Lacey Rose

Lacey Rose, Forbes Staff

Media & Entertainment
10/29/2010 @ 9:26AM |4,343 views

Names You Need To Know In 2011: BermanBraun

Berman and Braun - Photo Credit Kevin Parry

With few exceptions, Hollywood has had little luck doing business on the Web.
It’s not for lack of trying. Find me a studio that hasn’t thrown a bunch of webisodes and other extras online. Sure, advertisers like to dabble in these efforts, weaving their latest products into plotlines in hopes of reaching the ADD-generation. But few on Madison Avenue are willing to place big bets on Hollywood’s digital content the way they do on TV. Why? Because these sites tend not to deliver what their larger-screen counterparts do: a sizable (and lucrative) audience on a reoccurring basis.

Enter BermanBraun, a three-year-old Los Angeles production company founded by Hollywood heavyweights Gail Berman and Lloyd Braun that has bucked the trend. This is the pair behind a suite of popular MSN-partnered websites, or “entertainment brands,” including Wonderwall (an upbeat celebrity site, launched February ’09) and Glo (a healthy and beauty site, launched April ’10). Thus far this year, the former has been averaging 12.1 million unique viewers a month; those viewers typically spend 3.4 minutes per visit. The latter averages 5.1 million uniques and boasts 3.9 minutes per site visit.

For that reason, among others, the duo came to mind when Forbes executive editor Michael Noer asked me who in the media and entertainment space should be considered for Forbes’ tentatively titled project, Names You Need To Know in 2011. As Noer describes it, this is an effort to “crowd-source part of the magazine” to find the need-to-know names that will burst onto the scene in the coming year. Is BermanBraun a Name You Need To Know next year? Who have you have thought of that we haven’t? Leave your comments below and on the Names You Need To Know page.

Already, Wonderwall and Glo are “in profitability mode,” according to MSN’s US executive producer Scott Moore. Still more impressive, in August Starcom MediaVest Group struck a first of its kind deal that could exceed $100 million to ensure its clients could be a part of these and future BermanBraun sites over the next four years. (The deal is not exclusive, meaning Berman Braun is free to loop in –and cash in on– other advertisers as well.)

In recent weeks, the company has rolled out two more sites, Bltwy (a celebrity politics site) and Wonderwall Latino (a Hispanic iteration), and have plans to add many more, including TV and film portals, over the next year. These are verticals Berman and Braun know well. Before reinventing themselves online, Berman was a head honcho at Paramount and Fox while Braun lorded over fiefdoms at Disney and Yahoo. She’s often credited with developing American Idol and 24; he with the idea for Lost. And though they freely admit TV is not a growth engine for them or the larger industry, they continue to churn out shows – they have about 10 series, including NBC’s mid-season drama The Cape, in various stages of development. They’re also dabbling in film with an upcoming adaptation of Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus.

But the pair’s focus seems to be on their booming digital efforts. At last check, the company had about 60 employees in the Web division and was looking to hire more. To hear more about how Berman and Braun got here and what sets them apart, check out my interview with them at the Paley Center earlier this month (video here).

What do you think? Is BermanBraun a Name You Need to Know in 2011?  What are other names we should know about in media and entertainment next year?

Be a part of our revolutionary effort to crowd-source the January issue of Forbes Magazine by submitting your ideas here.

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