October 15, 2012

Obama Taught “Destroy Middle Class”

By Sharon Sebastian — Website: www.DarwinsRacists.com

Barack Obama is desperate to make people believe that he really cares about “the middle class.” After four years, his actions speak louder than words. Some 85% of the middle class say they are worse off today than they were ten years ago. According to the Wall Street Journal, from the time Obama took office in 2009, “The Obama years have been brutal on middle-class incomes” wiping out “$4019 in real income” for families. The report goes on to say, “The last time incomes fell this fast was during the late 1970s under Jimmy Carter, and it’s no coincidence that economic policies then and now are so similar. If Mr. Obama succeeds in convincing voters that he really is the tribune of the middle class, it will be the political conjurer’s trick of the century.”

The financial loss and burden imposed by Obama will be greater on all workers, including Black, Hispanic, Asian and White, when looming tax hikes go into effect January 2013 along with Obamacare’s vast array of hidden taxes set to further rip family budgets apart. The question is — why has the middle class been hit so hard by Obama? Is it an ideological grudge?

Obama had two doggedly radical mentors that shaped both his ideology and his current policies. One was a committed hardcore Communist and the other was renowned as a hardcore Socialist. Neither man stressed American values, but taught the opposite — that America with its free enterprise, republic based, God-worshipping system is the enemy of the people. Frank Marshall Davis, a reported pedophile, race mongerer and strident Communist, was Obama’s family friend and was recruited by Obama’s grandfather to educate young Barry in the ways of the world. It was, however, Obama’s educational mentor, that stressed that if “real power” is to be gained, it must be done at the expense of the American people and the economy.

The late Harvard Professor Saul Alinsky wrote that the key to weaken — then take over America, its economy and its people — is to “destroy the middle class.” Alinsky advocated use of class and race warfare. He believed that “wealth redistribution,” taking from those who work and giving it to those who don’t, is the catalyst to bring down the U.S. economy and free-market capitalism. After four years in office, Obama is well on his way to doing just that. Alinsky’s socialist guidebook is embedded in Obama’s record of economic policies that he has visited upon all Americans and their families — specifically the “middle class.”

It should be noted that Alinsky began his book, Rules for Radicals, with a tribute to: “…the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom – Lucifer.” Alinsky championed and sought to emulate Lucifer, otherwise known as Satan. Alinsky’s game plan was to lie, cheat and steal elections in order to control the American people and bring American commerce to its knees. Excerpt from my April 2010 article: Power At Any Cost: The Training of Barack Obama.

“Alinsky clearly recognized that Lucifer or Satan is also the king of deception. It is upon deception that Alinsky built his political strategy. Deception, he taught his followers, is the Trojan horse that gets you inside the gates where you can then access power and retain it by any means available – no matter the costs to the people, the government or the nation. Again, it is upon deception that Alinsky built his political strategy. It is Alinsky’s strategy that Barack Obama wrote on a blackboard and can be seen teaching to ACORN members during his days as a Chicago Community Organizer. Obama’s educational-mentor Alinsky also worked as a Chicago Community Organizer before him.

It is true that Saul Alinsky preferred the teachings of Lenin, who murdered millions, to the teachings of Mao, who also murdered millions. Mao advocated obtaining power by the barrel of the gun. Lenin was more subtle by first advocating working the system and obtaining power by the vote, then using the barrel of the gun to keep it. Alinsky had no qualms about stealing the vote as a means to reach his end result – power. For Saul Alinsky, deception is the key to everything. Say one thing, do another, even change the meanings of words. Pretend to be bi-partisan in order to get the upper hand. For Alinsky, the means don’t matter – destroy whomever or whatever gets in your way. Alinsky made it clear that what his followers want “is power.”

Though Alinsky died before Obama could make it into his classroom, an Investor Business Daily editorial traces Obama’s affair with Alinsky’s radical ideology: “Obama first learned Alinsky’s rules in the 1980s, when Alinskyite radicals with the Chicago-based Alinsky group Gamaliel Foundation recruited, hired, trained and paid [Obama] as a community organizer in South Side Chicago …In 1988, Obama even wrote a chapter for the book “After Alinsky: Community Organizing in Illinois,” …he traveled to Los Angeles for eight days of intense training at Alinsky’s Industrial Areas Foundation. In turn, he trained other community organizers in Alinsky agitation tactics. Obama also taught Alinsky’s “Power Analysis” methods at the University of Chicago.

Ed Blumenfeld wrote in The New American: “One of Obama’s advisors during his 2008 election campaign was Peter Dreier. …Stanley Kurtz, in Radical-in-Chief, credits Dreier with formulating the stealth plan to destroy capitalism. His plan is to gradually expand government spending until the country nears fiscal collapse. At that point, a public accustomed to entitlements will presumably turn on its capitalist masters when they propose cutbacks to restore fiscal balance.”

The one Alinsky constant learned by the Obama administration is deception. Now, as the election is at hand, it attempts a full-blown cover-up from Benghazi-gate to fake unemployment stats to deflecting its own deceit by accusing its opponent of lying – a trait that the radical Democrats and their leader have mastered exceedingly well. While professing to “care for the middle class,” Obama’s answer to lift the middle class out of its current slide into poverty is to deluge Americans with hidden taxes attached to Obamacare, send gasoline and fuel costs soaring by denying drilling permits and clean coal and printing a flood of devalued dollars that create inflated costs on food, clothing and American households. VP Joe Biden is right that the last four years of Obama have “buried” the middle class along with women heads-of-households as concurrent casualties. Obama has left 5.5 million women unemployed putting the poverty rate among women at 16.3% — the highest in 17 years. In the Socialist power-play, Black-Americans are collateral damage. According to the Chicago Tribune, failed economic policies have led to the “Wiping out of gains made in the last 30 years [by Blacks], with plummets in wealth and high rates of foreclosures.” Socialism spares no race, no one is exempt from its hardships.

Foretelling Obama’s agenda for the middle class, Tony Adkins of Conservative-Daily reports: “The WARN Act is a federal law requiring that most employers give 60 calendar days’ notice before they institute plant closings and mass layoffs. The point is to give workers some time to adapt to their upcoming unemployment by looking for another job, adjusting finances, or entering training for new skills. It’s the right thing to do…and, it’s the law. But, that pesky law has a bad timing consequence for our sitting President. …funding cuts signed by President Obama are about to result in an estimated two million jobs being lost; but, layoffs right before an election would be politically toxic, and Obama wants to avoid angry, laid off workers who might tend to vote for Romney. So, he has therefore instructed his Office of Management and Budget to ignore the law and WAIT to send out notices [until after the election].” Again, no race, no one, is spared from this hardship.

“Obama learned his lesson well,” David Alinsky [Saul Alinsky's son] reportedly stated, “I am proud to see that my father’s model for organizing is being applied successfully beyond local community organizing.” Alinsky taught that the key to destroying the middle class is to create a failed economy that destroys private sector jobs which leads to a powerless, but growing subset of laid-off workers who become reliant on and controlled by the government. It is Alinsky’s dream come to life at the destructive hands of Barack Obama, President of the United States.

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Posted by Sharon at 11:39 pm | Comment (1) | Trackbacks (0)

» Filed Under 2nd Amendment, ACORN, Anti-Americanism, Anti-Capitalism, Barack Obama, Communism, Communist Front groups, Croney Capitalism, DNC, Democrats, Despotism, Domestic Enemies, Education, Elections, Fascism, Government corruption, Government hostility towards religion, Government incompetence, Government malfeasance/misfeasance, Government tyranny, High Crimes and Misdemeanors, Impeachment, Marxism, National Security, News, President, Racism, Secular Humanism, Sedition, Slavery, Social Engineering, Socialism, Statism, Taxes, Totalitarianism, Treason, anti-Liberty/Freedom, class warfare, entitlements, liberalism, paternalism, progressivism, race baiting, social parasites

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CNN’s Soledad O’Brien Raves for Biden/Raddatz Tag Teaming Ryan

-By Warner Todd Huston

Whereas most people in the middle and the right saw Biden as a snorting, chortling, constantly interrupting blowhard and “moderator” Martha Raddatz as Biden’s willing assistant during Thursday’s vice presidential debate, CNN’s Soledad O’Brien and Dana Bash saw “perfect pitch” and a “terrific” performance by the left-wing tag team.

On Friday morning’s Starting Point, CNN’s O’Brien and correspondent Dana Bash were all a twitter over Biden and Raddatz’ work at the debate.

Right out of the gate, O’Brien gushed about Raddatz saying, “I thought she was terrific.”

Bash agreed saying, “Absolutely. If there was a winner because it was a draw between the two candidates, Martha Raddatz. She was commanding. She followed up when she need to. She pressed them on specifics.”

Raddatz’ performance was “perfect pitch,” Bash added.

Bash went on to express total simpatico with Biden’s childish debate performance.

There’s so few undecideds at this point that that is a big reason, we’re told, why Joe Biden did what he did, because the Democratic base was really deflated, demoralized, after the President didn’t deliver from their perspective. That’s why he was frankly in many ways over the top. In some ways that’s who he is, but it’s why he did what he did. If you talk about what happened in the spin room afterwards, that was the big debate — was he disrespectful for Joe being Joe?

So, Biden’s constant interruptions as Paul Ryan attempted to answer the questions put to him — it was counted, he did so 85 times — and Raddatz’ badgering of Ryan along with her own campaign of interrupting the GOP vice presidential nominee — her count was 31 interruptions — was a cause for celebration for O’Brien and Bash.

Not only did O’Brien and Bash gush over how wonderful the tag team of Biden/Raddatz were, they even dismissed Smirking Joe’s childish behavior as just “Joe being Joe” as if that somehow excuses it all.

But even as Bash and O’Brien tried to act as if Biden was trying to “appeal to the middle,” one thing seems sure. Biden’s circus-like performance didn’t help team Obama with undecideds and moderates.

The CNN pair also dismissed the several lies that Joe Biden told during that debate. For one, Biden lied when he said that no one in the U.S. embassy in Libya requested increased security measures. They most certainly did. But the Obama administration denied their requests for more security. Biden also lied when he said he never voted for any of our recent wars. He absolutely did. But none of that mattered to the star struck pair from CNN.

Still, I suppose disgorging outright falsehoods could easily be considered just “Joe being Joe.” Those weren’t the only two lies he laid on the American public that night. In fact, he has a long history of such dissembling.

Now, it is absolutely true that left-wingers loved Joe’s un-presidential performance. It seems that Biden’s entire purpose at that debate was not to appeal to level-headed voters interested in hearing serious answers. His job was to shore up the far left base that is starting to abandon Obama. This is why O’Brien and Bash loved Joe’s cretinous behavior, of course.

One would rightly understand that if Obama is still trying to solidify his base only weeks before the election, that is a bad sign for the President’s reelection effort.

For a full transcript of the CNN reactions, see Newsbusters.
“The only end of writing is to enable the reader better to enjoy life, or better to endure it.”
–Samuel Johnson

Warner Todd Huston is a Chicago based freelance writer. He has been writing opinion editorials and social criticism since early 2001 and before that he wrote articles on U.S. history for several small American magazines. His political columns are featured on many websites such as Andrew Breitbart’s BigGovernment.com, BigHollywood.com, and BigJournalism.com, as well as RightWingNews.com, RightPundits.com, CanadaFreePress.com, StoptheACLU.com, AmericanDaily.com, among many, many others. Mr. Huston is also endlessly amused that one of his articles formed the basis of an article in Germany’s Der Spiegel Magazine in 2008.

For a full bio, please CLICK HERE.

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Posted by Warner Todd Huston at 7:32 pm | Comments (0) | Trackbacks (0)

» Filed Under Activist Journalism, Bald-face lies, Barack Obama, CNN, Communist Front groups, Debate, Democrats, Elections, Fraud/misrepresentation, Government incompetence, Government malfeasance/misfeasance, Journalistic Malpractice, Journalistic Prostitution, Journalistic incompetence, Liberal Media/Bias, Media Bias, News, President, State Dept., government media, liberalism

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Student Speaks Out Against Harvard’s ‘Incest-Fest’ Party

-By Warner Todd Huston

It has been said that the students and faculty of Harvard University are America’s “best and brightest.” This month they prove this axiom to be mythological as they once again launch their annual “incest-fest” party where residents of the famed Kirkland House spend the day trying to have sex with as many house members as they can. Winners get a hearty handshake of acknowledgement and perhaps some STDs for their “success.”

Harvard’s denizens inventively call this debauched exercise the “incest-fest” because it is held in the Kirkland House among its residents. You see, the residents are living in the same house, so they are like a family. So, if they start having sex with each other it’s like “incest.” Hilarious, no?

This “event” has been going on for some time, of course, and Harvard authorities never say word one about it. Like most university faculties, Harvard long ago decided to let the inmates run the asylum (literally in this case) and have given up even a pretext of attempting to impose order and standards on their campuses.

But one student isn’t so taken by all that wonderful “self expression” going on at Kirkland House.

Samantha Berstler published a letter to Harvard in the school’s newspaper, The Harvard Crimson, saying that incest isn’t “funny,” it is a crime of sexual abuse, usually of children.

Berstler reminds Harvard’s student body that incest is not often “between two consensual adults” but usually the result of exploitation and rape. “Generally a father is exploiting a daughter or an older sibling is exploiting a younger sibling,” she wrote.

Even if we bracket issues of age, supposedly “egalitarian” or “happy incest families” cannot exist: the power differential between father and daughter or older sibling and younger sibling is so huge that it necessarily precludes the possibility of consent. The sexy siblings on TV and the image of the oppressed pedophile are lies that distract from a silent epidemic raging throughout the world.

“I am writing this because incest is notoriously invisible and leaves its victims burdened with shame and humiliation for the rest of their lives,” Berstler reminds her fellows.

“The name ‘IncestFest’ is not sexy or cute or clever. It’s dangerous,” she scolds.

Berstler wraps up her sensible letter saying, “The denizens of Kirkland House are quirky, intelligent, and sensitive. We can do better than this.”

But can they? It seems like “doing better” is not something anyone pays much mind to in our fetid system of “higher education” these days. As right as she is, I fear Berstler is indulging a forlorn hope here.

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Posted by Warner Todd Huston at 7:15 pm | Comments (0) | Trackbacks (0)

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Is Syria Obama’s Biggest Bungle?

The Washington Post’s Jackson Diehl thinks so

Mitt Romney and congressional Republicans are doing their best to portray the assault on the U.S. Consulate in Libya and its aftermath as a signal foreign policy disaster for Barack Obama. But my bet is that when historians look back on Obama’s mistakes in the last four years, they will focus on something entirely different: his catastrophic mishandling of the revolution in Syria.

The deaths of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans in Benghazi were a calamity — but those losses were mainly the result of poor security decisions by mid-level State Department officials, not policy choices by Obama. The president’s handling of Syria, on the other hand, exemplifies every weakness in his foreign policy — from his excessive faith in “engaging” troublesome foreign leaders to his insistence on multilateralism as an end in itself to his self-defeating caution in asserting American power.

The result is not a painful but isolated setback, but an emerging strategic disaster: a war in the heart of the Middle East that is steadily spilling over to vital U.S. allies, such as Turkey and Jordan, and to volatile neighbors, such as Iraq and Lebanon. Al-Qaeda is far more active in Syria than it is in Libya — while more liberal and secular forces are turning against the United States because of its failure to help them. More than 30,000 people — most of them civilians — have been killed, and the toll mounts by the hundreds every day.

Of course, Obama is not solely responsible for this mess. But his serial miscalculations have had the consistent if unintended effect of enabling Syria’s Bashar al-Assad — first to avoid international isolation, then to go on slaughtering his own population with impunity.

Make sure to read the rest of Diehl’s op-ed for his full reasoning.

I’m not fully convinced that Syria is Obama’s worst bungle, particularly in the foreign policy realm. But, Syria is certainly the face of his bungle. Overall, it is Obama’s failure to engage when the Green Revolution started in Iran, leading to the Arab Spring. There was never any need for the US military to get involved, nor to project American power, yet, the government of the United States decided to mostly stay neutral and not aggressively push for freedom in Iran and the other countries. In Egypt, after first pushing for Hosni Mubarak to stay, the Obama admin then pushed him under the bus. But, he waited too long, and Islamic extremists, including the Muslim Brotherhood, became heavily involved in the protests. In most of the other Arab Spring countries, the hardcore Islamists have now taken over or become heavily involved, and what they want doesn’t resemble liberty and freedom, but submission.

Then came Libya, where America did project power and get a bit more involved. But, this allowed al Qaeda and other Islamist groups to stream into Libya. And then came Syria, with all the contradictory messaging. We heard from Hillary Clinton that al-Assad was a reformer. There was no other engagement, other than a few harsh words. This led the protesters, who were being killed left and right, to welcome Islamist groups into the fold, including al Qaeda.

Certainly, there has been a failure in the international community to engage what is going on in Syria correctly. We can’t simply blame this on Obama, if we’re being honest. No one really wanted to get bogged down in another war. But, if we were going to project air power in Libya to supposedly protect civilians (in reality to protect the oil exports to France and Britain), why not do that in Syria? Then it became too late.

So, Syria will become the face of Obama’s leading from the golf course foreign policy agenda, but, it is his failure to engage the Arab nations on freedom and liberty that is the true failure if they become more regressive and extremist, restricting the rights of women and gays, instituting more strict Sharia compliance (think Iran and the Taliban).

Crossed at Pirate’s Cove. Follow me on Twitter @WilliamTeach.

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Posted by William Teach at 8:18 am | Comments (0) | Trackbacks (0)

» Filed Under Anti-Americanism, Authoritarianism, Barack Obama, Despotism, Foreign Policy, Government incompetence, Islam, Islamicfascism, Middle East, Muslim Brotherhood, News, State Dept., Totalitarianism, anti-Liberty/Freedom, sharia law

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Data Shows Global Warming Stopped 16 Years Ago

I never got around to this Sunday, as websites noticed this quietly released study published in the UK Daily Mail on the 13th

The world stopped getting warmer almost 16 years ago, according to new data released last week.

The figures, which have triggered debate among climate scientists, reveal that from the beginning of 1997 until August 2012, there was no discernible rise in aggregate global temperatures.

This means that the ‘plateau’ or ‘pause’ in global warming has now lasted for about the same time as the previous period when temperatures rose, 1980 to 1996. Before that, temperatures had been stable or declining for about 40 years.

The new data, compiled from more than 3,000 measuring points on land and sea, was issued quietly on the internet, without any media fanfare, and, until today, it has not been reported.

This stands in sharp contrast to the release of the previous figures six months ago, which went only to the end of 2010 – a very warm year.

Ending the data then means it is possible to show a slight warming trend since 1997, but 2011 and the first eight months of 2012 were much cooler, and thus this trend is erased.

More importantly, the data shows that the computer models, smoothing methods (of which Warmist scientists refuse to release their raw data and methodology, which means no one can attempt to replicated the conclusions, about as anti-science as one can get), studies of tree rings amongst a small number of trees, and other Warmist prognostications are a huge load of mule fritters.

According to the Warmist doctrine, rising CO2 from Mankind should lead to continuously escalating global temperatures. Alas, no. That didn’t happen. Hence, they took to spinning fantasies in order to blame every weather occurrence, including cold weather and snow, on Mankind’s greenhouse gas output in an attempt to protect their pseudo-religion. Plus, more importantly, their paychecks and taxpayer funding. All while refusing to do anything meaningful to reduce their own GHG output.

Next comes the spin for the Disciples of Gore, which should be highly amusing.

Crossed at Pirate’s Cove. Follow me on Twitter @WilliamTeach.

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Posted by William Teach at 7:53 am | Comments (0) | Trackbacks (0)

» Filed Under Agenda based science, Collapsing Science, Fraud/misrepresentation, Global Warming, News, Research/surveys, Science/pseudo-science, man-made science

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CNN Joins Attack-The-Rich Bandwagon

-By Warner Todd Huston

CNN has an interesting story of an immigrant that came to this country from the oppressive socialist nation in which he was born, worked hard to attain the American dream, became wealthy, and dearly wishes for his fellow Americans to avoid the pitfalls of socialism. But instead of celebrating this man’s great success, CNN slams him as “Rich, Worried and Buying Ad Time.”

Thomas Peterffy was born under Soviet oppression in Budapest in 1944. At 21 years of age, Peterffy left his native country and came to America to try and make his way in life.

“As a young boy, I was fantasizing about one day going to America, making a success of myself. The American Dream,” Peterffy told CNN.

He succeeded beyond his wildest dreams in this land of opportunity. In fact, Peterffy succeeded far beyond what he ever could have achieved in the communist country of his birth. Should he have stayed in that oppressed land he could never have become the billionaire he became in the U.S.

Now, he truly is “worried,” as CNN noted. Peterffy is worried that the U.S. has so taken its freedoms and liberties for granted that the country is sliding toward becoming a socialist nation and this is something he most certainly wants to warn his fellow citizens against.

So, in order to warn America against the evils of socialism, Mr. Peterffy is buying TV ad time in key states to tell us all that socialism is the wrong path upon which to tread.

“America’s wealth comes from the efforts of people striving for success. Take away their incentive with badmouthing success and you take away the wealth that helps us take care of the needy,” he says in his TV commercial.

Peterffy, now worth $4.6 billion according to Forbes, says he’s paid $1.9 billion in taxes over his lifetime thus far and he’ll be darned if he’ll be told he isn’t paying his fair share.

Thomas Peterffy is exactly the sort of immigrant this country should be celebrating. A man that came here with nothing and rose to become a leader and jobs maker.

Yet, instead of celebrating this man as a successful immigrant, CNN just highlights his being “rich.” As if that is something to scold him for. Why, for instance, didn’t CNN headline its story something like “Successful Immigrant Warns America”?

As it happens, Peterffy is right to be worried. But it isn’t just an out of control government that he should worry about. This sort of bias in the Old Media establishment is helping drive this country toward the evils of socialism. The media is as much an enemy as big government, nanny state thinking is. Peterffy has more to worry about than he thinks.

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Posted by Warner Todd Huston at 12:16 am | Comments (0) | Trackbacks (0)

» Filed Under Anti-Americanism, Anti-Capitalism, CNN, Communism, Journalistic Malpractice, Journalistic Prostitution, Journalistic incompetence, Liberal Media/Bias, Media Bias, News, Socialism, Taxes, class warfare, liberalism

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October 14, 2012

Zawahiri Calls For Holy War Over Mohammed Video

Just remember, “Bin Laden is dead (true, thank you) and al Qaeda is on the path to defeat (mule fritters)”

(Reuters) Al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri said a film made in the United States mocking the Prophet Mohammad showed Washington was waging a “crusader Zionist war” against Muslims and he called for more protests outside American embassies.

Like in other messages released by al Qaeda’s Yemeni and North African branches last month, Zawahiri praised last month’s assault on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi that killed four diplomats but stopped short of claiming responsibility.

In the recording, posted on Islamist websites on Friday, he called on “free and distinguished zealots for Islam” who attacked the consulate and protested outside other American embassies to “continue their opposition to American crusader Zionist aggression against Islam and Muslims”.

The recording appeared on the Mujahedin al-Ansar website which carries statements from al Qaeda leaders.

If only it was true that al Qaeda was on the path to defeat. We could then cut the massive intrusive security at our airports (and, no, I’m not blaming that solely on Obama. Bush and Republicans share blame with Obama and Democrats). We could stop the incessant march of “security measures” like street corner cameras, feeling up children at airports, and monitoring of domestic email, among others.

But it is not true. Al Qaeda was designed as a group that would spread amongst the radical Islamists. And that is what has happened. During the “demonstrations” there were large amounts of Salafist flags, similar to the al Qaeda and Taliban ones, as well as Salafist headbands. These didn’t just show up in the Middle East, but at protests in Asia and Europe. The radicalized version of Islam that people like Bin Laden and Zawahiri push is slowly spreading, especially in mosques and Muslim schools. And there will always be those few who decide to engage in violence.

This is not to blame Muslims in full, but it is beyond time for those who call themselves moderate to call for stopping this spread of radicalized Islam and Sharia law, which pushes notions like honor killings, women as 2nd class citizens/property, marrying off girls as young as 11 to men four times their age, hanging gays, stoning women who commit adultery, committing violence in the name of Jihad, killing those who reject Islam, beating wives who are disrespectful being legal, slavery being legal under Sharia Law, divorce is only legal if the man initiates it, drinkers and gamblers must be whipped, and anyone caught having sex who are unmarried would be whipped. Those are just a few of the greatest hits of radical Islam and Sharia Law. And what Liberals and Muslims refuse to stand up against.

Crossed at Pirate’s Cove. Follow me on Twitter @WilliamTeach.

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Posted by William Teach at 8:05 am | Comment (1) | Trackbacks (0)

» Filed Under Anti-Americanism, Islam, Islamicfascism, Liberal World, Middle East, Muslim Brotherhood, National Security, News, RoP, Slavery, Taliban, anti-Liberty/Freedom, anti-Semitism, liberalism, pedophilia, sharia law, terrorism

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October 13, 2012

Obama Zombies Plan “Million Muppet March”

Do they even know that Big Bird isn’t technically a Muppet?

(Reuters) Plans to save Big Bird, the fuzzy yellow character on U.S. public television’s “Sesame Street,” from possible extinction are taking shape in the form of a puppet-based protest next month dubbed the “Million Muppet March.”

The demonstration is planned for November 3 at the National Mall in Washington, D.C., three days before the general election.

Michael Bellavia, 43, an animation executive from Los Angeles, and Chris Mecham, 46, a university student in Idaho, separately came up with the Million Muppet March idea in response.

Bellavia bought the Internet address www.millionmuppetmarch.com during the debate and discovered Mecham had already started a Facebook page by the same name.


And there you go, this is what Democrats are concerned with: a possible cut of $8 million dollars from the federal budget for Sesame Street. They aren’t concerned with Obama adding over $5 trillion in new debt in less than 4 years, wasting almost a trillion dollars on a Stimulus that failed, giving billion upon billions to “green” energy companies that go bankrupt, trillion dollar deficits, cutting billions from the defense of the USA, not spending the money to protect our Libyan consulate, record numbers of people dropping out of the jobs market in despair, record numbers of people on food stamps…..no, they’re worried about Big Bird. Who’s part of the 1%.

In fairness, there is also a Millionaire Muppet March, to be held in protest of the protest, but, it seems more like a response to the foolish Million Muppet March than seriously expecting people to show up.

The Jawa Report highlights how stupid this all is.

Jammie Wearing Fool: Nothing like a 46-year-old student/Muppet lover. Maybe he can hook up with aging student Sandra Fluke while he’s in DC.

Instapundit: This march, built around a surreal television character on the weekend before the election, sounds very much like Stewart and Colbert’s “Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear” — the weekend before Congress changed parties.

Crossed at Pirate’s Cove. Follow me on Twitter @WilliamTeach.

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Posted by William Teach at 8:32 am | Comments (0) | Trackbacks (0)

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On 9/11/12, There Was A Marine Detachment In Barbados, But Not Benghazi

I supposed they’re there to protect the diplomats from drinking too much rum and avoid gun wielding pot growers if the diplomats take a drive up into the mountains

(CNS News) When terrorists attacked the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, on Sept. 11 of this year and killed the U.S. ambassador and three other Americans, there were no U.S. Marines deployed in Libya to defend U.S. diplomats, diplomatic facilities and classified information and equipment.

However, says the State Department, a Marine Security Detachment was deployed on that day to carry out those duties at the U.S. Embassy in Bridgetown, Barbados.

“U.S. Marine Security Guards serve at the U.S. Embassy in Bridgetown, and at other diplomatic missions around the world, to protect and safeguard American diplomacy,” Rebecca Ross, the U.S. Embassy to Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean Counselor for Public Affairs, said in a statement to CNSNews.com.

“On September 11, 2012, our U.S. Marine Security Detachment carried out its regular duties which include providing internal security, preventing the compromise of classified information and equipment, and providing protection for U.S. citizens and property located within official U.S. facilities,” Ross said.

Hmm, we have a Marine detachment in Barbados, but only had a small number of security contractors in Benghazi, of which we were told was “the correct number” by the State Department during the Congressional hearing. In a place with a growing al Qaeda presence, where Westerners weren’t safe, and which our Consulate had been attacked multiple times.

Now, the White House is claiming that Obama and Biden were never aware of the requests for more security at the Benghazi compound. I can believe that. First, that would be a function of the Department of State, and not something that would probably make it to the attention of either the VP or President. I’ll avoid anything snarky about the notion that if it was in the security briefings, Obama probably never bothered to read them. And because of this, it looks like Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is joining the intelligence community in front of Obama’s big bus

“These kinds of issues are handling in the State Department by security officials,” White House spokesman Jay Carney said during Friday’s press briefing.

Security matters “are decided at the State Department,” he said, amid tough questioning from Fox News Channel’s Ed Henry.

The question remains, will this be a hit and run or a run her over then back up and park over her? And some have positioned this as being bad for Obama, that it would be wrong to throw her under the bus. I disagree: if she knew, and did nothing, then she should be run over, no matter how popular she is. We can talk about the buck stopping in the White House, but, the top person in any organization isn’t going to know about or make decisions on everything, and, again, this was a function of State. Fortunately, the State Department was very concerned making sure the post in Vienna received their Chevy Volt.

But, one would think that the POTUS would be briefed now and then about the security situation within a country he launched an air war against once in awhile, eh?

Crossed at Pirate’s Cove. Follow me on Twitter @WilliamTeach.

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Posted by William Teach at 7:54 am | Comments (0) | Trackback (1)

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October 12, 2012

Has the ACLU Been Taken Over By Islamic Extremists?

We all know they are the top defenders of terrorists worldwide, and the biggest enemy to the government protecting us from them. However, are they now ran by Islamic extremists bent on our destruction? IBD makes the case on the topic of the ACLU’s AWOL status in speaking out about censoring and government crackdown over a recent controversial Mohammad video. They point out that the ACLU did not speak out about the film until pressed to do so

The ACLU now counts at least eight on its national executive staff alone. In fact, a Muslim runs the ACLU’s Center for Democracy, while another heads its National Security Project.

The irony is not lost on Steve Emerson, director of the Investigative Project on Terrorism.

“The ACLU was founded on the basis that there shouldn’t be any blasphemy laws,” said Emerson, who’s airing a new documentary, “Jihad in America: The Grand Deception.” “Yet in the last 10 years, they’ve appointed (to their boards) members of the Muslim Brotherhood who believe in blasphemy laws.”

The top Muslim lawyer in ACLU’s stable is Jameel Jaffer, who successfully sued the U.S. to reveal CIA secrets for interrogating terror suspects.

This national-security wrecking machine is not even American. He’s Canadian. He also happens to be a Muslim activist closely tied to major Muslim Brotherhood figures and front groups.

Jaffer, who now heads the ACLU’s Center for Democracy after heading its National Security Project, happens to be pals with Tariq Ramadan, the grandson of the Egyptian founder of the radical Muslim Brotherhood who was denied a visa in 2004 after allegedly raising funds for Hamas terrorists.

Jaffer successfully sued the U.S. to get Ramadan’s visa restored. After Secretary of State Hillary Clinton lifted the six-year ban in 2009, Jaffer picked Ramadan up from JFK International Airport and escorted him into Manhattan for a celebratory tour that including a meet-and-greet with officials from the Council on American-Islamic Relations, an unindicted co-conspirator in a multimillion-dollar scheme to raise cash for — you guessed it — Hamas terrorists.

In 2010, Jaffer personally helped CAIR raise $130,000 at a Dearborn, Mich., fundraiser, telling Muslims gathered there that now is the time to “rebuild” after the “abuses” of the Bush administration.

“Someone has to clean up” after a war, Jaffer explained, “and that someone is you.”

Jaffer has lobbied the Justice Department to remove CAIR and other Brotherhood and Hamas front groups from its blacklist of groups complicit in a criminal conspiracy to raise money for terrorists.

He’s also pressured the FBI to purge names of Muslim terrorist suspects from the no-fly list.

What’s more, Jaffer wants to deny the feds one of its most effective weapons in the war on terror — freezing the assets of terrorist front groups. He’s also sued to kill the government’s drone program, perhaps its most effective weapon of all.

This is who’s controlling the agenda at the ACLU these days. It was bad enough when the group was run by leftists. Now it’s also run by Islamists.

Jameel Jaffer is a dangerous individual to our security. Here is where he exposed CIA agents to captured terrorists.

The question is why the ACLU is not being investigated.

Thanks to Lobo’s watchful eye for this tip.

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Posted by Jay at 12:29 pm | Comments (0) | Trackback (1)

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European Union Wins Nobel Peace Prize

It looks like the Nobel Prize Committee has been hitting the Juleøl (yule beer) a bit early this year

(Christian Science Monitor) The Norwegian Nobel Committee awarded this year’s Peace Prize to the European Union, in a nod to its record of building peace and democracy on a continent long roiled by war – and perhaps as a reminder of the need to stay the course in troubled times.

The choice surprised many speculators, who had widely tipped an East European human rights activist or promoter of inter-religious dialogue. Although a candidate for the award in the past, the EU was regarded as less likely this year because of the widening economic crisis among some states in the 27-member economic and political union.

But Thorbjørn Jagland, Norwegian Nobel Committee chairman, told journalists gathered at the Nobel Institute in Oslo that the union and its forerunners deserved the prize for having “contributed over six decades to the advancement of peace and reconciliation, democracy, and human rights in Europe.” He said the prize was both recognition of the EU’s early role as a peace broker between Germany and France, but also to mark the EU’s recent progress in the reconciliation process in the Balkans.


(Tom Chivers) The Nobel Peace Prize this year has been awarded to the European Union. Without wanting to go into whether or not that’s a good idea (it seems a bit strange, even to me), does this confirm at last that the prize’s organisers have stopped worrying so much about whether the recipients are actually deserving, and instead decided simply to pick people who will annoy Right-wingers?

That’s as good an explanation as any other.

I mean, come on. In 2009, Barack Obama while the ink was still wet on his inauguration documents. In 2002, Jimmy Carter (“History’s greatest monster!“). Now the EU, even while the Greek public are burning Nazi flags for Angela Merkel’s visit. In 2007, Al bloody Gore (thanks ArtificialIntelligence in the comments for reminding me of that one). Next year, will it be George Monbiot? Or possibly me? Do I need to start getting a speech together? “I’d like to thank Antonio Gramsci and the Frankfurt School…”

Does the NPP realize that quite a few EU nations were involved in both Afghanistan and Iraq? Or that France and Britain pushed for and participated in the air attack on Libya? Or that rioting and burning cars is a Muslim seasonal sport in France, and sometimes Germany? That France and Germany were selling banned goods to Saddam Hussein? That there’s plenty of anarchist violence in Europe? That there’s plenty of anti-Jewish violence in Europe? How about all the violence at sporting events? The continuing rise of Muslim extremism in Europe?

Based on the history of the Nobel Peace Prize, I think we can expect widespread violence with a year or two. Hey, they gave it to Obama who then went on to expand the war in Afghanistan, attack Libya, and use drone strikes on a constant basis.

Crossed at Pirate’s Cove. Follow me on Twitter @WilliamTeach.

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VP Debate: The Joker Vs. Paul Ryan

I’m not going to spend much time on the specifics of the debate, since this will be cross-posted at Right Wing News and John Hawkins has done a great job at breaking the debate down. Here’s what I noticed the most

The Washington Times notices this as well

The debate was really two very different debates, depending on whether you watched it or listened to it. On the radio, Biden was much more assertive than President Obama was last week, seeming to have taken a page from Mitt Romney’s book. He was at all times on the offensive, never letting a point get past unchallenged, and occasionally trying to keep the point from getting past at all. He sounded confident and in command, if not always entirely grounded in facts and logic, while Ryan sounded more deferential.

On TV the story changed. Biden maintained a feral grin throughout, often laughing and smirking when Ryan spoke. His intent may have been to intimidate Ryan or to make him look like a mere boy, but his demeanor was more Joker than vice-presidential. He went back and forth between contemptuous and deranged in a performance that, combined with his frequent interruptions of Ryan (over 80 according to one TV pundit), was both fascinating and slightly disturbing. (graphic from Ashlandic Ramblings)

It was completely inappropriate to watch the Vice President of the USA smirk and smile wildly while discussing serious issues like our ambassador being killed in Libya and Iran being close to developing nuclear weapons.


“I don’t believe I’ve ever seen a debate in which one participant was as openly disrespectful of the other as Biden was to Paul Ryan…. It was openly contemptuous and disrespectful.”—Chris Wallace “Fox News”

“Ryan was soft-spoken, sincere, and serious. Biden seemed to take the entire proceeding as a farce. In treating it so, he made it so. More importantly, he made the Obama administration look like what it is: a bullying, bloviating, obnoxious administration more interested in talking over its opponents than working with them to improve the lives of Americans.”—Ben Shapiro “Biden Loses It”

Maggies Farm

Biden may have encouraged his base by his boorishness, and Ryan may have not met his base’s expectations of being tougher on Biden’s assertions — even when wrong as to facts. But, for many Independents the comparison comes down to Ryan’s civility Vs Biden’s rudeness. That’s an important atmospheric. — See the Twitter negative reactions to Biden’s rudeness from reporters across the political spectrum. — Allahpundit has a wrap-up headline quip: “Angry old man yells at Paul Ryan for 90 minutes”. — CNN instapoll gives the nod to Ryan.

And let’s not forget that Biden completely contradicted the State Department on Libya, not to mention so much of the other information that we know now about the Obama administration being informed that it was a terrorist attack within hours. And he threw the intelligence community under the bus.

Last week the talk was about Obama’s disconnected debate stance, this week the talk is about Biden’s foolish optics. And the RNC already has a web-ad out

Crossed at Pirate’s Cove. Follow me on Twitter @WilliamTeach.

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Posted by William Teach at 9:20 am | Comment (1) | Trackbacks (0)

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Undecideds Not Budged By Smirking Joe Biden’s Debate Performance

-By Warner Todd Huston

Joe Biden did not help team Obama tonight, folks.

I am seeing a few conservatives wringing their hands that Paul Ryan “missed opportunities.” Maybe so, but since he was interrupted a full 82 times (yes it has been counted) it’s no wonder that he didn’t get all his valid points in.

With smirking Joe Biden and jolting Martha Raddatz both teaming up to interrupt every single reply Ryan tried to give, it is certain that his points got lost in some instances.

In fact, Joe was such a jerk that it is sure he only appealed to the radical, left-wing base that Obama has been slowly losing this month. Apparently Joe’s job was to shore up the base and not bother with undecideds. This is a bad sign for team Obama. If he is still trying to appeal to the base with only weeks to go before Election Day… well, let’s just say it’s a bad, bad sign.

But the final assessment of the VP debate will be that Ryan won on points. He seemed knowledgeable, even tempered, and nice. Biden will be loved by his base for being an azzhole with his smirking, arm waving, interrupting, sputtering, scoffing, and laughing (Al Gore in 2000, anyone?) but independents, moderates and undecided voters will wonder why Biden was such an azzhole.

All in all, Ryan did fine and didn’t hurt himself and Biden did NOT help team Obama with undecideds.


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Posted by Warner Todd Huston at 3:32 am | Comments (0) | Trackbacks (0)

» Filed Under Barack Obama, Debate, Democrats, Elections, Joe Biden, Liberal Media/Bias, Mitt Romney, News, Paul Ryan, Republicans, liberalism

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Joe Biden Laughs at The Issues

Here is the newest GOP ad!

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Posted by Jay at 12:26 am | Comments (0) | Trackbacks (0)

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October 11, 2012

Joe Biden Shows America How To Be A Condescending Jerk

This debate was so annoying! I know what happened. It is simple to assess. It was predictable. Obama had an awful debate last week, so Biden was sent in to be aggressive! Mission accomplished and gone overboard! He constantly interrupted, yelled, and made condescending smirks and remarks! He came across angry and the strategy of aggressiveness backfired. Believe me, I’m not the only one that noticed.


I expected “table-pounding atmospherics” from Biden but I didn’t expect him to act like a total jackhole for fully 90 minutes. Give him credit for knowingThroughout the debate we were hoping Paul Ryan would start getting tough and do a smackdown on Biden. But the “polite” response is the one that works with the non-committed voters that Romney/Ryan and Obama/Biden need to win.

For his target audience, though: His task tonight was to get the left excited again after Obama fell into a semi-coma in Denver, and evincing utter disdain for Ryan — grimacing, shouting, laughing inappropriately, constantly interrupting, the total jackhole experience — is just what the doctor ordered. He might have irritated independents and undecideds, but probably not so much that it’ll change people’s votes. The Democrats needed someone to go out there and clown for liberals, and if there’s one thing this guy knows, it’s clowning.

has this video where Ryan calls Biden out for the constant interruptions.

Politico points out all the condescending smirks.

Here is Twitter’s Laughing Joe Biden and Biden Smirk.

TIME’s Michael Scherer: “Not sure debate cameras have been light tested for Biden’s teeth. Best to watch with sunglasses.”

Washington Examiner’s Philip Klein: “Biden’s strategy seems to be to laugh at Ryan constantly. Will it work to infantalize Ryan, or backfire like Gore sighing?”

(PHOTOS: Joe Biden over the years)

NBC’s David Gregory: “Biden’s smile is out of control.”

BuzzFeed’s Ben Smith: “So did Biden practice laughing at Ryan???”

Mark Tapscott:

VEEP DEBATE THOUGHTS: Vice-President Joey Giggles did himself no favors with constant laughing at Ryan, and may have done his boss some damage with his condescending finger-pointing and shouting at moderator. And Rep. Paul Ryan displayed an admirable level of composure, equanimity and grace under pressure.

Chris Wallace:

“I don’t believe I’ve ever seen a debate in which one participant was as openly disrespectful of the other as Biden was to Paul Ryan tonight,”

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/chris-wallace-joe-biden-debate-reaction-smiling-smirking-laughing-2012-10#ixzz293JuSvAy
Hillary is 44:

Between the grinning, laughing, mocking, snickers, guffaws, exasperations, snorting, sniffles, and smugness, it was difficult to watch this debate because Joe Biden insulted us all with his buffoonery and clowning. Paul Ryan was respectful but firm and so often interrupted it had to be the purpose of Biden to prevent Ryan from getting his viewpoint communicated.

CNN’s Gloria Borger:

“He was condescending at times to Paul Ryan. I think I could have done with a lot less eye-rolling and chuckling on the part of Joe Biden,” CNN’s Gloria Borger said of Vice President Joe Biden’s debate performance.

Overall consensus of CNN Focus Group: 48% Ryan wins, 44% for Biden.


Do you remember Jennifer Granholm at the DNC, when she was yelling and gesticulating wildly? She was a 33 rpm record playing at 78.

Watching the Vice Presidential debate tonight, it was obvious that Joe Biden had broken into her medicine cabinet and taken twice the dosage. Either that, or he was auditioning for the part of the crazy, rude uncle in the high school play. Or of course, he is a crazy, rude guy who didn’t have to medicate or pretend to put on the performance we saw at the debate.

Dan Riehl:

Biden didn’t rope-a-dope, he smirked like a Jerk!

Doug Powers:

If you watched the debate, it was obvious Biden was instructed to laugh and fidget during Paul Ryan’s responses by remembering a dirty joke or something. Maybe Biden doesn’t recall a similar strategy harmed Al Gore in 2000.

Michelle Malkin:

Vice President Jerk: The return of Smirky Malarkey McSmirk!

Mark Levin:

Joe Biden was off his meds, flailing with his hands, interrupting, repetitive, and whiny, which is what most of his base has wanted. And Paul Ryan was calm, cool, and collected, with a better second half in the debate.

Brit Hume:

Well it all depends on what [undecided voters] think of Joe Biden and his demeanor. If you read the transcript you might well conclude that the Vice President had a very strong debate, that he had a lot to say, he was strongly critical of Governor Romney and his program, that he held his own. But that’s not all there is to it. We had the split screen, like we had during the Presidential debate. And what you saw while Paul Ryan was talking, as others have pointed out was smirking, laughing, smiling, mugging by the Vice President. My sense about it was that it was so compelling that people probably couldn’t take their eyes off it. So it will come down to whether people thought that was attractive or not. Myself, I didn’t. I thought it was rude and I have a feeling it will come across to a lot of people as rude. It looked like a cranky old man to some extent debating a polite young man.


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