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By Tom Hanna, 10 months and 26 days ago

Irony, History and the Road to Serfdom

The American Revolution was born of disobedience to lawful authority, destruction of the property of monopolists, violence against public officials and ultimately a bold act of outright treason when the signers of the Declaration of Independence pledged their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor to throwing off the yoke of their lawful King and his of touch parliament in London. Today, the ideological descendants of the signers and the Sons of Liberty flippantly throw around the phrase «Tea Party» as if that means attending a quiet meeting where tea is served. They act as if these meetings can compare to the bold and lawless action of throwing a cargo worth roughly $1.4 million current dollars in Boston Harbor or signing nothing more treasonous than a check to a candidate for the equally out of touch Congress in Washington could possibly mean as much as signing a pledge of their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor.

Meanwhile a band of Americans, unfortunately led by statist ideologues with more in common with King George and Lord North than with the Signers or the Sons of Liberty, are reacting to the American government's excesses in the finest traditions of the American Revolution. These young people were saddled with an average debt per citizen of $174,266 by a Congress every bit as out of touch as the Parliament of 1773. This debt is owed mostly to the Communist Chinese government and the US Federal Reserve member banks - a monopoly that dwarfs the East India Company in size and completely eclipses it in its audacity. The consequences of the myriad blunders of Congress, from creating the monopolist Fed to nearly 40 years of pandering to the monopolists of OPEC, is that they face the daunting task of paying back that debt on the wages they can earn with a job asking, «You want fries with that?». Of course, that is only if they're one of the lucky 75-80% that can find one. Is it any wonder that these protesters might think it's time for action a little more in line with December 16, 1773 instead of writing another check to a hack of either party?

The shame is that the so-called Tea Party has been co-opted and watered down to nothing more than a group of PACS by big government conservatives, more concerned with law and order than with the fight to preserve America's freedoms, while the vigor of the Occupy Wall Street protesters has been diverted from opposing the monopoly socialism that caused the current crisis to promote further socialism as a solution. But then, such is the The Road to Serfdom

By Tom Hanna, 1 year and 7 months ago

Democrats and Civil Liberties

Pardon any minor errors, I am not pleased at the moment. This is a rant, not a policy paper.

This 100% Democrat run county has decided it has the power to make the drug pseudoephedrine prescription only, because as liberals they don't have the gonads to just tell their own children not to make meth out of it. I'm fairly certain that's an interference with interstate commerce far beyond the legitimate power of a county government. Considering that an hour after taking the «PE» version, I now can't breathe through my nose at all it may also qualify as denying me life or at least liberty without due process ($10,000 for denying civil rights under color of law, last I checked). I'm considering which is cheaper - a trip to the emergency room for a prescription at several hundred dollars *with insurance* or a trip to federal court for injunctive relief. The latter would certainly be more satisfying and just as likely to offer relief given the general incompetence of the medical profession that we pay so highly.

While there, I might also have to file something for the ridiculous city ordinance that requires all renters to submit to a background check by the city, regardless of the wishes of renter or landlord. Let's talk interference with contract, regulatory taking, violating the privileges and immunities of a citizen (the right to take up residence anywhere in these United States being the main confirmed meaning of that phrase, even if it was in dicta).

Democrats and their utter disregard for civil liberties never fail to amaze.

By Tom Hanna, 2 years and 2 months ago

Missouri voters say no to...wait for it...


Yesterday Missouri voters passed Proposition C, amending Missouri statutes to prohibit the government from requiring people to buy health insurance. While the GOP has made much noise about this being a provision of the national health care law passed by Reid, Pelosi and Obama, those GOP officials and conservative pundits would do well to remember that this was the centerpiece of Mitt Romney's Massachusetts healthcare reform.

By Tom Hanna, 2 years and 3 months ago

A good pick

It should probably come as no surprise that I was glad to see that General James Mattis was picked to take over US Central Command. Five and a half years ago I was glad to learn that he liked his job killing «guys who slap women around for five years.» Now he's been picked to do a job that's previously been done by guys like Stormin' Norman Schwarzkopf, Tommy Franks and David Petraeus. Unless there's been an excess of sensitivity training in the intervening years, this guy should have no trouble filling those shoes.

By Tom Hanna, 2 years and 4 months ago

So, I'm just thinking...

A few thousand shrimp boats that can't catch shrimp.

19,000 barrels a day of oil for the taking at $73 a barrel.

Cost of barrels, significantly less than $73.

Cost of pumps, low enough to put on Mastercard.

A marine salvage expedition on an unprecedented scale: Priceless.

Okay, maybe it's slightly more complicated than this, but it lies somewhere between that simple and rocket science and with Houston and Florida both in the path, one would think that even the (soon to be unemployed) rocket scientists could get involved in needed.

End Rant.

By Tom Hanna, 2 years and 4 months ago

new Guards for our future security

when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

Rand Paul
Image by Gage Skidmore via Flickr
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By Tom Hanna, 2 years and 6 months ago

Ermächtigungsgesetz of 2010 passes

Now if Herr President Obama just signs it, we'll get a nice national socialized health care plan.

By Tom Hanna, 2 years and 7 months ago

The slippery slope to bland

The American Academy of Pediatrics «is issuing a new policy statement calling on the government and manufacturers to implement a food labeling system warning parents» of the risk that their kids may choke on a hot dog. File this one under «cures worse than the disease».

Labels urged for foods that can choke kids

Think that they intend to stop with labels for hot dogs? Think again. This is the same liberal group that concluded that «the absence of guns from children's homes and communities is the most reliable and effective measure to prevent firearm-related injuries in children and adolescents.» And undoubtedly it is merely a matter of time before these jackasses decide that «the absence of tasty food from children's homes and communities is the most reliable and effect measure to prevent choking in children and adolescents.» Sorry docs - hot dogs don't kill people, not chewing kills people.

Seriously, with an obligatory nod to Judge Lowell A. Reed, perhaps we do the minors of this country harm if the right to eat hot dogs, which they will with age inherit fully, is chipped away in the name of their protection.

Frankly, this constant whining by pediatricians, activists, pundits and parents unable to take care of their own children makes me think that every two year old should be inoculated against such idiocy with a serving of hot dog fried in peanut oil.

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