Wythenshawe transport hub proposal
Wythenshawe transport hub proposal
Wythenshawe transport hub proposal Watch more videos like this at www.menmedia.co.uk
Urban Transit Hub in Rome, Italy
Urban Transit Hub in Rome, Italy
This design is for an urban transit hub at Largo di Torre Argentina in Rome, Italy. Considerations were given to archaeological sites, pathways of transit, and pedestrian protection. Like most of Rome, archaeological ruins can be found about 20 feet below street level. Specifically at this site, four pagan temples were buried. After being uncovered decades before, the ruins began to act like a building in scale, access, and urban treatment. A nearby and related temple has small museum, the Crypta Balbi, which lets viewers descend into the ancient layer. This proposed urban hub also pays homage to the ruins it protects in a museological fashion. Space for temporary and permanent exhibitions is made available at the ancient ground level. Several means of transit exist in the area. Corso Vittorio Emanuele II is a major highway for motorists just north of the site. Buses and taxis use a widened area of the street as an opportunity to stop and pick up passengers. Another bus stop is located south of the site and a railed tram terminates just west of the site. Construction has already begun on a subway that will travel 80 feet below the ancient ruins and have a scheduled stop near the site. Each of these modes of transportation has accommodations by the urban transit hub. The aggressive Roman motorists pay little heed to their pedestrian counterparts. Crossing the street can be a dangerous cat-and-mouse affair. This design helps the disenfranchised walkers by tunneling under <b>...</b>
WTC Transportation Hub Animation
WTC Transportation Hub Animation
An animation of the WTC Transit Hub from sometime ago.
AMERICA REVEALED | Transportation Hub: The School Bus | PBS
AMERICA REVEALED | Transportation Hub: The School Bus | PBS
See the full episode at video.pbs.org What transportation system carries more than 26 million Americans every day in thousands of districts across the country? The school bus. Find out how important this educational institution is in this clip from AMERICA REVEALED. Four-part series airs Wednesdays, April 11- May 2 at 10/9c on PBS.
New Transit Hub In San Francisco
New Transit Hub In San Francisco
Transbay Transit Hub to replace aging transbay terminal
Parkes Transport Hub
Parkes Transport Hub
A case for the promotion of Parkes NSW Australia as a national transport and logistics hub. For more information see www.parkeshub.com.au.
Breaking Down Barriers: A New Transportation Hub for Saskatoon
Breaking Down Barriers: A New Transportation Hub for Saskatoon
A project to create a new transportation hub for College Drive, Saskatoon by the Geography 446 class as part of an advanced urban design project. Check out the blog at www.geog446.wordpress.com
Dead Space 2 Gameplay, Part 21. Boss Fight w/ a Brute in the Transport Hub (Walkthrough, 1080p HD)
Dead Space 2 Gameplay, Part 21. Boss Fight w/ a Brute in the Transport Hub (Walkthrough, 1080p HD)
Part 21: Boss Fight with a Brute in the Transport Hub (Chapter 6) Thanks for watching this gameplay video, in 1080p HD quality! For best viewing quality, click the fullscreen button in the YouTube player, then select 1080p, or "original" for even better than 1080p. I enter the school's indoor playground, and crazy-dead girlfriend says hi again. Ok, great, so I head up an elevator into a huge transit hub. There, I rendezvous with Ellie, and Stross is with her! Three mentally-twisted surviors unite! But, the reunion doesn't last long. Titan authorities cut the power, and I am faced with a boss battle, this time fighting a Brute necromorph. I do a pretty good job at pacifying him, though he doesn't drop much loot. We then have to work on getting a derelict solar array working in order to restore power to the complex. So, I head toward the solar array panel while Ellie leaves to work on a different part of the solar modules. I head down into a basement and deal with my first Guardian necromorph! It's glued to the wall and shoots out pods, which then right themselves on the floor and in turn shoot barbs at me! What a bunch of assholes. I terminate everything, then fight some necropukes in the next room. I find a store and a bench, so I equip the flamethrower and head onward... Link to Part 22 (Next Video): www.youtube.com Full Dead Space 2 Playlist: www.youtube.com Full FNV Walkthrough Playlist: www.youtube.com
The Godfather Blackhand Edition-Part 128-Barzini Transport Hub
The Godfather Blackhand Edition-Part 128-Barzini Transport Hub
I seize a transport hub Check out Latest In for daily updates on all gaming and tech news: www.LatestIn.net Follow Latest In on twitter: twitter.com Check out our Store, which runs through Zazzle: www.latestin.net Add Latest In as a friend on Facebook: www.facebook.com 'Like' Latest In on Facebook: www.facebook.com Subscribe to Latest In: www.youtube.com Subscribe to Latest In's Game Corner: www.youtube.com become a fan of bloodocean07: www.facebook.com follow me on twitter: twitter.com
Dead Space 2 Chapter 6 Transport Hub Boss
Dead Space 2 Chapter 6 Transport Hub Boss
Dead Space 2 Chapter 5 Transport Hub Boss PS3. High Definition 1280x720 GR2U. gr2u.com.
The Godfather Blackhand Edition-Part 116-Cuneo Transport Hub
The Godfather Blackhand Edition-Part 116-Cuneo Transport Hub
I seize a Cuneo Transport Hub Check out Latest In for daily updates on all gaming and tech news: www.LatestIn.net Follow Latest In on twitter: twitter.com Check out our Store, which runs through Zazzle: www.latestin.net Add Latest In as a friend on Facebook: www.facebook.com 'Like' Latest In on Facebook: www.facebook.com Subscribe to Latest In: www.youtube.com Subscribe to Latest In's Game Corner: www.youtube.com become a fan of bloodocean07: www.facebook.com follow me on twitter: twitter.com
Video 8 - Hub Transport Role Message Transport, Connectors, Accepted Domains, and Remote Domains.mov
Video 8 - Hub Transport Role Message Transport, Connectors, Accepted Domains, and Remote Domains.mov
Dead Space 2, Transit Hub Fight (Plasma Cutter)
Dead Space 2, Transit Hub Fight (Plasma Cutter)
Transport Hub Welcome Video
Transport Hub Welcome Video
A series of transport industry organisations have come together to create the Transport Hub during the 2010 party conference season. This is a space where transport organisations, irrespective of their modal or policy interests, will meet with senior politicians and industry figures.
Hex-a-hop Transport Hub Walkthrough
Hex-a-hop Transport Hub Walkthrough
Walkthrough for Transport Hub level of Hex-a-hop puzzle game virtualkingdoms.net
Transit Hub at Peebles Corner
Transit Hub at Peebles Corner
Establish a public facility which will include environmentally clean, safe, user friendly buses, trains, or streetcars that will serve as a connector for the mass public transportation system within the City of Cincinnati