- published: 28 Jan 2013
- views: 7755
In philosophy, facticity (French: facticité, German: Faktizität) has a multiplicity of meanings from "factuality" and "contingency" to the intractable conditions of human existence
The term is first used by German philosopher Johann Gottlieb Fichte (1762-1814) and has a variety of meanings. It can refer to facts and factuality, as in nineteenth-century positivism, but comes to mean that which resists explanation and interpretation in Wilhelm Dilthey and Neo-Kantianism. The Neo-Kantians contrasted facticity with ideality, as does Jürgen Habermas in Between Facts and Norms (Faktizität und Geltung).
German philosopher Martin Heidegger (1889-1976) discusses facticity as the "thrownness" (Geworfenheit) of individual existence, which is to say we are "thrown into the world." By this, he is not only referring to a brute fact, or the factuality of a concrete historical situation, e.g., "born in the '80s." Facticity is something that already informs and has been taken up in existence, even if it is unnoticed or left unattended. As such, facticity is not something we come across and directly behold. In moods, for example, facticity has an enigmatic appearance, which involves both turning toward and away from it. For Heidegger, moods are conditions of thinking and willing to which they must in some way respond. The thrownness of human existence (or Dasein) is accordingly disclosed through moods.
Heidegger's Notion of Existence & Facticity
Facticity Meaning
At the Crossroads of Freedom and Facticity: Ambiguity in Simone de Beauvoir
Over Your Threshold "Facticity" Trailer
The Intimate Interplay of Existence and facticity in Heidegger's Being and Time
"The tension between facticity and validity in the judicial procedure", IVR 2013
Over Your Threshold "Facticity" Trailer (Extended Version)
Facticity Review(Over Your Threshold)
Ontology The Hermeneutics of Facticity Studies in Continental Thought Pdf
This talk addresses the central question of Heidegger's "Being and Time", the question of the being of Dasein, by examining the relationship that is established within the text between facticity and everydayness on the one hand and Dasein's existential and authentic being on the other. It is argued that there is an inextricable twofoldness to Dasein's being so that its being is co-constituted by both existence and factical life. This demands that the project of "Being and Time" be not only the destructive project of moving from inauthentic everydayness back to an authentic grasp of Dasein's existential being, but also a return of the existential self to the very site of the 'they-self'. In this video, there's an attempt to trace this doubling movement between facticity and existence and su...
Video shows what facticity means. The quality or state of being a fact. The quality or state of being factitious (eg in existentialism). Facticity Meaning. How to pronounce, definition audio dictionary. How to say facticity. Powered by MaryTTS, Wiktionary
Geoffrey Manzi, M.A. A longtime collaborator and romantic partner of Simone de Beauvoir, fellow existentialist philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre famously said that man is "condemned to be free," to which he adds, "we are a freedom which chooses, but we do not choose to be free" (Being and Nothingness). Such claims encapsulate the Existentialist understanding of the human condition as inherently bipolar: on the one hand, every individual is born into a particular pre-established set of circumstances to which she did not consent and, as such, limits her future possibilities; however, equally primordial is the fact that everyone is born with the freedom to accept or reject many aspects of one's inherent circumstances—especially the seemingly preordained roles that one's circumstances appear to im...
Over Your Threshold album trailer for "Facticity", out on Metal Blade Records on August 28th.
Walter Brogan, professor of Philosophy at Villanova University, speaks at the anual philosophy lecture series at CUA. November 18, 2011.
This recording is a register of my presentation in July 25th in my Workshop of the IVR Congress 2013. The title of the presentation is "The Tension Between Facticity and Validity in the Judicial Procedure" and it deals with Habermas's theory of law and democracy in Between Facts and Norms, trying to develop his approach to the judicial procedure to the point that it can explain and evaluate critically the major trends of our time concerning procedural law. This presentation pretty much summarizes the main points of my future doctoral thesis and, because of that, any comment or sugestion will be extremely welcome in this step of the way. So that's enough for introdcution and let's skip to the real thing.
My opinion on the new Over Your Threshold album. Just quick things I wanted to say about this amazing up coming death/thrash metal band. Hope to see your comments below. I don't own any rights to the bands stuff too. Don't sue me. Lol. Hit that like or subscribe button that would be AMAZING!!! Also, R.I.P. Mitch Lucker, you will never be forgotten.