• President Hugo Chávez waves to supporters on the day he registered for re-election in Caracas, Venezuela, on June 11, 2012.

    The concentration of power under President Hugo Chávez has taken a heavy toll on human rights in Venezuela.



  • Oct 11, 2012
    The prompt and comprehensive investigation by the prosecutor’s office into killings at a recent protest in Totonicapán is an important step toward accountability in Guatemala, Human Rights Watch said today.
  • Oct 11, 2012

    Arbitrarily releasing former President Alberto Fujimori from serving his full prison sentence for human rights crimes would be incompatible with Peru’s obligations under international law, Human Rights Watch said today. Fujimori has been receiving medical treatment for cancer of the tongue, and his family presented a request for pardon to President Ollanta Humala on October 10, 2012.

  • Oct 10, 2012
    This submission, drawn from recent Human Rights Watch research, focuses on four areas of concern regarding Canada’s human rights record: violence against indigenous women and girls, counterterrorism, abuses related to the extractives industry, and the use of cluster munitions. It also examines Canada’s adherence to commitments made in response to its first Universal Periodic Review (UPR) in 2009.
  • Sep 29, 2012
    The government of Canada should rehabilitate and reintegrate into society former child soldier Omar Khadr, and seek to remedy abuses he suffered during a decade in United States custody.
  • Sep 24, 2012

    Authorities in Honduras should ensure a prompt, thorough, and impartial investigation into the killing of attorney Antonio Trejo Cabrera, Human Rights Watch said today. Trejo, a lawyer who advocated for peasant land rights and publicly opposed the creation of special autonomous development zones, was shot and killed on September 22, 2012, after attending a wedding south of Tegucigalpa.

  • Sep 20, 2012
    Human Rights Watch welcomes the Universal Periodic Review report on Brazil. We urge Brazil to take concrete steps to address the serious concerns raised during the UPR, including impunity for police officers who break the law and chronic torture and overcrowding in detention centers across the country.
  • Sep 20, 2012
  • Sep 20, 2012
    The Peruvian government should act to prevent the unlawful use of lethal force by security forces during crowd-control operations, Human Rights Watch said today in a letter to President Ollanta Humala. Fifteen civilians were killed during protests, allegedly by security forces, in the first year of Humala’s presidency.
  • Sep 6, 2012
    The announced resignation of the auxiliary Supreme Court magistrate Iván Velásquez represents a major loss for Colombia’s justice system, Human Rights Watch said today. Velásquez’s resignation, effective September 30, 2012, followed the sudden decision by the criminal chamber of the Supreme Court to remove him as coordinator of investigations into ties between right-wing paramilitary groups and members of Congress, known as the “parapolitics” investigations.
  • Sep 6, 2012
    The US State Department should not issue a recommendation to grant the former president of Mexico, Ernesto Zedillo, immunity in a civil suit, Human Rights Watch said. The State Department is expected to notify a US district court judge in Connecticut on or before September 7, 2012 of its recommendation regarding whether Zedillo, who served from 1994 to 2000, should be granted immunity in a lawsuit alleging his responsibility for a massacre carried out when he was president.