Julian Assange Addresses UN General Assembly (video)
 By Julian Assange 3 

UC Davis Settles Pepper Spray Lawsuit with Personal Apology From Katehi... and $1,000,000.
 By Daily kos 3 

Hawk, dove, butterfly, bee
By Pepe Escobar   1 

Pay in Blood: The Bipartisan Terror Machine Stripped Bare
By Chris Floyd   1 

Republicans Lie About "Support Our Troops'
By Walter Brasch   1 

A Crucible of Political Disenchantment: 'Dismiss Whatever Insults Your Own Soul'
By Phil Rockstroh   1 

Indignados ignite!
By Scott Baker  

Podcast: TPP Trans Pacific Partnership-- the Threat and Danger; Interview with Ben Beachy
By Rob Kall   2 

America: A Corporate Police State?
By Burl Hall   5 

Nestle and Monsanto, hand-in-hand, will happily do us in
By Siv O'Neall   4 

FL GOP Fires Romney Consultant's Voter Registration Firm After Fraudulent Forms Reported In Palm Beach County

Obama's UN Call For "The Right To Practice Free Speech" Does Not Embrace Beit Ommar
By James Wall  

Walker's Dream Is Packers' Nightmare
By Marc Ash   2 

How The Right's Latest Conspiracy Theory Might Unleash a Wave of Domestic Terrorism if Obama Wins

Intimidation, Assault, false arrest, NYPD's attack on the 4th estate during the weekend of S-17
By Cory Clark   1 

Americans Take Anti-Drone Stance Directly to Pakistan
By Medea Benjamin   2 

Fantasy Fed Speech
By Scott Baker   1 

Bolivia Gives Legal Rights to the Earth

Mitt Romney Takes Hypocrisy to New Heights

Obama's UN Speech And How Christianity Should Take A Backseat In The Future
By Jack Swint   2 

Talking Peace and Justice with Ahmadinejad
By Glen Ford  

Drones: Instruments of State Terror

The Cosmic Story: Aries Full Moon: The Final Harvest September 29, 2012

Veterans For Peace Meets With Ahmadinejad
By Leah Bolger   4 

A Salute to University of Michigan Environmental Justice Scholar Bunyan Bryant

Hubble telescope reveals farthest-ever view of universe

Can Telomerase Therapies help us Live Longer?
By Josh Mitteldorf   1 

Brains of Humans as well as Chimps Grow in Womb: Study

Agitate for Change
By Stephen Lendman   2 

New Stanford/NYU study documents the civilian terror from Obama's drones
By Glenn Greenwald   3