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Upcoming Events

3 November, Private Viewing of One Law for All's Passion for Freedom Art Festival.
8-11 November 2012, Jersey Human Rights Festival
Maryam will be speaking about human rights in Iran and Sharia law.

Articles and Press

This is about politics not religion
Bravo Charlie Hebdo
Child marriages and Sharia courts: It must end now
This is why
Religion not Pussy Riot is gulty of hooliganism
It is meant to shock and provoke
The courage to think
Free expression, multiculturalism and political Islam
گفتگو با مریم نمازی: "زن ضد دین" و فتواهای سکولار
Meet this anti-Islam woman, an 'expose' on Maryam by the Islamic regime of Iran
این زن ضد دین!
Freedom of expression, multiculturalism and political Islam
We cannot remain silent on Islamist attacks on Tunisian universities
Hoodie and Hejab are not the same
تقویم انقلابیون برهنه
Nudity is Freedom: FEMEN Paris action
Seriously, we are intolerant?!
Idiocy or Revolutionary: In Defence of Nude Protest
Stripping for Iran
Nude Photo Revolutionary Calendar 2012-2013
Intl Day to Defend Blasphemers and Apostates
Freedom for Hamza Kashgari
Human Rights Watch: Secularism key
Religion in power end of democratic politics
Charges of offence and Islamophobia are secular fatwas
11 February Free expression day of action our chance to take a stand
Human Rights Watch: You are disgusting
On Press TV
You can expect threats if you discuss Sharia
Forced Marriages dishonour Britain
A few more details on nude photo revolutionaries calendar
If it's alright with the Guardian we won't welcome Islamism
Calling all nude photo revolutionaries
Nude photo of Egyptian blogger scream against Islamism
The EU, like Sharia courts, doesn't want women to speak up! (photo)
In solidarity with Charlie Hebdo: A photo of Mohammad will have to do!
TV International interview on Arab Spring
TV International interview on 99% about more than greed
Secularists must stand up to Islamism
Judge Islamism's apologists for yourselves!
Maryam's interview on ABC Newsline
Maryam's in depth interview with ABC
Enemies not Allies: The Far-Right
We don't want Sharia in Libya
Australia must fight calls for sharia
Religion is a private affair
Faith No More, New Statesman
Islamic Inquistion, Secular World
Sharia law a code of despair
The Islamic Inquistion
A Courageous Activist
UN Stoning Call
Facebook disabled Maryam Namazie and Mina Ahadi's accounts!
Stoning is not people's culture
The burka empowering? I think not
It's a crime to be a woman in Iran
What isn't wrong with Sharia law?
Sharia law: A Threat to One Law for All & Equal Rights
Islamic states are a threat to humankind
50 Voices of Disbelief: Why we are Atheists
The Fighter: Maryam Namazie
Divinely Ordained law makes abolition
more difficult

Latest Videos

Maryam's speech at 5th anniversary of Council of Ex-Muslims, June 2012 Interview with Maryam Namazie on Australia ABC News 24's One Plus One, September 2011 Iranian Women Defend Nude Photo Revolutionary Calendar, March 2012 In defence of Free Expression, February 2012 on Sharia and Human Rights, December 2011 On the pro-Islamist Left In defence of secularism, September 2011 The Islamic Inquisition, Maryam's speech at June 2011 World Atheist Conference in Dublin
More videos...


Child marriages and Sharia courts: It must end now
We must be able to criticise Islam
25 July 2012: Protect Olympics principles
14 March 2012: Intl Day to Defend Blasphemers and Apostates
11 July 2011: International Day against Stoning,
End Tsunami of executions in Iran More details..
Resolution calling for Islamic Republic of Iran's boycott More details..
Resolution against the Death Penalty
More details..
Sakineh must not be stoned,
Manifesto of Liberation of Women in Iran,
International Bureau for Laicite,
Stop Killing our Children,
Iran Solidarity,
Long live revolution against the Islamic regime in Iran, Read more...
International Coalition for Women's Rights, More details...


If you want to support the various campaigns Maryam is working on, please donate!
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Please send a cheque made payable to 'Count Me In - Iran' and mail it to: BM Box 6754, London WC1N 3XX, UK. Please earmark your donation if you want it to go to a specific campaign.

Copyright © 2012 Maryam Namazie