Flipping through the pages of the most recent issue of Esquire Magazine, I came across a multi-page fashion spread titled "The New Simplicity." I was first struck by the purple Kiton overcoat, which looked very Joker-like to me. But another photo a couple of pages later stopped me cold. This was familiar.
The Dries Van Noten cotton-velvet blazer. It's green. And, to my eyes, it looks much like one worn by the third Doctor Who (Jon Pertwee). A wonderful article about the Doctor's regenerations, published today on Tor.com, featured a photo that reminded me again of this find, and I thought I'd share it with you. Check out my slide show for details.
Could Doctor Who be an influence on today's fashion designers, or is this just a matter of everything old is new again? I know what I'd like to believe.
Sadly, in the same issue, lots of photos of very short overcoats and a note that "big-ass coats" are "out of line with men's style right now" made me realize that my tenth Doctor coat may not exactly be the height of fashion. But as soon as the weather turns cold, I'll be wearing it anyway.
Meanwhile, Doctor Who is scheduled to return to the airwaves on September 1. Can't wait to see what he'll be wearing.