
Fact - "A Fact Of Life" [Official Video]
Music video from the band FACT from Japan for their first US single "A Fact Of Life" Purch...
published: 19 Feb 2009
author: vagrantrecords
Fact - "A Fact Of Life" [Official Video]
Music video from the band FACT from Japan for their first US single "A Fact Of Life" Purchase on iTunes: bit.ly Purchase on Amazon: amzn.to www.myspace.com
published: 19 Feb 2009
views: 2434143

FACT - 'Behind A Smile'
The latest video from Japanese sensations FACT. 'Behind A Smile' is taken from the album '...
published: 16 Jun 2010
author: HassleRecords
FACT - 'Behind A Smile'
The latest video from Japanese sensations FACT. 'Behind A Smile' is taken from the album 'In The Blink Of An Eye' out now on Hassle Records. Available from all the usual outlets and the Hassle Records online store: hasslerecords.sandbag.uk.com
published: 16 Jun 2010
author: HassleRecords
views: 189810

FACT - 'Slip Of The Lip'
FACT return with their new album 'In The Blink Of An Eye', including lead track 'Slip Of t...
published: 05 Mar 2010
author: HassleRecords
FACT - 'Slip Of The Lip'
FACT return with their new album 'In The Blink Of An Eye', including lead track 'Slip Of the Lip'. 'In The Blink Of An Eye' is out 03/05/10 on Hassle Records and is available for pre-order now, complete with exclusive FACT t-shirt. hasslerecords.sandbag.uk.com
published: 05 Mar 2010
author: HassleRecords
views: 302047

FACT - "pink rolex" Official Music Video
FACT Music Video "pink rolex" Brand New Album "burundanga" Now Available! Plz check this o...
published: 11 Jan 2012
FACT - "pink rolex" Official Music Video
FACT Music Video "pink rolex" Brand New Album "burundanga" Now Available! Plz check this out! FACT factjapan.com Video Shooting & Production by maxilla maxilla.jp
published: 11 Jan 2012
views: 222407

FACT - error [PV]
FACT - error [PV] FACT / MINI ALBUM+DVD [Eat Your Words] (MXMM-10015 / ¥2980(tax in)) Rele...
published: 02 Mar 2011
author: Rmix909
FACT - error [PV]
FACT - error [PV] FACT / MINI ALBUM+DVD [Eat Your Words] (MXMM-10015 / ¥2980(tax in)) Release on March 16, 2011 www.amazon.co.jp [CD] 01.the shadow of envy 02.attack me if you dare 03.error 04.no hesitation 05.last moment 06.better days [DVD] FACT JAPAN TOUR 2010 at Shibuya O-East -live video- 01.pressure 02.los angels 03.a fact of life 04.fog 05.this is the end 06.slip of the lip 07.1-3 08.snow 09.stretch my arms 10.paradox 11.letter to... 12.purple eyes 13.rise factjapan.com http
published: 02 Mar 2011
author: Rmix909
views: 262741

Beast - The Fact & Fiction mirrored dance practice
learn more BEAST dances: learnkpopdance.com for dance learning purposes only! copyright of...
published: 24 May 2011
author: mlrrorHD
Beast - The Fact & Fiction mirrored dance practice
learn more BEAST dances: learnkpopdance.com for dance learning purposes only! copyright of Cube Ent & co. choreographed by Prepix. original: www.youtube.com lol, i literally was asleep when i encoded and uploaded this (got up for a sec, went to the computer, no idea y, found the vid.. dl-ed it, left it encoding, woke for a moment in an hour again, left it uploading).. thats y the titles are also mirrored which i usually try not to do when theres no dancing there :D download: www.mediafire.com use VLC player to slow it down
published: 24 May 2011
author: mlrrorHD
views: 445943

Fact - Reborn
Fact Reborn Video FACT released this Video on Nature Living's First Album....
published: 01 Dec 2005
author: breakthecypher
Fact - Reborn
Fact Reborn Video FACT released this Video on Nature Living's First Album.
published: 01 Dec 2005
author: breakthecypher
views: 810732

Amazing Facts to Blow Your Mind
TWEET IT - clicktotweet.com Time for some interesting facts to make your head explode! Now...
published: 12 Sep 2012
author: AsapSCIENCE
Amazing Facts to Blow Your Mind
TWEET IT - clicktotweet.com Time for some interesting facts to make your head explode! Now you can sound even smarter around your friends with these simple but super fun facts about life! Written and created by Mitchell Moffit (twitter @mitchellmoffit) and Gregory Brown (twitter @whalewatchmeplz). TWITTER: www.twitter.com FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com Music by Mitchell Moffit www.mitchellmoffit.com http www.facebook.com Art by Gregory and Mitchell www.gregorybrownart.tumblr.com http Some Sources ----- Mushrooms: 1) bit.ly Brain: 2) bit.ly 3) bit.ly Atoms: 4) bit.ly Cells: 5) bit.ly
published: 12 Sep 2012
author: AsapSCIENCE
views: 932893

1st Album Title「Fiction 」Intro Movie
2011.05.17Coming soon! 비스트, 정규 1집 타이틀 인트로 무비 대공개! 비스트의 부드럽고 깊은 감성을 맛볼 수 있는 곡으로 한 편의 영화 예고편...
published: 13 May 2011
author: beastofficial
1st Album Title「Fiction 」Intro Movie
2011.05.17Coming soon! 비스트, 정규 1집 타이틀 인트로 무비 대공개! 비스트의 부드럽고 깊은 감성을 맛볼 수 있는 곡으로 한 편의 영화 예고편을 보는 듯 '픽션(Fiction)'에 대한 여러 암시 요소를 곳곳에 배치한 세심한 스토리텔링이 돋보이는 비스트 정규 1집 앨범 '인트로 무비'입니다. 또한 비스트1st앨범「Fiction and Fact」(5/7일 발매)도 기대해주세요♫♫ ============================================== 待望のBEAST1stアルバムのタイトル「Fiction 」INTRO MOVIE!大公開! 今までとは違うBEASTの魅力が見られる映像になっております。 是非ご覧ください! また、1stアルバム「Fiction and Fact」 (5月17日発売)も期待してくださいね♫ 絶賛予約販売中~
published: 13 May 2011
author: beastofficial
views: 873762

FACT - a fact of life [PV] 歌詞付
++FACT - a fact of life [PV] ++カラオケ配信(CROSSO,HyperJoy WAVE,HyperJoy V2,PremierDAM) ++対訳: そ...
published: 31 Jul 2009
author: Rmix909
FACT - a fact of life [PV] 歌詞付
++FACT - a fact of life [PV] ++カラオケ配信(CROSSO,HyperJoy WAVE,HyperJoy V2,PremierDAM) ++対訳: そんな奴がいた事さえ忘れていた. 写真を撮ったその時から, 随分と時間が経った気がする. 僕の心でいつまでも色褪せない思い出に救われる. 写真の中で笑う僕ら, その笑顔の裏に隠された秘密が見えるだろう. この心でいつまでも色褪せない思い出に救われる. あなた達の手で破壊された過去. 忘れる事はできないさ. 真実は闇の中に隠されている. 歴史に刻まれたその瞬間. 真実はビデオの様に巻き戻せはしない. 作られた未来も必要ないのさ. 弱い者達だけが犠牲になっている. 偽りの歴史なんて必要ないのさ. どんなに過酷な未来でも, 誰かに作られた歴史よりマシじゃないか? そうは思わないか? factjapan.com http
published: 31 Jul 2009
author: Rmix909
views: 1856440

Jill Scott " The fact is (i need you)":)
Another great song from Jill....
published: 27 Oct 2007
author: aBLACKGIRL1986
Jill Scott " The fact is (i need you)":)

SPEED -- Facts And Knowledge #16
*** LINKS TO ALL FACTS AND KNOWLEDGE BELOW *** World's Fastest Guitar Player Taylor Sterli...
published: 17 Jul 2012
author: Vsauce2
SPEED -- Facts And Knowledge #16
*** LINKS TO ALL FACTS AND KNOWLEDGE BELOW *** World's Fastest Guitar Player Taylor Sterling www.youtube.com H Kansas Tornado www.youtube.com F5 Oklahoma Tornado May 3rd 1999 www.youtube.com Fastest Hurricane Camille 1969 www.youtube.com Cheetah www.youtube.com www.youtube.com Sailfish...
published: 17 Jul 2012
author: Vsauce2
views: 614115

THE AVENGERS' SHIELD Helicarrier - Fact or Fictional with Veronica Belmont
On Today's Fact or Fictional, Veronica scrutinizes SHIELD's flying Helicarrier as depicted...
published: 17 Oct 2012
author: TheTechFeed
THE AVENGERS' SHIELD Helicarrier - Fact or Fictional with Veronica Belmont
On Today's Fact or Fictional, Veronica scrutinizes SHIELD's flying Helicarrier as depicted in Joss Whedon's The Avengers. Is an invisible airborne aircraft carrier physically - or even theoretically - possible? Plus: Veronica responds to your comments from last week's show! Want more Fact or Fictional? Subscribe to TechFeed! www.youtube.com Google+: plus.google.com Come follow Veronica on Twitter! www.twitter.com See more of Veronica on Tekzilla: www.youtube.com
published: 17 Oct 2012
author: TheTechFeed
views: 36088
Vimeo results:

Locked in a Vegas Hotel Room with a Phantom Flex
I was working a gig in Vegas with a brand new Phantom Flex high speed digital cinema camer...
published: 11 Feb 2011
author: Tom Guilmette
Locked in a Vegas Hotel Room with a Phantom Flex
I was working a gig in Vegas with a brand new Phantom Flex high speed digital cinema camera. I had to try it out. In fact, I never did go to bed that night. I opened up a wormhole shooting at 2,564 frames per second.
Please visit my website for Phantom Flex 1080p ProRes file downloads: http://www.tomguilmette.com/archives/1986

The Longest Way 1.0 - one year walk/beard grow time lapse
Nov.9th 2007 - Nov.13th 2008 // one year on foot // 4646km through China // unlimited bear...
published: 13 May 2009
author: Christoph Rehage
The Longest Way 1.0 - one year walk/beard grow time lapse
Nov.9th 2007 - Nov.13th 2008 // one year on foot // 4646km through China // unlimited beard & hair growth // Homepage: http://www.thelongestway.com // Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/CRehage // musical score by The Kingpins (http://www.myspace.com/theoneandonlykingpins) and Zhu Fengbo
Additional info:
- I never finished my original goal of walking to Germany. Instead, I walked for a year and roughly 4500km, passed the Gobi desert, and then decided to stop walking for now.
- All of the distance from Beijing to Ürümqi has been completed solely on foot, straight good old walking. There are instances where you can see me in the video sitting on a plane or riding a boat, but those are during breaks I had to take from walking, either to sort out bureaucracy issues or to take care of some personal things.
- I had been planning this trip for over a year before I even started, and getting as far as I got was an experience for which I am very grateful.
- Obtaining the necessary visa for a trip like this was not very easy, hence I had to go back to Beijing a few times to resolve some issues.
- The songs I used in the video are 1) Zhu Fengbo - "Olive Tree" and 2) The Kingpins - "L'aventurier" - visit the Kingpins website if you want to know more, they are very cool I think.
- This is not a strict "1 pic a day" video, because I wanted to make it a bit more alive by adding some additional movement. Sometimes during the film you would follow me turn around, or something would happen in the background. I tried to capture these moments to make the video more interesting.
- The core of this project is in fact my website "http://www.thelongestway.com" where I have posted my extensive travel diary, starting from day 1 (Nov 9th 2007) and describing every single day until the end one year later.
If you have any additional questions, please refer to:
and get the Google Earth file here (1KB):
Update - this weird beard video won at the following festivals:
2009 Boulder Adventure Film Festival
2010 Berlin Webcuts
2010 Banff Mountain Film Festival
2011 Vancouver International Mountain Film Festival
2011 5th International Mountain Film Festival Domžale
2011 Squamish Mountain Festival
2011 Mezinárodný Festival Horských Filmov, Poprad
2011 Vertical Film Festival, Moscow
#8 top viral video 2009 at Time.com

The Most Astounding Fact
Subscribe to my YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/MaxSchlick?feature=mhee
published: 07 Mar 2012
author: Max Schlickenmeyer
The Most Astounding Fact
Subscribe to my YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/MaxSchlick?feature=mhee
Astrophysicist Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson was asked in an interview with TIME magazine, "What is the most astounding fact you can share with us about the Universe?" This is his answer.
Special thanks to:
Reid Gower http://saganseries.com/
Michael Marantz http://vimeo.com/2822787
Carl Sagan http://www.hulu.com/cosmos
Neil deGrasse Tyson http://www.facebook.com/neiltyson
NASA http://www.nasa.gov/
...for their inspiration.
Narration: TIME Magazine's "10 Questions for Neil Degrasse Tyson"
Music: "To Build a Home" by the Cinematic Orchestra feat. Patrick Watson
Video (in order of appearance):
IMAX: Hubble 3D (Orion)
Animal Planet: Safari
Yellowstone: Battle for Life (Waterfall)
Supernova to Crab Nebula
BBC: Wonders of the Solar System (formation of the solar system)
Accretion and First Eukaryotes from the 2011 film "Tree of Life" directed by Terrence Malick
BBC: Charles Darwin and the Tree of Life
"Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia" by Ayrton Orio (Model: Xharon Kendelker)
BBC: Wonders of the Solar System (Brian Cox w/ telescope)
"Afghanistan - touch down in flight" by Augustin Pictures
"mongolia!" by wiissa
Excerpt from "Outside In", Copyright Stephen van Vuuren/SV2 Studios
IMAX: Hubble 3D (Inside Orion Nebula)
Shuttle Launch from 1985 IMAX film "The Dream is Alive"
"Earth -- Time Lapse View from Space, Fly Over -- NASA, ISS" by Michael Konig
Excerpt from "The Island" - La Palma Time Lapse Video by Christoph Malin
Galaxy Map and Galaxy Formation by NCSA's Advanced Visualization Lab
"Mars sunset" captured by NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Spirit (from BBC: Wonders of the Solar System)
Edited by Max Schlickenmeyer
Neil goes on to say "For me, that is the most profound revelation of 20th century astrophysics and I look forward to what the 21st century will bring us, given the frontiers that are now unfolding."
Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. All copyrighted materials contained herein belong to their respective copyright holders, I do not claim ownership over any of these materials. I realize no profit, monetary or otherwise, from the exhibition of these videos.

I Have PSD
"I have PSD" made with love by Hyperakt and friends.
Flaunt your PSD! Win one of these awe...
published: 15 Oct 2010
author: Hyperakt
I Have PSD
"I have PSD" made with love by Hyperakt and friends.
Flaunt your PSD! Win one of these awesome shirts: http://ihavepsd.com/shirt
Photoshop dexterity (PSD) is a skillset acquired by proficient users of Adobe Photoshop, the world's most ubiquitous digital tool for creating visual ideas. Qualities of PSD include supernatural powers of imagination and an overwhelming desire to constantly make the world more beautiful. PSD affects people from different walks of life. In fact, there is a high probability that you have PSD.
Hyperakt, http://hyperakt.com http://twitter.com/hyperakt
Julia Vakser Zeltser, screen writer, director, producer
Deroy Peraza, co-director
Jason Lynch, senior designer
Catherine Catanzaro, interactive designer
Eric Fensterheim, junior designer
Justin Weinstein, film advisor
BJ Formento, photographer, Formento + Formento, http://fandf.org
Richeille Formento, stylist, Formento + Formento, http://fandf.org
David Dimeola, animation, The Brigade, http://brigade.tv
Joe Beshenkovsky, editor
Shawn James Seymour and Yoshimi Tomida, music, Lullatone, http://lullatone.com
Joshua Formento, gaffer
Craig Keirce, gaffer
Tyrone Rhabb, grip
Jeremiah Boncha, junior designer
Johan Matton, lead actor
Nikki le Villain, Egyptian
Ezili, boa constrictor
Lily la Vamp, pin up girl
Chris, gangsta
Kate Hasting, makeup, French maid
Special Thanks:
Whitney McCleary & Adobe Systems
Lenny Zeltser
Jenna Shapiro
Follow PSD:
Youtube results:

Gregory and the Hawk - In Fact
this song wasnt on youtube, Here's the Lyrics: Step one: light me on fire step two: walk c...
published: 13 Apr 2008
author: rubi0x
Gregory and the Hawk - In Fact
this song wasnt on youtube, Here's the Lyrics: Step one: light me on fire step two: walk clean away I wont burn long and evidence of your done wrong will be gone in seconds I swear but if you got time anyway why not watch me hurt and nothing is sweeter than needed revenge oh that's right I did nothing and you were the mean one in fact, you even broke my good tape deck in fact, don't wanna be friends but if you got time anyway why not watch me hurt and nothing is sweeter than needed revenge oh that's right I did nothing and you were the mean one in fact, you even broke my good tape deck in fact, don't wanna be friends
published: 13 Apr 2008
author: rubi0x
views: 277549

FACT - a fact of life (LONG.ver )
FACT a fact of life LONG.ver original PV+REMIX PV I forgot about the fact that there was s...
published: 28 May 2009
author: tmkas
FACT - a fact of life (LONG.ver )
FACT a fact of life LONG.ver original PV+REMIX PV I forgot about the fact that there was someone in my past I feel time has passed so quickly since I took the photograph Thanks for the memory that doesn't fade in my heart Look at us, smiling in the photograph You can see the secrets behind the fake smiles Thanks for the memory that doesn't fade in my heart The past was destroyed by you Not going to forget Our truth was hidden in darkness I forgot about the fact that there was someone in my past I feel time has passed so quickly since I took the photograph Thanks for the memory that doesn't fade in my heart Look at us, smiling in the photograph You can see the secrets behind the fake smiles Thanks for the memory that doesn't fade in my heart The past was destroyed by you Not going to forget Our truth was hidden in darkness ×2 The moment when it was destroyed is burned into history You can't rewind like a video Misleading future not required Only the weak among you will be sacrificed A false history is not necessary No matter what, isn't even a harsh future better than a history made by somebody else? Don't you think so?
published: 28 May 2009
author: tmkas
views: 506647

The Most Astounding Fact - Neil deGrasse Tyson
Astrophysicist Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson was asked by a reader of TIME magazine, "What is th...
published: 02 Mar 2012
author: MaxSchlick
The Most Astounding Fact - Neil deGrasse Tyson
Astrophysicist Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson was asked by a reader of TIME magazine, "What is the most astounding fact you can share with us about the Universe?" This is his answer. Please subscribe above! Watch the definitive version on Vimeo: vimeo.com In 15 languages, Click CC! Watch in HD! Special thanks to: Reid Gower saganseries.com Carl Sagan www.hulu.com Neil deGrasse Tyson www.facebook.com NASA www.nasa.gov ...for their inspiration. CREDITS Narration: TIME Magazine's "10 Questions for Neil Degrasse Tyson" www.youtube.com Music: "To Build a Home" by the Cinematic Orchestra feat. Patrick Watson www.cinematicorchestra.com Video (in order of appearance): IMAX: Hubble 3D (Orion) www.imax.com Yellowstone: Battle for Life (Tree & Waterfall) www.bbc.co.uk Supernova to Crab Nebula www.spacetelescope.org BBC: Wonders of the Solar System (formation of the solar system) www.bbc.co.uk Accretion and First Eukaryotes from the 2011 film "Tree of Life" directed by Terrence Malick en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org www.wired.com www.twowaysthroughlife.com BBC: Charles Darwin and the Tree of Life www.wellcometreeoflife.org "Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia" by Ayrton Orio (Model: Xharon Kendelker) vimeo.com "Afghanistan - touch down in flight" by Augustin Pictures vimeo.com lukasugustin.de "mongolia!" by wiissa http wiissa.com Excerpt from "Outside In", Copyright Stephen van Vuuren Studios (Saturn's moon Mimas) www.outsideinthemovie.com IMAX Hubble 3D (Inside Orion Nebula) en ...
published: 02 Mar 2012
author: MaxSchlick
views: 3790398

True Facts About HedgeHogs
time to lighten things up a bit :) posters :: store.zefrank.com LINKS TO ORIGINALS youtu.b...
published: 03 Oct 2012
author: zefrank1
True Facts About HedgeHogs
time to lighten things up a bit :) posters :: store.zefrank.com LINKS TO ORIGINALS youtu.be youtu.be youtu.be youtu.be youtu.be youtu.be youtu.be youtu.be youtu.be youtu.be youtu.be youtu.be youtu.be youtu.be youtu.be
published: 03 Oct 2012
author: zefrank1
views: 458915