Spencer Tunick: the beauty of group nudity
Spencer Tunick: the beauty of group nudity
Meet the provocative American photographer Spencer Tunick, whose large-scale nude photography installations have challenged prevailing social norms and defined a new way of looking at the human body. Subscribe to our YouTube channel & uploads to get a peek of every new Shamengo pioneer as soon as they appear! Follow us on Facebook facebook.com Twitter twitter.com Google+ plus.google.com Website shamengo.com ******* Shamengo is a cross-media program giving voice to people who care and participate in building a better world. Every week we reveal a video portrait of a Shamengo pioneer who makes a difference through positive action according to one of our four values: - caring for mind and body, - creating with a conscience, - preserving the environment, - taking action to help others. If you identify with the spirit of Shamengo, come meet the rest of our pioneers on our website shamengo.com Have you or do you know anyone who has also intitated a positive world-changing action? You can apply to become one of our 1000 Pioneers of the New World!
Spencer Tunick Miami Photo Shoot
Spencer Tunick Miami Photo Shoot
This was a great experience for me as a participant at the Sagamore Hotel in Miami Beach. As you will see in the video, I was nervous, but it turned out to be fascinating. Spencer Tunick is a world famous photographer and you should look for his other videos.
Anado Mclauchlin and Spencer Tunick at The Chapel of Jimmy Ray
Anado Mclauchlin and Spencer Tunick at The Chapel of Jimmy Ray
A nice talk with Anado Mclauchlin and Spencer Tunick at the Opening of the Chapel of Jimmy Ray with Anado Mclauchlin's Intallations work and Spencer Tunick's photographies. Visit La casa de las Ranas from Anado. Watch it on HD, vote it, Like it or dislike it and please leave your comments. Thank you.
Spencer Tunick at TEDx San Miguel de Allende .MP4
Spencer Tunick at TEDx San Miguel de Allende .MP4
Captured with Sanyo Xacti from the 12th row of the theatre, Spencer Tunick presents a short montage at TEDx San Miguel De Allende August 6th 2011, showing the making of his installations at El Charco del Ingenio botanical gardens. The audience reaction adds to the atmosphere and I guess most of us who posed for Spencer last week were probably there in his audience today ! The original (as seen on the theatre screen) from TEDx can be watched at - - youtube.com/watch?v=SzBKTl2ylZc
Spencer Tunick Comes to Israel to Create "Naked Sea"
Spencer Tunick Comes to Israel to Create "Naked Sea"
Spencer Tunick, American photographer renowned for his photos of groups of nudes shot at locations around the world, came to Israel recently to shoot "Naked Sea" at the Dead Sea. Over 1000 volunteers posed naked, not only to help create unforgettable photos, but to help Tunick publicize the plight of the Dead Sea's falling water levels. As well, Tunick hoped the event will help the Dead Sea win the New Seven Wonders of the World contest, which would further make known the potential dangers to the Dead Sea's beauty. - by Harvey Stein
Thousands Strip For Nude Spencer Tunick Photo In Sydney_ Australia
Thousands Strip For Nude Spencer Tunick Photo In Sydney_ Australia
FLV file
Spencer Tunick Sydney Opera House (Lynchy from The Shambles on The Circle)
Spencer Tunick Sydney Opera House (Lynchy from The Shambles on The Circle)
Sydney Opera House - world famous photographer Spencer Tunick has had the city of Sydney strip down to nothing in the name of art! Comedian Sean Lynch (from The Shambles) covers the event for Channel 10s "The Circle" starring Chrissie Swan, Yumi Stynes, Denise Drysdale and Gorgi Coghlan
TEDxSanMigueldeAllende - Spencer Tunick - Body Moving Change
TEDxSanMigueldeAllende - Spencer Tunick - Body Moving Change
Artist Spencer Tunick has been documenting the live nude figure in public, with photography and video, since 1992. Since 1994 he has organized over 75 temporary site-specific installations in the United States and abroad. Tunick's installations encompass dozens, hundreds or thousands of volunteers; and his photographs are records of these events. The individuals en masse, without their clothing, grouped together metamorphose into a new shape. The bodies extend into and upon the landscape, like a substance. These grouped masses which do not underscore sexuality become abstractions that challenge or reconfigure one's views of nudity and privacy. The work also refers to the complex issue of presenting art in permanent or temporary public spaces. spencertunick.com AboutTEDx, x = independently organized event In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)
Politica Chanel 1 Spencer Tunick & Ari Gottesmann
Politica Chanel 1 Spencer Tunick & Ari Gottesmann
Debate on Channel 1 - Is Nudity Art or Pornography?
Spencer Tunick photographs thousands during Dead Sea sunrise
Spencer Tunick photographs thousands during Dead Sea sunrise
Dead Sea (Israel), 19 Sep (EFE), (Camera: Antonio Pita).- American artist Spencer Tunick, famous for his collective nude art, photographed thousands of naked people at sunrise on the Israeli banks of the Dead Sea, the lowest point on Earth at over 400 metres below sea level.
Naked Sea - Spencer Tunick shot at the dead sea september 2011
Naked Sea - Spencer Tunick shot at the dead sea september 2011
September 17th 2011, Sunrise, mineral beach Dead sea, israel As there was no way to be in the shot if you are not on the list...sadly we shot from a nearby place and didn't participate. It was magical. photographed by ravid barash and micky malka edited by ravid barash
Spencer Tunick
Spencer Tunick
An interview with artist Spencer Tunick at the Sagamore Hotel. Spencer talked to us about his latest art installation, which took place at the Sagamore.
Spencer Tunick en México. Desnudo colectivo mayo 2007
Spencer Tunick en México. Desnudo colectivo mayo 2007
14 mil pesonas se dieron cita en el Zñocalo de la Ciudad de México para participar en el desnudo colectivo Video: Francisco Sinuhé Caballero y Rodolfo González Ortega
Over 1000 people strip off at Israel's Dead Sea for artist Spencer Tunick
Over 1000 people strip off at Israel's Dead Sea for artist Spencer Tunick
GalleryBeat@BM Features Kristin Bowler & Spencer Tunick
GalleryBeat@BM Features Kristin Bowler & Spencer Tunick
Married With Children (or The KRISSY SHOW) - Kristin and Spencer have been together since 1994 and we discuss our long ties with GalleryBeat and regale the audience with tales of hooking up, and taking it on the road. their unique bond as the Lollapalooza of partners/artists/parents. CHECK OUT SPENCER'S www.spencertunick.com to see updates. Part of the live COOKING WITH GALLERYBEAT @ THE BROOKLYN MUSEUM. Part 3. Directed by Paul HO, and Produced by Paul and Dr. Lisa, with Samantha Schlaifer and the PR Dept. of the Brooklyn Museum