
18 February, 2008

Have you seen this man?

Filed under: Law, Crime, Fuckheads

Michael Lynn - fuck-head extraordinaire:

Report him, if you have seen him.

In the public interest, the following synopsis from The Irish Times is printed here:

Money trail: Lynn’s accounts

€84 million The total amount (known so far) that solicitor Michael Lynn owes to Irish financial institutions. He also owes millions, possibly tens of millions, to customers who put down deposits or paid in full for overseas properties yet to be built in Portugal, Hungary, Bulgaria and Slovakia.

€52.4 million The amount Lynn has claimed his personal assets and those of his businesses are worth

148 The number of properties Lynn owns in nine countries, including Portugal, Hungary, Bulgaria, the US and China

154 The number of bank accounts he has in Ireland, continental Europe and the US

72 The number of bank accounts held by Lynn or his businesses outside Ireland

126 The number of writs that have been issued by Irish financial institutions and property investors against Lynn in the High Court

2 The number of legal teams that Lynn has gone through. He has no legal representation at present. He also took legal advice from a solicitor in London but he has not asked him to represent him

€4.9 million The amount Lynn’s Glenlion House in Howth, Co Dublin, sold for at auction last month. Lynn took out at least three mortgages on the house, each for a large part of the property’s value, within days of each other in April 2007

€26.5 million The loan approved for Lynn’s company, Kendar Portugal, by Millennium BCP, Portugal’s largest bank, last summer

€6 million The amount drawn down by Lynn’s Portuguese company from Millennium BCP last summer

Maman Poulet has had the lowdown since this all came to light.

Eats, shoots and leaves . . .

It would appear that Sinn Fein and their ..Óglaigh (?) are opposed to the Lisbon Treaty.

From Ógra Shinn Fein’s blog, however, you’d be forgiven for thinking otherwise:

Yes indeed, the importance of punctuating well. Take note, children of Ireland!

I neglect, therefore I am ishikoro

Filed under: Other musings.., Blogs

According to Sarah Boxer:

In Japan neglected or abandoned blogs are called ishikoro, pebbles.

Seeing as my last post was in June of last year (see rodent, below), I might count it among them.

Moving swiftly on . . .

6 June, 2007

La plume de ma tante est près de la chaise.. as well you know..


You have been warned, mes p’tits croutons..

So, yes, I was one of many directed by The Swearing Lady to this article by Mongrel magazine. (It’ll never replace The Slate, though..)

[Needless to say, this is Mongrel magazine we’re dealing with, so the following should be considered Not Safe For Work:]


27 May, 2007

As mad as hell…

Inda gits Ingry

So, although Inda isn’t conceding election victory just yet to Bertie’s Fianna Fáil, around half of the electorate can nevertheless be fairly described as idiots, bullshitters and stupid cunts. Fair comment. To which I would like to add “fucking gobdaws”. I like that word, “gobdaw”. (I don’t like gobdaws..) Oh, and “fuckheads”: I’ll add that word, too.

(Pictured above: Inda “Ingry Voice” Kinny wants inswers)

Helpful linklets:
- IrishElection.com
- PoliticalThicko
- VoteTube
- Dáil30

15 May, 2007

A too-busy-to-post post

Item 1:


Item 2:

Ooh, this blog just got Googled by someone looking for “lady doctors fucking in hospital“.
[Link presumably Not Safe For Work]


14 May, 2007

The 12 Days of Electionmas: Days 1 & 2

Ah yes, the twelve days of Electionmas began on Saturday. It’s all so exciting! Just what will we get after the 24th?!

Ramblings below the link:


Fuck You, Adam Keane

Being cut off from the land of the interweb as I am in my new employ, I overlooked moderating some of the comments here in the last week.

So, doing my tardy duty, I approved on Thursday a (triplicate) comment from someone calling themselves “Fuck You”, speaking in defence of “their friend”, convicted rapist Adam Keane (20) of Darragh, Co Clare.

The comment in its entirety runs thusly:

Listen you fuckers I know Adam Keane and he is not a bad person he was under the influence of M.D.M.A A highly dangerous narcotic and hallucinogen especially when mixed with narcotics. He would not do something as horrifiying as that if he was sober and in a normal state of mind. So where the fuck do you get off judging him when you know nothing about him you fucker all you see is the crime you do not know him you prick and I am pretty sure you don’t even care about this you just want something to gossip about so in short FUCK YOU

Comment by Fuck You — 10 May, 2007 @ 1:13 pm | Edit This

Irony of ironies, then, that the following day (no less) Mr. Justice Paul Carney, who originally imposed the suspended sentence on convicted rapist Adam Keane, found that convicted rapist Adam Keane was in breach of the conditions of his suspended sentence mere hours after his conviction and “sentencing”.

On Friday, Carney J. accepted that convicted rapist Adam Keane threw a cigarette at the woman he was convicted of raping, in the carpark of Ennis train station, on same evening of the day of his sentencing (12th March 2007).

The judge stated: “I am satisfied he made a triumphalist gesture which was a breach of his bond on which the ink was barely dry.”

“Fuck you,” indeed.

This, of course, is not to detract in any way from the surprising - and, I think, shocking - decision of Carney J. to impose a suspended sentence in the first place. On Friday, the judge indicated his awareness that the suspended sentence would prove controversial, saying - according to The Irish Times - that he had imposed it “in full knowledge of the vituperation that would fall on my head from all quarters”.

Perhaps, now, he won’t be so eager to ignore such foreseeable (and therefore, presumably, justified) “vituperation” in future.

2 May, 2007


Filed under: Music

Ah, three weeks, three gigs. At least I’ve something to show for my three weeks without internets..

. . .

Week one: Joan As Police Woman.

Fab as ever. Plus, we have another convert.

“The Ride” by Joan As Police Woman

(mp3 from Bunch of Betty’s)

“Eternal Flame” by Joan As Police Woman

(mp3 from HayatBayat)

“Christobel” by Joan As Police Woman

(mp3 from HayatBayat)

Week two: Cansei De Ser Sexy

Fab-fab-fab; plus, a convert; plus, good enough to persuade us (and a bunch of other happy people) to make our way to Spirit on Abbey Street for boogies.

“Alala” by Cansei de Ser Sexy

(mp3 from The Music Miz)

“Art Bitch” by Cansei de Ser Sexy

(mp3 from connexion: the selector)

“Let’s Make Love And Listen To Death From Above” by Cansei de Ser Sexy

(mp3 from connexion: the selector)

Week three: Republic of Loose.

Good band; shame about misogyny and the pongy audience. Best forgotten.
(Hooray for Whelan’s!)

Good times all-round. : D

Joan As Police Woman
[web | myspace ]

Cansei de Ser Sexy
[web | myspace ]

Republic of Loose
[ blah ]

. . .

Now, back to the land of no internets!

GUBU Is Not Dead (yet) . . . Long live GUBU!

Yes, contrary to previous reports, GUBU of Capel Street did not shut its doors at Easter.

Which means that I have missed valuable quality time with the wee place.
Which means that I am not at all guilty at being tipsy now.
And which means that I am all geared up for my “Save GUBU” campaign..


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