
F.ounders Camp in Dublin

I attended the F.ounders Camp in Dublin, Ireland put on by Paddy Cosgrave. It included a lot of great folks from both sides of the pond, including Jack Dorsey and Michael Birch pictured here in this album.

This album contains 108 items.


Adobe Migrates to WordPress, switching 1,200 blogs from Movable Type.


As some folks have noticed already, Automattic is now a “real” domain registrar (ID #1531). This has been a goal of mine for several years now, chiefly because I am a bit of a domain collector myself and I’ve never been completely satisfied with the domain buying or management experience on any of the usual players. Second, custom domains are a popular feature on WordPress.com and should become even more popular with some changes we’re introducing this month and it’ll be good to be able to provide a fully integrated experience for our users there. It’ll be a few months while we build all the tools necessary to begin taking advantage of our registrar status so in the meantime we’ll continue to use Godaddy, who has been an excellent partner.


Blue Angels + Golden Gate Park

I snapped a few photos of the Blue Angels Fleet Week show on Saturday with a lens I’ve been waiting to try out, a 500mm f/4. It was really one of the coolest things I’ve seen, and the pictures turned out pretty well. Afterward went to Golden Gate park for Kevin and Coley’s wedding pre-party, and then back to my place for dinner.

This album contains 111 items.


Hipmunk is a flight search tool with a twist, and even if you don’t travel as much as I do you should give it a try next time you’re taking a trip somewhere. (It’s hard to describe, but easy to use.) As announced elsewhere, I’m happy to be part of a group of people supporting the team as an investor.


Adam Savage of Mythbusters talks about how he solves problems, with an entertaining Q&A afterward. Hat tip: Paul Kedrosky.


Saw this on Yahoo: Tiger Woods gives us the greatest golf photo you’ll ever see. Basically he mis-shot (which almost never happens) straight into a camera man who was taking a picture right that instant. Here are larger versions. I love how everyone is looking at the camera, Inception-like, and the guy with the cigar. “For camera buffs, Pain was using a Nikon D3S camera, with a 24-70 mm lens and a shutter speed of 1/1000 of a second.”


A new upgrade launched on WordPress.com today, Offsite Redirects. Basically this allows you to retain all of your links, SEO, and visitors when you move from WP.com to self-hosted (or any platform, for that matter). I point it out only because I think it’s central to Automattic’s philosophy, and something I learned from Dave Winer: the easier you make it for people to go, the more likely they are to stay.