
The Greek Island of Kos
Greece Rules !!! Sun, Beach , Sea and people that like the fact that you visit their count...
published: 26 Jan 2007
Author: arjanvanhoorn
The Greek Island of Kos
Greece Rules !!! Sun, Beach , Sea and people that like the fact that you visit their country.

Heavyweight Boxing KOs
Heavywieght boxing clips with Angry Again by Megadeth...
published: 15 Nov 2007
Author: SgtThomasBeckett
Heavyweight Boxing KOs
Heavywieght boxing clips with Angry Again by Megadeth

KOS Secret Operations Gameplay Video
mmohut.com for KOS Secret Operations reviews, videos, screenshots and more. KOS Secret Ope...
published: 05 Feb 2011
Author: MMOHut
KOS Secret Operations Gameplay Video
mmohut.com for KOS Secret Operations reviews, videos, screenshots and more. KOS Secret Operations is a 3D tactical MMOFPS by DontBlynk. MMOHut has over 200 free to play MMOs & MMORPGs for you to browse through! Visit us at: mmohut.com

Kos Island 2010 Official Video Vol.2
Are you dreaming your vacations? Are you looking for a paradise? Then... Travel beyond the...
published: 14 Jun 2010
Author: KosOfficialChannel
Kos Island 2010 Official Video Vol.2
Are you dreaming your vacations? Are you looking for a paradise? Then... Travel beyond the blue horizons.... into KOS.... The island you can paint your dreams !!!

KOS-Secret Operations (beta) --- Interface & Gameplay
Latest runthru of our game. Open beta testing begins January 12th. KOS-Secret Operations i...
published: 09 Nov 2009
KOS-Secret Operations (beta) --- Interface & Gameplay
Latest runthru of our game. Open beta testing begins January 12th. KOS-Secret Operations is a free-to-play massively multiplayer first person shooter (FPS) game for your PC. Download and play free now at www.DONTBLYNK.com

Kos island - Greece
Ferries to Kos: www.ferriesgreekislands.com...
published: 09 Jun 2010
Kos island - Greece
Ferries to Kos: www.ferriesgreekislands.com

bluelagoon kos island greece hdvisiotv HD
published: 30 Jul 2009
bluelagoon kos island greece hdvisiotv HD

KOS: Secret Operations - Cinematic and Gameplay Trailer
www.freemmogamer.com for all free to play MMORPGs and MMO Games....
published: 14 Jan 2010
Author: freemmogamer
KOS: Secret Operations - Cinematic and Gameplay Trailer
www.freemmogamer.com for all free to play MMORPGs and MMO Games.

KOS FPS Gameplay - Training Camp - loneBullet Team InFluenced
Playing on a map called Training Camp, just showing off some basic gameplay and frags. Vis...
published: 16 Sep 2009
Author: TradeMarkTimPM
KOS FPS Gameplay - Training Camp - loneBullet Team InFluenced
Playing on a map called Training Camp, just showing off some basic gameplay and frags. Visit the official site for the North American version of "Sting Online" or "KOS" by going to the website here: kos.dontblynk.com The game is based on the Source Engine, so if you feel like playing a game that beats all other free FPS game that are out, then get on the site and sign up!

Ivan Lendl KOs Johnny McEnroe
tennis is a contact sport....
published: 04 Apr 2006
Author: micklerlop
Ivan Lendl KOs Johnny McEnroe
tennis is a contact sport.

Armada Kooks on Skis Team Edit 2011 (KoS)
Armada Skis 2011 Music Murray Head- One Night in Bangkok Kim Boberg- Harmonica solo instru...
published: 14 Jan 2011
Author: dantewillreign
Armada Kooks on Skis Team Edit 2011 (KoS)
Armada Skis 2011 Music Murray Head- One Night in Bangkok Kim Boberg- Harmonica solo instrumental Westside Connection- Bow Down 2pac- When We Ride Yelle ft. Crookers (Junkie XL rmx)- Cooler Couleur Steely Dan- Hey Nineteen

Andy Lee KOs
Andy Lee Knockouts...
published: 03 Aug 2010
Author: celticcutiepie
Andy Lee KOs
Andy Lee Knockouts

Kos - Κως, Greece
Kos Island (Κως), Greece - Asklepion, Zia, Paleo Pyli, Agios Stefanos, ...
published: 15 Mar 2012
Author: roubyvs
Kos - Κως, Greece
Kos Island (Κως), Greece - Asklepion, Zia, Paleo Pyli, Agios Stefanos, Kefalos, Lambi, Tigaki, Kardamena, Marmari, Mastichari, Aspri Petra, Embros Therme, Agios Dimitrios, Fokas, Kamari, Theologos, Georgios Petroumianou, Ioannis, Mammas, Antimachia castle, Asfendiou, Asomatos, Camel, Kamila, Bravo, Kata, Paradiso, Paradise, Lakos, Lagada, Markos, Magic, Polemi, Sikofa, Troulos, Sunny beach, Alikes, Psalidi, Platani, Plaka, Limionas, Lagoudi, Aeolos Beach hotel, Atlantis, Archipelago, ...

Judah Kos Spinks
Judah Destroys Spinks...
published: 15 Jan 2006
Author: SuperJUDAH
Judah Kos Spinks
Judah Destroys Spinks
Vimeo results:

The Art of Making, Alma Flamenca
Pieces of wood, love, knowledge and 299 hours of work, condensed in a 3 minute film.
The ...
published: 28 May 2012
Author: Dimitris Ladopoulos
The Art of Making, Alma Flamenca
Pieces of wood, love, knowledge and 299 hours of work, condensed in a 3 minute film.
The ‘Art of Making’ series aspires to display and highlight people who go against the spirit of today’s pessimism and desperation. They dare to dream and create with zeal and imagination. Armed with passion for knowledge and emotion, they attempt to combine the precision of science with the elegance and resourcefulness of art. We thank them wholeheartedly for their contribution.
Directed & VFX - Spiros Rasidakis, Dimitris Ladopoulos
Director of photography - Nikos Mexis
Editing - Yiannis Kostavaras
Sound design - Nikos Tsines
Guitarist & composer - Edsart Udo De Haes www.edsartudodehaes.nl
Guitar maker - Vassilis Lazarides www.lazaridesguitars.com
visit film page at www.deepgreensea.net
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Κομμάτια από ξύλο, αγάπη, μεράκι, τεχνογνωσία και 299 ώρες εργασίας συμπυκνωμένα σε κάτι περισσότερο από 3 λεπτά.
Η σειρά ‘The Art of Making’ φιλοδοξεί να αναδείξει και να προβάλλει τους συναναθρώπους μας, οι οποίοι πέραν από το πνεύμα του καιρού, την απαισιοδοξία και την μοιρολατρία, επιμένουν να ονειρεύονται και να δημιουργούν με πάθος και φαντασία. Αυτοί οι εραστές της γνώσης και της συγκίνησης επιχειρούν να συνδυάσουν την οργάνωση και την ακρίβεια της επιστήμης με την κομψότητα, την λεπτότητα και την επινοητικότητα της τέχνης. Χρησιμοποιούν την τεχνολογία για να βελτιώσουν τους όρους παραγωγής των προϊόντων της εργασίας τους και να μας προσφέρουν κατασκευές και μορφές έκφρασης με αξία και χρησιμότητα. Η προσφορά τους ανεκτίμητη και τους ευχαριστούμε.
Σκηνοθεσία & VFX - Σπύρος Ρασιδάκης, Δημήτρης Λαδόπουλος
Διεύθυνση Φωτογραφίας - Νίκος Μέξης
Μοντάζ - Γιάννης Κωσταβάρας
Ηχητική επιμέλεια - Νίκος Τσινές
Κιθαρίστας / Συνθέτης - Edsart Udo De Haes www.edsartudodehaes.nl
Κατασκευαστής - Βασίλης Λαζαρίδης www.lazaridesguitars.com
Επισκεφθείτε την επίσημη σελίδα στο www.deepgreensea.net
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Pedazos de madera, amor, esmero, celo, conocimiento y 299 horas de trabajo, concentradas en una película de algo más de 3 minutos.
La serie “The Art of Making” pretende mostrar y promocionar a gente de nuestros días que, superando el fatalismo y el pesimismo del espíritu contemporáneo, se atreven, con pasión e imaginación, a seguir soñando y creando. Estos amantes del conocimiento y de la emoción, intentan combinar la organización y la precisión de la ciencia con la elegancia, la sutileza y el ingenio del arte. Utilizan la tecnología para optimizar las condiciones del fruto de su trabajo y nos ofrecen estructuras y formas de expresión valiosas y útiles. Su oferta es de un valor incalculable y se lo agradecemos profundamente.
Dirección y VFX: Spiros Rasidakis y Dimitris Ladópoulos
Dirección de fotografía: Níkos Mexis
Edición: Yiannis Kostavaras
Diseño Acústico: Nikos Tsines
Guitarrista y compositor: Edsart Udo de Haes www.edsartudodehaes.nl
Constructor de guitarras, luthier: Vassilis Lazarides www.lazaridesguitars.com
Visite el sitio oficial en www.deepgreensea.net

Good Books - Metamorphosis
It is not very often that we have the opportunity to create a graphic equivalent of a drug...
published: 26 Jan 2012
Author: Buck
Good Books - Metamorphosis
It is not very often that we have the opportunity to create a graphic equivalent of a drug fueled rant bringing all of our collective skills to bear. And it is almost unfathomable that we could actually do something like this and benefit a good cause.
The Buck team dug deep, channeling our inner gonzo, to direct and produce this homage promoting Good Books, the online bookseller that passes all its profits through to Oxfam. A big thanks to String Theory in NZ for bringing us this script, Antfood for their amazing audio stylings, to Thor for giving his voice and to all the artists who made this something we are proud of.
Visit: http://www.usegoodbooks.com
What you will see is an entirely fictional and completely unendorsed representation. [Though we humbly suggest Hunter S Thompson might have liked it.] We are devoted fans paying homage. No disrespect is intended.
Concept by String Theory
Directed by Buck
Creative Director: Ryan Honey
Executive Producer: Maurie Enochson
Producers: Nick Terzich, Alyssa Evans, Emily Rickard
Coordinator: Ben Tucker
Associate Creative Director: Joshua Harvey
CG Supervisor: Doug Wilkinson
Animation Director: Steve Day
Art Director: Joe Mullen
Designers: Joshua Harvey, Joe Mullen, George Fuentes, Trevor Conrad, Jenny Ko, Jon Gorman
2D Animators: Joe Mullen, Harry Teitelman, John MacFarlane, Jamal Otolorin, Joshua Harvey, William Trebutien, Matt Everton, Taik Lee, Tristan Balos, Regis Camargo, Kendra Ryan, George Fuentes, Trevor Conrad, Jahmad Rollins, Matthew Wade
3D Artists: Jens Lindgren, Timm Wagener, Kai Wang, Joao Rema, Albert Omoss, Joshua Harvey, Christine Li, Kelsey Charlton, Ana Luisa Santos
Compositors: Nick Forshee, Alex Perry, Joshua Harvey, Joe Mullen, Moses Journey, Matt Lavoy, Jenny Ko, Helen Hsu, Elizabeth Steinberg, Adam Smith
Music and Sound Design: Antfood
Voiceover Artist: Thor Erickson
Software: Flash, After Effects, Maya
Client: Good Books
Agency: String Theory

Official Spot for the 50th anniversary of Amnesty International, directed by Carlos Lascan...
published: 23 May 2011
Author: Carlos Lascano
Official Spot for the 50th anniversary of Amnesty International, directed by Carlos Lascano, produced by Eallin Motion Art and Dreamlife Studio, with Music by Academy Award Winner Hans Zimmer and Nominee Lorne Balfe.
Check the Making of video at: http://www.vimeo.com/24961694
Director: Carlos Lascano
Music: Hans Zimmer, Lorne Balfe
Producers: Lukáš Skalník, Martin Hovorka, Paula Lema, Carlos Lascano
Production Managers: Ivanna Kozak, Pavla Martinovská, Martin Štefan / Script: Carlos Lascano, Paula Lema
2D, 3D Team: Jiří Forejt, Martin Hanschild, Josef Kasal, Pavel Kout, Martin Ličko, Dmitry Medinsky, Ondřej Přidal, Renata Stránská / Matte Painter: Leo Verrier / Puppet Animation: David Sukup / Scale models: Pavel Kout, Jiří Mlčák, Marek Skalník / Cast: Monika Řezníčková / Technical support: Jan Řada, Jakub Gobel / Sound Postproduction: Basefloor – Michal Dvořák / Sound Designer: Michal Dvořák / Final Color Grading: Jan Černý
Take a look at the detailed making of the spot: http://www.carloslascano.com/carloslascano/amnesty_making.html

iphone- diorama
One of my graduation pieces.
Took around three months to complete start to finish.
published: 09 Apr 2012
Author: Mike Ko
iphone- diorama
One of my graduation pieces.
Took around three months to complete start to finish.
Rendered in Vray
Done with Maya, After Effects, Pftrack.
The footages were shot with Cannon T2i
Soundtrack by Chairlift - Bruises
Process : www.mike-ko.com
Youtube results:

Greece-Kos Town
2005 Summer: July & August boats in the harbour....
published: 03 Mar 2007
Author: tubeviewermonitor
Greece-Kos Town
2005 Summer: July & August boats in the harbour.

Goalie Fight: Brent Johnson KOs Rick Dipietro [2-2-11]
GOALIE FIGHT!!!! Johnson got one punch in and that's all it took for Dipietro to fall....
published: 03 Feb 2011
Author: AGreatDayForHockey87
Goalie Fight: Brent Johnson KOs Rick Dipietro [2-2-11]
GOALIE FIGHT!!!! Johnson got one punch in and that's all it took for Dipietro to fall. What a punch and again the AGH cam delivers. Is there a better back-up goalie in the league than Johnson? He has been solid all season as a back up, really held the fort early when Fleury wasn't playing well, and here shows he's got his teammates back after Dipietro took a shot at Cooke. Go Pens! EDIT: Dipietro is reported to be out for 4 to 6 weeks to do facial fractures.

James Wisniewski KOs Seabrook and Brent Seabrook nails Corey Perry
Some massive collisions in a game between the Anaheim Ducks and Chicago Blackawks on Wedne...
published: 18 Mar 2010
Author: NHLArchive
James Wisniewski KOs Seabrook and Brent Seabrook nails Corey Perry
Some massive collisions in a game between the Anaheim Ducks and Chicago Blackawks on Wednesday, March 17th, St. Patrick's Day 2010 at the Honda Center in Anaheim, California. A chain reaction of hits with Wisniewski answering Seabrooks hit with a huge interference penalty.

KOS Secret Operations - Maxed Out HD PC Gameplay
Maxed Out HD Gameplay ( first closed beta ). PC - Q9400, GTX 260-216, 4GB RAM...
published: 07 Nov 2009
Author: Triple6Games
KOS Secret Operations - Maxed Out HD PC Gameplay
Maxed Out HD Gameplay ( first closed beta ). PC - Q9400, GTX 260-216, 4GB RAM