
Yeah…? Well Ryan is Hot!

Posted at 9:30 by Cerberus

Biden laughing at the right-wing shitstorm he knows he just started.

Entire National Review:
Every Goddamn post on the site

Shorter entire bloody site:

  • Biden is a poopyhead!

At some point, you’d expect one of them to look at themselves and their desperate pleading and just let it go. Maybe enjoy the baffling gains The Smiler made in his first debate*, but no.

Biden revealed the Village’s wonk as having no policy clothes and for that he must be destroyed. Because having eyes is Liberal Facism Double Plus Ungood!

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. Seriously, the entire fucking site. It’s wall to wall, wah Biden, wah, how dare Democrats campaign. If I was a hack and my “guy” was able to erase the political damage of stating half the country deserves to starve, not to mention months of complete incompetence, with one debate performance of complete fiction, I’d think I’d be cheering. But hey, whatever, right? We are aware of all Internet traditions.™

*Seriously, though, what the fuck America? The Smiler has hardly hidden what he is, what he’s going to do, and how badly he’s going to fuck every last one of us in the 99%. If a majority of Idiot America send him to the White House anyways because “black man scary” then we fucking deserve the hell we will receive.


Mr. Starbursts

Posted at 9:00 by Cerberus

This is a real picture. Designed specifically to highlight his “sex appeal”… Wingnuts and media whores have strange strange fetishes.

J.T. Hatter, American Libido:
Is Paul Ryan Hawt?

So yeah, apparently there was a Salmonella outbreak recently. A bunch of peanut butter from about 50 “different” companies all operating out of this one factory in Georgia turned out to be tainted and there was a recall set in motion to correct the “whoopsie” otherwise known as “the FDA has been reduced to one guy named Phil”.

Luckily I was able to find this out and lend the FDA a much needed hand by becoming deliriously sick for a week until my body remembered how to properly function again. So patriotic duty fulfilled, I’m ready to jump back into the fray. Well, not so much jump per se seeing as how I managed to twist my ankle to the point it resembles a grapefruit punched repeatedly by Chris Brown.

But hey, I’m doped up on painkillers and ready for anything. C’mon wingnuts, give me your best shot!

Shorter (or the last port before Jungle):

  • We don’t need to worry about the War on Women fucking us over because women are a pack of horny dogs that think with their dicks, I mean ovaries. And Paul Ryan turns me, I mean them, on more.

Read the rest of this entry »


The Bobo Answer For Medicare: Ice Floes!

Posted at 20:28 by Tintin

Shorter Bobo D’Applebee, The New Fucking York Fucking Union Busting Times:
The Policy Verdict I

  • Because seniors draw out more money from Medicare than they paid into it, it is better that they just get it over with and die rather than wreck the federal budget for their grandchildren.

For anyone who might for a moment think that this shorter is an exaggeration, I need only quote this from Bobo’s wet slobbering deep tongue kiss of the Romney-Ryan voucher plan for Medicare

Voucher plans may save money, but perhaps by shedding the sickest customers.

Ya think? Ya fucking think?? In 1964 we passed Medicare because only 50 percent of the elderly even had insurance and of those that did only fifty percent of those policies would cover hospitalization. That’s the free market for you. Old people get sick and need expensive care. They aren’t interesting to private insurers even if they have more money than Ann Romney’s dancing horses’ Cayman Islands trust funds. Why on earth people think that the free market system has gotten kinder and gentler since 1963 and why they think that a voucher system isn’t the moral equivalent of marching grandma onto an ice floe and pushing her out into a frigid ocean is beyond me. So yes, Brooks calls its shedding, I call it ice floes, but the bottom line is that a Medicare voucher is a one way ticket into the Arctic Ocean.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


The Flatulence Beneath My Wings

Posted at 19:23 by Tintin


Shorter Bozo Brentell, Newsblusterers:
Oscars Splash in the Sewer

  • Seth McFarlane should not host the Oscars because he has told penis jokes. Penis jokes are not funny. Fart jokes are funny but only if you say flatulence instead of fart.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Poor Little White Mitt

Posted at 22:47 by Tintin

Shorter George F. (and you know what that stands for but if you don’t it ends in “wad”) Will, The Liberal Bastion of Columnists Charles Kraphammer and Michael Gerbilson
Can Romney turn this contest around?

  • The real victim of racism in America is Mitt Romney.

When conservative white male pundits write about race issues, you are pretty much guaranteed that you’re going to get some version or other of the “blacks are the real racists” meme that they hold so dear to their hearts. You can expect an anecdote about a poor rich white frat boy who has some disabled black lesbian professor’s boot on his neck. Along with that will be the required observation on the unjustness of black rappers being able to say nigger when a poor white man can’t even perform in a minstrel show in blackface without being convicted of a hate crime and executed by lethal injection in Blackville, New Blackedonia.

But Will, who is the poster child for the tragedy of diminished white entitlement, has a new spin. It’s not the blacks who are racists against whites.  No, it’s the whites who have now turned racist against themselves. According to Will, the American electorate is now mostly composed of self-loathing whites that would prefer to keep a blackity-black President in the White House rather than to admit that electric cars are a failure and vote for the white guy. (Seriously, Will’s biggest complaint about Obama in this column is plug-in cars.)

In the midst of this hilarity that attributes Mitt’s declining numbers to white-on-white racism there is another gem. Whereas most people talk about Jackie Robinson as a milestone in our progress against racism, Will instead finds the real milestone to be another black baseball-playing Robinson, namely Frank Robinson, a black manager of the Cleveland Indians. And it wasn’t hiring him that was the milestone. No, no siree:

[A]n even more important milestone of progress occurred June 19, 1977, when the Indians fired [Frank Robinson]. That was colorblind equality.

Yes, let’s celebrate the importance of firing a black man as the true milestone. I mean, after all, black men had never been fired before that and had been cruelly denied the white privileges of homelessness, unemployment, and poverty. For fuck’s sake, this must be the single most absurd thing to ever appear within the pages of the WaPo and you have to wonder whether in the next paragraph Will is going to claim that the true measure of racial equality is when we get can back to stringing black men up from tree limbs. Really. Or maybe the next milestone is when we stop depriving white people of being able to go to movie theatres and ride on buses with their own kind.

I should stop here but, this being Sadly, No! and my desire to humiliate this bow-tied fuckwad not being yet slaked, I want to go back to the electriccarpocalypse that Will thinks is the slam dunk reason for deposing Obama.

Tesla joins California-based Fisker, another floundering would-be maker of high-end rides for rich people, which has received a $529 million DOE loan.

Sadly, No!. The DOE authorized that amount but had only loaned $193 million before further loans from the DOE were cut off to the company last May for failure to meet milestones. So either the WaPo has no fact checkers, Will hasn’t heard about Google, or Will is a lying scumbag. I’ll take door number three, Monty.


A World Away From Any Reality I Know

Posted at 6:05 by Cerberus

Well with a name like that, he’ll fit right in in Australia… Monty Python is a documentary, right?

Bruce, The Quisling Report (otherwise known as GayPatriot):
A World Away

Hey, as a blog writer I get it. Sometimes you’re off on vacation, needing to check up on your white slavery ring, or just ensuring the vast machinations of your worldwide communist revolution are successfully completing the schemes within schemes needed to prepare the land for the coming of the Antichrist. And so you throw up a quick picture of combine harvesters fucking and a quick paragraph about the quality of the local rent boys.

I’m not slagging on Bruce writing up a quick open thread and posting some vacation photos to it.

I’m more baffled on the state of mind that could possibly produce this paragraph.

I see news of next year’s “fiscal cliff” is finally getting through from the mainstream media today. Well, financial concern is one of the reasons for my travel binge the past two weeks. Just in case.

And it’s not even the entire paragraph that I have issue with. Sure, the first sentence is dumb, but I can at least put together the tiny frayed end of what was once a thread of “logic”. He saw some Fox News talking head telling him to be really really scared that the Economy will super-tank unless we vote for the Party that tanks economies and he obediently soiled himself.

I get that.

It’s just this:

Well, financial concern is one of the reasons for my travel binge the past two weeks. Just in case.


How in Bill Nye’s Satanic Centrifuge does that even begin to make sense?

Has there ever been a real human being on the planet who has ever thought that?

Who’s gone, “Gosh geewhilikers Sandra, I’m just so gosh-darned concerned that the economy is tanked, my financial situation may be precarious, and it’s very possible we could be in dire straits soon. Welp, let’s spend a massive amount of money on a huge vacation trip. Yanno, just in case?”

People in the death throes of the final culmination of their multiple syphilitic symptoms who are just randomly banging letters on a keyboard couldn’t even type these words. The last remaining synapse of their dying brain would mercifully cut off their oxygen supply before they got halfway just to protect them from the embarrassment of writing something so inhumanely out-of-touch with basic humanity.

The Smiler talking to a closed room of rich amoral sociopaths wouldn’t even say a sentence like that.

It’s so bizarrely fascinating that I find myself utterly transfixed, struggling to translate the seed of an idea that could have been twisted into this current abomination.

Perhaps money worries being stressful despite being so rich you can drop down on 2 weeks in Australia to get the equivalent of a spa trip or a long bath? Obama time-travelers are planning to steal his money on the day of the Election, but they can’t steal it if it’s already been translated into dingo kidneys (that’s the Australian currency, right?)? Planning to escape the Antichrist-induced Apocalypse by hiding among the giant poisonous spiders and over-sexed bunnies?



Wingnuts. Somehow incapable of posting a simple “On vacation, entertain yourselves” post without at least one psychotic break from reality.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. Yeah, I’m as baffled as you are that this post ended up being the topic for today. That two sentences, man… We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Polls Are Dentistry Iz Theft

Posted at 10:40 by Cerberus

You are tearing me apart, Poll Numbers!

Robert Stacy McCain and/or His Live-In Gimp Smitty, The Slightly More White Supremacist McCain:
Do You Believe the Ohio Polls?

It’s been an interesting week couple of weeks campaign life for The Smiler this last while now. Between gleefully cheering the events in Libya in the hopes of turning it into his Iran Hostage Crisis (forgetting the all important role CONTRAs have in bribing a group of foreign terrorists to throw you an election) and declaring that people are parasites if they think they have a right not to starve to death in the streets, The Smiler has taken whatever small chance of winning this election he might have had and fired it into the sun. Even with the resurgence of Jim Crow bullshit voter suppression laws, “poll defender” vigilante crews vowing to intimidate voters, and daily sacrifices to Beelzebub the Hanger of Chads, Romney is polling somewhere below Candiru fish.

Heck, Five Thirty Eight has The Smiler’s chances of winning at around 16.2% and even the Fox News polls are saying it looks like we’re about to get a repeat of the Obama/Keyes race.

Now for wingnuts, who have spent decades convincing themselves that their 27% compatriots speak for a vast silent majority that think exactly like them, these polls serve as a violent reminder of reality and really there is only three ways for them to react to the harrowing likelihood of a second ScaryBlackMan term.

1) Realize that they are the discarded refuse of history and its far beyond time they learned to grow up and accept the world as is instead of the half-remembered nostalgias of child-BWAHAHA, yeah, I can’t keep a straight face. This will never happen.

2) Prepare their Kool-Aid dispensers and tin-foil hats for another 4 years of ensuring that anything the black man wants to do is adamantly opposed by whatever dirty tricks the Legislature can throw at him.


Shorter (or the last port before Jungle):

  • Polls and the very act of polling are a conspiracy of lies working against Republicans and thus we must oppose them and seek to destroy them and replace them with “balance” with the same fervor we have against all other sources of information about the so-called real world.

Read the rest of this entry »


Taming of the Slut

Posted at 9:18 by Cerberus

1. You’re a Slut. 2. Your slutty sluttiness. 3-10. SLUT! WHY ISN’T THIS MAKING YOU GO MAKE MENFOLK SAMMICHES AS IS YOUR PLACE?!?

Jeannie DeAngelis, American UnghUnghUNNNNH!!!:
Sextra Credit and the Rehabilitation of Sluts*

Oi. This election season. I mean, every time the Smiler opens his mouth is a wonderful gift from Snark Heaven, but boy howdy is it tanking the usual output from the psychotics and the sociopaths. So many endless reams of run-of-the-mill IT’S ALWAYS PROJECTION as the right wing loses any and all hope of convincing themselves that they are going to stop the endless gulags of our Nigger in Chief.

It’s not that these posts aren’t still insane. It’s just that they are so very defeated, not bothering with the interesting novelty that makes right-wing dementia so… unique to behold. Where is that old can-do moxie?

Oh, hey, what’s that? It’s our old reliable friends at American Thinker with some fine aged wisdom for us.

Shorter (or the second to last port before Jungle):

  • Slut slut slut slut. Slut slut slut slut. Sluttity slut, sluttity slut!

Alternate Shorter (or the last port before Jungle):

  • Ignorance is the best defense against unwanted pregnancies and STDs. P.S. Every single woman who admits sex exists is a dirty filthy slut who must be climbing into every rubbish bin she can find to sate her insatiable thirst for cum.

Read the rest of this entry »


The World’s Greatest Shorter and I Didn’t Even Write It

Posted at 8:50 by Cerberus

It’s just too wonderful.

Kathy Shaidle, PJ Lifestyle*:
The Poor Get Poorer: 3 Character Traits That Undermine Prosperity

Ladies and Gentlemen, Fluberts of all ages, you are about to bear witness to possibly the greatest shorter in the history of shorters.



Shorter (or the last port before Jungle):

  • Gluttonous, slothful, irresponsible and entitled: Today’s “poor” are the “rich” Jesus warned us about.

Know what the best part of this is? I didn’t write it. Not one solitary word. Nor did I just grab a damning verbatim from the middle of the post because it really synthesizes the stupid.

Nope, this really was, quite literally**, the post’s actual shorter. As in below the fold, before the hundred thousand YouTube videos and unnecessary BOLDING OF RANDOM SENTENCES. Innumeracy and bizarre biblical reference included.


I can’t top that.

I just can’t. Oh sure, I could give the post a full treatment. There’s a lot to work with. I think my “favorite” is at the end where she directly blames the citizens of New Orleans for Katrina because having the motto “Let the Good Times Roll” somehow caused Bush to ignore the Army Corps of Engineers’ strongly-worded recommendation to reinforce the levees.

But everything I could possibly add would be a faint echo compared to the sheer… majesty of Kathy Shaidle’s unintentional self-satire.

Well, played, ma’am. Well played.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. Topping the bar is invented by Kathy Shaidle or Random Unpaid Intern. Well done ma’am or other. Well done. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™

*Why, Bob, why does this exist?

**To use some parlance du Friedman


Why I Don’t Give Any Money To The New York Times

Posted at 16:55 by Tintin

ABOVE: The most widely-mocked facial hair not on a Taliban

Shorter Mr. Mustache, The For Chrissakes New Fucking York Fucking Times:
Look In Your Mirror*

  • I know you are but what am I?


Alternate Shorter Mr. Mustache, The For Chrissakes New Fucking York Fucking Times:
Look In Your Mirror*

  • So’s Your Face!!


Second Alternate Shorter Mr. Mustache, The For Chrissakes New Fucking York Fucking Times:
Look In Your Mirror*

  • But, Dad, they started it!

Shamed perhaps finally out of building entire columns from the things that imaginary, but oddly perceptive, cab drivers allegedly told him on the autoroute between Charles de Gaulle Airport and the George V, Mr. Mustache is now basing columns on signs he has seen Arab demonstrators hold up on the TeeVee. And they have made Mr. Mustache very mad.

[O]ne of the Egyptian demonstrators outside the American Embassy, Khaled Ali, [was] justifying last week’s violent protests by declaring: “We never insult any prophet — not Moses, not Jesus — so why can’t we demand that Muhammad be respected?” Mr. Ali, a 39-year-old textile worker, was holding up a handwritten sign in English that read: “Shut Up America.”

Because Mr. Mustache, as one of the very important people, is pretty much the same thing as America, Mr. Mustache takes this sign very personally.

[W]e need to make two things very clear — more clear than President Obama’s team has made them. One is that an insult — even one as stupid and ugly as the anti-Islam video on YouTube that started all of this — does not entitle people to go out and attack embassies and kill innocent diplomats. That is not how a proper self-governing people behave. There is no excuse for it. It is shameful.

Yea, because Obama was like totally sympathetic to the people who killed the ambassador and said that due to his own Muslim beliefs no action at all would be taken against his fellow jihadists. In fact, Obama said that he was planning to invite the assassins to spend a night in the Lincoln Bedroom and attend Muslim prayer services in the Oval Office on the following morning complete with the ritual beheading of a few Crusaders from the State Department. You know, Mr. Mustache has said lots of idiotic things but saying that Obama hasn’t condemned the assassins clearly enough takes not just the cake but the whole fucking platter and table that the cake is on and the whole fucking room where the table is.

And, second, before demanding an apology from our president, Mr. Ali and the young Egyptians, Tunisians, Libyans, Yemenis, Pakistanis, Afghans and Sudanese who have been taking to the streets might want to look in the mirror — or just turn on their own televisions. They might want to look at the chauvinistic bile that is pumped out by some of their own media — on satellite television stations and Web sites or sold in sidewalk bookstores outside of mosques — insulting Shiites, Jews, Christians, Sufis and anyone else who is not a Sunni, or fundamentalist, Muslim.

It is at this point where you seriously have to wonder whether Mr. Mustache is an adult or an eight-year-old. If you have a deranged lunatic waving a hand grenade, this is not the time to demand that the lunatic apologize first.

Of course, it’s all too easy for Mr. Mustache, from the safety of the Times offices in Manhattan, to throw more fuel on the fire and endanger Americans actually in the Middle East (and not ensconced comfortably in Manhattan as the Great Mustache is) by insisting that the Arabs apologize first. You don’t have to be a very important person with a very important mustache and a sinecure at the New York Times to figure out that this is a time when we put on our big boy pants and try to discourage our own crazies from disseminating inflammatory rhetoric even if their crazies are doing the same thing or worse. That is because the adult thing to do is to think of the safety of our compatriots and not nurse some school yard grudge because the other guy said that Moses molested baby goats or secretly liked bacon. Just because Friedman has the mustache of a sixty-year-old man can’t hide the fact that he thinks like an eight-year-old child

*Here is a link to the column that is not behind the NYT’s paywall


Obama Weasels Ripped Glenn’s Flesh

Posted at 18:10 by Tintin

Shorter InstaHick, Pee in My Jammies Media:
Why Obama Should Resign

  • As a law professor, I can state with authority that activities designed to ridicule or harm Muslims cannot under any circumstances be deemed to be a violation of probation.

Poor InstaHick. After almost four years of biting his lip and refraining from saying anything bad about the Muslim Dictator in Chief in the White House, he has now been finally pushed over the edge and has no choice but to call for Obama’s resignation. Press reports indicate that the InstaHick post in question sent shock waves through the White House and that Obama is huddled with his closest advisors determining a possible time frame for his resignation. Reportedly, a “You Won’t Have Barry Obama to Kick Around Anymore” speech is in the works, which Obama is planning to deliver before a helicopter whisks him off the lawn of the White House and back to his real, and soon to be permanent, home in Kenya.

By sending — literally — brownshirted enforcers to engage in — literally — a midnight knock at the door of a man for the non-crime of embarrassing the President of the United States and his administration, President Obama violated [his] oath [of office].

Who knew that Obama — in addition to having all Muslims in the Middle East under his command — also is running the L.A. County Sheriff’s Department? And you might have wondered why Obama, instead of sending his FBI and Secret Service storm troopers and flying monkeys out to round up this guy, decided to use some county sheriffs instead. Well, Glenn tells you that too: because the sheriffs have brown uniforms! They’re brown shirts! Literally!! Apparently when someone suggested to Obama that he send some U.S Marshalls instead of L.A County Sheriffs, Obama became enraged, shouting “I want Brown Shirts,” before goose stepping down the hall while loudly singing the Horst-Wessel-Lied.

You can try to pretty this up (It’s just about possible probation violations! Sure.)

Sure. Don’t they know about the Muslim-bashing exception to probation violations? Don’t they know that this exception prohibits even asking questions about the violation? How can Obama flaunt the law so blatantly?

Of course, no Instahick post would be complete without a “Heh” moment:

And reader Paul Crabtree writes: “Although the midnight raid to punish free speech is beyond deplorable, I guess we should be relieved that the Nobel Prize winner didn’t order a drone strike on his house.” Heh. We probably don’t have to worry about those . . . in the first term.

The best thing that can come of this is that Perfesser InstaCracker will, fearing for his life, take to his roof with his rifle and spend the next four years shooting in the air at the unseen Obama drones coming to snuff him out. Heh.


Republican Outreach

Posted at 2:44 by Cerberus

So you know the “help”? Those meaningless peons who probably make like WAY less than a million dollars a week who roam around invisibly in the background when the grown-up John Galt supermen responsible for the World even existing are talking among themselves?

Yeah, turns out that they have functioning ears… and functioning cameras and may very well rat out your closed doors bitch fest about how the poor are entitled bitches, expecting things like food or basic survival when there are tax cuts needing to be passed and dumbass “independents” needing to be tricked into voting their resentments.


Looks like The Smiler just got Tyler Durdened. It really couldn’t have happened to a more deserving fellow.


Bitches Be Responsible for Everything Bad

Posted at 4:06 by Cerberus

He would go to the Applebee’s Salad Bar, but the Gynocracy blew those up when they blew up the global economy with their insidious femaleness.

Bobo Brooks*, The Motherfucking New York Times:
Why Men Fail

Bobo has always been bad. Bobo has always been stupid. Bobo has always organically harvested his factoids from deep within his large intestines.

But dear Bob in Himmel, I think he’s getting worse. And really, it was entirely predictable. Bobo has always been a conservative affirmative action hire paid obscene wealth to throw a tiny veneer of college-date-rapist psuedo-intellectualism over the most noxious of right-wing beliefs in order to better sell rationalization to irredeemable fucks who need a reason to justify living in actually diverse cities and still fantasize about 50s era social mores with late 1800s economic policies. And now that the conservatives have unleashed their collective ids and begun drawing on the walls in their own feces, David Brooks found his fig leaf of dignity getting smaller and smaller until eventually he was forced to just give in and produce the same authority-worshipping, conspiracy-laden, female-fearing nutjobbery as your average American Genius article.

Don’t believe me?

Shorter (or the last port before Jungle):

  • The uppity wimminfolk iz stealing er jobs because their flighty vapid whore natures are better adapted to the current Mad Max style economy than genuinely competent world-rulers like teh menz.

Read the rest of this entry »


Step Away From That Analogy Before You Hurt Yourself

Posted at 22:10 by Tintin

ABOVE: Amelia Hamilton

Shorter Amelia Hamilton, Wingnut News:

The Coat Hanger Argument & The Flaws Therein

  • Don’t talk to me about alleys and coathangers; bitches who have abortions after we make them illegal deserve what they get.

Another dispatch from the Republican non-war on women comes from Amelia Hamilton, esteemed author of a children’s book explaining to the little tykes, in insipid verse, how the Bill of Rights keeps children safe in their homws by allowing mommy to blow the brains out of anyone who wanders onto the front porch. Amelia, when not crafting rhyming couplets about Jesus and the right to bear arms, is taking on those Godless baby-killing Dems who are getting all whiney about back-alley coat-hanger abortions once the Republican peace pow-wow with women makes all abortion illegal.

Don’t want to risk an unsafe abortion? Don’t have one.

Don’t want to be raped by Uncle Lester? Don’t have an uncle! Don’t want to die in childbirth? Stop fucking!

Fearing perhaps that her argument needs a little more oomph, Amelia wanders off into analogy land, a dangerous territory in Amelia’s case

The argument seems to be that, as women will have abortions anyway, they should be kept legal for safety reasons. Robbery, assault, and domestic violence are some of the top crimes in America. They are all illegal, and they all happen anyway. Should they, therefore, be made legal to keep them safe? We hear stories of people defending their homes or lives from criminal activity in which the criminals end up injured. Surely breaking the law should not be so dangerous!

No, Amelia, this is not like requiring people to give their money to robbers when politely asked to make robbery a safe activity for criminals. The better analogy is that the woman is the one being robbed and you are the one justifying a law that women should not be allowed outside the home and, if they do, well, they deserve to get robbed. The other problem with this dumb-assed analogy is that there are indeed laws that protect criminals. You can’t shoot a robber in the back as he’s walking away from you.

Stick with the kiddie books, Amelia.


Bill Nye the Satanist Guy

Posted at 1:01 by Cerberus

Picture shamefully stolen from a terribly designed website.

Terry L. Mirll, American Genius:
Bill Nye the Pseudoscience Guy

Hey, remember Bill Nye the Science Guy?

Of course you do. Half of you have his theme song stuck in your head right now. Bill Nye is the freaking Mr. Rogers of the science edutainment world.

But that’s just how he sucks you into his dark web of lies and Satanic corruption. For Bill Nye, once beloved childhood icon… I can’t even say it… he supports… he supports well established scientific theories that are central to entire disciplines of scientific inquiry.

Cue the howl of the righteous:

Shorter (or the last port before Jungle):

  • Science is a lie and Bill Nye is the devil!

Read the rest of this entry »


Sob. It was a Good Convention… Right? *Sniff*

Posted at 9:09 by Cerberus

Crawling in my ski~in! These wounds don’t seem to he~al!

John H. Fund, National Erase:
Dinosaur Conventions

So how bad was the Republican National Convention?

Shorter (or the last port before Jungle):

  • WAAAAAHHHHHHH! Having conventions is like double Hitler! Can we just retroactively decide we didn’t have one? Or better yet that we didn’t have to have any pretenses to democracy at all? WAAAAAAHHHH!

It’s been what? Less than a week since the Republicans attempted to have their big marketing push for The Smiler and his vat-grown VP candidate? And not even the paid hacks can manage to spin it as anything other than a catastrophe?

Apparently there’s a lot of paid whores for the GOP looking at this upcoming election much like a deer looks into the headlights of an oncoming truck.

‘The closest thing to eternal life is a government program,” Ronald Reagan once said. I suspect that today he might single out the $136 million in taxpayer subsidies that go to the two major parties for their national conventions. Established in the 1970s when people thought conventions might still decide something, the subsidies keep flowing and are even indexed for inflation. They now amount to welfare for corporate and union interests and the political class — providing the infrastructure for wheeling, dealing, and frolicking.

Established in the 1970s. First appearing in 1832 as the replacement for the caucus system. Same thing, right?

Fuck, we’ve had National Conventions longer than we’ve allowed filthy regular people select our presidential candidates. But thanks for dog-whistling Jimmy Carter so loud it made a couple of the racists in the front go deaf.

Few people suggest that the parties should abandon conventions completely, but the subsidies prop up an archaic structure that needs retooling.

Uh huh. We’re not saying that we want a return to the smoky bars where Party Bosses decided the candidates with nary a thought to the electorate. All we’re saying is the current system needs reforms.

You know? The same reforms that Social Security and Medicare need, if you know what I mean, and I think you do.

“Some pundits lament the demise of the old conventions,” writes Michael Barone, co-author of The Almanac of American Politics. “But they couldn’t be revived without banning long-distance telephone, the Internet, and jet travel.”

…We could have “old conventions” if we made it impossible for any outside the super rich could possibly attend? That doesn’t even…

To be fair, there’s going to be a lot of that this post. John Superfund jumps around more than a long-jumper with icy-hot-soaked shorts. I think he thinks that this will somehow hide his panicked sobs as he imagines the inevitable comparison of the Democrat’s public-filled stadium convention to their heavily-controlled parade of racists and doddering old white men.

Spoiler alert? It will not.

For most voters, the conventions today are increasingly an anachronism. Only 14 percent of people told pollster Scott Rasmussen that they wanted more than the nightly one hour of prime-time coverage the broadcast networks aired.

What does that even mean?!?

There’s poorly worded poll questions by sketchy organizations and then there’s Dadaist experiments in free-form performance art.

Even with such limited coverage, ratings were down 30 percent or more this year from the 2008 Republican convention. Only one in five unaffiliated voters bothered to tune in for more than a few minutes.

If there was no better sign that the Republican Party needs to shut down the few thin remaining scraps of democracy it allows its constituents, I don’t know what it is.

…Actually, I think that’s his straight up argument here…

In theory, about three-quarters of the taxpayer funding is earmarked for security, but that money is fungible — it makes the two overblown extravaganzas possible. Security for presidents, vice presidents, congressional leaders, and presidential nominees is paid for separately by the Secret Service and is provided wherever those figures go.

Some political players are blowing the whistle and challenging the taxpayer subsidies.

Yes. They are “blowing the whistle” now. Like right this second. It’s almost like they want to prevent something from happening that will happen very soon and the inevitable comparisons it will draw to, say, some not described event where a senile actor ranted at an inanimate chair. Hypothetically speaking.

Cause yeah, arguing that Barack Obama isn’t allowed to campaign against your candidate really is the only hope the Republican Party has left at this point.

The original Smiler may have won against The Beast, but your Smiler is going against black Mr. Rogers. This was never going to be competitive even before you started scoring own goals and testing post-reality campaign styles.

Senator Tom Coburn (R., Okla.), a deficit hawk,

BWAHAHAHAHAHA! Hee hee ho ho ho oh wow. Thanks John, I haven’t laughed that hard in ages.

calls the gatherings “summertime parties” and says having them financially fend for themselves would demonstrate “strong leadership to getting our budget crisis in control.”

Yeah, hands up anyone who thinks he was saying remotely the same thing when Sarah Palin was enjoying her post-convention bump in 2008?

Fuck, hands up anyone who thinks any of these “deficit hawks” gave one fuck about all the “public money” going to party conventions before the Republican Party found a way to invent a negative convention bump?

Yeah, pretty much.

Hey, dickwads! Not televising your failures won’t make it any less apparent that you are a party of old out-of-touch white men bristling in pure rage at the “young ‘uns and niggers destroying the country”.

Exposed to sober analysis, the practice of lavishing taxpayer-funded largesse on convention luminaries cannot be justified when the public is in uproar over abuses such as the General Services Administration’s spending $823,000 on a “team building” meeting in Las Vegas.

Well, yes, people do tend to get a little upset when public money is used to pay for someone’s public bender and prostitute bill.

Your point?

Cause from here, all I’m hearing is:


And let’s be honest. That’s pretty much the take-home message from that paragraph.

Indeed, it appears that conventions are slowly shrinking in length — if only because of intervention from Mother Nature.

Whoa, whoa. Hold up there, Sally.

Are you seriously, seriously using a single data-point to argue a trend?

Yes, this current Republican National Convention was delayed a day because some dipshit forgot that it’s Hurricane Season in Florida. But that’s not a trend. That’s just a regular old fuckup.

Much like these concern troll arguments against conventions. If they last to next presidential election, I’ll be shocked. Fuck, I’ll be shocked if they last longer than the Democratic National Convention.

In 2008, Representative David Dreier of California, the Republican convention’s parliamentarian, developed an alternate plan under which all the legally required business at that year’s convention in St. Paul, Minn., could be conducted in a few hours in the event that the delegates and officials from the Gulf Coast had to go home to deal with Hurricane Gustav. This year, Democrats will conduct their business in three days instead of four. Republicans in Tampa found they could chop off a day from their schedule of activities with hardly anyone’s noticing.

Some politicians say conventions would shrink even more were it not for the government subsidy.

Government shrinking til’ we drown it in the bathtub, blah blah, growing fat on the public money teat…

I’m sorry, but is there an inebriated ape on the planet that doesn’t find this crap transparently pathetic? Conventions are each party’s attempt to “put on their best face” before the election season turns into the final sprint. Most of the money spent on the “spectacle” comes from the same handful of rich fuckers it usually does.

Again, no one gave a fuck about the miniscule drop in the bucket that was the legal public funding for conventions (mostly in place to give third parties the illusion of being legitimate contenders in the election) before the Republican Party spent who knows how many millions of dollars reminding everyone why the GOP is literally that crazy uncle you avoid at Thanksgiving.

“The staging overshadows the politics,” Senator Ron Johnson (R., Wis.) told a group of National Review editors last week

Yes, the party whose convention strategy consisted of seeing if a campaign strategy entirely composed of disconnected market-tested buzzwords could work is suddenly complaining about “staging overshadowing politics”.

But not because the strategy failed or because they want to set up an argument that Obama having a convention is proof he’s a demon-possessed Kenyan Marxist from Mars.

No no no!

They are just deeply, deeply concerned about the important political issues of the day being glossed over.

Like women’s rights and all the politicians arguing against them… eyah, i mean, ooh, maybe the current Great Depression and how the Republicans have been deliberately making things worse to help their 2012 chanceeeeee. Bad example. Maybe… no, not that, that’s right out…

No no, we’ll come up with something. Promise. Probably about November 7th or so. But in the meantime, we just wanted you to know how deeply deeply concerned we are about this… since about 4 days ago.

Count House Speaker John Boehner as another skeptic: “These are very expensive propositions to put on,” he told a group of reporters at a Christian Science Monitor lunch last week. He predicted that both Republicans and Democrats “will assess whether this type of convention is worth the tremendous resources put into it.”

I’ll go further: Whoever is elected president this November will have to go through such stringent belt-tightening when it comes to discretionary budget items that the convention subsidy will land on the chopping block. Any political party that dares to oppose getting rid of the subsidy will be in the crosshairs of voters.

So maybe Reagan will be proved wrong after all and the convention subsidy won’t be eternal. All of us will then discover that the two major parties and their allies can pay for whatever kind of convention makes sense to them without taxpayers having to foot much of the bill. Indeed, that’s just the way it was done from the time when the first convention was held — in 1832 to nominate Andrew Jackson — right up through the 1970s.

Oh now you remember that conventions have been around for nearly 200 years. Shame that the first one wasn’t Andrew Jackson, but was actually for the “Anti-Masonic Party”. But hey, why bother subjecting yourself to the strenuous task of looking something up on Wikipedia when you’ve got a page of full-bore concern troll and bullshit faux-deficit-hawkery to shove onto the tubes.

Don’t worry, though, the desperate half-remembered inaccurate factoid thrown on the end doesn’t at all ruin the delicious tang of your hyperventilating crying jag.

Oh but that this were but the beginning of a long dark winter for the 27% as they languish in obscurity never to fuck over our country or our planet again…

I scarce dare dream.

In the meantime however, let me tip the lemon juice all over their self-inflicted wounds.

Aah, what melodies it makes.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. Apparently the fallout from the RNC is unlocking my inner sadist. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™

*P.S. What the Flying Fuck?!? Okay, wingnuts, sit down.

I know. I know you are really really pants-shittingly terrified about how you’re going to make The Smiler look like a Regular Joe when he can’t even pretend to act like a plebian millionaire, but really? Really?!? Ripping off Soviet propaganda?!?!?

Cause… wow. Just wow.



Posted at 6:33 by Cerberus

The Republican National Convention, everyone!

I was struggling. Legitimately struggling to find a way to make the RNC clusterfuck funny. There was material, yes. There was the complete abandonment of even pretending to give a fuck about reality by the Smiler’s vat-grown VP candidate. The Smiler reminding the base that he’s not above grabbing that Birther chicken and fucking it for all its worth now that the Republican Party is officially down to old white male racists. Chris Christie throwing his hat into the 2016 race.

And let’s not forget the supposed best face of the Republican Party being unable to go 5 fucking minutes in the presence of a black person without throwing food at them and saying “This is how we feed animals”.

But how to summarize the whole affair? Make it funny? Well…

It turns out I didn’t need to. Clint Eastwood did it for me. Thank you Clint, your Kaufman-esque performance truly captured the spirit of the RNC:

An old man suffering from dementia, unsure of where he is or what he’s doing.


Why Won’t You Let Us Cum?!?

Posted at 22:23 by Cerberus

It’s almost like Norway’s justice system doesn’t care about the interrupted libidos of the people who create their domestic terrorists or something!

Nicholas Eberstadt, National Whiter Hue:
Life is Cheap in Europe


Mark Krikorian, National Whitest of Hues:
Re: Life is Cheap in Europe

That’s right! Twooooo horrible National Review posts in one go.

So apparently, National Review occasionally does this “point/counterpoint” thing from time to time but not really in the way you or I or any human being might.

Allow me to explain with a double shorter.

Shorter 1 (the pitch):

  • It’s actually the country of Norway and not the crazed terrorist we unleashed upon them who doesn’t value the lives of filthy brown people! Because Norway doesn’t understand that killing the murderer of said brown people, in violation to their ethics, magically brings said dead brown kids back to life.

Shorter 2 (self strangulation with one’s own bat):

  • How dare you, SIR! Those slaughtered were not “filthy brown people” but rather filthy brown-people-loving WHITE people who rightly deserved their slaughter for not enforcing racial purity. Oh and yes, Norway should have totally slaughtered Breivik. That would have been totally hot.

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I’m A Hindi Doodle Dandy

Posted at 23:52 by Tintin

ABOVE: Dinesh D’Souza, Maharajah of Gomaya

Shorter Dinesh D’Souza, Forbes:
How Obama Thinks

  • As a true-blooded American, I can tell you that Obama is not really American

Dinesh D’Souza, arguably the ugliest person alive, has still not earned enough in wingnut welfare to get his ears tucked so that he doesn’t bear an unsettling resemblance to the offspring of an unholy coupling between Dumbo and Ganesh, an unfortunate fact not solved by the fact that his name is a contraction of his two apparent parents. But now that his ugly mug is plastered all over American cineplexes, we’ve shortered an article in Forbes from two years ago where Dinesh mounted his favorite hobby horse that has now been made into a feature length, er, movie. The hobby horse, as you may know, is that Obama is, somehow, not really an American but instead some transnational Maoist Mau Mau-ist motivated solely by a hatred of anti-colonialism. This leads him to govern the country according to secret messages he receives from his dead father and various other departed souls such as Leon Trotsky, Frantz Fanon and, of course, the Prophet Mohammed.

But we have been blinded to his real agenda because, across the political spectrum, we all seek to fit him into some version of American history. In the process, we ignore Obama’s own history. Here is a man who spent his formative years–the first 17 years of his life–off the American mainland, in Hawaii, Indonesia and Pakistan, with multiple subsequent journeys to Africa.

Now after you stop snickering that Mr. More American Than George Washington Himself apparently thinks that Hawaii is some kind of foreign country, let’s mosey over to Wikipedia and see what Mr. D’Souza did for his first 17 years. I am assuming, of course, that for those first 17 years young Dinesh memorized the Constitution, made pocket-money by selling American flags that he hand stitched in his own basement while listening to baseball games, and won numerous awards each year in essay contests where he submitted essays named, variously, “Why I Am Proud To Be an American,” “What The Founding Fathers Mean To Me,” “America, Not Europe, Invented Hamburgers,” and “Why The Star-Spangled Banner Always Brings Tears to My Eyes.”

D’Souza was born in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India, [in 1961] to Goan Catholic parents from the state of Goa in Western India.[17] He arrived in the United States in 1978.

Holy Bat, Shitman! Unless Maharashtra has become the 51st state, Dinesh spent his first 17 years eating biryani, not burgers, playing cricket, not baseball, tipping sacred cows not dairy cows, and listening to Usha Uthup, not Elvis. And now he gets to decide who is really American and who isn’t? That’s rather like letting Mitt Romney decide which is the best macaroni and cheese that comes in a box.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


But Don’t You Dare Call Her Stupid!

Posted at 21:16 by Cerberus

Damn it right wing! Stop producing fail faster than I can mock it!

Mona Charen, National What the Fuck Is Wrong With You People:
Akin and His Critics

Ah, Mona Charen, Bob’s gift to the Dunning-Kruger effect. If she’s not losing fights against her spellcheck software or demanding specific reactions to national tragedies, she’s declaring war on the concept of the future or something equally brilliant. If she was entered into a Jeopardy contest against a turnip on a bungee cord and a man having an epileptic seizure, she’d still manage to place third.

What I’m saying is that she’s not particularly bright. So her weighing in on Suicide Cliff Number 3,000,817 for the Republican Party (otherwise known as Todd Akin) was bound to be embarrassing at best.

Yeah… this wasn’t exactly “at best”.

Shorter (or the last port before Jungle):

  • It is perfectly reasonable to think that women are ducks and that men can produce male heirs purely by having manlier sperm.

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