
Is file-sharing illegal?
A US court rules that it is, and awards damages, of $9250 per song downloaded. Jesse Hirsh...
published: 05 Oct 2007
Author: Jesse Hirsh
Is file-sharing illegal?
A US court rules that it is, and awards damages, of $9250 per song downloaded. Jesse Hirsh appears on CBC News Morning with Heather Hiscox to discuss this and the general culture war around file sharing, torrents, and peer to peer media networks.

MCTS 70-680: Windows 7 File Sharing
This video looks at the two different ways that you can share files on the network with Wi...
published: 26 Oct 2011
Author: itfreetraining
MCTS 70-680: Windows 7 File Sharing
This video looks at the two different ways that you can share files on the network with Windows 7. These are basic sharing and the advanced sharing. Advanced sharing gives you a lot more control over the share and allows additional options like configuring a comment for the share. File Sharing Demo 03:53 File Sharing Permissions The 3 basic file sharing permissions are read, read/write and full control. The read/write permissions gives you the ability to delete files. Full control adds the ability to change file permissions and also take ownership of files. When these permissions are combined with NTFS permissions the most restrictive permission is used. For example, if you share a folder with read only permissions then the most access the user can have will be read only. Public folder sharing This allows you to have a folder that anyone can access even without a username and password. Configuring Simple Sharing To share a folder using simple folder sharing, right click the folder and select the option share with. This will allow you to share the folder via HomeGroup or with specific people. Simple sharing uses a wizard to share the folder so you won't have too many options that you can configure. Configuring Advanced Sharing To access advanced sharing, right click the folder, select properties and then select the sharing tab. On the sharing tab there is a button Advanced Sharing which will allows you to configure the advanced sharing options. The Advanced Sharing options <b>...</b>

UCLA: 12 file sharing myths in two minutes
Misconceptions by UCLA students about illegal file sharing at UCLA. For more information p...
published: 31 Aug 2011
Author: shoaksboy
UCLA: 12 file sharing myths in two minutes
Misconceptions by UCLA students about illegal file sharing at UCLA. For more information please contact Getlegal@ucla.edu.

Kim Dotcom Exclusive Interview 'I will fight this and win'
Full Transcript: bit.ly Campbell Live has spoken exclusively with Megaupload founder Kim D...
published: 02 Mar 2012
Author: 3NewsNZ
Kim Dotcom Exclusive Interview 'I will fight this and win'
Full Transcript: bit.ly Campbell Live has spoken exclusively with Megaupload founder Kim Dotcom in his first TV interview since being arrested. Dotcom faces a barrage of FBI charges relating to the operation of his file sharing company Megaupload. John Campbell spoke with the internet millionaire about the charges -- which include racketeering, copyright infringement and money laundering -- the internet, his time in jail and the whole business model surrounding Hollywood.

File Sharing is a Religion
Want more video like this? Tell us here: goo.gl www.lockergnome.com - I'm a believer i...
published: 05 Jan 2012
Author: lockergnome
File Sharing is a Religion
Want more video like this? Tell us here: goo.gl www.lockergnome.com - I'm a believer in file sharing, but it is now an official religion. You can watch the entire live TLDR episode here: youtu.be www.lockergnome.com profiles.google.com twitter.com www.facebook.com

Falkvinge: Can't stop free file sharing!
www.youtube.com News Video Network Plz Subscrib for Latest World News Gottfrid Warg, one o...
published: 16 Sep 2012
Author: NewsVideoNetwork
Falkvinge: Can't stop free file sharing!
www.youtube.com News Video Network Plz Subscrib for Latest World News Gottfrid Warg, one of the founders of the file-sharing Pirate Bay website, has been arrested in Cambodia. He was detained after an international warrant was issued against him by his native Sweden. Warg failed to show up for the start of his one-year jail term in January for copyright violations. Founder of Sweden's Pirate Party Rick Falkvinge says that limiting file sharing by definition leads to cracking down on fundamental civil rights. RT LIVE rt.com Subscribe to RT! www.youtube.com Like us on Facebook www.facebook.com Follow us on Twitter twitter.com Follow us on Google+ plus.google.com RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 500 million YouTube views benchmark.

A file sharing message to UCLA students (closed captioned)
This video was created by an undergraduate at UCLA living in residential housing in 2011, ...
published: 07 Sep 2011
Author: shoaksboy
A file sharing message to UCLA students (closed captioned)
This video was created by an undergraduate at UCLA living in residential housing in 2011, who was cited for illegal file sharing movies over the internet. For more information, please contact getlegal@ucla.edu.

Alarm spreads among file-sharing websites
Alarm is spreading among file-sharing websites in Europe following the shut-down of Megaup...
published: 24 Jan 2012
Author: AlJazeeraEnglish
Alarm spreads among file-sharing websites
Alarm is spreading among file-sharing websites in Europe following the shut-down of Megaupload and the arrest of its founder in New Zealand. FileSonic, the UK-based file storage and sharing site, on Tuesday voluntarily disabled their file sharing functionality. Efforts to balance the rights of copyright holders against the freedom to exchange information is proving difficult as the US Justice Department and FBI buckle under pressure from powerful voices in the US film and entertainment industry. Simon McGregor-Wood reports from London.

Introduction to File Sharing
Info Level: Beginner Presenter: Eli the Computer Guy Date Created: March 30, 2010 Length o...
published: 17 Feb 2011
Author: elithecomputerguy
Introduction to File Sharing
Info Level: Beginner Presenter: Eli the Computer Guy Date Created: March 30, 2010 Length of Class: 43 Minutes Tracks Servers Prerequisites None Purpose of Class This class explains the different ways files can be shared within an organization. Topics Covered Standard Permissions Technology of File Sharing Sharing Files Using Web Services Sharing Files in a Workgroup Sharing Files in a Domain Pros and Cons of Ways to Share Files Class Notes Permissions Read, Write, Execute (RWX) You can have Write permission without Read permission Windows Servers have up to 15 different permissions How Data is shared SMB -- Server Message Block -- Used in standard shared files/ folders Sync -- A copy is created when original is edited and then merged to the original Library Software -- Allows you to check in and out files Realtime Collaboration -- Multiple people can edit a file at the eact same time Web Services Usually some type of FTP service More chance of sync conflicts if more then one person is editing doc Work Groups Security is set on ever computer Cheaper then buying a "real" file server, but administration can become a nightmare for large deployments Domains Domain Controllers control security and permissions for all computers in the domain. Requires a "real" Windows server which may or may not be cost effective depending on the size of the network and the number of changes that need to be made regularly. Resources Microsoft Mesh Dropbox

File Sharing: BlackBerry PlayBook OS 2.0 - How To Demo (Official Demo Video)
Learn how you can share files easily between your BlackBerry® PlayBook™ OS 2.0 a...
published: 30 Apr 2012
Author: BlackBerry
File Sharing: BlackBerry PlayBook OS 2.0 - How To Demo (Official Demo Video)
Learn how you can share files easily between your BlackBerry® PlayBook™ OS 2.0 and BlackBerry Smartphone. To view more BlackBerry PlayBook OS 2.0 demos, visit: demos.blackberry.com/playbook_OS2.0

Setting up File Sharing Between Windows, Linux, and Macs with Samba!
Check out my new Linux channel: bit.ly This tutorial will show you how to use Samba to sha...
published: 12 May 2009
Author: NixiePixel
Setting up File Sharing Between Windows, Linux, and Macs with Samba!
Check out my new Linux channel: bit.ly This tutorial will show you how to use Samba to share a directory on your Linux machine across your network, accessible by Windows, Linux, and Mac machines. The process takes less than five minutes, and by the end you should immediately see the file server through browsing your Windows network. (This and more at www.linuxhaxor.net) This is not the most secure way to share files via Linux (but you can configure Samba for greater security), and is suitable for a home network without unwanted guests. BONUS I announce who the prizewinner is from last week's Twitter contest! Follow me on Twitter: twitter.com If you like, please rate and subscribe! 8-)

Network File Sharing with Windows and Active Directory
Network File Sharing with Windows and Active Directory. Sharing files and directories on a...
published: 24 Sep 2011
Author: cgermany77
Network File Sharing with Windows and Active Directory
Network File Sharing with Windows and Active Directory. Sharing files and directories on a network and combining local (DACL) and share permissions where the end result is the most restrictive combination of the two.

Hitler finds out file sharing website megaupload has been shut down by the US government.
Hitler attempts to access megaupload but for some reason he is unable to connect to the we...
published: 20 Jan 2012
Author: DP675
Hitler finds out file sharing website megaupload has been shut down by the US government.
Hitler attempts to access megaupload but for some reason he is unable to connect to the website. He then finds out megaupload has been shut down due to piracy. He is not very happy at all. I'm sorry for any spelling mistakes I may have made in this video. I will correct these very soon with annotations.

Mac OS 10.7 Lion Server Part 7: File Sharing & Home Folders
In this screencast I cover how to set up file sharing so you can access various files and ...
published: 06 Apr 2012
Author: Todd Olthoff
Mac OS 10.7 Lion Server Part 7: File Sharing & Home Folders
In this screencast I cover how to set up file sharing so you can access various files and folders on your server remotely. I briefly cover how to set up various permission levels to shared files and folders including how to add people to have access and how to restrict access. Finally, we cover how to set up home folders so your user's desktop and files reside on server instead of their local machine so they can log into any computer in the network and have their personal desktop and settings available.
Youtube results:

File-sharing Figures, Kim Dotcom, Chart News -- Music/Nerd
Everything you need to know -- and more -- about Kim Dotcom, the eccentric founder of Mega...
published: 26 Jan 2012
Author: fuse
File-sharing Figures, Kim Dotcom, Chart News -- Music/Nerd
Everything you need to know -- and more -- about Kim Dotcom, the eccentric founder of Megaupload. Plus a playful look inside this week's musical charts and numbers. Music/Nerd is your weekly source for facts and figures behind the most fascinating stories in the world of music, hosted by Dan Brown. Check it out every Thursday. Follow Music/Nerd on YouTube www.youtube.com And hit up Dan Twitter: twitter.com Facebook: www.facebook.com

Importing from iTunes File Sharing
Many musicians have collected their chord charts digitally for years. Now you can use iTun...
published: 26 Mar 2012
Author: onsongapp
Importing from iTunes File Sharing
Many musicians have collected their chord charts digitally for years. Now you can use iTunes file sharing to quickly import files stored on your computer into OnSong. OnSong can view a number of file types, but works best with plain text files. Make your collection of music portable with an iPad.

File Sharing Documentary
This video is for my english 1312 class....
published: 23 Jul 2012
Author: MorganGravesBand
File Sharing Documentary
This video is for my english 1312 class.

Polkast is a new P2P/cloud file sharing system (cool way to share and sync files)
Do you have a bunch of computers, or a lot of data at home that you can't carry on you...
published: 17 Jan 2012
Author: Scobleizer
Polkast is a new P2P/cloud file sharing system (cool way to share and sync files)
Do you have a bunch of computers, or a lot of data at home that you can't carry on your new Ultrabook or MacBook Air? I have that problem. Sometimes I want to get access to my photo store that's on my desk at home. How to do that? Polkast has the answer. www.polkast.com Here Polkast CEO Hong Bui shows it to me at CES.