Newt Gingrich: “Harry Reid is a Disgrace to This Country!” (Video)

| September 26, 2012

“If the president had any decency at all he would demand Harry Reid apologize”


Reid is a “vicious machine politician…His approach to politics is to destroy his opponent”

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Full Video: Fox News Carl Cameron Interviews Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan

| September 26, 2012

Romney on the Benghazi attack: The White House ‘wants to do their very best to keep the people of America from understanding exactly what happened’

Ryan: We’re projecting weakness overseas

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Raw Video: Woman Defaces Anti-Jihad Ad in Times Square Station, Gets Arrested By Police

| September 26, 2012

Woman busts open a can of red spray paint and starts spraying signs

Police show up and tell her she’s under arrest. She’s stunned.


Cops busted a lone protester — angry with subway ads equating enemies of Israel as “savages” — as she spray-painted over one of the controversial signs today.

A Post camera crew captured the bizarre conflict between suspect Mona Eltahawy, 45, and a woman defending the ads.
Mona, do you think you have the right to do this?” said Pamela Hall, holding a mounted camera as she tried to block the barrage of spray paint.

“I do actually,” Eltahawy calmly responded. “I think this is freedom of expression, just as this is freedom of expression.”

Hall then thrusts herself between Eltahawy’s spray paint and the poster.

Eltahawy — an activist who has appeared on MSNBC and CNN — engaged her in an odd cat-and-mouse dance, spraying pink every time she had an opening.

“What right do you have to violate free speech,” Hall pleaded. I’m not violating it. I’m making an expression on free speech,” an increasingly agitated Eltahawy shot back.

“You do not have the right!” Hall said. “I do actually and I’m doing it right now and you should get out of the way! Do you want paint on yourself,” Eltahawy shot ack

As the poster defender bobbed and weaved to get in the paint’s way, Eltahawy mocked: “That’s right, defend racism.” Finally an MTA police officer and an NYPD cop came to scene and arrested Eltahawy.

Watch her get cuffed

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Bolton on Obama’s UN Speech: ‘He Said We Will End Our War in 2014 in Afghanistan, Unfortunately Al Qaeda and the Taliban Are Not Gonna End Their War’

| September 26, 2012

Plus: Liz Cheney: ‘A Lot of Rhetoric Punctuated By Moments of Delusion’


John Bolton rips Obama. This was right after he ended his speech at the United Nations today.
‘People will see this as another piece of evidence that the president is unwilling to assert American influence around the world’

Short clip of Cheney’s reaction to O’s speech from Special Report

This was pretty much the stunner from Obama’s speech today.
“The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam”


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Magnitude 6.3 Earthquake Strikes Near Baja Mexico

| September 26, 2012


6.3-magnitude earthquake strikes 38 miles NNW of La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico

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Joy Behar on Twitter: Obama Would Rather Talk to Me Than Netanyahu

| September 25, 2012


Behar tweets:

Hard to disagree with this

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Chris Christie Blasts Reporter: ‘Don’t Show Up Once in Every Blue Moon And Think You’re Gonna Dominate My Press Conference” (Video)

| September 25, 2012

‘Get your facts correct’


This is so much fun. Chris Christie vs. reporter from Channel 7 WABC in New York

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Newt Gingrich Urges Republicans to Get Behind Todd Akin

| September 25, 2012

Good for Newt. ‘Bout time somebody stood up

Either we can get behind Todd Akin or we can just let Claire McCaskill win because we’re afraid of being called names by the lib media.

The race could decided control of the senate. Where is the spine of the Republican leadership?


Former Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich urged his party on Monday to back Todd Akin, the Senate candidate from Missouri who has been mostly forsaken by the GOP following comments about “legitimate rape” last month.

“This is a winnable race,” Gingrich said while campaigning with Akin in Kirkwood, Mo. “Republicans nationally have to decide if they want to keep [Nevada Democrat] Harry Reid as majority leader in the Senate or work to elect Todd Akin.”

By Gingrich’s standard, Republicans appear to be picking Reid over Akin. GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney has called for Akin, a member of the House of Representatives, to drop out of the Senate race, and the Republican National Committee has cut off funding to Akin’s campaign.
“We’re not going to play in Missouri with Todd Akin, I can tell you that,” RNC Chairman Reince Priebus said Sunday on ABC’s “This Week.”

But Akin said again on Monday — one day before the deadline to take his name off the ballot –that he will not bow out.

“For about the hundredth time or so, I am in this race,” Akin said at a news conference in Kirkwood. “The people of Missouri chose me to do a job.”

As Gingrich suggested, a win by Akin against incumbent Democrat Claire McCaskill could help Republicans seize a majority in the Senate. And despite Akin’s statement that the female body can prevent a pregnancy in cases of “legitimate rape,” he remains within a few points of McCaskill, according to recent polls.

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Ralph Nader: Obama Worse Than Bush (Video)

| September 25, 2012


In an interview with POLITICO’s Patrick Gavin, Ralph Nader makes a clear statement about the current president’s record on foreign policy, saying that Obama is worse than George W. Bush
‘He’s more aggressive, more illegal worldwide… He’s the prosecutor, judge, jury and executioner and cover-upper because it’s all secret’

“War criminal”

politico reported:

It’s no surprise that Ralph Nader isn’t a fan of former President George W. Bush. After all, the longtime activist ran against him in both 2000 and 2004. But Nader’s even less a fan of President Barack Obama, if only because he thinks Obama was capable of so much more.

On issues related to the military and foreign policy, Obama’s worse than Bush, “in the sense that he’s more aggressive, more illegal worldwide,” Nader told POLITICO, going so far as to call Obama a “war criminal.”

“He’s gone beyond George W. Bush in drones, for example. He thinks the world is his plate, that national sovereignties mean nothing, drones can go anywhere. They can kill anybody that he suspects and every Tuesday he makes the call on who lives and who dies, supposed suspects in places like Yemen and Pakistan and Afghanistan, and that is a war crime and he ought to be held to account.”

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Paul Ryan: Replacement Refs Remind Me of President Obama (Video)

| September 25, 2012

Ryan in Ohio



“Republican Vice Presidential candidate Paul Ryan said Tuesday in Ohio that NFL replacement referees reminded him of President Obama on the economy, “if you can’t get it right, get out.”

NFL replacement referees are under fire for repeatedly blowing calls and mismanaging games this season… a controversial call made at the end of the Packers-Seahawks game last night actually cost Green Bay the game.

Ryan also joked that the NFL refs worked part-time in the Obama administration’s budget office, “they see the national debt clock starring them in the face, they see a debt crisis and they just ignore and pretend it didn’t even happen. They are trying to pick the winners and losers and they don’t even do that very well

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Vegas Oddsmakers: $300 Million Changed Hands with Last-Second Call in NFL Game Last Night

| September 25, 2012


yahoo sports

LAS VEGAS, Nev. – Las Vegas oddsmakers say US$300 million or more changed hands worldwide on a controversial referee call that decided the Monday Night Football game between the Green Bay Packers and the Seattle Seahawks.

Sports book chief Jay Kornegay said Tuesday that bettors at The LVH casino registered shock, some celebration, then anger when the outcome of the Packers game against the Seahawks was decided due to what he called “a blatant bad call.”

The Seahawks won 14-12 after referees ruled that a Seattle receiver came down with the ball in a pile of bodies in the end zone.

Gambling expert RJ Bell of Las Vegas-based says he thinks two-thirds of bets worldwide were on the Packers, and that sports books took in at least $150 million because of the call.

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MRC’s Brent Bozell, Conservative Leaders Send Letter to Media: ‘You Are Rigging This Election’

| September 25, 2012

“We have never witnessed a more brazen and complete attempt by the media to decide the outcome of a presidential election”



Media Research Center President Brent Bozell, along with more than 20  conservative leaders and media personalities, informed the heads of ABC News,  CBS News, CNN and NBC News  in a letter  that they are urging the members of their respective  organizations to switch off the liberal media for their deliberate and  calculated attempts to rig the 2012 presidential election in favor of Barack  Obama. Co-signers include Ed Meese, Rush Limbaugh, Jenny Beth Martin, Matt Kibbe, Mark Levin, Laura Ingraham, Lars Larson, and Tony Perkins.

We have never witnessed a more brazen and complete attempt by the media to decide the outcome of a presidential election.  For 25 years, the Media Research  Center has been documenting liberal media bias daily.  During that time, we  have covered seven presidential elections including this one.  We have  never seen it this bad.  The media have decided to re-elect Barack Obama  and have employed countless distortions, misrepresentations and outright lies as  their means to that end,” Bozell said.

“We the undersigned – representing millions of Americans from our respective  organizations – are now publicly urging our members to seek out alternative  sources of political news in order to make an intelligent, well-informed  decision on November 6. It is time the American people turn you who are  offending off, once and for all. You have betrayed their trust,” Bozell  wrote.
Within that  letter the MRC’s News Analysis Division provided a list of the most  egregious examples of the media’s lopsided coverage during this election  season.

read the letter here…

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“It Came Up Again!”: Rush Blasts Obama For Bringing Up Anti-Islam Video at the U.N. (Audio)

| September 25, 2012

“Everytime he mentions this video, he creates a curiosity about it”
He’s promoting this movie by mentioning it -Rush first hour

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Video: Mitt Romney at the Clinton Global Initiative Says He’s Waiting For That Clinton Bounce

| September 25, 2012

Clinton introduces Romney


NEW YORK-Speaking just hours before President Obama takes the same stage, Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney outlined his vision today for foreign aid at the annual Clinton Global Initiative in New York City.

The governor and former President Bill Clinton took the stage together after which Clinton delivered complimentary remarks praising the Romney’s support for the City Year service group when he was governor.

“He urged the Republican Congress to continue to support City Year, and he urged the White House to do it, and they did,” Clinton said of Romney when he was governor of Massachusetts. “All of you should know that.”

Romney joked about the weight a Clinton compliment carries.

“If there’s one thing we’ve learned in this election season, by the way, it is that a few words from Bill Clinton can do a man a lot of good,” Romney said in response to Clinton’s praise. “All I gotta do now is wait a couple of days for that bounce to happen.” (ABC News)


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RNC: ‘A Crisis of Leadership’ (Video)

| September 25, 2012


Republican National Committee responds to Obama’s ‘bumps in the road’ comment on 60 Minutes

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Andrea Mitchell Hits O: ‘This is Not the Moment to Sit Down With ‘The View’…’Not This Day’

| September 25, 2012


From MSDNC’s Jansing and Co:

You know you’ve screwed up when you get criticism from Andrea Mitchell, NBC News, Waaashington.


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