Download Album to Picasa (Picasaweb) in Ubuntu Firefox

If you want to download an album from a shared album on picasaweb and use the “Download to Picasa” button you normally get the following error message:

Firefox doesn’t know how to open this address, because the protocol (picasa) isn’t associated with any program.

1. Solution: DownThemAll

  1. Install the DownThemAll extension
  2. Restart firefox
  3. Go to the picasa web album
  4. Open the RSS-Feed (to get the RSS-Icon back eg you can use the rss-icon extension)
  5. Right click in the feed and select DownThemAll

Pro: You do not need picasa, download the images to a folder you want, no need to change the configuration
Cons: You need some addons, maybe it does not work on “private” albums?

2. Solution: Use Picasa with some small fixes

  1. Open about:config (like a n ordinary url) and change the following:
    1. set network.protocol-handler.expose.picasa to false
    2. set network.protocol-handler.external.picasa to true
    3. set to /opt/google/picasa/3.0/bin/picasa (seems to have no impact)
  2. Open the file ~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list and add x-scheme-handler/picasa=picasa.desktop under [Added Associations].
  3. Now click the “Download to picasa” button in the web album you want to download.
  4. There should be a popup which asks you what program to use for this link. If there is no popup you can change this setting under Edit -> Preferences -> Applications.
  5. Click Choose and select  /opt/google/picasa/3.0/bin/picasa (important: not /usr/bin/picasa, which opens only the main picasa program and not the “Download Album” dialog. (weird, especially because /usr/bin/picasa is only a symlink to the /opt binary).

Pro: Download into picasa (if you want that), no additional extensions needed,
Cons: Some configuration needed, Picasa needed (and download to this picasa download folder)


Change DNS on PRGAV4202N (A1, Telekom Austria)

My internet connection is by A1 (formerly Telekom Austria) and I wanted to use opendns as my custom dns service.

My current firmware version is 4.8.3.DWVV_TAU_5.1.6.

To change the DNS go to the web interface ( and login with the following credentials (root):
Username: XQvfPUoO19_ai64j
Password: GtwdTdMRgfUIMFwoAU5m

Go to this URL: and click “Einstellungen” (Settings). Change your DNS as you like and click “Anwenden” (Apply).

There you go.



Outlook: always use reply-to (return mail) for free

At work I have to use Windows 7 with Outlook 2003. We needed a solution to add the reply-to header to all outgoing mails. As out server uses Exchange 2003, Transport agents to change smtp headers are not supported.

So I had to code a client (Outlook 2003) solution, because the add-ins cost about 50 $ per user.

Add Reply-to header to all outgoing mails

  1. In Outlook open your Visual Basic Editor (<Alt>+<F11> or Extras → Macro → Visual Basic Editor)
  2. I did this in german, so the names may vary a bit: In Project1 (VbaProject.OTM) open Microsoft Office Outlook Objects → ThisOutlookSession
  3. Enter the following Code
    Private Sub Application_ItemSend(ByVal Item As Object, Cancel As Boolean)
        'add reply-To address
        Item.ReplyRecipients.Add ""
    End Sub
  4. Save it

Activate the macro

Because macros are “dangerous” you have to set the security level down.

  1. Open Extras → Macro → Security.
  2. Change the security level from high to medium (or low which is not recommended)
  3. Click OK.

Further suggestions

  • You can sign you macro and always trust macros from yourself, so that you do not have to activate macros every time you start outlook (when you are on the medium security level)
  • For deployment I recommend you to sign the macro and then copy the the file %appdata%\Microsoft\Outlook\VbaProject.OTM to the new computer (this overwrites all macros on the new computer with the macros from the source computer). On the new computer you should install the signature (In the security warning on Outlook startup click Details → Show Certificate → Install Certificate and then restart Outlook and always trust the macros from that source.

Sources: Change reply recipient dependent on the mail domain (german)

Restart metacity without keyboard

While I updated ubuntu from 10.04 to 10.10 my keyboard stopped working. Then I saw that the window borders were missing. So it seemed that metacity crashed. But how can I restart metacity without a keyboard?

In your main menu click: System > Preferences > Appearance and change your Visual Effects from the current value to something else.

That worked for me. Metacity restarted and the keyboard resumed its work.



Nautilus: Slow Network or network does not work

Problem: You click Network → Places and than on Windows-Network and on your Workgroup. Now you are waiting and nothing happens, so you do not find shares from other hosts. Maybe you get an error, that the mounting failed.

Fire up your bash and type smbtree which will likely display something like this:

guru@guru-desktop:~$ smbtree
Enter guru's password:
cli_start_connection: failed to connect to XPMT<20> ( Error NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL
	\\GURU-DESKTOP   		guru-desktop server (Samba, Ubuntu)
		\\GURU-DESKTOP\Epson-Stylus-Photo-RX600	Epson Stylus Photo RX600
		\\GURU-DESKTOP\IPC$           	IPC Service (guru-desktop server (Samba, Ubuntu))
		\\GURU-DESKTOP\print$         	Printer Drivers

If you get this error (cli_start_connection: failed to connect to XPMT<20> ( Error NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL) edit /etc/samba/smb.conf (as root) and change the following line

; name resolve order = lmhosts host wins bcast

into this (delete semicolon and move host to the end)

name resolve order = lmhosts wins bcast host

Now restart your PC (restarting samba and killing nautlius does not work).

Source: Bugs #389909 and #469548 (Duplicate)

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