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Conservatism Means Big Business

It does?  I heard this comment just the other day. A huge problem with political discussions is created, when people habitually conflate political parties with political philosophy.  They’re not the same, even if they’re closely related.  If you want to get clarity and truth: separate the two in every discussion. I recall vividly an example that I learned in the 7th grade, about how information is distorted through translation.  We started with a short story written on a small piece of paper.  The first student in a row read the story, and then turned around and quietly repeated the story by whispering in the next student’s ear.  This continued until we had gone through about twenty students, and the last student had to stand up and repeat the story as he understood … Read entire article »


Centrism is Perfect!

Want this t-shirt? What is it about centrism that makes it attractive to so many people?  If you take a look at the definition below, it’s obvious why it’s so attractive.  Everything about it is attractive, because no tradeoffs are considered, and no logic is explored.  It’s the perfect place to be on the political landscape, because occupying the center is considered in this day and age to be, the most reasonable and respectable place for a person to be.  If both sides are bad, then some combination in the middle makes sense.  Right?  You don’t hear the media condemning centrists.  Do you? Think about a straight line political continuum.  Note that the left and right reside … Read entire article »

Some Possibilities for Centrism

I’ve yet to meet a centrist that is comfortable or capable, of defining centrism. When offered a few choices such as those below, they don’t seem to like the options. When asked about other possibilities, they can’t think of any options on their own. If you’re a Philosophical Center type of centrist, then you’re claiming a middle ground that is not known to exist in philosophy. As an example, what is the middle point between objectivism and subjectivism? That’s a tough one, I know… If you’re a Political Center type of centrist, then you’d be claiming that your views are in between the prevailing views of your country, state, etc. This would mean that your views are … Read entire article »

Academic Freedom

Academic Freedom

[Mirrored at Patterns to Truth] The limitations on academic freedom are set by the dictates of political correctness. Political correctness is designed to prohibit those things that offend or are against what the left believes and values.  Therefore, academic freedom is not a universal term as its name implies, and the extent of such freedom in practice, is ultimately constrained by … Read entire article »

Sex is not Freedom

Sex is not Freedom

SEX…for lack of a better term…SELLS! In the end, that’s what it comes down to, isn’t it?  Sex is not just for shampoo and cars and beer.  It sells candidates and political parties, too.  Whenever someone starts talking about “social” issues, or “cultural” issues, or “religion”, usually it boils down to what that person thinks, politically–yes, politically–about sex.  Who has it … Read entire article »

Unhealthy Economics

Unhealthy Economics

…of Nationalized Healthcare vs the Reality of what ails US. Gallup’s “Chairman’s Blog” has a great article that I felt it necessary to comment on. (Thanks to Eric Hemati, for pointing it out, and Chris Christian for the title and cool graph.) 1) The author (Chairman and CEO of Gallup, Jim Clifton) is correct that a) the real problem is that 70% of … Read entire article »

Interview with Walter Williams with

Interview with Walter Williams with

If you haven’t seen the Walter Williams interview on, please do. ACNation has a series of interviews from folks at CPAC, the Atlas Shrugged Part I premiere, and YouTube version of a few of their radio interviews. The newest is one with renowned Economist and Liberty-minded Professor, Walter Williams who teaches at George Mason University and recently wrote a book entitled, … Read entire article »

Pure, Unmitigated Evil

Pure, Unmitigated Evil

I’m not one to hyperbolize.  But this is evil.  Pure evil.  The American President is doing everything that he can to completely abdicate and dismiss American security and sovereignty on the altar of political power. What else? What other mischief and mayhem is our Dear Leader intending to inflict on us if he’s elected again. There’s only two options of how President … Read entire article »