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WoW Moviewatch: Warcraft style

Work warning: Skimpy clothing on character avatars. Nothing you can't see on mainstream TV but you know how Black Mageweave is.

You'll see a couple of these this week. It's not my fault. It's topical. It's pop culture, see. Even more importantly, though, the two videos are interesting in their own way. They both just happen to be based on Gangnam Style.

In Warcraft style, Miss Mumulawl put together a parody video using in-game graphics and lots of footage. While the audio is just the original song, I definitely appreciate the fan love put into creating this parody. It definitely looks like a lot of players had a lot of fun putting this together.

Interested in the wide world of machinima? We have new movies every weekday here on WoW Moviewatch! Have suggestions for machinima we ought to feature? Toss us an email at

Filed under: WoW Moviewatch

Encrypted Text: How to gank a monk

Every week, WoW Insider brings you Encrypted Text for assassination, combat and subtlety rogues. Chase Christian will be your guide to the world of shadows every Wednesday. Feel free to email me with any questions or article suggestions you'd like to see covered here.

With the launch of Mists of Pandaria, the season of world PvP is upon us once again. Over the next few weeks, there will be thousands of players trying out the new monk class. These rerollers are likely to be undergeared and inexperienced, making them perfect targets for your daggers. Rogues were able to take advantage of fledgling death knights as they were still learning to use their awkward new bodies in Wrath. Blizzard promised to bring world PvP back in Mists, and with the massive influx of grounded players trying to level, they've made good on their promise.

Don't plan on facing many mistweaver monks out in the open world, as they'll be safe inside of their dungeon queues. The staff-wielding brewmaster tanking monks will be very difficult to defeat unless they're at a significantly lower level than you, so be careful. Our primary targets will be our melee DPS rivals, the windwalker monks. You can identify them by their dual weapons and smug (likely pandaren) faces.

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Filed under: Rogue, (Rogue) Encrypted Text

"Guide Dog" player and sightless guild-mate honored with in-game items

'Guide Dog' player and sightless guildmate honored with ingame items
Back in January, Lisa Poisso posted a touching story about two players, Hexu, an enhancement shaman played by British Army soldier Ben Shaw, who, while serving in Iraq, was involved in an incident with a roadside bomb in Basra. He suffered multiple shrapnel wounds and had to have both eyes surgically removed. Despite this, Hexu has accepted many challenges, including WoW raiding.

But how does a sightless player raid? Well, that's where Davidian comes in. Davidian is a Death Knight, played by a Scotsman named Owen, and is Hexu's in-game guide. He uses a series of macros, both on Hexu's machine and his own, to help Hexu perform in-game actions from repairs to killing Deathwing, the two even ranking side by side in DPS.

Why are we repeating this story? Well, Blizzard has honored Hexu and Davidian with two in-game items: Hexu's Amplifying Helm, and Davidian's All-Seeing Eyes. The item descriptions on the tooltips are particularly touching: "A man with a friend is never without vision" and "Sharp enough to see for two men" respectively. I was really touched by this, and so are Hexu and Davidian's guild, Die Safe, who have posted a thread on the EU forums thanking Blizzard for this recognition.

Filed under: 15 Minutes of Fame

Mists of Pandaria and character aesthetic

Mists of Pandaria and character aesthetic
Why do players choose to play what they do? I'm not referring to class here, or even role, but purely why they choose the race they choose. An undead warrior named Tearsnomore on the EU forums asked why anyone would play a male pandaren. To me, this is interesting because choosing to play a forsaken male is equally as baffling. Forsaken female? Sure, they have some awesome animations at least. Forsaken male? Why not just wear a bag on your head the entire time you're playing?

This led to some feedback from CM Takralus that got me thinking. I haven't race changed to pandaren, although I expect I'll roll one before long. Gotta catch 'em all and all that (I even have a forsaken warrior, and yes, it's female) but what really interested me about his post was the idea of visiting a major city to see the player diversity at work. I feel like, so far in Jade Forest at least, I don't even have to go back to see it. Heck, I see more of it because I see the Horde and the Alliance running around. Goblins, forsaken, draenei, trolls - I've seen a lot more trolls than I expected.

This got me to wonder -- is it all just about racials? Racials don't care what gender you play - do you just pick whatever gender you're more comfortable with? Do you even look at racials when you pick your race? I tend to play night elf and draenei tanks because they have solid racials for tanking (the draenei racial has gotten better for tanks under the active mitigation system) but I also play worgen and tauren purely for looks. I honestly don't think I could have stood to play Horde as long as I did as any other race than tauren.

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Filed under: Analysis / Opinion, Mists of Pandaria

Totem Talk: Mists reputation rewards for restoration shaman

Totem Talk Mists reputation rewards for restoration shaman  tuesday
Every week, WoW Insider brings you Totem Talk for elemental, enhancement and restoration shaman. Want to be a sultan of swing healing? A champion of Chain Heal? Totem Talk: Restoration, brought to you by Joe Perez (otherwise known as Lodur from World of Matticus and cohost of the For the Lore podcast), shows you how.

As you're leveling up, there is going to be plenty to explore and plenty to do. One of the things you're going to notice sooner or later is that there are a bunch of new factions to earn reputation points with. This expansion does two things really when when it comes to reps. First is that reputation isn't quite as hard or tedious as it has been in previous expansions, which is most welcome. Second is that the rewards that each faction has to offer you can be quite awesome for your chosen Warcraft profession.

Shado-Pan clan

The Shado-Pan clan are a very interesting faction as far as the pandaren are concerned. They are much more dark and sinister when compared to the other factions. They resemble more of closely to the ninjas of the old stories than the kung-fu masters. They are considered the most elite warriors of the pandaren dedicated to fighting against the Sha. Players will first encounter them in full at the Shado-pan Monastery, one of the new 5-man dungeons in Mists. Leveling your rep with them nets you some very nice rewards that you can buy with Justice Points and Valor Points.

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Filed under: Shaman, (Shaman) Totem Talk

The Queue: I won't let the world break me

Welcome back to The Queue, the daily Q&A column in which the WoW Insider team answers your questions about the World of Warcraft. Just for today, Matthew Rossi will be stabbing krakens for you, or answering questions, or whatever it is we do here.

So far, Pandaria's mostly been a surge of me trying to do quests while every Horde player in the entire zone tries to screw it up for me. Luckily, having chosen to level prot, I can usually survive long enough to finish my quest objectives. I also found out that if you want to level alongside a RealID friend and not automatically bring him or her to your PvP realm, you don't want to outlevel said friend.That was awkward for me.

Anyway, enough about the adventures of guy leveling with ten Horde players standing on his head. You're here for question answering.

JeffLaBowski asked

So favorite quest so far? Mine is the chain in the jinyu town, where Rell "tells you" what happened to him. The part where you play it from the sniper's perspective- sully is hilarious. Sounds too much like Shrek but he is funny. Good times!

I haven't gotten to my favorite quest yet. It waits for me in Kun-Lai Summit, and without spoiling it all I can say is it involves the Zandalari, the mogu, and the return of the king. Well, a king, anyway.

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Filed under: The Queue

Around Azeroth: An inauspicious beginning

Around Azeroth An inauspicious beginning THURSDAY
This screenshot is provided for the edification of Horde stalwarts like myself. If you've tried to play Alliance in Mists of Pandaria, I trust you've already seen this image enough. Our own bossman Alex Ziebart explains:

"The Alliance opening quest in Pandaria involved a strafing run in gyrocopters. You get to a point where you're stuck in a fixed position until you blow up a Horde boat. Blowing it up required you to aim at an explosive barrel and shoot it, but there were so many people doing the quest at once that the barrel didn't respawn fast enough for players to progress. Only one person could finish the quest at a time. It created a horrific bottleneck. As the first hour of the expansion went on, the cloud of Alliance players waiting to shoot that barrel grew large enough that you could no longer see the barrel to even attempt to shoot at it. You didn't even know where you were aiming. The first 2-3 hours of the expansion for the Alliance was sitting in a gyrocopter, firing rockets blindly in hopes of being the person to hit the barrels."

So not only did the Alliance lose Theramore to start the expansion, many of them couldn't even progress past the opening of Mists of Pandaria. What a way to start the show.

Want to see your own screenshot here? Send it to We strongly prefer full-sized pictures with no UI or names showing. Include "Azeroth" in the subject line to ensure your submission dodges email spam filters; if you'd like to be credited, also include your name, guild and realm.

Filed under: Around Azeroth

Know Your Lore: Pandaria and the Sundering

Know Your Lore Pandaria and the Sundering SUN 930
The World of Warcraft is an expansive universe. You're playing the game, you're fighting the bosses, you know the how, but do you know the why? Each week, Matthew Rossi and Anne Stickney make sure you Know Your Lore by covering the history of the story behind World of Warcraft.

The earliest days of Azeroth's recorded history of wars and conflicts detail the events of the War of the Ancients, which culminated in the destruction of the Well of Eternity and the Sundering of the great continent of Kalimdor. While we have vague remnants of history before that time -- wars between troll empires and aqir, the Titanic creation of our world; it is becoming increasingly clear that our scope of knowledge of these early days of Azeroth is quite small.

Pandaria was once part of the main Kalimdor continent before it vanished into the mists, forgotten. But even before the Sundering, Pandaria had a vast, rich history that was far more complex than the snippets of tales and legends from troll or tauren. And while we don't know if the pandaren are native to Azeroth, or Titan creation like the dwarves and gnomes, one thing is imminently clear -- the pandaren are a far more advanced civilization than any other native Azerothian race.

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Filed under: Lore, Know your Lore, Mists of Pandaria

Breakfast Topic: How did you decide what to do first in Mists of Pandaria?

Breakfast Topic What's your game plan for Mists of Pandaria
Help me, help me, I can't decide what to do first! Truth be told, my expansion indecision is rooted deeper than merely where to take my character or how to level up. At this point, I can't even decide what character and realm to focus on. After a weekend spent syncing up goodies on every last character and peering into vaults and inventories (some stripped, some stuffed) and several frantic sessions clicking back and forth from realm to realm and staring at the character creation screen while I toy with a pandaren, I've concluded that I simply can't conclude what to do in Mists of Pandaria. For quite a while now, my play time has been split (somewhat unsuccessfully so) between a number of kickass guilds on all sorts of realms, and Mists has come to represent my opportunity to refocus and pick a main character again. But where? And how?

Inspire me with your plans and help me see through the mists. Are you leveling up hard with your main first? Are you taking it slow and easy, enjoying the sights and new features along the way? Is there something new (pet battles, perhaps?) that you're diving into head first? Maybe we'll see you in the auction house and trade channel at the top of your realm's markets. Or maybe you're rolling up the levels on a new pandaren.

How did you decide what to do first? And once the initial frenzy wore off, how did you decide what to do next? What's your game plan for the expansion? (Just don't ask me to come join you on your realm -- I can't take one more option, not a single one!)

Filed under: Breakfast Topics

It came from the Blog: Join us for Brewfest 2012

It came from the Blog Join us for Brewfest 2012
Tizzi's in her random holiday gear again and that can only mean one thing: it's time for another It came from the Blog event. We will be celebrating Brewfest together, as we usually do, and all are invited.
  • When: Saturday, Sept. 29 at 10:30 p.m. EDT (7:30 p.m. PDT, 8:30 p.m. server time)
  • Where: Meet in front of the gates of Orgrimmar on Zangarmarsh (US-PvE-H)
  • Who: Any Horde player level 10 and above
  • How: Ask any It came from the Blog member for an invite, if you don't already belong to our family of guilds
We'll be completing quests, getting achievements, throwing steins, and other virtual beer-related activities.

We hope you'll join us!

Please join us on Zangarmarsh (US-PvE-H) in It came from the Blog. All ranks can invite, so /whisper Tizzi or any online member. You are all welcome as long as you play by our simple rules -- basically, don't be a funsucker! Visit the guild FAQ for more details.

Filed under: Events, It Came from the Blog

Around Azeroth

Around Azeroth

Featured Galleries

Mists of Pandaria Collector's Edition
Death Knight plague epidemic
Mega Bloks: Goblin Zeppelin Ambush
Mists of Pandaria Beta: Ruins beneath Scarlet Halls
Mists of Pandaria: New warlock pets
Female Pandaren Customization
Mists of Pandaria Screenshots And Concept Art
Mists of Pandaria Screenshots of the Day
Kalimdor in Minecraft

