
Oatmeal Breakfast
Things I eat! This is a great breakfast with a ton of staying power... oatmeal! Don't ...
published: 21 Feb 2009
Author: waterchicklet
Oatmeal Breakfast
Things I eat! This is a great breakfast with a ton of staying power... oatmeal! Don't let it fool you, its gonna take you the same amount of time as instant to prepare. :) 40g oats 2/3 cup hot water pinch of salt 2 teaspoons packed brown sugar 2 tablespoons 1% milk optional: 8g pre-cooked bacon one slice light rye bread

Sports Nutritionist Bob Seebohar on Super Oatmeal
Sports nutrition expert Bob Seebohar, highlights the importance of oatmeal in high school ...
published: 17 Aug 2008
Author: STACKVids
Sports Nutritionist Bob Seebohar on Super Oatmeal
Sports nutrition expert Bob Seebohar, highlights the importance of oatmeal in high school and college athletes diets. ?This morning we are making super oatmeal which I highly recommend for all of our athletes here at the Olympic training center in addition to outside athletes. Easy, fast, easily transportable and its cheap, as you can see these ingredients are normal ingredients, there?s nothing special about them, oats, whey protein powder and dark cocoa, ground flax, blue berries, raisins and/or banana here and there. Very cheap, very economical and you can find all these things in a normal grocery store. And what we usually like to do is make it quick, simple, and easy. And what you see here is that we?re just using a rice cooker, what we call hot pot. It has a hot plate in the middle of it and it is connected to a cord so all we is a plug, essentially, to plug it in. I?ve turned it on, I?ve heated up a little bit. You can see our ingredients that we?re gonna be working with. The first thing I?m gonna do is take some water, can certainly use milk, too, as your base, pour it in the hot pot and we?re just gonna let it boil ? come to a boil which will take about 30 to 60 seconds. Very quick, very easy, so the water is coming to a boil now. Very quick, very easy and again you can use milk, soya milk, regular milk if you want, too, just use it for some extra protein. So, the first thing I?m gonna do is take my role dotes and/or the instant milk pocket and take my spoon. So <b>...</b>

Recipe for Bodybuilding - Oat Pie
Quick, healthy recipe with balanced nutrition stats in protein and carbohydrate. Ideal for...
published: 03 Feb 2008
Author: wwwbodybuildinggr
Recipe for Bodybuilding - Oat Pie
Quick, healthy recipe with balanced nutrition stats in protein and carbohydrate. Ideal for bodybuilders.

Oatmeal 101
Wanna know the difference between steel cut, rolled, and quick oats. Watch this video to l...
published: 20 Feb 2009
Author: danispies
Oatmeal 101
Wanna know the difference between steel cut, rolled, and quick oats. Watch this video to learn everything you need to know about Oatmeal and why it's such a nutritious ingredient. If you guys like the videos please LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, and/or SHARE them with your friends! The more people we can reach the more videos we can make! Thanks!! To see and print all of my recipes for FREE please visit: cleananddelicious.com Official Facebook Page: www.facebook.com Twitter: @DaniSpies Pinterest: pinterest.com

You're Doing It All Wrong - How to Make Oatmeal
www.chow.com - Jeremy Oldfield knows his oats. He shuns instant oatmeal for whole oat groa...
published: 07 Apr 2009
Author: CHOW
You're Doing It All Wrong - How to Make Oatmeal
www.chow.com - Jeremy Oldfield knows his oats. He shuns instant oatmeal for whole oat groats, which aside from being fresher, provide much more nutrients. Learn from a pro like Jeremy and your breakfast will never be the same.

Oat Bran Muffins Recipe
Printable Recipe: showmethecurry.com...
published: 09 Dec 2011
Author: ShowMeTheCurry
Oat Bran Muffins Recipe
Printable Recipe: showmethecurry.com

How Oat Beta Glucan Binds to Fat
In this video www.oathealth.com will show you the power of Oat Beta Glucans. Oat Beta Gluc...
published: 16 Mar 2010
Author: OatHealth
How Oat Beta Glucan Binds to Fat
In this video www.oathealth.com will show you the power of Oat Beta Glucans. Oat Beta Glucans are believed to Lower Cholesterol Naturally by binding to saturated fats and trans fats. Quite often our diets contain foods high in saturated and processed foods. The more saturated fat and trans fat we absorb, the more cholesterol our bodies produce. According to research, Oat Beta Glucan were shown to help lower cholesterol. Nutrim Oat Bran has a concentrated portion of Beta Glucan in its powder.

Raw Oatmeal Raw Food Recipe, Episode #322
www.TheRawFoodWorld.com, Angela has been dying for a Raw Oatmeal raw food recipe for ages ...
published: 14 Dec 2009
Author: TheRawFoodWorld
Raw Oatmeal Raw Food Recipe, Episode #322
www.TheRawFoodWorld.com, Angela has been dying for a Raw Oatmeal raw food recipe for ages now. She finally made this raw porridge and we both loved this raw food recipe.

The Best Homemade Peanut Butter Oatmeal Protein Bars for Gaining Muscle & Losing Fat
View all recipes here: youtube.com Facebook: facebook.com Twitter: twitter.com T-Shirts: l...
published: 18 Oct 2010
Author: leanbodylifestyle
The Best Homemade Peanut Butter Oatmeal Protein Bars for Gaining Muscle & Losing Fat
View all recipes here: youtube.com Facebook: facebook.com Twitter: twitter.com T-Shirts: leanbodylifestyle.spreadshirt.com Pinterest pinterest.com Google+: gplus.to Fitness channel: youtube.com If you enjoy these videos, share Lean Body Lifestyle with others! Share LBL on Facebook: on.fb.me Share LBL on Twitter: clicktotweet.com Music by: Kevin MacLeod - incompetech.com What You Want Ver. 2, Kevin MacLeod (www.incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons "Attribution 3.0" http

Video Recipe: Steel-Cut Oatmeal
This recipe creates a very healthy homemade oatmeal. Your kids will love it, too! View the...
published: 04 Aug 2008
Author: keithsnow
Video Recipe: Steel-Cut Oatmeal
This recipe creates a very healthy homemade oatmeal. Your kids will love it, too! View the full recipe at www.harvesteating.com

How to Use Oatmeal for Weight Loss
How to Use Oatmeal for Weight Loss www.joanbars.com http a video tutorial on the benefits ...
published: 12 Mar 2011
Author: JoanLoganeski
How to Use Oatmeal for Weight Loss
How to Use Oatmeal for Weight Loss www.joanbars.com http a video tutorial on the benefits of adding Oatmeal to your diet plan. The fiber in oatmeal reduces the risk of developing various conditions, including heart disease, diabetes, diverticular disease and constipation Whole grains help clean out your colon. It has soluble fiber (the one that absorbs liquid). Soluble fiber absorbs liquid inside you, making you feel full longer. It has insoluble fiber-insoluble fiber's cancer fighting properties are due to the fact that it attacks certain bile acids, reducing their toxicity.Soluble fiber may reduce LDL cholesterol without lowering HDL cholesterol. Soluble fiber slows down the digestion of starch. This may be beneficial to diabetics because, when you slow down the digestion of starch, you avoid the sharp rise in your blood sugar level that usually occurs following a meal. Oats are the only cereal containing a globulin or legume-like protein, avenalin, as the major storage protein. Globulins are characterised by solubility in dilute saline. The more typical cereal proteins, such as gluten and zein, are prolamines. The minor protein of oat is a prolamine, avenin. Oat protein is nearly equivalent in quality to soy protein, which has been shown by the World Health Organization to be equal to meat, milk, and egg protein. The protein content of the hull-less oat kernel (groat) ranges from 12--24%, the highest among cereals Cinnamon - Some research has shown that cinnamon may <b>...</b>

Oatmeal Pancakes
This recipe just maybe the only pancake recipe you will ever need. Add what ever you like ...
published: 26 Feb 2010
Author: MarjoriesCandies
Oatmeal Pancakes
This recipe just maybe the only pancake recipe you will ever need. Add what ever you like to them while they are cooking. Grated Apple, Chocolate chips, Blueberries, chopped walnuts or pecans. Variations are limited only by your imagination. OATMEAL PANCAKES 2 cups milk 1 and 1/4 cup uncooked oatmeal 1 cup flour 2 and 1/2 tsp. baking powder 1 tsp. salt 2 TBs. sugar 3/4 - 1 cup milk 2 eggs, well beaten 1/3 cup vegetable oil 1. Combine the 1st 2 ingredients (the Oats and milk) and let stand over night in the frig. Or you can prepare the oatmeal and milk the same day you make the pancakes: Pour the milk over the oatmeal and microwave and just bring it to a boil and let cool. 2. Sift together the flour, baking powder, salt and sugar 3. Stir eggs and the 1 cup of milk into oat mixture. 4. Add the sifted dry ingredients. 5. Stir in the oil, egg, milk. 6. Allow mixture to rest for approximately a few minutes while the griddle (lightly greased) is heating up. 7. I use a half cup measure to pour batter onto the griddle. Cook till golden brown on each side.

Oat Milk
Ingredients: 4 cups (cold) water 2 cups cooked oatmeal Pinch of salt 1 tsp vanilla 1 ripe ...
published: 20 Jan 2011
Author: mikeysgirl2006
Oat Milk
Ingredients: 4 cups (cold) water 2 cups cooked oatmeal Pinch of salt 1 tsp vanilla 1 ripe banana Directions: Place all ingredients in blender and process until smooth about 2-3 minutes. Refrigerate. Shake before using. *this milk will keep for 5 days, refridgerated and cover

Oats Dosa - Healthy Dosa
Printable Recipe: showmethecurry.com...
published: 22 May 2010
Author: ShowMeTheCurry
Oats Dosa - Healthy Dosa
Printable Recipe: showmethecurry.com
Vimeo results:

OAT Shoes Limited Skin Collection
Pre-order at www.oatshoes.com from Friday 23 September!...
published: 16 Sep 2011
Author: OAT Shoes
OAT Shoes Limited Skin Collection
Pre-order at www.oatshoes.com from Friday 23 September!

The Bodyboard
This is a Bodyboarding Clip that includes, Damien King, Ben Player, Dave Winchester, Dalla...
published: 09 Jun 2009
Author: Mitch Oates
The Bodyboard
This is a Bodyboarding Clip that includes, Damien King, Ben Player, Dave Winchester, Dallas Singer, Sam Bennet, Eric Medcalf, Eli Beach, Lilly Pollard, Jones Russell, Brad Hughes, Tomas Robinson, ewuan donachee?
Highlights will be shown in the Joker III.
and my name is Mitch haha

Damian "king" Island
This was another shortened edit of Damian at King island and Philippines that didn't quite...
published: 27 Apr 2011
Author: Mitch Oates
Damian "king" Island
This was another shortened edit of Damian at King island and Philippines that didn't quite make his cut. With a few extra waves
It's been sitting here for a few months so i thought i would share it
Filmed by Mitch Oates
Philippines by Nathan Branch
Edited by Mitch Oates

Ben Player King Island
The High Definition Version of the Ben Player King Island, This edit took around 40 hours ...
published: 20 Dec 2011
Author: The Friendly Faces (bodyboarding
Ben Player King Island
The High Definition Version of the Ben Player King Island, This edit took around 40 hours for this precious little clip so i hope you guys have as much fun watching it as i did shooting and cutting it.
So come watch Ben Player kill it to some sick beats.
and check out our website/facebook page.
Space Agent by Moonbase Commander
Rock & Roll queen by the subways
Filmed By Mitch Oates
Coloured by Mitch Oates
Edited by Mitch Oates
Youtube results:

Good Eats Moment - Mr Oatmeal
A Food Network minute with Alton Brown. Watch Alton Brown as he makes the perfect pot of o...
published: 03 Apr 2007
Author: acosta6348
Good Eats Moment - Mr Oatmeal
A Food Network minute with Alton Brown. Watch Alton Brown as he makes the perfect pot of oats.

SkinME - Oatmeal Moisturizing Winter Body Bath Bombs For Dry & Itchy (Gift Idea)
Don't forget to LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, & SHARE! SkinME Every Tuesday! Another DIY (GIft ...
published: 13 Dec 2011
Author: BeautySplurge
SkinME - Oatmeal Moisturizing Winter Body Bath Bombs For Dry & Itchy (Gift Idea)
Don't forget to LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, & SHARE! SkinME Every Tuesday! Another DIY (GIft Idea) Oversized Envelope Clutch Video: www.youtube.com Chat on Twitter with me: twitter.com Updates on Facebook: facebook.com I'm glad to share my recipe on how to make these sweet orange scented moisturizing bath bombs with everyone. They are perfect to soothe aches, muscle pain, relieve itch, and moisturize our skin. Plus, you can enjoy the bath bombs fizzing action in the tub with mood enhancing fragrances. You can make these as a gift for any occasion or for yourself to achieve silky smooth skin. This recipe contains oatmeal to relieve irritation and redness from dry and itchy skin conditions like my eczema, hives, and psoriasis. I use these once a week during the harsh cold winter to keep my skin moisturized. Moisturizing Bath Bomb Recipe for Winter Body Care or Dry and Itchy Skin: - 1 Cup of Baking Soda - ½ Cup of Citric Acid (Citric acid is used in canning food and preserving beverages. I suggest to visit the pharmacy, farm supply store that sells canning supplies, wine shop that sells wine making supplies, craft store that sells soap making ingredients, or online www.google.com www.google.com If you have a hard time getting it locally then you can substitute citric acid with 1/2 cup of cream of tartar that will make the bath bombs fizz in water. I prefer using citric acid for more fizz action and longer self life of a year if you are not planning to use them right away. - ½ Cup of <b>...</b>

High-Protein Bodybuilding Banana Oat Muffins
published: 26 Oct 2011
Author: leanbodylifestyle
High-Protein Bodybuilding Banana Oat Muffins
Don't forget to LIKE, COMMENT, and SUBSCRIBE! SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE VIDEOS → bit.ly Facebook: facebook.com Twitter: twitter.com T-Shirts: leanbodylifestyle.spreadshirt.com Pinterest pinterest.com Google+: gplus.to Fitness channel: youtube.com If you enjoy these videos, share Lean Body...

How to Sprout Buckwheat, Oats and Sunflower Seeds
www.therenegadehealthshow.com - Another question answered with this show... Annmarie is go...
published: 21 May 2008
Author: kevingianni
How to Sprout Buckwheat, Oats and Sunflower Seeds
www.therenegadehealthshow.com - Another question answered with this show... Annmarie is going to show you how to sprout buckwheat, oats and sunflower seeds so you (and we) can make raw granola. The granola is next week's in the kitchen, the sprouting begins here! Go ahead, watch and learn...