GOD - Sook
Rock Is Hell LP 1988
published: 16 Jul 2011
Battle Trip | 배틀트립 – Ep.23 : 'Sook.So' Tour [ENG/THA/2016.11.13]
Click the "Caption" button to activate subtitle!
- Ep.23: 2016 trending host God Sook went to Jeolla-do, the home of delicacy and trend of Korea! Three meals a day is no longer the trend, it’s now 7 meals a day! The disguised Avengers, Kim Sook and Park Sohyun found all the right delicious places in Jeolla-do. Fun blasting trip within Korea which possessed the judges’ eyes and ears! Kim Sook and Park Sohyun introduce Jeolla-do trip and invite you all to it.
- Battle Trip Play List :
Subscribe KBS World Official YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/kbsworld
published: 13 Nov 2016
Jesus I have met 내가 만난 예수님 by Young-sook Lee
1. 지난1984년 어느 따스한 봄날, 생후 한 살 된 딸아이에게 B.C.G.예방접종을 시키기 위해 병원을 찾았었다.
One sunny Spring day in 1984, I and my one-year old girl went to hospital for a B.C.G. shot.
2. 진찰을 하던 의사는 딸 시은이가 선천성 심장병이라며 학교에 입학할 때 까지 꼭 수술을 해야 한다는 것이었다.
During medical examination, the doctor found out that my daughter, Si-eun, had a congenital heart disease and she need an operation by all means before she enter a school.
3. 난 벼랑 끝에서 떨어지는 기분이었다. 저 어린, 연약한 가슴에 칼을 대다니!
I felt just like I was standing on the edge of a cliff.
How could it be possible to put a mass on her little, frail chest!
4. 절망과 시름에 빠져있을 때 불현 듯 예수님의 병 고친 사건들이 생각났다.
전에는 거짓말 같아서 성경책을 읽다가 덮어두었던 나.
In the midst of deep despair and worry, suddenly Jesus's some healing events came into my mind.
I was the one who ignored the Bible in the past thinking it was...
published: 27 Dec 2018
Nan Sook Hong Interview
Nan Sook Hong interviewed about her life in the Unification Church and marriage to Hyo jin Moon, son of Sun Myung Moon
published: 26 Sep 2012
Early B - Ben Ten
Music video by Early B performing Ben Ten. © 2018 Universal Music (Pty) Ltd South Africa
published: 10 Aug 2018
Rilès - PESETAS (Music Video)
Rilès - ‘PESETAS’ (Music Video)
High-Quality version on iTunes: https://goo.gl/pYwnC2
The whole 'RILÈSUNDAYZ' playlist: https://goo.gl/jqo2Vf
Directed by Rilès
Video Editing & Colorgrading : Rilès
DOP : Victor Laborde (victorlaborde.com)
Camera Assistant & Drone : Tom Steininger
Dancers: Bryce Lax & Holan Zamia
Sound Assistant: JB Vanier
Song produced, written, recorded, mixed, mastered by Rilès
Soprano voice at 2:51 : Zina Millet (my auntie)
Twitter: http://twitter.com/0riles
Facebook: http://facebook.com/0riles
Instagram: http://instagram.com/0riles
Soundcloud: http://soundcloud.com/0riles
👻 @rilesrilesbitch
Lyrics :
Rilès you're arrogant
You lift yourself up
You believed in your craft when nobody did
But we say arrogant
You dont know...
published: 11 Feb 2018
GOD - Sook
Rock Is Hell LP 1988
Rock Is Hell LP 1988
Rock Is Hell LP 1988
- published: 16 Jul 2011
- views: 3899
Battle Trip | 배틀트립 – Ep.23 : 'Sook.So' Tour [ENG/THA/2016.11.13]
Click the "Caption" button to activate subtitle!
- Ep.23: 2016 trending host God Sook went to Jeolla-do, the ho...
Click the "Caption" button to activate subtitle!
- Ep.23: 2016 trending host God Sook went to Jeolla-do, the home of delicacy and trend of Korea! Three meals a day is no longer the trend, it’s now 7 meals a day! The disguised Avengers, Kim Sook and Park Sohyun found all the right delicious places in Jeolla-do. Fun blasting trip within Korea which possessed the judges’ eyes and ears! Kim Sook and Park Sohyun introduce Jeolla-do trip and invite you all to it.
- Battle Trip Play List :
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대한민국 대표 해외채널 KBS World를 유튜브에서 만나세요. KBS World는 전세계 시청자에게 재미있고 유익한 한류 콘텐츠를 영어 자막과 함께 제공하는 No.1 한류 채널입니다. KBS World 유튜브 채널을 구독하고 최신 드라마, K-Pop, 예능, 다큐멘터리 정보를 받아보세요.
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Click the "Caption" button to activate subtitle!
- Ep.23: 2016 trending host God Sook went to Jeolla-do, the home of delicacy and trend of Korea! Three meals a day is no longer the trend, it’s now 7 meals a day! The disguised Avengers, Kim Sook and Park Sohyun found all the right delicious places in Jeolla-do. Fun blasting trip within Korea which possessed the judges’ eyes and ears! Kim Sook and Park Sohyun introduce Jeolla-do trip and invite you all to it.
- Battle Trip Play List :
Subscribe KBS World Official YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/kbsworld
KBS World is a TV channel for international audiences provided by KBS, the flagship public service broadcaster in Korea. Enjoy Korea's latest and most popular K-Drama, K-Pop, K-Entertainment & K-Documentary with multilingual subtitles, by subscribing KBS World official YouTube.
대한민국 대표 해외채널 KBS World를 유튜브에서 만나세요. KBS World는 전세계 시청자에게 재미있고 유익한 한류 콘텐츠를 영어 자막과 함께 제공하는 No.1 한류 채널입니다. KBS World 유튜브 채널을 구독하고 최신 드라마, K-Pop, 예능, 다큐멘터리 정보를 받아보세요.
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- published: 13 Nov 2016
- views: 78279
Jesus I have met 내가 만난 예수님 by Young-sook Lee
1. 지난1984년 어느 따스한 봄날, 생후 한 살 된 딸아이에게 B.C.G.예방접종을 시키기 위해 병원을 찾았었다.
One sunny Spring day in 1984, I and my one-year old girl went to hospital for a B.C.G. shot.
1. 지난1984년 어느 따스한 봄날, 생후 한 살 된 딸아이에게 B.C.G.예방접종을 시키기 위해 병원을 찾았었다.
One sunny Spring day in 1984, I and my one-year old girl went to hospital for a B.C.G. shot.
2. 진찰을 하던 의사는 딸 시은이가 선천성 심장병이라며 학교에 입학할 때 까지 꼭 수술을 해야 한다는 것이었다.
During medical examination, the doctor found out that my daughter, Si-eun, had a congenital heart disease and she need an operation by all means before she enter a school.
3. 난 벼랑 끝에서 떨어지는 기분이었다. 저 어린, 연약한 가슴에 칼을 대다니!
I felt just like I was standing on the edge of a cliff.
How could it be possible to put a mass on her little, frail chest!
4. 절망과 시름에 빠져있을 때 불현 듯 예수님의 병 고친 사건들이 생각났다.
전에는 거짓말 같아서 성경책을 읽다가 덮어두었던 나.
In the midst of deep despair and worry, suddenly Jesus's some healing events came into my mind.
I was the one who ignored the Bible in the past thinking it was a lie.
5. 그러나 문둥병을 고치시고, 앉은뱅이와 장님도 고치신 치유의 기적들이 떠올라 그날부터 성경책과 신앙서적을 밤새 읽어 내려갔다.
However, the Jesus' healing miracle on leprosy, cripple, and blind people captured my mind at this moment and I read the Bible and religious books all night long from that day.
6. 내 마음의 문도 열리기 시작하였다.
간절한 마음으로 읽어가는 중에 서서히 기쁨과 평안한 마음으로 변화되어 갔다.
Then the door in my mind began to open.
And during the reading with sincere heart, my mind had been gradually changed into glad and peaceful mind.
7. 그 무렵에 위층에 사는 집사님이 이러한 사정을 알고 금식도 하고 목사님께 안수기도도 받자고 권하시며 위로해 주셨다.
Around that time, a deacon who was living upper level of my apartment spoke comforting words with encouragement of fasting and pastor's laying on of hands.
8. 그래서 주일예배, 속회, 철야기도를 드렸다.
So I went to Sunday Worship Service, weekly payer meeting, and all-night prayer meeting.
9. 온전히 말씀과 기도에 힘쓰던 어느 날,1985.2.27 기도 중에 예수 그리스도의 보혈로 내 죄를 사해 주옵소서라는 말을 했을 때, 내 마음이 깨끗하게 눈 같이 씻어지는 느낌을 받았다.
One day, during my sincere devotions, I felt a cleansing power from the blood of Jesus as I spoke to the Lord for a redemption of my sin.
10. 그리고 나의 죄를 용서받았다는 확신이 생겼고, 나 위해 예수님이 돌아가셨으니, 이제부터는 주님을 위해 살겠노라 다짐하였다.
And then I convinced that my sin was forgiven. At the same time, I made up my mind to live for Christ who died for me.
11. 이러한 가운데, 나의 생활은 기쁨이 흘렀다.
내가 믿음으로 내 딸이 고침을 받을 수 있다는 확신 때문이었다.
My feeble faith changed to embrace a firm belief that my daughter could be healed because of my faith. And the joy overfew my life.
12. "하나님, 우리 시은이가 초등학교 입학하기 전까지 꼭 병을 고쳐주실 줄 믿습니다." 떼를 쓰듯이 믿고 간구하였다.
"Lord, I certainly believe that you are going to heal my little girl before she enters an elementary school." I asked God with longing heart like a desperate child.
13. 어느 주일 설교 중에 기도하고 구한 것은 이미 받은 줄로 믿으라는 말씀을 듣고, 우리 시은이는 예수님이 고쳐주셨다며 자꾸 입으로 시인하고 이웃에게도 전했다.
After listening to a sermon on Sunday that I already received what I had asked God, I repeatedly spoke and delivered my words for admitting my daughter's recovery to my neighbors.
14. 그러던 어느 날(1990년 6월), 시은이가 수술을 받지 못하여 가슴이 아파 뛰지도 못하고 움츠리고 앉아 있을 모습을 상상하니 그만 불쌍해 졌다.
One day, I felt pity on her as I imagined her figure sitting in depression instead of running around with her friends because of the pain in her chest.
15. 시은이의 조그마한 가슴을 가만히 바라보는 순간, 번개처럼 이사야에 있는 "그가 채찍에 맞음으로 우리가 나음을 입었도다"는 하나님의 음성을 들었다.
In that moment I looked at her small chest in silence, then suddenly I heard God's voice saying, "by his wound we are healed" (Isa. 53:5).
16. 순간적으로, '시은아 너는 나았다.'는 백퍼센트 확신과 함께 깨끗이 고침 받았다는 믿음이 생겼고, 근심도 사라졌다.
Right at that time, a strong faith rose in my heart that 'Si-eun, you are healed', and from this moment, the worry I had all the time disappeared at once.
17. 이 일이 있은 지 3일 뒤에, 시은이를 데리고 병원에 가서 진찰을 받았다.
3 days after this event, I brought Si-eun to a hospital for the examination.
18. 검사를 마친 의사는 나에게 "이 아이가 어때서 데리고 오셨나요?" 하며 아무렇지도 않고 수술할 필요도 없다는 것이었다.
When doctor finished the exam, he said that she had no problem at all and no need to get surgery.
19. 불과 20일 전까지만 해도 의사는 지금까지 안 나은 것을 보면 수술을 해야 된다고 하여 한편으로 낙심도 되었는데, 주님은 꺼져가는 등불도 끄지 않으신다는 말씀처럼 저를 불쌍히 보시고 응답하여 주신 것이다.
Merely 20 days ago, I was in despair as the doctor suggested an immediate operation for her. And now I received an answer from God just like the scripture said that our Lord doesn't even put out a candle light which is about to fade away.
20. 아이의 병이 완치되는 데 만 6년이란 긴 세월이 걸렸지만, 그 기다림과 고통의 시간은 우리 가정에 기쁨과 행복을 가져다 주었고, 우리 가족을 구원하여 주었다.
Though it took 6 years to be healed completely, those hours of patience and suffering brought my house joy and happiness. And finally, a salvation came into all my family members.
21. 믿음이 부족했던 내 신앙도 신실해 졌으니 이 모든 것을 살아계신 주님께 감사드리며 영광을 돌린다.
Because of those hours, my faith have become strong. I give thank to our living Lord and give glory to God.
22. "할렐루야! 전능하신 하나님, 주님을 믿습니다. 주님만 의지합니다.
"Hallelujah! I trust you, Almighty God. I only rely on you.
23. 영원토록 내 할 말, 주 십자가에 달리 사 날 자유하게 하셨으니 나 구주위해 살리라. 그 기쁨 한량없으리.
이 기쁜 소식 전하렵니다.
I will say this to the end of my life, "I will live for the Lord, cause he sets me free. The joy will be overflow all the days of my life."
Today I am sending you this Good News.
1. 지난1984년 어느 따스한 봄날, 생후 한 살 된 딸아이에게 B.C.G.예방접종을 시키기 위해 병원을 찾았었다.
One sunny Spring day in 1984, I and my one-year old girl went to hospital for a B.C.G. shot.
2. 진찰을 하던 의사는 딸 시은이가 선천성 심장병이라며 학교에 입학할 때 까지 꼭 수술을 해야 한다는 것이었다.
During medical examination, the doctor found out that my daughter, Si-eun, had a congenital heart disease and she need an operation by all means before she enter a school.
3. 난 벼랑 끝에서 떨어지는 기분이었다. 저 어린, 연약한 가슴에 칼을 대다니!
I felt just like I was standing on the edge of a cliff.
How could it be possible to put a mass on her little, frail chest!
4. 절망과 시름에 빠져있을 때 불현 듯 예수님의 병 고친 사건들이 생각났다.
전에는 거짓말 같아서 성경책을 읽다가 덮어두었던 나.
In the midst of deep despair and worry, suddenly Jesus's some healing events came into my mind.
I was the one who ignored the Bible in the past thinking it was a lie.
5. 그러나 문둥병을 고치시고, 앉은뱅이와 장님도 고치신 치유의 기적들이 떠올라 그날부터 성경책과 신앙서적을 밤새 읽어 내려갔다.
However, the Jesus' healing miracle on leprosy, cripple, and blind people captured my mind at this moment and I read the Bible and religious books all night long from that day.
6. 내 마음의 문도 열리기 시작하였다.
간절한 마음으로 읽어가는 중에 서서히 기쁨과 평안한 마음으로 변화되어 갔다.
Then the door in my mind began to open.
And during the reading with sincere heart, my mind had been gradually changed into glad and peaceful mind.
7. 그 무렵에 위층에 사는 집사님이 이러한 사정을 알고 금식도 하고 목사님께 안수기도도 받자고 권하시며 위로해 주셨다.
Around that time, a deacon who was living upper level of my apartment spoke comforting words with encouragement of fasting and pastor's laying on of hands.
8. 그래서 주일예배, 속회, 철야기도를 드렸다.
So I went to Sunday Worship Service, weekly payer meeting, and all-night prayer meeting.
9. 온전히 말씀과 기도에 힘쓰던 어느 날,1985.2.27 기도 중에 예수 그리스도의 보혈로 내 죄를 사해 주옵소서라는 말을 했을 때, 내 마음이 깨끗하게 눈 같이 씻어지는 느낌을 받았다.
One day, during my sincere devotions, I felt a cleansing power from the blood of Jesus as I spoke to the Lord for a redemption of my sin.
10. 그리고 나의 죄를 용서받았다는 확신이 생겼고, 나 위해 예수님이 돌아가셨으니, 이제부터는 주님을 위해 살겠노라 다짐하였다.
And then I convinced that my sin was forgiven. At the same time, I made up my mind to live for Christ who died for me.
11. 이러한 가운데, 나의 생활은 기쁨이 흘렀다.
내가 믿음으로 내 딸이 고침을 받을 수 있다는 확신 때문이었다.
My feeble faith changed to embrace a firm belief that my daughter could be healed because of my faith. And the joy overfew my life.
12. "하나님, 우리 시은이가 초등학교 입학하기 전까지 꼭 병을 고쳐주실 줄 믿습니다." 떼를 쓰듯이 믿고 간구하였다.
"Lord, I certainly believe that you are going to heal my little girl before she enters an elementary school." I asked God with longing heart like a desperate child.
13. 어느 주일 설교 중에 기도하고 구한 것은 이미 받은 줄로 믿으라는 말씀을 듣고, 우리 시은이는 예수님이 고쳐주셨다며 자꾸 입으로 시인하고 이웃에게도 전했다.
After listening to a sermon on Sunday that I already received what I had asked God, I repeatedly spoke and delivered my words for admitting my daughter's recovery to my neighbors.
14. 그러던 어느 날(1990년 6월), 시은이가 수술을 받지 못하여 가슴이 아파 뛰지도 못하고 움츠리고 앉아 있을 모습을 상상하니 그만 불쌍해 졌다.
One day, I felt pity on her as I imagined her figure sitting in depression instead of running around with her friends because of the pain in her chest.
15. 시은이의 조그마한 가슴을 가만히 바라보는 순간, 번개처럼 이사야에 있는 "그가 채찍에 맞음으로 우리가 나음을 입었도다"는 하나님의 음성을 들었다.
In that moment I looked at her small chest in silence, then suddenly I heard God's voice saying, "by his wound we are healed" (Isa. 53:5).
16. 순간적으로, '시은아 너는 나았다.'는 백퍼센트 확신과 함께 깨끗이 고침 받았다는 믿음이 생겼고, 근심도 사라졌다.
Right at that time, a strong faith rose in my heart that 'Si-eun, you are healed', and from this moment, the worry I had all the time disappeared at once.
17. 이 일이 있은 지 3일 뒤에, 시은이를 데리고 병원에 가서 진찰을 받았다.
3 days after this event, I brought Si-eun to a hospital for the examination.
18. 검사를 마친 의사는 나에게 "이 아이가 어때서 데리고 오셨나요?" 하며 아무렇지도 않고 수술할 필요도 없다는 것이었다.
When doctor finished the exam, he said that she had no problem at all and no need to get surgery.
19. 불과 20일 전까지만 해도 의사는 지금까지 안 나은 것을 보면 수술을 해야 된다고 하여 한편으로 낙심도 되었는데, 주님은 꺼져가는 등불도 끄지 않으신다는 말씀처럼 저를 불쌍히 보시고 응답하여 주신 것이다.
Merely 20 days ago, I was in despair as the doctor suggested an immediate operation for her. And now I received an answer from God just like the scripture said that our Lord doesn't even put out a candle light which is about to fade away.
20. 아이의 병이 완치되는 데 만 6년이란 긴 세월이 걸렸지만, 그 기다림과 고통의 시간은 우리 가정에 기쁨과 행복을 가져다 주었고, 우리 가족을 구원하여 주었다.
Though it took 6 years to be healed completely, those hours of patience and suffering brought my house joy and happiness. And finally, a salvation came into all my family members.
21. 믿음이 부족했던 내 신앙도 신실해 졌으니 이 모든 것을 살아계신 주님께 감사드리며 영광을 돌린다.
Because of those hours, my faith have become strong. I give thank to our living Lord and give glory to God.
22. "할렐루야! 전능하신 하나님, 주님을 믿습니다. 주님만 의지합니다.
"Hallelujah! I trust you, Almighty God. I only rely on you.
23. 영원토록 내 할 말, 주 십자가에 달리 사 날 자유하게 하셨으니 나 구주위해 살리라. 그 기쁨 한량없으리.
이 기쁜 소식 전하렵니다.
I will say this to the end of my life, "I will live for the Lord, cause he sets me free. The joy will be overflow all the days of my life."
Today I am sending you this Good News.
- published: 27 Dec 2018
- views: 232
Nan Sook Hong Interview
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Nan Sook Hong interviewed about her life in the Unification Church and marriage to Hyo jin Moon, son of Sun Myung Moon
Nan Sook Hong interviewed about her life in the Unification Church and marriage to Hyo jin Moon, son of Sun Myung Moon
- published: 26 Sep 2012
- views: 12996
Early B - Ben Ten
Music video by Early B performing Ben Ten. © 2018 Universal Music (Pty) Ltd South Africa
Music video by Early B performing Ben Ten. © 2018 Universal Music (Pty) Ltd South Africa
Music video by Early B performing Ben Ten. © 2018 Universal Music (Pty) Ltd South Africa
- published: 10 Aug 2018
- views: 3624870
Rilès - PESETAS (Music Video)
Rilès - ‘PESETAS’ (Music Video)
High-Quality version on iTunes: https://goo.gl/pYwnC2
The whole 'RILÈSUNDAYZ' playlist: https://goo.gl/jqo2Vf
Directed by Rilè...
Rilès - ‘PESETAS’ (Music Video)
High-Quality version on iTunes: https://goo.gl/pYwnC2
The whole 'RILÈSUNDAYZ' playlist: https://goo.gl/jqo2Vf
Directed by Rilès
Video Editing & Colorgrading : Rilès
DOP : Victor Laborde (victorlaborde.com)
Camera Assistant & Drone : Tom Steininger
Dancers: Bryce Lax & Holan Zamia
Sound Assistant: JB Vanier
Song produced, written, recorded, mixed, mastered by Rilès
Soprano voice at 2:51 : Zina Millet (my auntie)
Twitter: http://twitter.com/0riles
Facebook: http://facebook.com/0riles
Instagram: http://instagram.com/0riles
Soundcloud: http://soundcloud.com/0riles
👻 @rilesrilesbitch
Lyrics :
Rilès you're arrogant
You lift yourself up
You believed in your craft when nobody did
But we say arrogant
You dont know the game
You keep mentionning my name
"We dont like what you s-"
I don't give a fuck
Y'all can suck my dick
I'm making pesetas while they're talking talking shit
Nah I don't give a fuck
Don't waste my time for this
I'm making my dollars, dollars while they're tweeting tweets
Nah I don't give a
Please don't wake my dirty self up
Please don't make me sane, nah nah
Please don't let me go look for you
The Internet is not safe
Please don't make me say what's next
Don't let me say it in French
Jay-Z's label on the phone
They're coming at the house on Monday
me say
Wow, wow, Great, great
Don't say too much they're gonna see what's next
They're hating on me cuz they ain't done shit
I'll forgive you cuz y'all giving me strength
Wow, wow, Great, great
They type too much
But don't know shit 'bout shit
Do your research before comparing me
And you'll see this dude didn't make his hits so
Y'all can suck my dick
I'm making pesetas while they're talking talking shit
Nah I don't give a fuck
Don't waste my time for this
I'm making my dollars, dollars while they're tweeting tweets
Nah I don't give a fuck
Y'all can suck my dick
I'm making pesetas while they're talking talking shit
Nah I don't give a fuck
Don't waste my time for this
I'm making my dollars, dollars while they're tweeting tweets
Nah I don't give a
They all want me dead
I piss them off
That's what I like to
You're sending me death threats in my mailbox
Mama we gon' move
Talk to me 'fore your talk 'bout me
Yeah that's the number 1 rule
Many want my head
But where's the crown?
It's on my balls fool
Wow, wow, Great, great
Don't show them that you've been loving yourself
Say you're ugly
Say you're not the best
Don't pump yourself up, they don't like them speeches
Wow, wow, Great, great
I do not go downtown
I'm feeling like hate & love are fighting for my vehemence
Now I got girls who want my d
And crazy dudes who want my hea..
I still don't give a fuck
Y'all can suck my dick
I'm making pesetas while they're talking talking shit
Nah I don't give a fuck
Don't waste my time for this
I'm making my dollars, dollars while they're tweeting tweets
Nah I don't give a fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck
Y'all can suck it up, up, up, up, up
Imma let you talk, talk, talk, talk, talk
While I'm making more, more, more, more, more
Nah I don't give a fuck
Y'all can suck my dick
I'm making pesetas while they're talking talking shit
Nah I don't give a fuck
Don't waste my time for this
I'm making my dollars, dollars while they're tweeting tweets
Nah I don't give a fuck
h4863288i81/_ .._ _ _ _... ._.. ._.
872bi1333/_ .._ _ _ _... ._.. ._.
2228acegg8ggeca8225/_ .._ _ _ _... ._.. ._.
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiif/_ .._ _ _ _... ._.. ._.
Rilès - ‘PESETAS’ (Music Video)
High-Quality version on iTunes: https://goo.gl/pYwnC2
The whole 'RILÈSUNDAYZ' playlist: https://goo.gl/jqo2Vf
Directed by Rilès
Video Editing & Colorgrading : Rilès
DOP : Victor Laborde (victorlaborde.com)
Camera Assistant & Drone : Tom Steininger
Dancers: Bryce Lax & Holan Zamia
Sound Assistant: JB Vanier
Song produced, written, recorded, mixed, mastered by Rilès
Soprano voice at 2:51 : Zina Millet (my auntie)
Twitter: http://twitter.com/0riles
Facebook: http://facebook.com/0riles
Instagram: http://instagram.com/0riles
Soundcloud: http://soundcloud.com/0riles
👻 @rilesrilesbitch
Lyrics :
Rilès you're arrogant
You lift yourself up
You believed in your craft when nobody did
But we say arrogant
You dont know the game
You keep mentionning my name
"We dont like what you s-"
I don't give a fuck
Y'all can suck my dick
I'm making pesetas while they're talking talking shit
Nah I don't give a fuck
Don't waste my time for this
I'm making my dollars, dollars while they're tweeting tweets
Nah I don't give a
Please don't wake my dirty self up
Please don't make me sane, nah nah
Please don't let me go look for you
The Internet is not safe
Please don't make me say what's next
Don't let me say it in French
Jay-Z's label on the phone
They're coming at the house on Monday
me say
Wow, wow, Great, great
Don't say too much they're gonna see what's next
They're hating on me cuz they ain't done shit
I'll forgive you cuz y'all giving me strength
Wow, wow, Great, great
They type too much
But don't know shit 'bout shit
Do your research before comparing me
And you'll see this dude didn't make his hits so
Y'all can suck my dick
I'm making pesetas while they're talking talking shit
Nah I don't give a fuck
Don't waste my time for this
I'm making my dollars, dollars while they're tweeting tweets
Nah I don't give a fuck
Y'all can suck my dick
I'm making pesetas while they're talking talking shit
Nah I don't give a fuck
Don't waste my time for this
I'm making my dollars, dollars while they're tweeting tweets
Nah I don't give a
They all want me dead
I piss them off
That's what I like to
You're sending me death threats in my mailbox
Mama we gon' move
Talk to me 'fore your talk 'bout me
Yeah that's the number 1 rule
Many want my head
But where's the crown?
It's on my balls fool
Wow, wow, Great, great
Don't show them that you've been loving yourself
Say you're ugly
Say you're not the best
Don't pump yourself up, they don't like them speeches
Wow, wow, Great, great
I do not go downtown
I'm feeling like hate & love are fighting for my vehemence
Now I got girls who want my d
And crazy dudes who want my hea..
I still don't give a fuck
Y'all can suck my dick
I'm making pesetas while they're talking talking shit
Nah I don't give a fuck
Don't waste my time for this
I'm making my dollars, dollars while they're tweeting tweets
Nah I don't give a fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck
Y'all can suck it up, up, up, up, up
Imma let you talk, talk, talk, talk, talk
While I'm making more, more, more, more, more
Nah I don't give a fuck
Y'all can suck my dick
I'm making pesetas while they're talking talking shit
Nah I don't give a fuck
Don't waste my time for this
I'm making my dollars, dollars while they're tweeting tweets
Nah I don't give a fuck
h4863288i81/_ .._ _ _ _... ._.. ._.
872bi1333/_ .._ _ _ _... ._.. ._.
2228acegg8ggeca8225/_ .._ _ _ _... ._.. ._.
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiif/_ .._ _ _ _... ._.. ._.
- published: 11 Feb 2018
- views: 95712362