Only in Nebraska, Birth of the Unicameral - Nebraska Stories
In the first half of the 20th century, George Norris was Nebraskas best-known, best-loved,...
published: 17 Feb 2010
Author: NETnebraska
Only in Nebraska, Birth of the Unicameral - Nebraska Stories
In the first half of the 20th century, George Norris was Nebraskas best-known, best-loved, and sometimes most-hated politician. As a staunch Republican who was described as a fighting liberal, Norris defied stereotypes. In this segment from a 1995 NET documentary former State Senator David Landis portrays Norris in his fight to create the only one-house legislature in America - the Nebraska Unicameral Legislature. For more "Nebraska Stories" visit www.netnebraska.org
Maine Unicameral Legislature Bill w/ Rep. Linda Valentino
Youth in Politics: Maine Unicameral Legislature Bill w/ Rep. Linda Valentino...
published: 22 Jul 2009
Author: justinchenetteshows
Maine Unicameral Legislature Bill w/ Rep. Linda Valentino
Youth in Politics: Maine Unicameral Legislature Bill w/ Rep. Linda Valentino
Vrem Parlament Unicameral
published: 17 Nov 2009
Author: TheMika777
Vrem Parlament Unicameral
Gary LeBeau Testimony In Support of a Unicameral Legislature for CT - 03/23/09 - Part 1 of 3
I begin with a premise. Now is the time for new ideas. Now is the time for bold ideas. Now...
published: 24 Mar 2009
Author: appletim1
Gary LeBeau Testimony In Support of a Unicameral Legislature for CT - 03/23/09 - Part 1 of 3
I begin with a premise. Now is the time for new ideas. Now is the time for bold ideas. Now is the time to change the way we are doing things to make our actions more efficient, more effective and more accountable. It is in this spirit that I recommend to you a new legislative structure, based not on two redundant houses, but simply on one accountable chamber, in short, a unicameral legislature. Find out more about Senator LeBeau at: www.garylebeau.wordpress.com
Gary LeBeau Testimony In Support of a Unicameral Legislature for CT - 03/23/09 - Part 2 of 3
I begin with a premise. Now is the time for new ideas. Now is the time for bold ideas. Now...
published: 24 Mar 2009
Author: appletim1
Gary LeBeau Testimony In Support of a Unicameral Legislature for CT - 03/23/09 - Part 2 of 3
I begin with a premise. Now is the time for new ideas. Now is the time for bold ideas. Now is the time to change the way we are doing things to make our actions more efficient, more effective and more accountable. It is in this spirit that I recommend to you a new legislative structure, based not on two redundant houses, but simply on one accountable chamber, in short, a unicameral legislature. Find out more about Senator LeBeau at: www.garylebeau.wordpress.com
Razboiul unicameral
un thriller dragut, de adormit copiii...
published: 05 May 2007
Author: daseinmedia
Razboiul unicameral
un thriller dragut, de adormit copiii
Write In Susan Smith for Nebraska Unicameral District 11
published: 15 May 2012
Author: nelibsupgrp
Write In Susan Smith for Nebraska Unicameral District 11
Gary LeBeau Testimony In Support of a Unicameral Legislature for CT - 03/23/09 - Part 3 of 3
I begin with a premise. Now is the time for new ideas. Now is the time for bold ideas. Now...
published: 24 Mar 2009
Author: appletim1
Gary LeBeau Testimony In Support of a Unicameral Legislature for CT - 03/23/09 - Part 3 of 3
I begin with a premise. Now is the time for new ideas. Now is the time for bold ideas. Now is the time to change the way we are doing things to make our actions more efficient, more effective and more accountable. It is in this spirit that I recommend to you a new legislative structure, based not on two redundant houses, but simply on one accountable chamber, in short, a unicameral legislature. Find out more about Senator LeBeau at: www.garylebeau.wordpress.com
4-17-08 Nebraska Unicameral final remarks from parting senators part 1
term limited senators give final remarks. Ernie Chambers did not, as expected....
published: 27 Jul 2012
Author: pagingpower
4-17-08 Nebraska Unicameral final remarks from parting senators part 1
term limited senators give final remarks. Ernie Chambers did not, as expected.
GiN on KLKN TV: Dawdy Promotes Local Activism & Focus on Nebraska Unicameral in Election
Lincoln's KLKN TV Ch. 8 was looking for "local tea party movement" reaction ...
published: 18 Sep 2010
Author: GrassrootsinNebraska
GiN on KLKN TV: Dawdy Promotes Local Activism & Focus on Nebraska Unicameral in Election
Lincoln's KLKN TV Ch. 8 was looking for "local tea party movement" reaction to recent primary elections such as the victory in Delaware's Republican Senate race of challenger Christine O'Donnell. To get active in Nebraska, check out our website: grassrootsne.com
De ce NU, Parlamentul unicameral
published: 12 Nov 2009
Author: Roxiana Stefan
De ce NU, Parlamentul unicameral
4-17-08 Nebraska Unicameral final remarks from parting senators part 2
term limited senators give final remarks. Ernie Chambers did not, as expected....
published: 27 Jul 2012
Author: pagingpower
4-17-08 Nebraska Unicameral final remarks from parting senators part 2
term limited senators give final remarks. Ernie Chambers did not, as expected.
Debate en la Unicameral de un pedido de informes por la Agencia Córdoba Joven
l legislador Aurelio García Elorrio del bloque Encuentro Vecinal Córdoba sos...
published: 16 Aug 2012
Author: Cónclave Político
Debate en la Unicameral de un pedido de informes por la Agencia Córdoba Joven
l legislador Aurelio García Elorrio del bloque Encuentro Vecinal Córdoba sostuvo que el entorno del cantante de cuarteto Damián Córdoba está siendo investigado por el Fiscal Alejandro Moyano por la desaparición de Facundo Rivera y acusó al oficialismo de tener un doble discurso en el que aprueban una ley de lucha contra el narcotráfico y por el otro festejan el día del niño poniendo como ejemplo a quienes son investigados por delitos vinculados al narcotráfico. "Que pensará el Fiscal (Alejandro) Moyano cuando vio que una de las puntas de su investigación bajaba como un emperador en helicóptero ante cuarenta mil niños?, se pregunto Elorrio haciendo referencia a los festejos del día del niño que organizó el gobierno de la provincia en el Estado Mario Alberto Kempes. Antes el legislador que integra Portal de Belén sostuvo que el Fiscal tiene pistas certeras que parte del entorno de Damián Córdoba fue quien lo envió a las cuatro de la mañana a barrio Maldonado para buscar drogas a cambio de la promesa de llevarlo a un baile que daría la banda en la provincia de Tucumán. "Todos saben que cualquiera que entra a las cuatro de la mañana a Barrio Maldonado no sale con vida. Facundo Rivera se tomó el ómnibus y fué a un lugar del no se puede salir vivo" sentenció García Elorrio. También acusó al gobierno de la provincia de poseer una doble moral por tener como "bandas amigas" a grupos de música cuartetera que supuestamente estarían vinculados con el narcotráfico en la provincia. Fue <b>...</b>
Referendum Parlament Unicameral
published: 12 Nov 2009
Author: pdlbn
Referendum Parlament Unicameral
Youtube results:
Parlament unicameral - Buget
published: 16 Oct 2009
Author: parlamentunicameral
Parlament unicameral - Buget
buget parlament unicameral vs parlament bicameral
buget parlament unicameral vs parlament bicameral...
published: 14 Nov 2009
Author: stireONLINE
buget parlament unicameral vs parlament bicameral
buget parlament unicameral vs parlament bicameral
NET(V) used a transition for the first time in known history of their Unicameral coverage
NET(V) used a transition for the first time in known history of their Unicameral coverage...
published: 27 Jul 2012
Author: pagingpower
NET(V) used a transition for the first time in known history of their Unicameral coverage
NET(V) used a transition for the first time in known history of their Unicameral coverage
Băsescu vrea referendum pentru parlament unicameral
Preşedintele Traian Băsescu propune Parlamentului organizarea unui referendum pe...
published: 25 Sep 2009
Author: zacurtici
Băsescu vrea referendum pentru parlament unicameral
Preşedintele Traian Băsescu propune Parlamentului organizarea unui referendum pe tema transformării Legislativului într-unul unicameral exact în data alegerilor prezidenţiale pe 22 decembrie. Pentru un Parlament unicameral este necesară modificarea Constituţiei.