Splanchnic (Greek:σπλαγχνικόςsplanchnikos; from σπλάγχνονsplanchnon, mostly found in its pl. form σπλάγχναsplanchna, "inward parts,organs") is usually used to describe organs in the abdominal cavity (visceral organs). The term "splanchnologia" is used for grouping in Nomina Anatomica, but not in Terminologia Anatomica. It includes most of the structures usually considered "internal organs", but not all (for example, the heart is excluded.)
More specifically, it can also refer to:
Splanchnic tissue
An adjective describing visceral organs including the intestines.
Extensive splanchnic vein thrombosis after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination ... to take abdominal pain seriously and have a low threshold to get imaging to diagnose splanchnic blood clots before they become fatal.
Zheng and colleagues performed a systematic review of the literature and found 123 cases reports of splanchnic vein thrombosis, or blood clots in the veins that drain the intestines.