Impressionism Crash Course
A very basic introduction to Impressionism, from a HS Art History survey course....
published: 28 Nov 2007
Author: Rteacha
Impressionism Crash Course
A very basic introduction to Impressionism, from a HS Art History survey course.
Impressionism: A French Art Movement
French Culture project ! This is just for back-up in case something went wrong with my fla...
published: 08 Dec 2009
Author: AnnieBooee
Impressionism: A French Art Movement
French Culture project ! This is just for back-up in case something went wrong with my flashdrive. Comments will be disabled until after my presentation.
What is Impressionism?
Through identifying key elements of Impressionism, this film gives definition to the artis...
published: 25 Apr 2011
Author: SaintLouisArtMuseum
What is Impressionism?
Through identifying key elements of Impressionism, this film gives definition to the artistic movement that changed how paintings were made and perceived. Turning to everyday subjects for inspiration, the Impressionists revolutionized the French art scene of the late 19th century. The video explores the artistic, scientific, and social components that influenced Impressionism, and examines the criticism surrounding its emergence on the art scene.
The Impressionists BBC (Part 1)
This vid is mainly about the paintings and painters doing their work. We can find Bazille`...
published: 25 Feb 2008
Author: BurnVillage
The Impressionists BBC (Part 1)
This vid is mainly about the paintings and painters doing their work. We can find Bazille`s, Renoir´s, Monet´s and Manet´s masterpieces. I´ve choosen these scenes because I´m very fond of painting, and because I love Richard Armitage. Music: "Go Gently" by Suzanne Ciani. *************** This video is made purely for entertainment and the copyrights belong to the artists, painters, production companies and other people involved in making that work. No copyright infringement intended and I gain no profit from it.
The Impressionists
The Impressionists. Documentary series on A&E I was Grip and Electric for....
published: 14 Jan 2011
Author: SidhartaP
The Impressionists
The Impressionists. Documentary series on A&E I was Grip and Electric for.
Matthew Collings :: Impressionism, Revenge of the Nice 1/10
Matthew Collings :: Impressionism, Revenge of the Nice 1/10...
published: 13 Dec 2007
Author: CollingsShrine
Matthew Collings :: Impressionism, Revenge of the Nice 1/10
Matthew Collings :: Impressionism, Revenge of the Nice 1/10
Impressionist Painting 1850-1900
A quick walk through to impressionism...
published: 15 Aug 2011
Author: whitelip1
Impressionist Painting 1850-1900
A quick walk through to impressionism
Britains got talent - Mike the impressionist
Mike Garbutt , another man impressing the judges with a comedy impression act and sailing ...
published: 13 Jun 2007
Author: samvjv
Britains got talent - Mike the impressionist
Mike Garbutt , another man impressing the judges with a comedy impression act and sailing through to the next round.
Impressionism is a 19th-century art movement that originated with a group of Paris-based a...
published: 05 Jul 2012
Author: valsartdiary
Impressionism is a 19th-century art movement that originated with a group of Paris-based artists. Their independent exhibitions brought them to prominence during the 1870s and 1880s, in spite of harsh opposition from the conventional art community in France. The name of the style derives from the title of a Claude Monet work, Impression, soleil levant (Impression, Sunrise), which provoked the critic Louis Leroy to coin the term in a satiric review published in the Parisian newspaper Le Charivari. Impressionist painting characteristics include Relatively small, thin, yet visible brush strokes Open composition Emphasis on accurate depiction of light in its changing qualities (often accentuating the effects of the passage of time) Common, ordinary subject matter Inclusion of movement as a crucial element of human perception and experience Unusual visual angles The development of Impressionism in the visual arts was soon followed by analogous styles in other media that became known as Impressionist music and Impressionist literature. Impressionism is a 19th century artistic movement. In 1874, a group of artists called the Anonymous Society of Painters, Sculptors, Printmakers, etc. organized an exhibition in Paris that started the movement called Impressionism. The main man was Claude Monet. The first impressionistic exhibit had critical reviews from arts critics. Cezanne and Monet received the harshest reviews by art critic Louis Leroy. Le Charivari newspaper published the <b>...</b>
Claude Monet: Inventing Impressionism
Emma reports on the life and work of Claude Oscar Monet. The video includes many of Monet&...
published: 26 Nov 2007
Author: joshfreedman
Claude Monet: Inventing Impressionism
Emma reports on the life and work of Claude Oscar Monet. The video includes many of Monet's paintings with music and narration. Music from amclassical.com Bach: Prelude in C major, BWV 846a Haydn: Rondo from Piano Sonata 58 Mozart: Piano Sonata, K. 545, mvt. 3 Photos from Wikkipedia, p.giroud.free.fr, and www.ibiblio.org/wm/
Art History Genres : What Is Post Impressionism?
Post Impressionism took place after the first round of Avant-garde artists, who coined Imp...
published: 19 May 2009
Author: eHow
Art History Genres : What Is Post Impressionism?
Post Impressionism took place after the first round of Avant-garde artists, who coined Impressionism, and it consisted of more emotional, symbolic and analytical paintings. Understand post-impressionism with information from an art historian, critic and curator in this free video on art. Expert: Dr. Betty Ann Brown Contact: www.midmarchartspress.org Bio: Betty Ann Brown is an art historian, critic and curator. Filmmaker: Jared Drake
Impressionism / Post-Impressionism Lecture
Overview lecture on Impressionism and Post-Impressionism...
published: 03 Jul 2008
Author: mrkblogger
Impressionism / Post-Impressionism Lecture
Overview lecture on Impressionism and Post-Impressionism
The Impressionist (work in progress) Long Trailer
This trailer was made while the miniseries was still bing made the picture is still ungrad...
published: 27 Nov 2006
Author: ech0base
The Impressionist (work in progress) Long Trailer
This trailer was made while the miniseries was still bing made the picture is still ungraded, the sond unmixed and the music itself is from other movies. It also contains shots and scenes which were eventually taken off the final cut (Monet screaming, various lines from old Monet... and a steam train from the wrong period, just to mention a few). It is devided in varous sections: one about Monet, one about Manet, Degas and Cezanne
Claude Debussy La Mer - Peter Bay (Raw)
www.debussypiano.com This is the first attempt at a timeline for the recent tapings with A...
published: 24 May 2009
Author: piano4film
Claude Debussy La Mer - Peter Bay (Raw)
www.debussypiano.com This is the first attempt at a timeline for the recent tapings with ASO Conductor Peter Bay. This is copyright, may appear in my documentary film and is subject to more editing. I plan to add more sea, score, and Debussy scenes. Any ideas are appreciated.
Vimeo results:
Starry Night (interactive animation)
A try to visualize the flow of the famous painting "Starry Night" of Vincent Van Gogh.
published: 09 Feb 2012
Author: Petros Vrellis
Starry Night (interactive animation)
A try to visualize the flow of the famous painting "Starry Night" of Vincent Van Gogh.
The user can interact with the animation. Also, the sound responds to the flow.
Made with openframeworks.
[ UPDATE - feb 20, 2012 ]
Thank you so much for your positive feedback! :)
Due to large number of requests, I am currently working on porting this application to iPad and android.
[ UPDATE - mar 28, 2012 ]
The iPad2 version is ready! You can watch it here: http://vimeo.com/39353818
Available on the app store: itunes.apple.com/us/app/starry-night-interactive-animation/id511943282
Starry Night (interactive animation) for iPad
The famous painting "Starry Night" of Vincent Van Gogh comes to life! Not only you can wat...
published: 28 Mar 2012
Author: Petros Vrellis
Starry Night (interactive animation) for iPad
The famous painting "Starry Night" of Vincent Van Gogh comes to life! Not only you can watch it move, but you can interact with it! Also, the background music responds to the painting's flows.
Available for ipad2 on the app store: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/starry-night-interactive-animation/id511943282
Soon available for android.
Made with openframeworks.
Cardi-Body, from Russia with love...
Cardi-Body & Cardi-Curara...
Depuis quelques mois, les créations automobiles européennes ...
published: 29 Nov 2009
Author: Patrice De Bruyne
Cardi-Body, from Russia with love...
Cardi-Body & Cardi-Curara...
Depuis quelques mois, les créations automobiles européennes (et encore moins américaines) ne me passionnent plus, tant elles me semblent issues d'une sorte d'eugénisme industriel ou la créativité n'est qu'un moyen publicitaire à usage des salons automobiles...
J'ai pourtant vécu quelques moments de bonheur au vu des concepts-cars électriques de Renault (Twizy et Zoe) et Peugeot (la BB1), me demandant pourquoi ces petits bijoux ne servent qu'à faire rêver les rêveurs... alors qu'une mise en production ne devrait pas être plus complexe que de fabriquer les petites horreurs re-stylées qu'on nous sert et ressert à grands coups de battages médiatiques distillant de vaines promesses et espoirs...
Ca fait longtemps que sous des faux principes sécuritaires, les Etats Européens détournent le sacro-saint principe de la liberté d'acheter et vendre partout..., un des piliers de la Communauté Européenne, que tous les Etats membres s'échinent à contourner en créant de multiples contraintes et obligations qui s'avèrent bien pires et plus sournoises que les taxations douanières qui servaient de barrières...
A force de taxer et de contraindre le monde de l'automobile est devenu gris et sans véritable saveur, robotisé, quasi uniforme et les automobiles qui sortent du lot, comme les Ferrailleries et Porscheries jusqu'à l'indigestion, ne sont que des arnaques bien plus sophistiquées que leurs mécaniques, vendues non plus par rapport à ce qu'elles ont couté, mais en fonction de ce que les cibles sélectionnées peuvent payer pour leur soif de paraître et pour étancher leur égo...
Il n'y a plus de véritable passion dans ces calculs sordides si ce n'est celle que doit procurer un hold-up réussi, sachant que les crétins qui se sont à la fois fait piéger et se sont piégés eux-mêmes, devront continuer à payer des sommes mirobolantes pour entretenir l'objet de leurs désirs inventés...
C'est cela, également, qui a détruit irrémédiablement les nombreux créateurs et petits industriels automobiles, qui inventaient et fabriquaient des voitures totalement hors-normes, en petites séries.
Certes, ces réalisations artisanales n'étaient pas toutes exceptionnelles, loin de là, beaucoup étaient d'horribles petits canards déformés, des engins apocalyptiques ou des retours aux sources, parfois complexes, souvent faciles et désuets..., mais, en tous les cas, c'était du rêve plus ou moins accessible.
Le plus grand succès commercial de ce type d'engin, furent les répliques, il y en eut d'extraordinaires, mais bien plus d'abominables..., les "Cobra" arrivant à réunir ces deux extrèmes, vers le top-niveau avec les "continuations " AC MKIV et Shelby'revival CSX4000 series..., les Arntz et Dax..., puis, descendant vers le pire avec les Pilgrim 4 et 6 cylindres et surtout les Scobra montées maladroitement sur des chassis de VW coccinnelle en conservant le flat-four arrière...
Il n'empèche, que même si cela faisait rire, les moins lotis de la vie pouvaient ainsi jouer à faire "comme-si " ils étaient riches...
Les complications administratives délibérées, les obligations de contrôle technique, les homologations et attestations de toutes sortes, les sur-taxations, la mise en place de nos sociétés hyper-policées imposant les diktats du Nouvel Ordre Mondial par "une stratégie de la peur "... et les principes appliqués de la tolérance zéro pour tout (et n'importe quoi)..., ont peu à peu dégouté les "ceusses " (les petits constructeurs) qui continuaient à vouloir jouer dans la cour des grands (les grandes marques automobiles)... et comme les lois en matière d'homologation et d'immatriculation sont devenues drastiques et incontournables, tous ces engins, catalogués "Kit-Cars " à défaut d'être reconnus comme vraies marques individualistes..., sont devenus quasi inutilisables et in-revendables...
Le manque de moyens financiers a dès-lors tué cette industrie qui a du se reconvertir dans la fabrication de pièces "tuning " et/ou dans la construction d'engins "aux-normes ", forcément infiniment plus chers, donc peu concurrentiels avec les voitures "de niche " des grands constructeurs...
La crise de 2008 a terminé d'achever les plus faibles, quoique certains irréductibles créatifs survivent encore...
C'est de Russie que vient une sorte de renouveau, mais aucun média automobile occidental n'en cause parce que les journaleux "de chez nous " ne se déplacent que si les voyages sont pré-payés, avec cadeaux à la clé et reportages pré-machés.
Notez qu'à la lecture de mes articles, beaucoup se mettent à publier quelques infos et photos...
Vous avez pu le constater avec l'article en 4 parties sur les Marussia B1, B2, B3 et B4..., aucun magazine n'en a jamais "parlé " véritablement, sinon sous forme d'entre-filets méprisants...
Et pourtant, avec un prix de 70.000 euros, par rapport à ce que les ténors du haut de gamme occidental pro
LOVE HOTEL by Frank De Mulder and Michèle Van Damme
Love Hotel is an artwork 210 x 180 cm by Frank De Mulder & Michèle Van Damme
published: 06 Dec 2010
Author: frank de mulder photographer
LOVE HOTEL by Frank De Mulder and Michèle Van Damme
Love Hotel is an artwork 210 x 180 cm by Frank De Mulder & Michèle Van Damme
http://www.frankdemulder.com/fineart/010.html (read the story in 5 languages)
The aim was to make a picture about sexual fantasies.
At first sight one can see an impressionant building constructed on water but when you come closer "different" views are revealed...
The Love Hotel, a photographic peepshow
Who wouldn’t want to be a fly on a wall? To have the ability to be inside all the different rooms of an apartment building? With this concept photographer Frank De Mulder presents us with a new piece of art, that a copy of has already been placed in the CODA museum in Apeldoorn in Holland. A nice “icing on the cake” for the renowned photographer.
FDM: “One night I drove into the city of Gent. From the bridge I was on, I had a view of various different apartments. All of them featured flickers of light here and there and I realized how interesting it would be at that point to witness a sex scene in progress. From there the idea grew to portray a hotel with snapshots of the array of possible kinky scenes in each room. In the end, this idea really resulted in a bundle of vibrant love scenes that you can observe while satisfying an underlying guilty pleasure.”
JV: What story does The Love Hotel describe/tell?
FDM: “The attention is first drawn towards the beautiful architecture: a semi-open concrete construction houses the rooms that are presented as display windows. The building is mounted on the water, and only connected to the “real world” by means of a narrow bridge. This way we created an almost untouchable world. Comparable to our own dream world, which isn’t real either, only connected to our conscience by means of a little string. And let’s not forget the fancy cars in the garage that – in a very cliché way – fit together with the beautiful women.”
JV: At first sight, the picture could put you on the wrong foot. Why is that?
FDM: “From a distance it is mainly the extraordinary architecture of the building and its enchanting surroundings that catch the eye. When you approach the picture, the different rooms become clearer. These rooms reveal a sort of peepshow. My associate Michèle Van Damme and I deliberately decided the hotel should be portrayed by night. Our aim was to showcase as much diversity in sexual behavior as possible; each room was given the look of an innocent window display. I like to surprise people (smiles).”
JV: How did you create this?
FDM: “We started with a blank sheet of paper. Fantasy was our guide. The architect Benny Govaert (of Govaert & Vanhoutte Architects) designed the non-existent building specifically for this project. Subsequently the architect and his 3D assistant Michael Lammens designed a room. We then rebuilt this room in the studio where the real production work started. We created the scenes, casted the models, etc. Unfortunately however, we later learned that the work could not be shown in a smaller size and it required a format of at least 220 x 180 cm. We hadn’t foreseen that this would become a very difficult task technically. We were wrong.
JV: The artwork was given the name ‘The Love Hotel’. Can we talk about love here?
FDM: “I longed for a sexual piece of art that showed passion, indulgence and variation. That is why the hotel showcases love scenes in all regards, both physically and emotionally. In one room you see a man sensually placing a necklace around his wife’s neck. In another, two women are lovingly kissing each other. The Love Hotel shows sex as it is; an everyday happening in all its glory. There’s the hooker awaiting her client in the red light district, the exhibitionist woman who reveals herself in front of her apartment window. Or there’s even the man and woman who are passionately making love. All these characters are part of The Love Hotel. All these characters are part of life.
JV: Compared to your other work, this piece of art is more sexual. Don’t you agree?
FDM: “That is correct, but because the pictures are so small it is more acceptable. I would never publish the rooms as enlarged photos. The sex has a function, comparable to functional sex in a movie. Voyeurism is central in this work. It’s an aspect you can see in the actual structure of the building. The colours encourage people to look. The rooms’ light draws you in by themselves.”
JV: It’s a real colouring book. Why?
FDM: “My whole career has been mainly based on black & white photography. Now that I chose colour, I wanted to go all the way. Together with Michèle, we decided to go over the top. This resulted in a large colour pallet.
JV: Are you happy about the result?
FDM: “It’s wonderful to see the first reactions. “What a wonderful piece of architecture, built on the water and with beautiful colours.” And when they approach, they see the different scenes in the rooms. It’s great to see the astonishment
Youtube results:
The Impressionists - Fontainebleau Clip
Looking back on his life in 1920, Claude Monet recalls the story of the Impressionists -- ...
published: 17 Nov 2006
Author: kochvision
The Impressionists - Fontainebleau Clip
Looking back on his life in 1920, Claude Monet recalls the story of the Impressionists -- a movement that shook the foundation of the art world. With his fellow painters, Auguste Renoir and Frederic Bazille, they begin a forty year struggle against the Salon, the annual state art exhibition. From meeting his hero Edouard Manet to the death of his wife and his lifelong struggles for success, Monet along with his friends and rivals ultimately find the success that they only dreamed was possible. Details at www.kochvision.com
The Impressionists BBC (Part 3)
This is the third and last part of this great storie. Here we can find Monet´s, Ceza...
published: 28 Feb 2008
Author: BurnVillage
The Impressionists BBC (Part 3)
This is the third and last part of this great storie. Here we can find Monet´s, Cezanne´s and other masterpieces. And Richard Armitage plays really well as always. Music from:First Knight and Marco Polo *********** This video is purely fan made and I do hold any copyrights for the movie, clips, song, music etc used in this video. The copyrights belong to the artists, production companies, musicians or other people who were involved in making that work. This video was done purely for entertainment and I gain no profit from it and no copyright infringement intended.
published: 13 Jun 2008
Author: carmenpaco
Rob Magnotti does impressions of ... everyone!...
published: 17 May 2007
Author: zenje
Rob Magnotti does impressions of ... everyone!