Revolution OS
Official Website of www.revolution-os.com IMDB: www.imdb.com Wikiepdia: Der Film führt ein...
published: 13 Jan 2011
author: 3dkelvin
Revolution OS
Official Website of www.revolution-os.com IMDB: www.imdb.com Wikiepdia: Der Film führt einen nahtlosen geschichtlichen Bogen über die Evolution von GNU/Linux, von den Anfängen -- als Software auf Papierbändern zum Preis eines Biers kopiert wurde und Bill Gates in den 70ern anfing, proprietäre Programme in BASIC für von Computerhobbyisten verwendete Kleinstcomputer zu schreiben und diese in einem bitterlichen Brief aufforderte, Software zu kaufen statt zu tauschen -- bis zu Richard Stallman und einer Beschreibung dessen, was ihn motivierte, seine Stelle am MIT aufzugeben und sein Leben fortan der Entwicklung Freier Software zu widmen. Michael Tiemann erklärt in der Wüste, wie er von Stallman eine sehr frühe Version von dessen GNU C-Compiler bekam, und ihn weiterentwickelte. Larry Augustin beschreibt am Originalschauplatz, einem amerikanischen Universitätscampus, wie er sich mit dem von Stallman gegründeten GNU-Projekt und einem normalen Personal Computer eine leistungsfähige UNIX-Workstation bauen konnte, die ihn ein Drittel des Preises einer Workstation von Sun Microsystems kostete, aber das Doppelte leistete, und wie daraus die Firma VA Linux wurde, deren Börsengang im Film ebenfalls lebhaft mitverfolgt wird.
published: 13 Jan 2011
views: 143405
Revolution OS Linux Documentary 2001 FULL Movie
If you like me like to play around with Linux then click the link below and check out thes...
published: 13 Jun 2012
author: leoric80
Revolution OS Linux Documentary 2001 FULL Movie
If you like me like to play around with Linux then click the link below and check out these cool, cheap openVZ and Xen Virtual private servers.Awesome www.bhost.net Revolution OS is a 2001 documentary film that traces the twenty-year history of GNU, Linux, open source, and the free software movement. Directed by JTS Moore, the film features interviews with prominent hackers and entrepreneurs including Richard Stallman, Michael Tiemann, Linus Torvalds, Larry Augustin, Eric S. Raymond, Bruce Perens, Frank Hecker and Brian Behlendorf. Enjoy!!!
published: 13 Jun 2012
views: 7125
Revolution OS
documental sobre Stallman y linux......
published: 04 Apr 2006
author: mijarosoft
Revolution OS
Revolution OS - Birth Of GNU (1/5)
www.MasterNewMedia.org Extracted from the Revolution OS documentary. In this clip Richard ...
published: 16 Feb 2007
author: Robin Good
Revolution OS - Birth Of GNU (1/5)
www.MasterNewMedia.org Extracted from the Revolution OS documentary. In this clip Richard Stallman discusses the birth of the GNU
published: 16 Feb 2007
views: 35474
Robin Good
Revolution OS ITA
Revolution OS è un documentario statunitense del 2001, diretto da JTS Moore. Nel film si r...
published: 21 Apr 2012
author: Massimiliano Vigliotta
Revolution OS ITA
Revolution OS è un documentario statunitense del 2001, diretto da JTS Moore. Nel film si ripercorrono venti anni di storia di GNU, Linux, del software libero e dell'open source. Il film narra la storia del sistema operativo GNU/Linux, dalle sue origini al 2000, ponendo inoltre l'accento sulla differenza tra software libero e software open source e analizzando alcuni casi di programmi rilasciati sotto licenza libera (ad esempio Apache). Nel documentario non mancano le accuse contro la Microsoft e rivelazioni di protagonisti famosi. Nel corso del documentario vengono intervistati noti hacker ed imprenditori, tra cui Richard Stallman, Linus Torvalds, Eric Raymond, Bruce Perens, Michael Tiemann, Larry Augustin, Frank Hecker e Brian Behlendorf.
published: 21 Apr 2012
views: 6322
Massimiliano Vigliotta
La revolucion de SO (Revolution OS).2001 (Documental en VOSub. español
software libre...
published: 16 Nov 2011
author: polloman12389
La revolucion de SO (Revolution OS).2001 (Documental en VOSub. español
Bruce Perens, Open Source and Free Software
Bruce Perens talks about open source and free software. Selected clips from Revolution OS....
published: 05 Sep 2009
author: anonymousinsider
Bruce Perens, Open Source and Free Software
Bruce Perens talks about open source and free software. Selected clips from Revolution OS. Copyright 2001 Wonderview Productions
published: 05 Sep 2009
views: 1187
Revolution OS - The Switch From 'Free' To 'Open Source'(4/5)
www.MasterNewMedia.org Extracted from the documentary Revolution OS. In this clip, the fou...
published: 16 Feb 2007
author: Robin Good
Revolution OS - The Switch From 'Free' To 'Open Source'(4/5)
www.MasterNewMedia.org Extracted from the documentary Revolution OS. In this clip, the founders of the Open-source intitiative discuss the strategic move from the term free software to the more business like open source
published: 16 Feb 2007
views: 7650
Robin Good
Revolution OS sub Español - Radio GLUD
He puesto los subtítulos en la película para que cualquiera pueda apreciarla. Visítanos en...
published: 08 Nov 2011
author: Radio GLUD
Revolution OS sub Español - Radio GLUD
He puesto los subtítulos en la película para que cualquiera pueda apreciarla. Visítanos en radio.glud.org y en http
published: 08 Nov 2011
views: 1551
Radio GLUD
Revolution OS - The Cathedral And The Bazaar (3/5)
www.MasterNewMedia.org Extracted from the documentary Revolution OS. In this clip Eric Ray...
published: 16 Feb 2007
author: Robin Good
Revolution OS - The Cathedral And The Bazaar (3/5)
www.MasterNewMedia.org Extracted from the documentary Revolution OS. In this clip Eric Raymond discusses his concept of the Cathedral and the Bazaar
published: 16 Feb 2007
views: 11628
Robin Good
Revolution OS (GNU, Linux, FOSS)
Revolution OS is a 2001 documentary which traces the history of GNU, Linux, and the open s...
published: 20 Jun 2012
author: filmreiheanarch1e
Revolution OS (GNU, Linux, FOSS)
Revolution OS is a 2001 documentary which traces the history of GNU, Linux, and the open source and free software movements. It features several interviews with prominent hackers and entrepreneurs (and hackers-cum-entrepreneurs), including Richard Stallman, Michael Tiemann, Linus Torvalds, Larry Augustin, Eric S. Raymond, Bruce Perens, Frank Hecker and Brian Behlendorf. The film begins in medias res with an IPO, and then sets the historical stage by showing the beginnings of software development back in the day when software was shared on paper tape for the price of the paper itself. It then segues to Bill Gates's Open Letter to Hobbyists in which he asks Computer Hobbyists to not share, but to buy software. (This letter was written by Gates when Microsoft was still based in Arizona and spelled "Micro-Soft".) Richard Stallman then explains how and why he left the MIT Lab for Artificial Intelligence in order to devote his life to the development of free software, as well as how he started with the GNU project. Linus Torvalds is interviewed on his development of the Linux kernel as well as on the GNU/Linux naming controversy and Linux's further evolution, including its commercialization. Richard Stallman remarks on some of the ideological aspects of open source vis-á-vis Communism and capitalism and well as on several aspects of the development of GNU/Linux. Michael Tiemann (interviewed in a desert) tells how he met Stallman and got an early version of Stallman's GCC and ...
published: 20 Jun 2012
views: 807
La revolución de los SO- Revolution OS parte 1
Excelente vídeo para poder entender el proyecto GNU y open source. A Microsoft le están te...
published: 21 May 2007
author: Sergio Tam
La revolución de los SO- Revolution OS parte 1
Excelente vídeo para poder entender el proyecto GNU y open source. A Microsoft le están temblando las rodillas. Inserte los subtítulos en el vídeo pero se ven muy feos perdón.
published: 21 May 2007
views: 48214
Sergio Tam
Youtube results:
Revolution OS
Su richiesta ecco il film che racconta la storia di Gnu/Linux dalle sue origini al 2000, f...
published: 01 Jun 2011
author: marcobrunisbt
Revolution OS
Su richiesta ecco il film che racconta la storia di Gnu/Linux dalle sue origini al 2000, facendocela spiegare dai protagonisti come Richard Stallman, Linus Torvalds, Eric Raymond, Bruce Perens, Michael, Tiemann, Larry Augustin, Frank Hecker e Brian Behlendorf e molti altri. Revolution OS, inoltre, ci spiega la differenza tra software libero e software open source e analizzando alcuni casi di programmi rilasciati sotto licenza libera (ad esempio Apache). Il film/documentario è completamente in italiano, dura 90 minuti circa ma vale la pena vederlo, buon divertimento.. Caricato da www.marcobruni.info
published: 01 Jun 2011
views: 3145
Фильм о GNU/Linux Revolution OS [RU]
Предупреждение: перевод от надмозгов! (фонд бесплатного ПО) залил пока смотрел и узнал о н...
published: 15 Mar 2012
author: ekusu4
Фильм о GNU/Linux Revolution OS [RU]
Предупреждение: перевод от надмозгов! (фонд бесплатного ПО) залил пока смотрел и узнал о надмозгости перевода только после заливки =( как найду нормальный перевод перезалью. «Revolution OS» — документальный фильм, рассказывающий об истории GNU, Linux, а также open source и free software движений. В нём представлены интервью со знаменитыми хакерами и предпринимателями, включая Ричарда Столлмана, Майкла Тименна, Линуса Торвальдса, Ларри Аугустина, Эрика Реймонда, Брюса Перенса, Френка Хекера и Браина Бехлендорфа. Съёмкой картины управлял JTS Moore.
published: 15 Mar 2012
views: 4580
Revolution OS (日本語字幕) 1/11
2001年出演: ライナス・ト-バルズ, リチャード・ストールマン, ブルース・ペレンズ, エリック・レイモンド 他(1)俺はあんたの悪夢(2)リナックスとは何か? (3)RMS,...
published: 16 Jun 2009
author: a6QkvVsn
Revolution OS (日本語字幕) 1/11
2001年出演: ライナス・ト-バルズ, リチャード・ストールマン, ブルース・ペレンズ, エリック・レイモンド 他(1)俺はあんたの悪夢(2)リナックスとは何か? (3)RMS, MIT, GNU, FSF -- すべての始まり(4)ホビイストへの公開状
published: 16 Jun 2009
views: 3011