Posts Tagged 'Iris Robinson'

Iris and Bad Karma

Tiger Woods (Pic: Keith Allison)

Robert Pigott, the BBC’s Religious Affairs Correspondent, has written a fascinating blog post that manages to embrace the Tiger Woods scandal and Iris Robinson’s in one hit.  Therefore, as religious affairs articles go, it’s good value for money.

Pigott refers to a television panel discussion that included Brit Hume – a prominent political analyst on the Fox network.  Hume, apparently, suggested that Tiger Woods should probably convert to Christianity (he’s a Buddhist).  Hume felt that Woods would find it easier to obtain forgiveness as a Christian.  This has caused quite a storm in the US. 

Iris Robinson, handily, is an evangelical Christian.  She has made clear that forgiveness has already been provided: “I am comforted that He was able to forgive even me.”  However, despite this, she still seems to be in need of psychiatric help.  No amount of heavenly forgiveness removes all that bad karma. 

I often wonder if the reason why Christianity is so popular is because of the sin/forgiveness duality.  During the years of Northern Ireland’s troubles one often heard about convicted paramilitary thugs finding Jesus in prison.  One wonders why Jesus didn’t find them before they committed their crimes. 

Buddhists, as pointed out by Pigott in his piece, don’t really ‘do’ sin or forgiveness – because they do not peddle the idea of a supernatural being that provides forgiveness and redemption.  Rather they argue that one can live one’s life in a way that causes suffering to others – and one has to learn to improve based on an appreciation of this suffering.  In that sense there is a strong humanist core to the religion (although also a great deal of mumbo jumbo). 

My take on this is very simple.  One can live one’s life in such a way that it can get 1) very complicated; 2) very hurtful to others; 3) very legally dodgy.  All three result in stress.  Therefore it’s probably better not to have too complicated, hurt-inducing, or illegal a modus operandi - in order to avoid stress.  It’s simple.  Moreover it’s neither Christian nor Buddhist.

Peter Robinson Must Resign

Darragh McIntyre’s expose of the deceit, financial impropriety and lack of disclosure on the part of Iris Robinson MP, MLA and Councillor, on tonight’s BBC Spotlight, was devastating. 

McIntyre constructed a picture of a silly and manipulative woman.  But he also exposed the degree to which this couple – First Minister and his wife – treated the democratic system with contempt. 

Peter Robinson must resign immediately.  His position is untenable.

The Robinsons: Hubris and the Pentecost

The Robinson scandal – at its personal, sexual level – is an interesting study in the modus operandi of Christian fundamentalists.  Peter Robinson’s chest-beating soliloquy yesterday made clear he was a husband wronged by a wrong-doing wife. 

Fionola Meredith, writing in the Guardian today, neatly summarises the Pentecostal psyche when she suggests, “Many Ulster evangelicals have an ingrained mistrust of what they see as women’s vicious, conniving, sexual ways. In this view, evangelical women must still enact the story of poor, crazy Eve: weak, in need of male supervision and control, easy prey to temptation and deficient in moral capacity. So Iris seemingly fits in neatly there. Meanwhile, Peter Robinson stands free and clear as the wronged husband, grieved and dignified in his study, alongside a card from his children saying what a great dad he is.”

But there is a consensus emerging within the media that there is a bigger story here than Iris’ lust and physical temptation (although suggestions that Iris’ lover is a young chap is keeping the Twittering classes busy). 

The Times Online is now running the line that the “going public” was precipitated by BBC Spotlight’s Darragh McIntyre getting oh so close to the bone with questioning about financial matters.  The media has taken note – like the rest of us – that Peter made no attempt to clear his wife’s name of financial wrong-doing when given the chance, in front of the media, yesterday.  The BBC bulletins this morning were leading with the fact that many questions were left unresolved following yesterday’s media event. 

Many commentators are using the hubris word.  And there is a sense that the Robinsons, jet-setting around, interior designing, multi-jobbing and moralising had it coming to them.  It’s not just the Jesus stuff…it’s the lavish life-style, employing family members, living it up and generally forgetting their roots – at the tax-payer’s expense.  In short, the Robinsons, in the midst of their fun, have been making waves and enemies.  And, ironically, in the midst of all of this, an affair seems like a very handy smoke-screen.  In the scheme of things it isn’t that big a deal.  There are bigger, more fundamental, fish to fry. 

A suggestion was made on an RTE programme today that the Gay movement was so incensed about Iris’ comments about the vileness of homosexuality that a personality hit-man had been put on the case to take the lady down.  Spotlight has been doing its stuff.  The media has been drawing attention to their expenses (and bloggers have provided a few microscopes).  Then there are the suggestions that Peter was going to make the DUP more secular and more relevant for people turned off by sectarian politics.  However, if anything, he’s been scrambling to make the organisation even more Ulster-Talibanic in response to the TUV’s fundamentalism.

But perhaps I’m being naive but I sense that this is the beginning of the end of the old Northern Ireland.  We might well be on the verge of a great breakthrough.  At last people will be forced to see these people for what they are.  And it’s not just the Robinsons.  There is more to the Adams Brothers story to come out.

Northern Ireland is like anywhere else.  People who put themselves forward as being morally superior, grand-standing on their sacred alters, supported by their castes, are, often, just riding the pig’s back.  

Therefore it’s not just about hubris.  It’s about people being seen for what they are regardless of who they are or how pious they are. 

And God may be summoned to forgive them but he won’t be good for much else.

Problems with the Robinsons

Thanks to Iain Dale for Making the Following Post #1 on his Daley Dozen

I watched both the UTV and BBC NI coverage of the Peter & Iris Robinson “affair” story on the evening bulletins and the difference in style could not have been more stark.  I’ll ask some rhetorical questions about why that should be the case later in this post.

But let’s focus on the style of reporting, first of all.  UTV had Ken Reid and Darwin Templeton – Ken being the station’s old hack and Darwin being the DUP apparatchik Editor of the News Letter.  At one point I was half expecting Soviet broadcasting mood music to be played over Ken Reid’s narration of the story as UTV used still photos of the couple in their early years as they doted on each other – contrasting with the contrite statement from Iris admitting her affair and her husband’s near-tearful public expose of their marital problems.  Ken and Darwin gave the DUP leader an easy ride.  There was scant sign of any hard-nosed journalistic rigour. 

Meanwhile the BBC’s approach was much less reverential.  Mark Devenport made clear, in interview with Noel Thompson and Donna Traynor, that the BBC Spotlight team had been conducting an investigation into financial impropriety surrounding Iris.  Her own statement made clear that she had encouraged friends to support her lover in a business venture.  Peter Robinson, when responding to questions put to him re. financial impropriety, stated that he had no involvement in any shady dealings  – but he failed to clear his wife of any wrong-doing in his responses.  It would appear that the BBC Spotlight team is still awaiting formal responses from the Robinsons re. written questions that have been submitted.

Hanging in the air, therefore, is why have the Robinson’s taken so long to go public with this story?  According to Peter he was made aware that his wife was having an affair back in March last year – and it was at this point that his wife became emotionally unstable.  However, according to unconfirmed reports the Robinsons were made aware of the BBC investigation around 10 days ago.  This may explain why the story about Iris’ affair has broken now – so long after it was made known to her husband. 

Peter Robinson’s humiliation in coming clean about his wife’s impropriety was clear in this evening’s news.  The couple has set themselves up as God fearing, and Iris, in particular, has hectored homosexuals about their sinful behaviour while she has been having extra marital sex that, on her own admission, “had no emotional or lasting meaning” to her.  In less Godly circles that might be referred to as no strings sex.  But the strings they are aplenty. 

Had this couple been less judgemental, less morally interfering, and less money-grasping in their multi-jobbing political lives we may have been able to muster more sympathy.  They have made their marital bed. 

I look forward to the next episode.

Peter and Iris Robinson’s Food Bill

In the latest of its revelations the Daily Telegraph has exposed husband and wife team Peter and Iris (“homosexuality viler than child abuse”) Robinson’s food and expense claims. 

The Telegraph makes clear that the Robinsons have not broken any rules.  However, given the amount of time that the couple actually spends on Commons business one really has to question the value for money that local tax-payers are receiving from this quadruple-jobbing money-making machine. 

The couple has claimed nearly £200,000 of mortgage/food expenses related to their London home since 2004.  However, in the last year, Peter Robinson has only spoken in six debates.  He has only voted in 37% of votes – “well below average for most MPs” according to the site  It would also appear that only one person has commented on things he has said in his speeches. 

But if Peter’s attendance history is bad, Iris rarely shows to speak or to vote in debates.  She has only spoken in 4 debates in the last year and has voted in just 28% of divisions. 

So while all these expenses are AOK as far as the fees office is concerned one really has to wonder why the Robinsons need to saddle the taxpayer with the costs for all these meals and hundreds of thousands of pounds of mortgage payments on a luxury docklands pad.  After all, they rarely turn-up, rarely vote and rarely speak.

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