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Wednesday, September 19 2012 @ 01:15 PM CDT

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Interview with Eric Laursen on Social Security and The People's Pension

Infoshop News interviews Eric Laursen, independent journalist, activist, anarchist, and author of the new book The People's Pension. Laursen's book examines the history of the Social Security program in the United States, attacks on the program, and recent efforts to dismantle it. Laursen also looks at the origins of the program, which are rooted in radical social movements of a century ago. He was recently a guest on Democracy Now (link below)

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Walmart Warehouse Workers Pilgrimage For 50 Miles Over 6 Days To Protest Working Conditions

In Southern California, warehouse workers who load goods for delivery to Walmart have reached a boiling point. For the first time in their history, they have walked off the job, even though their jobs are not protected by a union.

And they're still walking. The Inland Empire group began on Thursday a six-day, 50-mile march, which they are calling a "pilgrimage," to draw attention to the poor working conditions that they say they can no longer tolerate. Walmart warehouse workers in the Inland Empire of Southern California began a six-day, 50-mile march Thursday to draw attention to their poor working conditions.

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Another chance for anarchism

Anarchist Movement

The world’s dominant political economy has crashed; neoliberalism — an ideological smokescreen for financialisation, cartelisation, and monopolisation — is so discredited that even its own advocates remain silent. Finance capital for its part is now concentrated in so few hands that over $21 trillion — more than the combined GDP of the United States and Japan — is held in secretive tax havens. Much of the money has come from drug-running, arms smuggling, tax evasion, and tax avoidance. It is used not for generating legitimate productive work but only for making paper money. Wealth does not trickle down; it floods upwards.

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Cleveland 4 Still Need Legal Funds


We are still raising legal funds for the Cleveland four! Their pre-sentencing hearings are scheduled for November 5th and 6th. During these hearings the four will be presenting evidence for entrapment and arguing against the Terrorism Enhancement Charge. Every penny that is raised from now until November will go towards preparing for these hearings.

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Seeing Red, Part Two: United Teachers vs. Bipartisan Opposition

Deschooling and Education

It has been four years since the financial collapse of 2008 set off the greatest world economic crisis since the 1930s. “Reform” measures put into place to stop the hemorrhaging have succeeded only in exacerbating socio-economic inequalities around the country, with the poor, once again, bearing the highest costs. Nowhere is this more apparent than the right-wing attacks on public workers, unions, and  pensions. It comes as no surprise to teachers that they find themselves on the front lines.

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Seeing Red, Part One: The High Cost of Higher Education

Deschooling and Education

In the face of mounting tuition hikes, layoffs and budget cuts, thousands of students and educators have hit the streets in university towns across the Americas. The demonstrations have cut across race, gender, ethnic, and socioeconomic backgrounds, bringing disparate groups together to make the education system more transparent and democratic.

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Thousands Have Retaken Zuccotti Park Ahead of Occupy Wall Street's Anniversary

Occupy Wall Street

The festivities tonight come on the heels of scores of indiscriminate and brutal arrests by the NYPD last night as hundreds of activists gathered to usher in the one-year anniversary.

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America Is Only Nation Where Climate Scientists Face Organized Harassment

Climate Change

The harassment faced by U.S.-based climate scientists has been well documented in the media—but not the harassment of scientists in Europe, Canada or the rest of the world. That's because there hasn't been much to report.

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PNW Resisters: Grand Jury Reportback

SolidarityI arrived just before noon, and wrote down events and times as I saw them. I'm only going to report what I had written here and spare artistic license for when I can collect my thoughts.

@~12:20pm we reached about 100-200 people, the critical mass which held for several hours.

From 11:30 - 2:20 the law enforcement presence was ~15 Federal Protective Service(FPS), 2 of which patrolled the courtyard and 5 more walked around the entrance above the stairs. There were ~10 SPD bike cops, and US Marshals who stayed inside the building.
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Italy: Two anarchists suspects arrested over nuclear boss's shooting

SolidarityPolice on Friday in northwest Italy arrested two suspected anarchists over the shooting of Italian nuclear company Ansaldo's chief Roberto Adinolfi in Genoa in May. Italy's paramilitary Carabinieri police and anti-terrorism officers in the Piedmont capital Turin arrested 35-year-old Nicola Gai and Alfredo Cospito, 46 at their apartment in the city. Police said Cospito's girlfriend was also under investigation for the 7 May kneecapping of Adinolfi by two masked gunmen aboard a motorbike as he left his home in a leafy suburb of Genoa to go to work.
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Address Correction and New Political Prisoner Birthday


Hello Friends,

We got Jorge Cornell's Address wrong on this month's political prisoner birthday poster. If you already sent him a birthday card please send him another one. More info on Jorge's case here. His current address is:

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The Broken Teapot: A critical analysis of current "accountability" models

Alternative Media

We all start life with our teapot intact and at some point a little crack starts and slowly grows, or maybe one day we slip and the whole thing just crashes to the floor. Those with intact teapots, they don't know what its like to try and make tea with all the water leaking out. You can't do it. The play of power that is accountability and how it currently (mal)functions in the anarchist 'community' has become a great fissure in my teapot. Its a big crack because I used to be very invested in it but it isn't working anymore. When tea is made now, because of this crack and, of course a few others, all that happens is that steam comes out and people get burned.

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Gianfranco Sanguinetti's "Truthful Report on the Last Chance to Save Capitalism in Italy"


It is with both pride and some embarrassment that we announce that we have once again translated Gianfranco Sanguinetti’s masterpiece, Truthful Report on the Last Chances to Save Capitalism in Italy, from French into English. We are proud of our most recent translation because we know that it is good, and a bit embarrassed by our previous translation, which we completed in 2005 (at a time when we were just beginning to teach ourselves to read French), because it wasn’t.

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Revolutionary Anti-Authoritarian Bloc @ S17 PHOENIX

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Thousands Of Striking Teachers, Supporters Rally Downtown

Thousands of Chicago public school teachers and their supporters march through the Loop and in front of the Chicago Public Schools (CPS) headquarters on September 10, 2012 in Chicago, Illinois. The Chicago Teachers Union hit the picket lines Monday morning after failing to reach an agreement with the city on a new contract. With about 350,000 students, the Chicago school district is the third largest in the United States. (Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images)

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Do US Prisons Violate European Human Rights Law? An interview with Hamja Ahsan and Aviva Stahl


On April 10, 2012, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) issued judgement in the case of Babar Ahmad and Others v The United Kingdom, thereby making a landmark ruling on the legitimacy of solitary confinement, extreme isolation and life without parole in US supermax prisons (view ECHR press release and ruling). The ECHR denied the appeal filed jointly by six appellants, consisting of four British nationals (Babar Ahmad, Haroon Rashid Aswat, Syed Talha Ahsan, and Mustafa Kamal Mustafa—aka Abu Hamza), an Egyptian national (Adel Abdul Bary) and a Saudi Arabian national (Khaled Al-Fawwaz) who have been imprisoned in the United Kingdom, pending extradition to the United States for alleged terrorism-related activities.

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Organic food: Still more than an elitist lifestyle choice


It happens like clockwork; every few months, a rant against local and/or organic food appears in one of the papers of record. The author is nearly always an educated man who uses the words “elite” and “elitist” at least 175 times while defending today’s corporate food system and implying directly or indirectly that changes to the status quo — which often inherently begin with those who can afford to make them — should be seen as suspect at best, and downright damaging at worst.

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Support Infoshop News

We need your help to continue funding of our basic operations and new original content. Infoshop News has been publishing a wide range of news, analysis and opinion, on a daily basis, over the past 17 years. Our news service was one of the first online news sites. We were one of the first political websites. Along the way we've brought alternative and anarchist news, opinion and information to hundreds of thousands of people. In 1999, along with the new Indymedia network, we covered the anti-WTO protests in Seattle in depth. Since then we've covered hundreds of activist events and campaigns. We've helped numerous solidarity campaigns and we've published original muckraking journalism.

Please consider helping us financially so we can keep our project going and allow us to make improvements to the project in 2012. Any amount will help sustain and grow our project.

We've been busy lately updating the website and making changes to improve site performance. We also have made numerous plans for 2012 to improve the website and our project.

Recent changes and improvements:

  • Server changes to improve speed, performance and lessen downtime.
  • Thanks to our tech volunteers!
  • Updated links across the site.
  • Fixed links and content of An Anarchist FAQ

Plans for 2012

  • More original news reporting, analysis and opinion for Infoshop News.
  • We'd like to sponsor writers and journalists to research and write investigative stories for the site.
  • A regular e-newsletter featuring analysis of current events, news about radical projects and activism, interviews, and updates on Infoshop.
  • Possible foray into selling original merchandise.
  • Migration of Infoshop News to the Drupal content management system. This will improve performance and allow us to expand content in new ways. This will provide added value to registered users. We can expand accessibility, such as adding keywords to articles. The website will be more friendly to mobile devices.
  • Migration of content from the Infoshop Library and OpenWiki to current Drupal content management system. Expansion of library and wiki content.
  • Move forums to current Drupal system
  • New home page design with more content from overall site.
  • Overall re-design of website.
  • Mirrors of the site, possibly on different continents.

Our Summer 2012 fundraising goal is $2,000. So far we've raised $80.

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