Calculus Ratiocinator is a theoretical universal logical calculation framework, a concept described in the writings of
Gottfried Leibniz, usually paired with his more frequently mentioned
characteristica universalis, a universal conceptual language.
Two views
There are two contrasting points of view on what Leibniz meant by
calculus ratiocinator. The first is associated with
computer software, the second is associated with
computer hardware.
The analytic view
The received point of view in
analytic philosophy and formal
logic, is that the
calculus ratiocinator anticipates
mathematical logic — an "algebra of logic". The analytic point of view understands that the
calculus ratiocinator is a formal
inference engine or
computer program which can be designed so as to grant primacy to calculations. That logic began with
Frege's 1879
Begriffsschrift and
C.S. Peirce's writings on logic in the 1880s.
Frege intended his "concept script" to be a
calculus ratiocinator as well as a
lingua characteristica. That part of formal logic relevant to the calculus comes under the heading of
proof theory. From this perspective the
calculus ratiocinator is only a part (or a subset) of the
universal characteristic, and a complete
universal characteristic includes a "logical calculus".
The synthetic view
A contrasting point of view stems from synthetic philosophy and fields such as cybernetics, electronic engineering and general systems theory. It is little appreciated in analytic philosophy. The synthetic view understands the calculus ratiocinator as referring to a "calculating machine". The cybernetician Norbert Wiener considered Leibniz's calculus ratiocinator a forerunner to the modern day digital computer:
Leibniz constructed just such a machine for mathematical calculations which was also called a Stepped Reckoner. As a computing machine, the ideal calculus ratiocinator would perform Leibniz's integral and differential calculus. In this way the meaning of the word, "ratiocinator" is clarified and can be understood as a mechanical instrument that combines and compares ratios.
Hartley Rogers saw a link between the two, defining the calculus ratiocinator as "an algorithm which, when applied to the symbols of any formula of the characteristica universalis, would determine whether or not that formula were true as a statement of science" (Hartley Rogers, Jr. 1963; p. 934).
A classic discussion of the calculus ratiocinator is Couturat (1901: chpts. 3,4), who maintained that the characteristica universalis --and thus the calculus ratiocinator--were inseparable from Leibniz's encyclopedic project (chpt. 5). Hence the characteristic, calculus ratiocinator, and encyclopedia form three pillars of Leibniz's project.
See also
Gottfried Leibniz
characteristica universalis
Louis Couturat, 1901. La Logique de Leibniz. Paris: Felix Alcan. Donald Rutherford's English translation of some chapters.
Hartley Rogers, Jr. 1963, An Example in Mathematical Logic, The American Mathematical Monthly, Vol. 70, No. 9., pp. 929–945.
Norbert Wiener, 1948, "Time, communication, and the nervous system," Teleological mechanisms. Annals of the N.Y. Acad. Sci. 50 (4): pp. 197–219.
-- 1965, Cybernetics, Second Edition: or the Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine, The MIT Press.
Desmond Fearnley-Sander, 1982. Hermann Grassmann and the Prehistory of Universal Algebra, The American Mathematical Monthly, Vol. 89, No. 3, pp. 161–166.
External links
Language as Calculus versus Language as Universal Medium
Category:History of philosophy
Category:Philosophy of language
Category:History of computing
Category:Mechanical calculators
Category:History of ideas
Category:Gottfried Leibniz