
Company of Heroes Multiplayer: The Scheldt, Panzer Elite Great Battle (Part 1)
BecomeAGameTester.net Company of Heroes Multiplayer The Scheldt, Panzer Elite Great Battle...
published: 26 Nov 2008
Company of Heroes Multiplayer: The Scheldt, Panzer Elite Great Battle (Part 1)
BecomeAGameTester.net Company of Heroes Multiplayer The Scheldt, Panzer Elite Great Battle (Part 1) Part one of the battle on the Scheldt, in Company of Heroes Opposing Fronts. I am playing as Panzer Elite on the Axis team. Very good fight, my allies and I worked well together and defeated the enemy. Seemed a little doubtful at the beginning, but as soon as one of my Wehrmacht allies made about 4-5 Walking Stukas, we had high hopes. Howitzer ftl Be Sure to watch all the parts as well, to see the ending Just goes to show all those people who are doubtful about Axis on this map; if you have good coordination within your team, as well as a good PE player and 2 Wehrmachts, you can be very successful on the Scheldt.
published: 26 Nov 2008

Canadian Army Newsreel: The Scheldt
Video Scheldt-Mouth Housecleaning, from Canadian Army Newsreel 46, November 1944. Under th...
published: 13 Apr 2007
Canadian Army Newsreel: The Scheldt
Video Scheldt-Mouth Housecleaning, from Canadian Army Newsreel 46, November 1944. Under the circumstances, the opening of the port of Antwerp, already occupied by Allied troops, became absolutely necessary since the main supply lines still ran back to Normandy. As long as the Germans held control of the sea approaches and the long winding estuary, Allied shipping to the port would be impossible. Thus, the mere occupation of Antwerp was not enough. The task went to the First Canadian Army. For more information on the Battle of the Scheldt, visit: wwii.ca
published: 13 Apr 2007
author: ErikH06

Battle of the Scheldt Vignette
In the fall of 1944, the First Canadian Army was assigned a daunting task - to clear Hitle...
published: 25 Jan 2010
Battle of the Scheldt Vignette
In the fall of 1944, the First Canadian Army was assigned a daunting task - to clear Hitler's troops from both sides of the Scheldt Estuary between Belgium and Holland. This would allow Allied supply ships to enter the port of Antwerp. For the Canadian volunteers, it was a battle against all odds. This two-minute vignette is part of The War Amps internationally award-winning Military Heritage Series and reflects the documentary Against All Odds. www.waramps.ca
published: 25 Jan 2010
author: warampsofcanada

Coldstream Tactica - The Scheldt
This is Coldstream Tactica with an attack plan for the Company of Heroes map The Scheldt a...
published: 28 Jul 2009
Coldstream Tactica - The Scheldt
This is Coldstream Tactica with an attack plan for the Company of Heroes map The Scheldt as performed by Coldstream's Kyano. Tongue in cheek style a British humour included. NOTE: Before anyone comments on the poem at the end the line "nor the years contemn" is correct, the original print of the Ode to Remembrance in The Times held this word and it means 'despise', while Condemn certainly does make sense in the context I thought it better to use the original.
published: 28 Jul 2009
author: SVMedia

Allies Clear Scheldt Islands (1944)
National Archives and Records Administration - ARC 39144, LI 208-UN-1026 - Allies Clear Sc...
published: 29 Jun 2011
Allies Clear Scheldt Islands (1944)
National Archives and Records Administration - ARC 39144, LI 208-UN-1026 - Allies Clear Scheldt Islands (1944). Series: Motion Picture Films from "United News" Newsreels, compiled 1942 - 1945. Part 1, allied troops invade the Scheldt Islands. Part 2, Gen. Eisenhower honors Gen. Spaatz and British Gens. Arthur Harris and Leigh-Mallory. Part 3, citizens of Bucharest cheer liberating Russian troops. Part 4, Yugoslav patriots receive supplies by air. They drill and are reviewed by Marshall Tito. Wounded patriots are evacuated.
published: 29 Jun 2011
author: nuclearvault

Company of Heroes Gameplay #3 (2/5)
Axis- 12thSSHJPanzerDiv (me)- Color- Blue Highlights( Vartex)- Color- Dark Green www.youtu...
published: 05 Jun 2009
Company of Heroes Gameplay #3 (2/5)
Axis- 12thSSHJPanzerDiv (me)- Color- Blue Highlights( Vartex)- Color- Dark Green www.youtube.com Zouka- Color- Light Green Allies- (All Red/Orange basically) Marerick806 viv6 YouAreASlave
published: 05 Jun 2009
author: EmpireErwinRommel

Company Of Heroes Commentary - Gameplay at The Scheldt
3v3 against SuperEmperorNapoleon,Boom, Sh vs Jeffrey92, EvilBeserkier, BOUNREI at The Sche...
published: 25 Dec 2011
Company Of Heroes Commentary - Gameplay at The Scheldt
3v3 against SuperEmperorNapoleon,Boom, Sh vs Jeffrey92, EvilBeserkier, BOUNREI at The Scheldt. This was a submission by SuperEmperorNapolean if you have a submission please send them to me. Send Submissions to: raven67854 (at) hotmail . com Steam: Raven67854 Map: The Scheldt GamePlay Mode: Victory Point Number of players: 2 Player names: Raven67854, Phnomenon If you'd like to buy this game. store.steampowered.com Contact Information: Website: hellomynameisraven.com Forum hellomynameisraven.com Twitter: twitter.com IRC Chat: hellomynameisraven.com Steam Group: steamcommunity.com Facebook: www.facebook.com TwitchTV: www.twitch.tv
published: 25 Dec 2011
author: raven67854

Company of Heroes Gameplay #11 (1/3)
Allies- Belek81-Color-Green- Level 8 AnthonyDraft- Color- Purple- Level 1 101stAIRBORNDIVI...
published: 31 Oct 2009
Company of Heroes Gameplay #11 (1/3)
Allies- Belek81-Color-Green- Level 8 AnthonyDraft- Color- Purple- Level 1 101stAIRBORNDIVISION-Color- Blue- Level 10 Axis- (All Red) truffaut-Level 12 ObamaBarrack-Level 10 Sillysausage-Level 9
published: 31 Oct 2009
author: EmpireErwinRommel

The Germans vs Allies Comeback of the Scheldt
ONE OF MY TOP THREE GAMES! Map-Scheldt, 3 v 3 Match Type-Multiplayer Victor-Germans, Me TA...
published: 07 Mar 2008
The Germans vs Allies Comeback of the Scheldt
ONE OF MY TOP THREE GAMES! Map-Scheldt, 3 v 3 Match Type-Multiplayer Victor-Germans, Me TACTICS-Boby Trap Strategic Point( hurt their infantry and slow down capture)((Scorched Earth Tactics)) Hummels-VERY IMPORTANT!( use powerful artillery to desrtoy your foe)((Scorched Earth Tactics)) -Sectored Arty( Blasts artillery untill your foe is destroyed))((Scorched Earth Tactics)) -Rush Movement-VERY IMPORTANT!( use artillery on the island untill nothing remains, and rush in with men and take it over)((Map Must Be-The Scheldt))
published: 07 Mar 2008
author: HunkMine

Wonders of the Modern World - Scheldt Storm Barrier
www.watchmojo.com - This series of clips looks at the Wonders of the Modern World includin...
published: 04 May 2007
Wonders of the Modern World - Scheldt Storm Barrier
www.watchmojo.com - This series of clips looks at the Wonders of the Modern World including buildings, dams, bridges and tunnels. For more content check out www.WatchMojo.com!
published: 04 May 2007
author: WatchMojo

ALLIES CLEAR SCHELDT ISLANDS [ETC.] - National Archives and Records Administration 1944 - ...
published: 31 Mar 2011
ALLIES CLEAR SCHELDT ISLANDS [ETC.] - National Archives and Records Administration 1944 - ARC 39144, LI 208-UN-1026 - DVD Copied by Ann Galloway. Series: Motion Picture Films from "United News" Newsreels, compiled 1942 - 1945. Part 1, allied troops invade the Scheldt Islands. Part 2, Gen. Eisenhower honors Gen. Spaatz and British Gens. Arthur Harris and Leigh-Mallory. Part 3, citizens of Bucharest cheer liberating Russian troops. Part 4, Yugoslav patriots receive supplies by air. They drill and are reviewed by Marshall Tito. Wounded patriots are evacuated.
published: 31 Mar 2011
author: PublicResourceOrg

Cosco Hellas upstream the river Scheldt
Cosco Hellas on the river Scheldt, bound for Antwerp, under guidance of a riverpilot...
published: 12 Dec 2008
Cosco Hellas upstream the river Scheldt
Cosco Hellas on the river Scheldt, bound for Antwerp, under guidance of a riverpilot
published: 12 Dec 2008
author: pilotonboard1

COH - Multiplayer The Scheldt 3v3 Jan, 2010 (part 1 of 2)
Company of Heroes COH - Multiplayer The Scheldt 3v3 Jan, 2010 (part 1 of 2)...
published: 03 Jan 2010
COH - Multiplayer The Scheldt 3v3 Jan, 2010 (part 1 of 2)
Company of Heroes COH - Multiplayer The Scheldt 3v3 Jan, 2010 (part 1 of 2)
published: 03 Jan 2010
author: orudie
Vimeo results:

Two Great Years Together
Classes 1-304 and 2-311
Sarah Scheldt
PS 29 Brooklyn
Sept 2008 to June 2010...
published: 28 Jun 2010
Author: Sarah Scheldt
Two Great Years Together
Classes 1-304 and 2-311
Sarah Scheldt
PS 29 Brooklyn
Sept 2008 to June 2010

The Magic Treehouse
Performance by the Grade 1 students of Class 1-304
June 2009
P.S. 29 Brooklyn...
published: 28 Jun 2010
Author: Sarah Scheldt
The Magic Treehouse
Performance by the Grade 1 students of Class 1-304
June 2009
P.S. 29 Brooklyn

Power boat on the River Scheldt
published: 25 Jul 2008
Author: imc brokers
Power boat on the River Scheldt

BBQ @ the river Scheldt, Antwerp, summer 2010...
published: 03 Jul 2010
Author: Kathleen Steegmans
BBQ @ the river Scheldt, Antwerp, summer 2010
Youtube results:

Men of War AS - #27 - Scheldt
This one is a really good game and so are the other 2 that I will release tommorow and the...
published: 30 Jul 2012
Men of War AS - #27 - Scheldt
This one is a really good game and so are the other 2 that I will release tommorow and the day after. Lots of new 1v1 maps from Triumph.
published: 30 Jul 2012
author: Innukii

Company of Heroes Multiplayer: The Scheldt, Panzer Elite Great Battle (Part 2)
BecomeAGameTester.net Part two of the battle on the Scheldt, in Company of Heroes Opposing...
published: 26 Nov 2008
Company of Heroes Multiplayer: The Scheldt, Panzer Elite Great Battle (Part 2)
BecomeAGameTester.net Part two of the battle on the Scheldt, in Company of Heroes Opposing Fronts. I am playing as Panzer Elite on the Axis team. Very good fight, my allies and I worked well together and defeated the enemy. Seemed a little doubtful at the beginning, but as soon as one of my Wehrmacht allies made about 4-5 Walking Stukas, we had high hopes. Howitzer ftl Just goes to show all those people who are doubtful about Axis on this map; if you have good coordination within your team, as well as a good PE player and 2 Wehrmachts, you can be very successful on the Scheldt. Be Sure to watch all the parts as well, to see the ending
published: 26 Nov 2008
author: EliteOps1

Coh Blitzkrieg mod: The Scheldt Part I
Some requested company of heroes gameplay. This is me playing together with some friends. ...
published: 18 Jun 2011
Coh Blitzkrieg mod: The Scheldt Part I
Some requested company of heroes gameplay. This is me playing together with some friends. Please enjoy the vid (:
published: 18 Jun 2011
author: MrSmartie109

Company of Heroes Multiplayer: The Scheldt, Panzer Elite Great Battle (Part 3)
BecomeAGameTester.net Part three of the battle on the Scheldt, in Company of Heroes Opposi...
published: 26 Nov 2008
Company of Heroes Multiplayer: The Scheldt, Panzer Elite Great Battle (Part 3)
BecomeAGameTester.net Part three of the battle on the Scheldt, in Company of Heroes Opposing Fronts. I am playing as Panzer Elite on the Axis team. Very good fight, my allies and I worked well together and defeated the enemy. Seemed a little doubtful at the beginning, but as soon as one of my Wehrmacht allies made about 4-5 Walking Stukas, we had high hopes. Howitzer ftl Be Sure to watch all the parts as well, to see the ending
published: 26 Nov 2008
author: EliteOps1