. A Progressive Journal of News and Opinion. Editor, Robert Scheer. Publisher, Zuade Kaufman.
October 14, 2012
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Truthdigger of the Week: Sheila Bair

Few voices in the regulatory community called for the expulsion of derelict executives and the means to force banks to lend bailout money to the public.
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AP/Carolyn Kaster

The Enemy of My Enemy Is My President

Barack Obama must have done something right, or the hucksters at Goldman Sachs wouldn’t hate him so.
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AP/Charlie Neibergall

No Room for the Poor in This Election

It's not surprising that in Thursday's vice presidential debate Paul Ryan didn't mention the millions of working poor, but I expected more from Joe Biden.



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Truthdigger of the Week: Sheila Bair

Few voices in the regulatory community called for the expulsion of derelict executives and the means to force banks to lend bailout money to the public amid the 2008 financial crisis. Former FDIC Chairman Sheila Bair was among them.

Posted on Oct 13, 2012 READ MORE  |  592 READS
Is It Time to Revisit Compulsory Voting?

Tea partyers would kick and scream over it, but the idea of compulsory voting is not foreign to American soil. In other countries, it’s been shown to increase democratic participation into the 90-percent-plus range. Such a law in the U.S. would likely empower Democrats, who’ve traditionally won the votes of the poor and minorities.

Posted on Oct 13, 2012 READ MORE  |  475 READS
‘Detropia’ Wanders an Urban Wasteland (Video)

“ ‘Detropia’ offers no solution to this crisis, and indeed there may be none. This documentary is more eulogy and elegy,” Roger Ebert begins his review of the new documentary on the unnecessary and entirely preventable rot of America’s former “Renaissance City.”

Posted on Oct 13, 2012 READ MORE  |  616 READS
Pussy Riot’s Hip-Hop Won’t Stop

Days after an appeals court unexpectedly released her from the Russian authorities’ iron grip, Yekaterina Samutsevich has vowed to continue staging anonymous, anti-Putin protests with her feminist punk rock band Pussy Riot.

Posted on Oct 13, 2012 READ MORE  |  317 READS
Pigs Fly? IMF Acknowledges Error

The International Monetary Fund admits to having miscalculated austerity measures that have now ruined so many countries; with the rise of online courses, some predict college will be completely free in a decade; meanwhile, Western sanctions imposed on Iran are severely affecting the lives of Iranian civilians. These discoveries and more after the jump.

Posted on Oct 13, 2012 READ MORE  |  553 READS
And the 2012 Nobel Peace Prize Goes to ...

In the midst of the region’s biggest social crisis of the last six decades, the Nobel Peace Prize Committee gave the European Union its honored award for transforming Europe “from a continent of war to a continent of peace.”

Posted on Oct 12, 2012 READ MORE  |  602 READS
‘Left, Right & Center’: The Rorschach Debate

How did the vice presidential candidates do in their only debate of the campaign? Some saw Biden as overly aggressive. Others thought he pointed out the Romney/Ryan weaknesses where they needed exposing. Most agree the lively event did not change any minds, but the candidates pleased their bases. The “Left, Right & Center” commentators break down the debate and other issues on this week’s program.

Posted on Oct 12, 2012 READ MORE  |  347 READS
Bullied Teen Commits Suicide, Leaves Behind Heartbreaking Video

Amanda Todd, 15, uploaded the nearly nine-minute video last month. Using cue cards, she documented the torment and cruelty that followed her, despite moving and switching schools several times.

Posted on Oct 12, 2012 READ MORE  |  1982 READS
VP Debate Wrap-Up, Romney Plagiarism Accusation, and More

A look at the day’s political happenings, including a Wisconsin Republican who says “some girls rape easy,” why Todd Akin should never be allowed to weigh in on scientific matters again and two congressional candidates nearly come to blows at a debate.

Posted on Oct 12, 2012 READ MORE  |  1327 READS
Biden to the Rescue

If the question is who did more to help his ticket, Joe Biden won the vice presidential debate by a mile.

Posted on Oct 12, 2012 READ MORE  |  1336 READS
‘Democracy Now!’ Expands the Vice Presidential Debate

Vice presidential candidates Cheri Honkala of the Green Party and Luis Rodriguez of the Justice Party, who were excluded from the official debate between Joe Biden and Paul Ryan last night, got the opportunity to weigh in on foreign and domestic policy issues on “Democracy Now!”

Posted on Oct 12, 2012 READ MORE  |  686 READS
Meningitis Outbreak Source Broke the Rules

The compounding pharmacy at the center of a meningitis outbreak that has put 14,000 patients at risk was not following the requirements of its license when it shipped more than 17,000 vials of a contaminated steroid to pain clinics in 23 states, a spokeswoman for the Massachusetts Department of Public Health says.

Posted on Oct 12, 2012 READ MORE  |  511 READS
Why Ron Paul Doesn’t Endorse Romney

Mitt Romney shares none of the libertarian Republican congressman’s misgivings about escalating war in the Middle East, and on the marijuana question, the “famously puritanical Romney would likely bring us back to the era of ‘Just Say No.’ ”

Posted on Oct 12, 2012 READ MORE  |  2019 READS
Don’t Ask and Don’t Tell

It seems that the first rule of the presidential debate club now is: no disagreeing on what matters most. Here are five critical questions that should be explored (even if all of us know that they won’t be) in the foreign policy-inclusive presidential debates scheduled for October 16th, and 22nd.

Posted on Oct 12, 2012 READ MORE  |  1422 READS
The Enemy of My Enemy Is My President

Barack Obama must have done something right, or the hucksters at Goldman Sachs wouldn’t hate him so.

Posted on Oct 11, 2012 READ MORE  |  11023 READS
No Room for the Poor in This Election

It’s not surprising that in Thursday’s vice presidential debate Paul Ryan didn’t mention the millions of working poor who would suffer should he and Mitt Romney win in November, but I expected more from Joe Biden.

Posted on Oct 11, 2012 READ MORE  |  3148 READS
Biden Laughs His Way to Victory in Vice Presidential Debate

The look on Joe Biden’s face said it all during his commanding performance in Thursday’s vice presidential debate against Paul Ryan.

Posted on Oct 11, 2012 READ MORE  |  9666 READS

When it comes to tax policy, Mitt Romney is not merely a spinner, an equivocator or a run-of-the-mill dissembler. He’s a liar.

Posted on Oct 11, 2012 READ MORE  |  963 READS
Election Ad Brings Out the Vaginal Probe

The medical instrument some Republican lawmakers want to be shoved up your vagina before you get an abortion is the star of North Carolina state Senate candidate Deb Butler’s latest attack ad on her GOP opponent. 

Posted on Oct 11, 2012 READ MORE  |  1295 READS
How Many Controversial Comments Can Arkansas Republicans Make in One Week?

From defending slavery to advocating for the killing of disobedient children, there’s been a lot of crazy talk by some GOP politicians in the state of Arkansas recently.

Posted on Oct 11, 2012 READ MORE  |  1618 READS
Memo to Joe, Re: Debate

Joe Biden’s job during Thursday’s vice presidential debate is to smoke Paul Ryan out, exposing his fanaticism. And the best way to do this is to force him to take responsibility for the regressive budget he created as chairman of the House Budget Committee.

Posted on Oct 11, 2012 READ MORE  |  1198 READS
Romney’s Party Plays ‘Cut and Blame’

Republican legislators called an emergency meeting to hold President Obama accountable for the lax embassy security that they claim led to the killing of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans in Libya last month. But the GOP itself has cut funding to protect diplomats around the world.

Posted on Oct 11, 2012 READ MORE  |  632 READS
How Many Wall Street Execs Has Obama Sent to Jail? (Video)

Hint: If you read between the lines of the Obama team’s latest hit on Mitt Romney, you’ll find it’s less than one, and greater than any negative number.

Posted on Oct 11, 2012 READ MORE  |  1106 READS


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A Progressive Journal of News and Opinion. Editor, Robert Scheer. Publisher, Zuade Kaufman.
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