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The Ludwig von Mises Institute

Tu Ne Cede Malis

Advancing the scholarship of liberty in the tradition of the Austrian School for 30 years

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Capital Goods and the Firm

Foss and Klein argue that the organization of the firm is critical to how entrepreneurial judgment will be manifested at different levels of the firm. The owner-entrepreneur determines the amount of discretion his employees will have.Thus, entrepreneurship is exercised in some way at every level.

America Goes to War

Hostilities in the North Atlantic provided the context — or rather, pretext — for America's participation.

Hegel: The State as God's Will

Armed with Hegelian philosophy, the modern state would take its divinely appointed stand at the height of history and civilization, as God on earth.

30 Years of Bedeviling the Bad Guys

Over these 30 years, we have touched the minds and hearts of millions.

The Circle Bastiat

Mises.org Quotes: Government Can Be Prevented! Repelling States: Evidence from Upland Southeast Asia
The peoples of the vast Southeast Asian region of Zomia were successful in providing incentives against statecraft--that is, they successfully prevented their own appropriation by external states and successfully prevented local state formation--for ... More »

John P. Cochran: QE Infinity as a Hail Mary
U. S. Monetary Policy, during and since the economic slowdown and financial crisis, has been criticized by non-Austrian economists such as John B. Taylor as a mondustrial policy and as a movement from central banking to central planning by John H. Co ... More »

Daniel J. Sanchez: An Exciting New Appointment
The Ludwig von Mises Institute welcomes its new Executive Director, and inaugural Carl Menger Research Fellow, Peter G. Klein! Lew Rockwell announced the appointment at the Manhattan Mises Circle. Click here for audio, or read the transcri ... More »

John P. Cochran: More Evidence on the Impact Regime Worsening on Slow Recovery
Regime Uncertainty and Slow Recovery Robert Higgs at the Beacon again reminds us that “anemic investment recovery evinces, at least in part, the prevailing regime uncertainty brought about by the Fed’s and the Bush and Obama administrations’ massi ... More »

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Economics in One Lesson

Here is a publishing event: the new Mises Institute edition of the classic book that has taught many millions sound economic thinking. It is a hardbound volume, priced very low thanks to special benef... More »

Fiat Money Inflation in France

In Fiat Money Inflation in France, Andrew Dickson White presents the still-largely-unknown story of a major factor behind the French Revolution. As John Mackay writes in the foreword, It records ... More »

Economic Controversies

After Murray Rothbard finished his theoretical magnum opus - Man, Economy, and State - he turned his attention away from pure positive theory toward dealing with the opposition to Austrian theory. The... More »

Newly Updated E-books

Austrian Perspective on the History of Economic Thought

Ideas on Liberty: Essays in Honor of Paul L. Poirot

Toward a Reconstruction of Utility and Welfare Economics

Principles of Ethics: Anthology

Credit Policies of the Federal Reserve System

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Steven Kates: Why Your Grandfather’s Economics Was Better Than Yours

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The Ludwig von Mises Memorial Lecture. Recorded 13 March 2010 at the Ludwig von Mises Institute in Auburn, Alabama. Includes an introduction by Joseph T. Salerno. ( 3/13/2010 )

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This online course taught by economist Robert P. Murphy, author of Chaos Th... (more) Register Now

"What Has Government Done to Our Money?"
In this seminar, students will explore the fascinating phenomenon of money.... (more) Register Now

"Anatomy of the Fed"
This course will cover both the theory and history behind the Federal Reser... (more) Register Now

"Atlas Shrugged"
Atlas Shrugged is one of the best selling novels of the twentieth century, ... (more) Register Now

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Supporters Summit 2012  "The Truth About War: A Revisionist Approach"

Supporters Summit 2012 "The Truth About War: A Revisionist Approach"
| Callaway Gardens, Georgia

Join the Mises Institute as we celebrate 30 years of advancing the ca... MORE

What Has Government Done to Our Money? A Seminar for High-School Students  (Sponsored by an Anonymous Donor)

What Has Government Done to Our Money? A Seminar for High-School Students (Sponsored by an Anonymous Donor)
| Auburn, Alabama (and Online)

A sem... MORE

Economics for Houston High-School Students (Sponsored by Jeremy Davis)

Economics for Houston High-School Students (Sponsored by Jeremy Davis)
| Houston Marriott South at Hobby Airport

Philanthropist Jeremy Davis is sponsoring a seminar on economics for ... MORE

Mises Circle in Houston (Sponsored by Jeremy and Helen Davis)

Mises Circle in Houston (Sponsored by Jeremy and Helen Davis)
| Houston, Texas

The Mises Circle in Houston, Texas, sponsored by philanthropists Jere... MORE

Austrian Economics Research Conference 2013 (formerly ASC)

Austrian Economics Research Conference 2013 (formerly ASC)
| Mises Institute, Auburn, Alabama

The Austrian Economics Research Conference 2013 (formerly ASC): A gat... MORE

Mises University 2013

Mises University 2013
| Auburn, Alabama

The world's leading instructional program in the Austrian School ... MORE