
George Carlin - Religion is bullshit.
George Carlin May 12 1937 - June 22 2008 Thank you George Carlin, your insight was of huge...
published: 19 Mar 2007
Author: rgbda
George Carlin - Religion is bullshit.
George Carlin May 12 1937 - June 22 2008 Thank you George Carlin, your insight was of huge importance for the human race, you will be greatly missed by many. You are forever in our thoughts. Please be civil in your discussion :-)

Dave Allen on Religion
Comedian Dave Allen remembers his introduction to religion - his first day of school!...
published: 01 Sep 2007
Author: briancd37
Dave Allen on Religion
Comedian Dave Allen remembers his introduction to religion - his first day of school!

Why I Hate Religion, But Love Jesus || Spoken Word
The book that inspired this poem (it's a must read!): ow.ly A poem I wrote to highligh...
published: 11 Jan 2012
Author: bball1989
Why I Hate Religion, But Love Jesus || Spoken Word
The book that inspired this poem (it's a must read!): ow.ly A poem I wrote to highlight the difference between Jesus and false religion. In the scriptures Jesus received the most opposition from the most religious people of his day. At it's core Jesus' gospel and the good news of the Cross is in pure opposition to self-righteousness/self-justification. Religion is man centered, Jesus is God-centered. This poem highlights my journey to discover this truth. Religion either ends in pride or despair. Pride because you make a list and can do it and act better than everyone, or despair because you can't do your own list of rules and feel "not good enough" for God. With Jesus though you have humble confident joy because He represents you, you don't represent yourself and His sacrifice is perfect putting us in perfect standing with God the Father. SPEAKING/SCHEDULING: I'd love to come to your area! Help us out by filling this out: ow.ly Church isn't a museum for good people..' T-Shirt: ow.ly MY INFO: Facebook: ow.ly Twitter: ow.ly Site: ow.ly Email: jeffersonbethke@gmail.com VIDEOGRAPHER INFO: email: matthew@cikproductions.com website: www.cikproductions.com twitter twitter.com Facebook: www.facebook.com MUSIC INFO: Tony Anderson's Soundcloud: ow.ly song on iTunes: ow.ly Lyrics of poem: ow.ly

Religion ala Eddie Izzard
Clip from Dress to Kill...
published: 13 Apr 2006
Author: melinda923
Religion ala Eddie Izzard
Clip from Dress to Kill

What is Religion?
In this lecture we examine the role religion plays in the life of the individual; we are n...
published: 13 Sep 2012
Author: academyofideas
What is Religion?
In this lecture we examine the role religion plays in the life of the individual; we are not concerned with the validity of any set of religious beliefs, nor the role of organized religion in society. Rather we build on the views of thinkers like William James, Wittgenstein, Dostoevsky, and Maslow to examine questions such as what exactly is religion?; why the central role in all civilizations throughout history?; what is the relationship between science and religion?; and can an atheist adhere to a religion?

Insulting religion
It should be compulsory. You can download an audio version of this video at patcondell.lib...
published: 15 Jul 2011
Author: patcondell
Insulting religion
It should be compulsory. You can download an audio version of this video at patcondell.libsyn.com Subscribe via iTunes at itunes.apple.com BOOK OF VIDEO TRANSCRIPTS AVAILABLE www.lulu.com ALSO AVAILABLE ON AMAZON KINDLE www.amazon.co.uk AND IN iBOOKS itunes.apple.com Website www.patcondell.net

REM - Losing My Religion (Video)
© 2006 WMG Losing My Religion (Video) Get Part Lies, Part Heart, Part Truth, Part Gar...
published: 02 Jul 2011
Author: remhq
REM - Losing My Religion (Video)
© 2006 WMG Losing My Religion (Video) Get Part Lies, Part Heart, Part Truth, Part Garbage: 1982- 2011, the definitive REM greatest hits collection coming 11/15/2011! Amazon: amzn.to iTunes: glnk.it

Ricky Gervais on religion and atheism (Feb 2012 interview)
Ricky Gervais in February 2012 interview on the Piers Morgan Show Link to lengthier clip f...
published: 17 Feb 2012
Author: wimsweden
Ricky Gervais on religion and atheism (Feb 2012 interview)
Ricky Gervais in February 2012 interview on the Piers Morgan Show Link to lengthier clip from same interview: www.mediaite.com

Religion and Gay Marriage
In which John discusses marriage equality, what a traditional marriage actually is, and wh...
published: 15 May 2012
Author: vlogbrothers
Religion and Gay Marriage
In which John discusses marriage equality, what a traditional marriage actually is, and what role (if any) theological understandings of marriage play in the legal definition of marriage. Let's continue this conversation in comments, but in doing so, let's remember that nerdfighteria is about respect and generosity. Thanks. HERE ARE A LOT OF LINKS TO NERDFIGHTASTIC THINGS: Shirts and Stuff: dftba.com Hank's Music: dftba.com John's Books: amzn.to ====================== Hank's Twitter: www.twitter.com Hank's Facebook: www.facebook.com Hank's tumblr: edwardspoonhands.tumblr.com John's Twitter www.twitter.com John's Facebook: www.facebook.com John's tumblr: fishingboatproceeds.tumblr.com ====================== Other Channels Crash Course www.youtube.com SciShow: www.youtube.com Gaming: www.youtube.com VidCon: www.youtube.com Hank's Channel: www.youtube.com Truth or Fail: www.youtube.com ====================== Nerdfighteria effyeahnerdfighters.com effyeahnerdfighters.com reddit.com nerdfighteria.info A Bunny (\(\ ( - -) ((') (')

Frank Ocean - Bad Religion [Channel Orange]
iTunes: bit.ly Music video by Frank Ocean performing Bad Religion. (C) 2011 The Island Def...
published: 10 Jul 2012
Author: CSHH16
Frank Ocean - Bad Religion [Channel Orange]
iTunes: bit.ly Music video by Frank Ocean performing Bad Religion. (C) 2011 The Island Def Jam Music Group

Hans Rosling: Religions and babies
www.ted.com Hans Rosling had a question Do some religions have a higher birth rate than ot...
published: 22 May 2012
Author: TEDtalksDirector
Hans Rosling: Religions and babies
www.ted.com Hans Rosling had a question Do some religions have a higher birth rate than others -- and how does this affect global population growth? Speaking at the TEDxSummit in Doha, Qatar, he graphs data over time and across religions. With his trademark humor and sharp insight, Hans reaches a surprising conclusion on world fertility rates. TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes. Featured speakers have included Al Gore on climate change, Philippe Starck on design, Jill Bolte Taylor on observing her own stroke, Nicholas Negroponte on One Laptop per Child, Jane Goodall on chimpanzees, Bill Gates on malaria and mosquitoes, Pattie Maes on the "Sixth Sense" wearable tech, and "Lost" producer JJ Abrams on the allure of mystery. TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design, and TEDTalks cover these topics as well as science, business, development and the arts. Closed captions and translated subtitles in a variety of languages are now available on TED.com, at www.ted.com If you have questions or comments about this or other TED videos, please go to support.ted.com

StereoTypes - The Religious Effect
Is there really a God? Is the Devil listening to rap? Which artists "stink to the hig...
published: 28 Jul 2012
Author: iamOTHER
StereoTypes - The Religious Effect
Is there really a God? Is the Devil listening to rap? Which artists "stink to the high heavens"? It's time for confession. Subscribe to i am OTHER on YouTube to stay updated on our daily releases: www.youtube.com Videos, news and more: www.iamOTHER.com Like i am OTHER on Facebook www.facebook.com Follow i am OTHER on Twitter: twitter.com

I Hate Religion, And Jesus Too
The video in question: www.youtube.com My facebook: www.facebook.com My twitter: twitter.c...
published: 12 Jan 2012
Author: TheAmazingAtheist
I Hate Religion, And Jesus Too
The video in question: www.youtube.com My facebook: www.facebook.com My twitter: twitter.com My formspring (ASK ME QUESTIONS!): www.formspring.me SUBSCRIBE TO ME: www.youtube.com

Out now: Universal Religion Chapter 6 - Mixed by Armin van Buuren
Download on iTunes: bit.ly Listen on Spotify: bit.ly Download on Beatport: bit.ly Get this...
published: 14 Sep 2012
Author: armadamusic
Out now: Universal Religion Chapter 6 - Mixed by Armin van Buuren
Download on iTunes: bit.ly Listen on Spotify: bit.ly Download on Beatport: bit.ly Get this on ArmadaShop: bit.ly Check this item on ArmadaMusic.com: bit.ly Follow us: www.facebook.com www.facebook.com twitter.com youtube.com www.twitter.com armadamusic.com www.armadamusic.com Catching Ibiza's magic is a task that only the most experienced musicians can complete. Armin van Buuren is one of them. Through his 'Universal Religion' series, he's captured the summer since 2004, landing a mix compilation that burst with exclusive highlights. In 2012, he lands the 6th Chapter of 'Universal Religion', recorded live during the A State of Trance Night at the world-famous Club Privilege. 2012 has already proven to be a significant year in the career of the Dutchman. The producer relentlessly driven by his perfectionism, celebrated the 550th episode and 11th birthday of his A State of Trance radio show, with 6 events in 5 different countries. Each of the events were broadcast live, uniting millions of listeners around the globe, sharing their passion for music. The next, logical step was taking his Ibiza residency to a higher level. Armin van Buuren landed his A State of Trance night at the biggest European club: Privilege. Serving its 10000 strong crowd a show of outstanding quality with a star-studded line-up, the A State of Trance Ibiza Invasion has spread far beyond the regions of the Balearic sea. Recorded live in the summer of 2012, 'Universal Religion Chapter 6' makes you part <b>...</b>
Vimeo results:

Breaking Bad - Illustrated
I'm currently looking for a job in motion design, or in illustration/graphic design. I'm w...
published: 28 Aug 2012
Author: Martin Woutisseth
Breaking Bad - Illustrated
I'm currently looking for a job in motion design, or in illustration/graphic design. I'm working also as freelance, so feel free to contact me. More informations below.
Designed and animated by Martin Woutisseth:
site: http://www.martinwoutisseth.com
blog : http://finestblackdesign.blogspot.com
twitter: @mwoutisseth
mail : contact(at)martinwoutisseth(dot)com
Version 1.1
Music bought on Vimeo music store:
"Mexico" by the band "Gringo"
After finished "Tim Burton - a filmography", I was like a marathon man in the need to run again after the finish. I didn't win the contest but I had a lot of great feedbacks from world wide and I'm glad that the fans enjoyed it. Like all my work, I treated the subject with lot of respect.
Nowadays, that's very common, but I'm also a big fan of the TV serie Breaking Bad. Since a friend adviced me to took a look three or four years ago, I started to become very addicted to the Vince Gilligan's cook. To me, everything is great ! The scenario of course, the cast, the acting, the visual ideas, the atmosphere... Everything is just so awesome...
So I decide to just make a tribute to Walter White by making an illustration, and then it was missing Jesse Pinkman, so I made it after. Why not a bad guy ? So I made Gustavo,and etc etc. Until I had thirteen characters. From that step, I was thinking, why not to make an animation ? But I thought, only characters would be weak... And after, two filmography (Kubrick and Burton) both in the same style, I needed to create something more dynamic and rock and roll, by still keeping my style and improving my motion design skills.
Backgrounds was interesting too to create. If you take a look on the show, there are very important between each scenes. I wanted to make feel the atmosphere of the New Mexico to the viewers, with the Usa and the Mexican influence.
About the music, after listening many songs in online music store, I found that great one ! It was perfect with the atmosphere that I wanted to build. Basically, Romain Trouillet was ready to score this one because he is a big fan of the show too but he was busy on that time. If he is ok, we will work together again on the next one. Probably the last filmography, Takeshi Kitano which is almost finished on illustrations.
If you listen the lyrics, that's very interesting. I matched it with the different characters of the cast and their meaning. For example: "I lost my convictions", I added Saul, the attorney who is not every time honest. Secundo, "I lost my religion", The Salamanca cousins but a Santa Muerte, the divinity of gangster. And in the end, "I had money", Gus and Walter was interesting to put in that time, Gus with the money in the background and Walter because that's one of this motivation.
Also for the beat of the music, I tryed to find ideas too: electric poles, road line, curving line sfrom a map a little bit like the move in Guitar Hero when you do that sound but mixing with the map idea. From Albuquerque until Mexico city, I checked on a map to respect the cities and the motorway numbers ! I wish I can go one day and see the landscapes and the backgrounds in real ! You probably has the same feeling too by seeing that show ;-)
Finally, I saw a lot of other opening titles and movie clip. I tried to mix the things I like the most: Queens of the stone age - go with the flow, Dizzee Rascal - Fix up look sharp, Machete, Grindhouse, Repo Man, Walking Dead by Daniel Kanemoto, Danny Yount's opening, the website Art of Title, etc, etc...
Thanks for reading and forgive my english :)
I hope you enjoyed it and help me to find a good work in that domain (movie, motion design, opening, illustration, movie poster)

Duelity is a split-screen animation that tells both sides of the story of Earth’ s origins...
published: 15 Oct 2009
Author: Ryan Uhrich
Duelity is a split-screen animation that tells both sides of the story of Earth’ s origins in a dizzying and provocative journey through the history and language that marks human thought.
To have the full experience, visit DUELITY.NET
Concept: Ryan Uhrich, Marcos Ceravolo, Sergio Toporek, Sebastien De Castell, Mark Busse.
Direction, Design, Animation: Ryan Uhrich [ www.ryanu.tv ], Marcos Ceravolo [ www.bocamotion.tv ]
Sound Design: Chris Ray [ http://www.myspace.com/abacusrecords ], James Boatman
Musical Score: Chris Ray
Written by: Lee Henderson [ www.leehenderson.com ]
Advisors: Sergio Toporek [ shop.toporek.com ] and Mark Busse [ industrialbrand.com ]
Voice over: Rob Wood and Mariem Henaine [ www.linkedin.com/in/mariemhenaine ]
Special Thanks: Sebastien De Castell
Produced at Vancouver Film School [ www.vfs.com ] (2007)
Winner, Motion Graphics Category, 2008 Adobe Design Achievement Awards
Winner, Motion & Interactive Category, 2008 Salazar Awards
Winner, Best Digital Animation, 2007 Popvox Awards
Finalist, Motion Graphics Category, FITC 2008
Nominated, Motion Graphic Production of the Year, ELAN Awards
Official Selection, 2nd Motion Graphics Review
Official Selection, Resfest Brazil 2008
Special Screening, Imperial Beach Film Festival 2008
Official Selection, Webcuts 2007
Featured on Motionographer.com, Coolhunting.com, NoFatClips.com, Xplsv.tv, Dailymotion.com, Stumbleuppon.com

SaBo-FX - Lust (HD 1080p)
Song title : Lust
Music : SaBo-FX
Video remix : SaBo-FX
Models : Hillary Fisher & Jennie R...
published: 27 May 2011
Author: sabo fx
SaBo-FX - Lust (HD 1080p)
Song title : Lust
Music : SaBo-FX
Video remix : SaBo-FX
Models : Hillary Fisher & Jennie Reid
Thanx for watching! Hope you enjoy it.
Let me know what you think! Please leave a comment and/or thumbs up...
Listen to the music on either a headphone or some big ass speakers (to fully enjoy the baseline).
Watch the video in 1080p for the ultimate audiovisual experience!
Music Background info:
This song started out as a remix of one of the themes from the movie Tron. But when I played around with the chords it became something completely different. I'm not sure how to label it in terms of music style. All I can say is that I'm quite happy with the result and hope you are too.
Video Background info:
The two girls in this video are just breathtakingly beautiful. For me they both are in the same league as my favorite Bethanie Baderstscher (model from my video 'f yeah'). I find it pretty rare to see women who just by one glance can melt you down. Kinda scary, wouldn't you agree?
I chose the title/theme 'lust' as it seems like a very natural feeling towards these girls.
Being a happy atheist I get to have a go at the Bible's frustrating way of dealing with this topic. While most religions try to convince you of the hidden evil, I would rather suggest celebrating 'lust'. It's the pure raw animal instinct that has driving billions of years of evolution.
Funny how looking at these angels would almost make me believe there must be a god 8-)
Credits / disclaimer:
First of all, let me credit Playboy for providing the high quality footage in this video! I'm pretty sure that the video plays a large role in introducing my music to a worldwide audience. For several reasons, I had to cut out most the 'cracks and nipples' from the original footage. But apparently not enough, for it was banned from youtube. However, the original footage was even kinkier. I don't need a lawsuit from Playboy. But, don't let me stop you from downloading the uncensored video from the playboy website. This requires a paid subscription. (just so you know)
Download high quality MP3 versions of all my trax for free (including the music of this video):
(copy the line above and paste into your browser address bar)
Or check out the music at my SoundCloud webpage: http://soundcloud.com/sabo-fx/
If you like this clip please hit the [heart] button to 'Vote' for this video.
Don't forget to visit my YouTube channel to check out my other productions. The website www.sabo-fx.net currently redirects your browser to my youtube channel. A personal website will be up and running sometime in the near future.
Click the 'subscribe' button to automatically receive a notification of my future releases.
Audio/Video software used: (no hardware synth)
* Cakewalk Sonar 8.5.3
* Adobe Audition 3
* VST Re-FX Nexus 2
* VST Stylus RMX
* VirtualDub 1.9.9
* Adobe After FX CS5.5
* Trapcode plugins (for After FX)
* ffmpeg
* mencoder

31 | the sunrise project
WINNER: 2012 SILVER TELLY AWARD: Internet/Online Video - Nature/Wildlife
WINNER: 2012 BRON...
published: 08 Nov 2009
Author: JJ Starr
31 | the sunrise project
WINNER: 2012 SILVER TELLY AWARD: Internet/Online Video - Nature/Wildlife
WINNER: 2012 BRONZE TELLY AWARD: Internet/Online Video - Religion/Spirituality
when my roommate passed along a link containing a talk by a filmmaker regarding hard work and dedication to film, i was struck by what he challenged us to do.
the challenge was to go out and shoot a whole month of sunrises in a row and put them together in a video. we both heard the talk on september 30th and the next month was already set.
too many times we forget that with passion comes dedication and hard work. what we learned is that it's often in these small moments of beauty, that we are able to peek into the glory of an amazing God.
song: "Phos Hilaron (Hail Gladdening Light)" by David Crowder Band
check out the making of: http://vimeo.com/7619654
Youtube results:

Saying Goodbye to Religion
YeahUP.My twitter:twitter.com Facebook: tinyurl.com...
published: 29 Jul 2012
Author: MrRepzion
Saying Goodbye to Religion
YeahUP.My twitter:twitter.com Facebook: tinyurl.com

Christopher Hitchens - Religion Is Insanity
Christopher Hitchens debating Tony Blair and laying waste to the myths of religion and it&...
published: 25 Aug 2011
Christopher Hitchens - Religion Is Insanity
Christopher Hitchens debating Tony Blair and laying waste to the myths of religion and it's unfounded promises. His message: "Think for yourself" "Be rational" "Don't be duped". STOP MUTILATING THE GENITALS OF YOUR CHILDREN! His points with respect to the Palestine/Israel situation are all too clear. It's time to move on from religious nonsense!

Frank Ocean - Bad Religion (LYRICS)
Add Me On Facebook: www.facebook.com www.facebook.com www.facebook.com Frank Ocean - Bad R...
published: 10 Jul 2012
Author: FrankOceanMuzic
Frank Ocean - Bad Religion (LYRICS)
Add Me On Facebook: www.facebook.com www.facebook.com www.facebook.com Frank Ocean - Bad Religion (LYRICS) Frank Ocean - Bad Religion (LYRICS) Frank Ocean - Bad Religion (LYRICS) Frank Ocean - Bad Religion (LYRICS)

Atheists On Religion, Science, And Morality (The Point)
Can we prove there is no God? Does it make sense to equate religion with science? Do theis...
published: 18 Aug 2012
Author: townsquare
Atheists On Religion, Science, And Morality (The Point)
Can we prove there is no God? Does it make sense to equate religion with science? Do theists have a monopology on morality or is secular morality superior? Was Richard Dawkins right to bring up the religious beliefs of Republican Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney? Cara Santa Maria (Senior Science Correspondent, Huffingtonpost.com) leads this week's panel on 'The Point' to discuss these issues and more with Michael Shermer (Publisher - Skeptic Magazine), Sean Carroll (Theoretical Physicist - Caltech), and Edward Falzon (author of 'Being Gay Is Disgusting'). Special thanks to James Randi (Founder: James Randi Educational Foundation), Paul Zachary "PZ" Myers (Blogger: Pharyngula.org - Professor U Of MN-Morris), and AJ Johnson (Development Director for 'American Atheists') for sending in their points. Subscribe: www.youtube.com Watch More Points: www.youtube.com Cara Santa Maria: www.huffingtonpost.com Michael Shermer: www.skeptic.com Sean Carroll: preposterousuniverse.com Edward Falzon: biblicalmorality.com Point-Maker James Randi: www.randi.org Point-Maker PZ Myers: scienceblogs.com Point-Maker AJ Johnson: www.atheists.org Twitter List To Follow: Moderator Cara Santa Maria: www.twitter.com Panelist Sean Carroll: twitter.com Panelist Michael Shermer: twitter.com Panelist Edward Falzon: twitter.com twitter.com twitter.com twitter.com twitter.com