
Boston's Big Dig
The Central Artery/Tunnel Project (CA/T), known unofficially as the Big Dig, was a megapro...
published: 22 Feb 2012
Boston's Big Dig
The Central Artery/Tunnel Project (CA/T), known unofficially as the Big Dig, was a megaproject in Boston that rerouted the Central Artery (Interstate 93), the chief highway through the heart of the city, into a 3.5-mile (5.6-km) tunnel. The project also included the construction of the Ted Williams Tunnel (extending Interstate 90 to Logan International Airport), the Leonard P. Zakim Bunker Hill Memorial Bridge over the Charles River, and the Rose Kennedy Greenway in the space vacated by the previous I-93 elevated roadway. Initially, the plan was also to include a rail connection between Boston's two major train terminals. The project concluded on December 31, 2007, when the partnership between the program manager and the Massachusetts Turnpike Authority ended.[1] The Big Dig was the most expensive highway project in the US and was plagued by escalating costs, scheduling overruns, leaks, design flaws, charges of poor execution and use of substandard materials, criminal arrests,[2][3] and even four deaths.[4] The project was scheduled to be completed in 1998[5] at an estimated cost of $2.8 billion (in 1982 dollars, US$6.0 billion adjusted for inflation as of 2006).[6] The project was not completed, however, until December 2007, at a cost of over $14.6 billion ($8.08 billion in 1982 dollars)[6]as of 2006.[7] The Boston Globe estimated that the project will ultimately cost $22 billion, including interest, and that it will not be paid off until 2038.[8] As a result of the <b>...</b>
published: 22 Feb 2012

National Geographic Megastructures - Boston's Big Dig 1
National Geographic Megastructures - Boston's Big Dig 1 Great show I love the part of ...
published: 16 Sep 2011
National Geographic Megastructures - Boston's Big Dig 1
National Geographic Megastructures - Boston's Big Dig 1 Great show I love the part of how to solve the problem.
published: 16 Sep 2011
author: sherifbakr

BOSTON, The Big Dig, South Boston 2002, The Biggest Construction Project in History
I the reason why I filmed The Big Dig and Boston was, it was such a big deal at the time, ...
published: 24 Feb 2011
BOSTON, The Big Dig, South Boston 2002, The Biggest Construction Project in History
I the reason why I filmed The Big Dig and Boston was, it was such a big deal at the time, 1990's, and I didn't see anyone filming it, and I felt people in the future need to see how much the project changed Boston. And what a BIG undertaking it was. And most importantly, at the end of the day, the project came out GREAT! And it accomplished what Ted Kennedy and Tip O'Neil envisioned it would; Make Boston a Premier Seaport City with a thriving Economy and a place people from around the Country and World would like to Visit. So if you are from out of Town; come visit Boston and see for yourself, it's got a lot to offer!
published: 24 Feb 2011
author: JoePractice

Boston MA Big Dig Freeway Tour #1
This is I-93 North to US-1 North back to I-93 South on a late Saturday Afternoon (8/11/07)...
published: 03 Sep 2007
Boston MA Big Dig Freeway Tour #1
This is I-93 North to US-1 North back to I-93 South on a late Saturday Afternoon (8/11/07).
published: 03 Sep 2007
author: Freewayjim

Pretty Big Dig
A dance film that gently illustrates the assimilation of technology. Choreographer/Directo...
published: 21 Jun 2011
Pretty Big Dig
A dance film that gently illustrates the assimilation of technology. Choreographer/Director: Anne Troake Composer: Justin Hayes Equipment Operators: Chris Greeley, Ed Breen, Rick Hunt Producer: Anne Troake Funders: Bravo!FACT
published: 21 Jun 2011
author: bravofact

The Big Dig Appeal
This summer be part of something amazing and support The Big Dig Appeal. Visit thebigdig.o...
published: 06 Jun 2012
The Big Dig Appeal
This summer be part of something amazing and support The Big Dig Appeal. Visit thebigdig.org and watch your support transform the lives of 134000 people in Malawi with safe, clean water. You can also text DIG to 70500 to donate £5. Music-The Cinematic Orchestra - To Build A Home Written by J. Swinscoe, P. France, S. Page, P. Watson Published by Just Isn't Music and Intrigue Music (P) Ninja Tune 2007 Licensed courtesy of Ninja Tune itunes.apple.com
published: 06 Jun 2012
author: WaterAid

Boston's International Place . 2003 2010 , The Big Dig , Rowes Wharf . Joe Practice®
This is some footage that I filmed for my Big Dig Documentary. This footage will give you ...
published: 11 Feb 2011
Boston's International Place . 2003 2010 , The Big Dig , Rowes Wharf . Joe Practice®
This is some footage that I filmed for my Big Dig Documentary. This footage will give you the best look at what it was like in and around Boston's Old i-93 Overhead Highway that ran through the City. You will see the State Street Bank Tower, International Place, Rowes Wharf, One Financial and South Station in 2003. And I'm not certain; but I'm pretty sure, if it wasn't for Tip O'Neil and Ted Kennedy's foresite this project would of never got off the ground and Boston wouldn't have one of the best economies in the country as well as being one of the Top Destination Cities in THE WORLD! I'M PRETTY SURE OF THAT! Once the State allows a World Class Casino to be built in the City, Boston will be the TOP City in the World! No doubt. Why I say that is; we have the Top Universities, Hospitals, Hotels, Restaurants , Sports Teams, Mountains, Beaches, and fishing plus Great Companies to work for. Not to mention great towns and Cities in and around Boston and New England which have everything you need to live a meaningful life. Great People, Great Food. Great Things To Do, What Is Better Then That? I almost forgot, And GREAT LOOKING WOMEN, And I think it would be a Great City to host a World's Fair. Peace Joe
published: 11 Feb 2011
author: JoePractice

Southeast Expressway through Big Dig tunnel to Storrow Drive
A Friday late-morning trip northbound on I-93 (Southeast Expressway) in Boston Massachuset...
published: 01 Feb 2009
Southeast Expressway through Big Dig tunnel to Storrow Drive
A Friday late-morning trip northbound on I-93 (Southeast Expressway) in Boston Massachusetts. This clip begins South of the city on the elevated expressway at Columbia Road in Dorchester, continues through nearly the entire length of the O'Neil tunnel under downtown Boston (Big Dig), before exiting to Westbound Storrow Drive at Leverett Circle.
published: 01 Feb 2009
author: ElmerCat

Boston's Big Dig
A buried highway in Massachusetts many years late trailing huge cost overruns is a big hit...
published: 21 Dec 2011
Boston's Big Dig
A buried highway in Massachusetts many years late trailing huge cost overruns is a big hit with users in spite of the hefty price tag and toll.
published: 21 Dec 2011
author: CBCtv

Big Dig 2009 - 9/26/2009 - West siding excavation
Throughout the spring and summer of 2009, the R&GVRRM has been working very hard to cl...
published: 27 Sep 2009
Big Dig 2009 - 9/26/2009 - West siding excavation
Throughout the spring and summer of 2009, the R&GVRRM has been working very hard to clear the land of equipment and supplies to allow for the excavation to start for the second phase of the install of the R&GVRRM's new siding west of the Livonia, Avon & Lakeville Railroad. In 2008, the museum graded and installed nearly 400 feet of new siding off a newly installed switch in the LA&L's mainline. For 2009, the R&GVRRM hopes to complete the install of an additional 500 feet, but still had a lot of dirt to move on this day. So we see the museum's 1968 Cat D7E dozer hard at work stripping what will amount to 3+ feet in some areas while the museum's Bucyrus-Erie 20-H excavator boxes out the edge of excavation. The R&GVRRM is always looking for new volunteers to come out to help restore, maintain and operate the museum's heavy equipment collection. Interested? Please stop out or visit our website (www.rgvrrm.org) for more information on how to volunteer. We hope you enjoy the video.
published: 27 Sep 2009
author: rgvrrm

First Ride Through Big Dig, Boston MA (March 30, 2003)
My brother and I take our first ride through the newly opened Central Artery Tunnel (CA/T)...
published: 02 Apr 2011
First Ride Through Big Dig, Boston MA (March 30, 2003)
My brother and I take our first ride through the newly opened Central Artery Tunnel (CA/T) along I-93 North, beneath downtown Boston. A brief segment at the end documents our first ride over the Leonard Zakim Memorial Bridge later that evening. Check out Wikipedia's entry on The Big Dig for more information about the project. en.wikipedia.org
published: 02 Apr 2011
author: fingerfactory

BOSTON IRON WORKERS 2001, THE BIG DIG, Local 7 Ironworkers ● JOE PRACTICE Smokin Joe Productions
This is footage from my BIG DIG documentary that I shot in 2001 100 feet under the Freedom...
published: 27 Nov 2009
BOSTON IRON WORKERS 2001, THE BIG DIG, Local 7 Ironworkers ● JOE PRACTICE Smokin Joe Productions
This is footage from my BIG DIG documentary that I shot in 2001 100 feet under the Freedom Trail in the North End of Boston. I have yet to meet harder working people then American Ironworkers.
published: 27 Nov 2009
author: JoePractice

National Geographic Megastructures - Boston's Big Dig 2
National Geographic Megastructures - Boston's Big Dig 2 Great show I love the part of ...
published: 16 Sep 2011
National Geographic Megastructures - Boston's Big Dig 2
National Geographic Megastructures - Boston's Big Dig 2 Great show I love the part of how to solve the problem.
published: 16 Sep 2011
author: sherifbakr
Vimeo results:

Avalanche Skier POV Helmet Cam Burial & Rescue in Haines, Alaska
In April of 2008 I drove from Lake Tahoe to Haines, Alaska up the Al-Can highway through B...
published: 14 Sep 2009
Author: Chappy
Avalanche Skier POV Helmet Cam Burial & Rescue in Haines, Alaska
In April of 2008 I drove from Lake Tahoe to Haines, Alaska up the Al-Can highway through British Columbia and the Yukon with an enclosed 4-snowmobile trailer and a ton of gear. I told myself the year before after a few years of getting "shut out" with heli time, that I wouldn't come back up without snowmobiles....instead of sitting around drinking myself into oblivion on a "down day."
Well thank God we did that because we definitely had down days again right from the get-go. The sledding up at Haines Pass is out of control good. Even staying closer to town like below Old Faithful is great. Can't say enough about how much fun it is to ride snowmobiles up there with no trees.
So the first legit day after that main snow storm cycle, we still went out snowmobiling one more time wanting to let the snow set up a bit more....while another part of our group went up in the bird. Actually two groups went up in the bird, and the first group did all the normal day-after-storm-cycle snow pit and snow quality tests.
The first group decided that while the dangers remained elevated, that it was good to go. They all made some of the sickest pow turns in their lives I was told. The next group then - a couple hundred meters or so over - set up for their descent.
The guy in the video was the first one to drop from their group and while not a guide, he had a lot of Utah and AK backcountry experience. He had a Black Diamond Avalung on, but as you can tell from the video while he's talking as he's dropping in, it wasn't in his mouth to start. He tried to shove it in the instant of starting to get sucked down, but it didn't stay in fully during his ragdoll descent. It was just off to the corner of his mouth he said, and he definitely got some snow / ice in his mouth still.
So as he drops in you can also see the sluff to the skier's right immediately start building....and that's actually the chute that was the intended route down. For whatever reason - well pure, unadulterated powder will do it to you - he didn't go make some strong "skier cuts" into the upper pack to do one final snow check as instructed by the main guide who was doing the "tail gunner" work.
Instead he just sent it. And it didn't take more than a few turns out on this big shoulder above this cliff band to break loose.
This was a decent sized avalanche. 1,500 feet the dude fell in a little over 20 seconds. The crown was about 1 - 1.5m. The chute that he got sucked through to the skier's right was flanked on either side by cliff bands that were about 30m tall. He luckily didn't break any bones and obviously didn't hit anything on the run out.
He was only buried for 4 and a half minutes which is incredibly short. I cannot stress these next sentences enough; that in and of itself to be unburied in ONLY 4:28 is miraculous if you have any understanding of being caught in an avalanche and what it takes to be found. It could literally be some kind of "world record" just on how good the guide and supporting cast of other skiers was in getting to him. It also shows why you should ALWAYS be going with people trained in avalanche rescue / first aid....as well as why you'd want to be going with a guided heli operation. Sure this was terrifying for him, but he would've probably been dead if not for going with a guide.
He also got very lucky to be honest. In the time that he's buried, you can hear his breathing already accelerate. The ruffling noise back and forth is his chest rising and falling and the noise that his jacket makes. The intermittent whimpering noise you hear is him trying to swallow and get some air since the avalung wasn't fully in his mouth and instead just to the corner of his mouth. Still sends chills up the back of my neck. Oh...the luck? They located him so fast because his right glove came off just before he came completley to rest and there was an excellent visual of course.
And then the digging out is utterly amazing. I don't think that you could've paid a Hollywood crew to stage something better. The fact that he could've been facing any 360 direction and yet he's looking right up into the sun-filled blue sky with that first full scoop away of the shovel is borderline spiritual.
This is simply a very sobering and unbelievable video. However, you should take away from this video all the positive things that you can learn from it. Yes there are risks to the backcountry - but with proper gear, training, and guide(s) with avalanche and EMT training - you can greatly lower your chances of getting caught in an avalanche in the first place.....and coming back alive if you ever were to get caught in a slide.
Respect Mother Nature for sure. Learn from this. But just like a Craig Kelly in the snowboard world or a Shane McConkey in the ski world who died out in the backcountry (Craig via avalanche and Shane via ski B.A.S.E. jumping), they left this earth while doing the things that they were truly passionate about. A

Lifestyle Feature - Webb Starr
Last fall, we met up with Webb Starr in Seattle and immediately fell in love with his hard...
published: 04 Feb 2012
Author: MKippen Photography
Lifestyle Feature - Webb Starr
Last fall, we met up with Webb Starr in Seattle and immediately fell in love with his hardcore MK2 VR6. Webb drove this car from California for the Watererks show and we had to get together to do something. Full blog post of the production of this coming to mkippen.com/blog soon.
Big shout out for the original music release produced by Pistol & Müller http://www.facebook.com/PistolandMuller featuring the talented vocals by Mackenzie Thoms http://www.facebook.com/pages/Mackenzie-Thoms/189061214485271 . We are really excited about this partnership and cant wait to feature more from these guys in the future.
Check out Wheel-Whores at http://www.Wheel-Whores.com for awesome sticker packs, tshirts and a community of diehard wheel geeks. Wheel-Whores is excited to announce the release of their new BOSS shirt which pays homage to the old skool BBS concave http://knockingshop.wheel-whores.com/collections/all/products/like-a-boss-t-shirt
Webb would like to thank German Exklusiv car club, Painter Dave at Dave's speed and marine, 1552, Meister Werks, Dub-Nation.com and family and friends.
Thanks to Shawn Walsh for helping with second camera and to Webb for his patience throughout the shoot. Hope you guys dig this vid.

The Earth Beat
Nándor Székely, Miercurea Ciuc, Trail Park
This is Nandi's story of his dream: building ...
published: 01 Aug 2011
Author: Fuel your fire
The Earth Beat
Nándor Székely, Miercurea Ciuc, Trail Park
This is Nandi's story of his dream: building his own dirt park just behind his house, riding with his friends every single day, enjoying bmx at its fullest, teaching us what 'no dig no ride' means... Big applause for Nandi.

Spitting it concrete like the golden sun god;
once i stole a bike, bust its tire, and face...
published: 21 Jul 2010
Author: L Y F
Spitting it concrete like the golden sun god;
once i stole a bike, bust its tire, and faced its owners tears, big kids spitting blood. he busted my deserving head and we fell in love. became my best buddy. so to all those who care, my best friend jamie allan directed this blockbuster, with a whole team behind him, LYF australia, ya dig. mad budget from their faithful pockets. true talents.
true respect and thanks
love you forever
Cassius Clay, Gino Lungs, Jeau Baptiste, Skinny Fists, Kiti Kati Krucifixo, War God and all the other brother lovers and Wu Wyfs of the LYF.
Youtube results:

Big Dig 2009 - 10/6/2009 - West siding excavation using our Cat dozers
Throughout the spring and summer of 2009, the R&GVRRM has been working very hard to cl...
published: 08 Oct 2009
Big Dig 2009 - 10/6/2009 - West siding excavation using our Cat dozers
Throughout the spring and summer of 2009, the R&GVRRM has been working very hard to clear the land of equipment and supplies to allow for the excavation to start for the second phase of the install of the R&GVRRM's new siding west of the Livonia, Avon & Lakeville Railroad. In 2008, the museum graded and installed nearly 400 feet of new siding off a newly installed switch in the LA&L's mainline. For 2009, the R&GVRRM hopes to complete the install of an additional 500 feet, but still had a lot of dirt to move. In this video we see the museum's two large Caterpillar dozers working together in the dirt on this Tuesday evening. We see both the museum's cable blade 1955 D8 (13A) and its hydraulic 1968 D7E. Both units once served the military and are now preserved & operated at the R&GVRRM. The R&GVRRM is always looking for new volunteers to come out to help restore, maintain and operate the museum's heavy equipment collection. Interested? Please stop out or visit our website (www.rgvrrm.org) for more information on how to volunteer. We hope you enjoy the video.
published: 08 Oct 2009
author: rgvrrm

Arthur S05 EP09 PT02 - Just Desserts/The Big Dig
Just Desserts: Arthur has a stomachache after eating too many sweets and has dreams involv...
published: 20 Mar 2011
Arthur S05 EP09 PT02 - Just Desserts/The Big Dig
Just Desserts: Arthur has a stomachache after eating too many sweets and has dreams involving fairy tales made famous by the Brothers Grimm. The Big Dig: Arthur and DW don't want to spend time with Grandpa Dave because all he does is play checkers and sleep. He tells them about a buried family treasure, but the two do not want to wait up for him so they take the map and look for the treasure themselves.
published: 20 Mar 2011
author: s3xym0r3na09