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Sodom & Gobama

By: Friday October 26, 2012 6:05 am

Oh MY! how the delicate petunias of the right lost their poop this morning because the President used the swear “b*llsh*t” (which is the word ‘bullshit’ for you dumb motherfuckers who don’t speak asterisk) when talking about Mitt Romney:

You know what? I know a POTUS has to deal with a lot of stress and has to blow off steam, and sometimes cursing is a part of that, but – dang it – Presidents are role models for kids and language like this should be left behind closed doors. It’d be one thing if this was an unintentional hot mic moment or if he were speaking out of frustration and in the heat of the moment cursed, but it’s not. He said this knowing it had the potential for being published, knowing that teenagers read this unabashedly left wing magazine.

And anyone who thinks I’m being fuddy dud about this, think about other things Presidents in modern history make sure they don’t do in public: smoke, get drunk, become overly affectionate with their spouses, be seen in revealing clothing, etc. There are things you just shouldn’t do in public when you’re in a position of great influence like the leader of the free world is and, frankly, you need to act like a bleeping adult and not some college frat dude. Such a high office commands more dignity and respect this President sometimes takes for granted.

Dang it! I am no bleeping fuddy dud! H-E -double hockey sticks, no!

But wait! The pearl clutching has just started because it seems that the All Night Nubian Sex Machine has been having his way with our (white) wimmens, and the ladiez are lovin’ his Sweet Sweetback Baadasssss Song and taking it to The YouTubes

Almost, but not quite, law professor William A. Jacobson does not care for this voting miscegenation with its vague intimations of a large black stamen noodling about a delicate white flowers pistil whilst doing the sexytime. No, he most certainly does not:

Obama campaign — Young female voters should lose voting virginity with Barack

Hey ladies, remember 2008 was not as good for anyone as it was for Obama

They mean voting, of course, yeah right, no sexual imagery in this ad from the Obama campaign.

The Obama campaign has lost whatever mind it had left, it has sunk to lows never seen before.

This is William A Jacobson

Of course you were offended, almost-Professor Jacobson.

Of course you were…

This DEA Agent Went to Mexico to Beat the Drug Cartels. It Didn’t Turn Out Well.

By: Friday October 26, 2012 5:35 am

Co-authored by Jesse Lava

Sean Dunagan went to Monterrey, Mexico, to crack down on drugs. As an intelligence analyst for the Drug Enforcement Administration, he wanted to bring down the cartels and other trafficking organizations. He brought his family with him because Monterrey seemed like a peaceful, vibrant place to live. But things changed.

Sean saw that the drug war he was fighting was actually fueling more and more violence, creating the same kind of nasty black market that existed under Prohibition. Monterrey got overrun. Beheadings, extortion, kidnappings—they became part of daily life due to drugs being illegal instead of regulated and controlled. Today, Sean knows that the solution to the violence lies in ending, not escalating, the War on Drugs.

Fatster’s Roundup

By: Friday October 26, 2012 4:45 am

Good morning, all!

International Developments

❖ “UN to investigate civilian deaths from US drone strikes: Special rapporteur on counter-terror operations condemns Barack Obama’s failure to establish effective monitoring process”. A UN investigations unit in Geneva will “examine the legality of drone attacks” in which civilians are killed.

❖ “A man suspected of involvement in an attack on the US consulate in the Libyan city of Benghazi last month has been killed in the Egyptian capital, Cairo, officials say.”

❖ “The worst in the gold sector is over”, according to the National Union of Mineworkers in South Africa, as the miners accepted a pay offer.

❖ “Syria’s military says it will adhere to a four-day ceasefire to begin on Friday for the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha.”

❖ “Britain rejects US request to use UK bases in nuclear standoff with Iran: Secret legal advice states pre-emptive strike could be in breach of international law as Iran not yet ‘clear and present threat’.”

❖ All but a “skeleton crew” of those Argentine sailors stuck in Ghana while their ship was seized during a dispute between Argentina and NML Capital, are now back in Buenos Aires. An Air France plane was chartered by Argentina to get them home due to fears an Argentine plane would also be seized.

❖ In May, three Muslim males raped and murdered a Buddhist female in Burma’s Rakhine state. Ten Muslims were subsequently killed by Buddhists, thus beginning a series of violent incidents resulting in 90 people killed and hundreds of homes torched. 56 people were killed since this past Sunday alone.

Wikileaks has begun publishing “more than 100 US Department of Defense documents including the first prisoner treatment manual for Guantanamo Bay.

International Finance

❖ Interesting set of graphs showing the Greek government’s “expenditures were basically stable” between 1990-2007, ‘increasing rapidly only as a result of the 2008 recession”, and Greece’s government expenditures as a percent of GDP were not all that different from other countries. Moreover, it was in the private, rather than government, sector where the grossest financial imbalances occurred.

Money Matters USA

❖ The prosecution had asked for a 10-year sentence, but US District Judge Jed Rakoff in New York, handed down a 2-year prison sentence to former Goldman Sachs board member Rajat Gupta, recently convicted of insider trading. Judge Rakoff was impressed with Gupta’s “‘extraordinary’ contribution to humanitarian and education causes”. Gupta was also fined $5 million.

❖ Nomi Prins, former Managing Director of Goldman Sachs: “Before The Election Was Over, Wall St. Won

Politics USA

❖ “The FBI and U.S. Postal Service agents are investigating bogus official-looking letters sent to voters in at least 28 Florida counties questioning their citizenship and their eligibility to vote”. They’re covering a broad swath–”from civil rights violations to election fraud–to everything in between.”

Over 200 FL congregations will be participating in the “Marching Souls to Polls” on October 28th and November 4th, 2012 as part of the national initiative Protect Our Vote Sundays. Impressive list of organizations and groups participating. [cont'd.]

How dare you not easily go along with our bs again!

By: Friday October 26, 2012 1:30 am

Though they want to get in on that “drone-action” it appears that any pending action against our latest batch of “new just like Hitlers” may contain less poodle-like behavior.

Dirty Pool

By: Thursday October 25, 2012 8:00 pm

As dispiriting as it is to be a Democrat these days, what with the equivocating and serial cave-ins to the opposition, at least it isn’t downright embarrassing. All but the most craven of Democrats at least vaguely attempt to run on a platform of some sort, and have the decency to make at least desultory attempts to implement it if elected. More importantly, they generally make a pretense of playing by the rules in elections.

Not so Republicans.

Will US Justice Department Sue Over State Marijuana Legalization?

By: Thursday October 25, 2012 7:15 pm

Most coverage announces that Cole’s statements ‘represent a big departure from Obama’s silence on the matter. Well, yes, given that he even had a television ad in which some stoners representing teevee’s Harold and Kumar, and expressing his Hope that they’re on board, cuz ‘we have to get this right”, tra la la…. His DoJ has cracked down hard on MMJ dispensaries in some states, but in CO, they have mainly pressed the federal ‘1000 feet from schools’ laws for drug activity that increases a regular bust to a greater crime; about ten years’ worth if I remember correctly (don’t count on it).

Holy Trinity! Jesus Is the New Third Party Candidate!

By: Thursday October 25, 2012 6:30 pm

Those votes for Jesus won’t get Christ elected to the Oval Office, first of all because he is currently disincarnate, and in many states, write-in candidates don’t count unless the candidate has filed an affidavit, which is hard to do if you don’t have a meat suit. Other states will not count write-in votes. And then there’s that pesky issue about needing a birth certificate for proof of citizenship.

How Obama Boosters Delude Themselves into Accepting & Ignoring America’s Two-Party System

By: Thursday October 25, 2012 5:45 pm

A show on Al Jazeera English called “The Stream” invited me to appear to discuss third parties, supporters of third party candidates and US electoral politics in general yesterday. They did a full show on the election and how it was a close contest, highlighted the views of voters who consider Obama and Romney to be mostly similar, and noted there are people who simply say third party candidates have no chance of winning. Then, they posed the question, “By refusing to endorse Obama or Romney, could these citizens decide the next president and what would that mean?”

I appeared on the program with Michael Moschella, a founder of the New Leaders Council and also a political director for the Truman Security Project, and Jason Brennan, a professor at Georgetown University and author of “The Ethics of Voting.”

59% of Americans Think Marijuana Should Be Legalized

By: Thursday October 25, 2012 5:00 pm

A new Huffington Post poll/YouGov poll has found one of the highest level of support for marijuana legalization of any national poll. Overall it found 59 percent of Americans think marijuana should be legalized, while just 26 percent think it should remain illegal.

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