The Vaccine Song
A song about vaccines. What would old-timey folks think about vaccination? If they knew th...
published: 17 May 2010
Author: brainwarmups
The Vaccine Song
A song about vaccines. What would old-timey folks think about vaccination? If they knew then what we know now, what would they choose to do?
Lethal Injection: The Story Of Vaccination
Part 1 The definitive look into the history of vaccination. From cancer, to autism, to the...
published: 30 Sep 2011
Author: TheCorporationNation
Lethal Injection: The Story Of Vaccination
Part 1 The definitive look into the history of vaccination. From cancer, to autism, to the purposeful sterilization of innocent people around the globe, find out why all of these things are perfectly legal according to US CODE - why the government considers you no different than cattle in their own law. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to please download and re-post this video to every website possible. Make DVDs and place your activist group name on the menu. Edit pieces and Rickroll YouTube with vaccine truth! This is public domain, and no permission is needed to copy, reproduce, and give away this video and information. - Clint Richardson-
Child Vaccinations - The Doctors Debate
Subscribe to The Doctors: bitly.com LIKE us on Facebook: bitly.com Follow us on Twitter: b...
published: 03 Dec 2008
Author: thedoctorstv
Child Vaccinations - The Doctors Debate
Subscribe to The Doctors: bitly.com LIKE us on Facebook: bitly.com Follow us on Twitter: bitly.com For more, visit: thedoctorstv.com The Doctors debate As measles make a nationwide comeback, are parents who refuse to vaccinate their children contributing to the problem? Or are the vaccinations more dangerous than the disease itself? Barbara Loe Fisher, co-founder and president of the National Vaccine Information Center, shares the toll a vaccination allegedly took on her son Chris, who immediately after being vaccinated with a DPT shot suffered a convulsion, went into shock and lost consciousness. He was later diagnosed with brain damage and attention-deficit disorder. This video will show you: HOW TO discuss child vaccination HOW TO talk to your doctor HOW TO ask medical questions
New Film Destroys Vaccine Hoax
On the Wednesday, June 27 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks with Leslie Manookian...
published: 28 Jun 2012
Author: TheAlexJonesChannel
New Film Destroys Vaccine Hoax
On the Wednesday, June 27 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks with Leslie Manookian, writer and producer of the award winning film The Greater Good, a documentary that questions government vaccination policies. The film is now available on DVD at the Infowars Store. Manookian was a successful Wall Street business executive who once worked for Goldman Sachs before turning to films. www.greatergoodmovie.org www.infowarsshop.com The Greater Good Your Price: $19.95 The Greater Good is an award winning film by Leslie Manookian, Kendall Nelson and Chris Pilaro that goes beyond the fear, hype and politics that have polarized the vaccine debate. The film re-frames this emotionally charged issue and offers, for the first time, the opportunity for a rational and scientific discussion on how to create a safer and more effective vaccine program. www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv twitter.com www.facebook.com [Check out Alex's New Social Network-'Planet Infowars' planet.infowars.com Get all your Youngevity Products such as Beyond Tangy Tangerine, the Alex Pack and Pollen Burst. These supplements are a great way to get your essentials vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and other beneficial nutrients www.infowarsteam.com [[[ProPur Water Filtration]]] www.infowarsshop.com
Vaccine's Safety: A Crime Against Humanity
Dr. Sherri J Tenpenny warns about the perils of vaccination...
published: 07 Nov 2011
Author: GaryNullTV
Vaccine's Safety: A Crime Against Humanity
Dr. Sherri J Tenpenny warns about the perils of vaccination
Should You Get the HPV Vaccine?
Dr. Mike Evans www.myfavouritemedicine.com and the Campaign to Control Cancer http are ver...
published: 03 Oct 2012
Author: DocMikeEvans
Should You Get the HPV Vaccine?
Dr. Mike Evans www.myfavouritemedicine.com and the Campaign to Control Cancer http are very proud to launch a new video explaining the facts behind the HPV vaccination. "There is a lot of conflicting information out there, we want to present the facts in a simple way allowing people to make their own decision" Dr. Mike Evans twitter.com www.facebook.com Dr. Mike Evans is founder of the Health Design Lab at the Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute, an Associate Professor of Family Medicine and Public Health at the University of Toronto, and a staff physician at St. Michael's Hospital. Written and Narrated by Dr. Mike Evans Executive Producer, Dr. Mike Evans Illustrations by Liisa Sorsa Produced, Directed, and Photographed by Nick De Pencier Editor, David Schmidt Story/Graphic Facilitator, Disa Kauk Whiteboard Construction, James Vanderkleyn Production Assistant, Chris Niesing Script Consultant, Hilary Cousins ©2012 Michael Evans and Mercury Films Inc.
Penn and Teller on Vaccinations
published: 20 Aug 2010
Author: loosernumber5
Penn and Teller on Vaccinations
Vaccination deniers - KILL CHILDREN - Bill Gates.
antitheist-atheist.blogspot.co.uk Vaccination deniers kill children. Bill Gates. Dr Wakefi...
published: 07 Feb 2012
Author: lowcoststart
Vaccination deniers - KILL CHILDREN - Bill Gates.
antitheist-atheist.blogspot.co.uk Vaccination deniers kill children. Bill Gates. Dr Wakefield was commissioned by a law firm to produce a paper indicating a link, he acted totally fraudulently to produce bogus results, and the lie started that the MMR jabs were unsafe. Vaccinations HAVE NOT been proven to be linked in anyway despite test after test carried out by medical professionals. Parents not vaccinating their children are negligent and a danger to their children and others. www.antitheists.co.uk http
Vaccination Conspiracy: Biological weapons for depopulation and keeping people sick for Big Pharma
Did you know that ALL Vaccinations cause far more immediate and long term neurological and...
published: 12 Aug 2012
Author: pleiadiantalk
Vaccination Conspiracy: Biological weapons for depopulation and keeping people sick for Big Pharma
Did you know that ALL Vaccinations cause far more immediate and long term neurological and physiological dangers to children than the disease its supposed to cure? There is Now an Abundance of Conclusive Scientific Proof that this is the Case. It is every parent's responsibility to protect all aspects of our children's welfare. Therefore it's also our responsibility to know everything that keeps them safe and well. This is the shocking but extremely informative video documentary Vaccination - The Hidden Truth (1998) where fifteen people, including Dr. Viera Scheibner (a PhD researcher), five medical doctors, and other researchers, reveal what is really going on in relation to illness and vaccines. Ironically, the important facts come from orthodox medicine's own peer-reviewed research. With so much government and medical promotion of vaccination for prevention of disease, the video is clearly devoted to presenting the other side of the issue that parents and others are not being told. The result is a damning account of the ineffectiveness of vaccines and their often harmful effects. David Ayoub, MD outlines the link between mercury and autism as well its connections to "National Security Study Memorandum 200"; for population control Mercury is still being added to vaccines at completely unsafe levels considering the fact that it is a known neuro-toxin. A recent study undertaken by the University of Calgary unveiled concrete evidence that mercury ions alter the cell <b>...</b>
Veteran force vaccinated after arrest at Bilderberg
Forced shots! Show your support by joining Press For Truth TV: pressfortruth.tv We receive...
published: 01 Jun 2012
Author: weavingspider
Veteran force vaccinated after arrest at Bilderberg
Forced shots! Show your support by joining Press For Truth TV: pressfortruth.tv We receive no sponsorships or funding from anyone and rely on you the viewer to help us continue to do this work. With your help I can continue to make videos and documentary films for youtube that are raising awareness all over the world. Please support independent media by joining Press For Truth TV! As a Press For Truth TV subscriber you'll have full access to the site's features and content including Daily Video Blogs on current news from the PFT perspective and High Quality Downloads of all Press For Truth Films, Music and Special Reports! Subscribe to Press For Truth TV: pressfortruth.tv For more information visit: pressfortruth.tv I will continue to work tirelessly at exposing the global elite and their plans for a new world order. Thank you for your support. Dan Dicks - Founder of Press For Truth www.facebook.com www.youtube.com twitter.com pressfortruth.ca
Forced Vaccinations and the Death of Health Freedom
CONTINUE WATCHING: ur1.ca TRANSCRIPT AND SOURCES: www.corbettreport.com Nothing could be m...
published: 17 Jul 2012
Author: corbettreport
Forced Vaccinations and the Death of Health Freedom
CONTINUE WATCHING: ur1.ca TRANSCRIPT AND SOURCES: www.corbettreport.com Nothing could be more antithetical to the very idea of individual freedom than to have governments telling us that we must put some substance in our bodies. Without ownership of our body and the attendant right to refuse this or that medicine as we see fit, we are nothing more than slaves of the state. This is a principle that has been long understood. But the reasons against mandating medical treatments rest on practicalities as much as ideal. The plain fact is that even if we can trust that governments only ever work in the interest of the people and not the medical-industrial lobby that pumps billions of dollars a year into Washington, DC, they are still prone to error and thus their medical judgements should never be mandated on the public. As Thomas Jefferson wrote in his "Notes on the State of Virginia": "Was the government to prescribe to us our medicine and diet, our bodies would be in such keeping as our souls are now. Thus in France the emetic was once forbidden as a medicine, and the potato as an article of food. [...] It is error alone which needs the support of government. Truth can stand by itself." Most of these points are intrinsically understood by the population without need of explanation. If the government were to come out tomorrow and mandate the eating of broccoli to be enforced by door to door visits by the police, there would be outrage, and rightly so. Yet somehow, when it <b>...</b>
Shocking Testimonies About Vaccines! NWO Depopulation Agenda? Shame on MSM!
whynotnews.eu ~New June 2012 Mass Vaccination Propaganda Exposed!: youtu.be ~subscribe: yo...
published: 03 Jun 2012
Author: women4truth
Shocking Testimonies About Vaccines! NWO Depopulation Agenda? Shame on MSM!
whynotnews.eu ~New June 2012 Mass Vaccination Propaganda Exposed!: youtu.be ~subscribe: youtube.com ~reupload from: youtube.com whynotnews.eu projectavalon.net Please share and re-post as much as you can. Shocking and brilliant testimony about the dangers of childhood vaccinations given to the United States government by concern citizens. On June 26, 2011 - these courageous (concerned) citizens came together in support of H1055 - a bill proposing to add "parent choice" to the options on whether your child should receive a vaccination or not. This is a human rights issue. We MUST raise awareness about this issue - watch this video NOW and SHARE IT with your friends and family - immediately! (thank you) A special thank you to the "University" channel on the Natural news website for this video....Thank you. women4truth.whynotnews.eu
The Dangers of the HPV vaccines Gardasil & Cervarix (HPV Vaccination side effects Cervical Cancer)
Gardasil and Cervarix, the two vaccines against cervical cancer are heavily promoted throu...
published: 04 Aug 2012
Author: HealthRanger7
The Dangers of the HPV vaccines Gardasil & Cervarix (HPV Vaccination side effects Cervical Cancer)
Gardasil and Cervarix, the two vaccines against cervical cancer are heavily promoted through doctors, social media and publicity campaigns and are offered to girls ánd boys ages 9 through 26. The HPV vaccination consists of three shots over 6 months. Millions of girls have already been vaccinate...
Vaccination: some interesting facts
Vaccination comes from the word vacca, which in Latin means cow. It is so named because th...
published: 15 Jul 2012
Author: FactXTract
Vaccination: some interesting facts
Vaccination comes from the word vacca, which in Latin means cow. It is so named because the first vaccine was derived from a virus affecting cows. The first rabies immunization was given by Louis Pasteur to a child after he was bitten by a rabid dog. Pasteur produced the vaccine for rabies by growing the virus in rabbits. The World Health Organization (WHO) coordinated a global effort to eradicate smallpox. The last case of smallpox took place in Somalia in 1977. A 1998 paper by Andrew Wakefield, published in The Lancet, linked the MMR Vaccine (measles, mumps and rubella) to autism. The article was partially retracted in 2004 by Wakefield's co-authors, and was fully retracted by The Lancet in 2010. Numerous physicians have made statements tying Wakefield's fraudulent actions to various epidemics and deaths, and a 2011 journal article described the vaccine-autism connection as "the most damaging medical hoax of the last 100 years". --- To see more interesting facts about other interesting topics, please subscribe to our channel: bit.ly and Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com --- Disclaimer: We believe all the images used in this video, qualify under fair use. If you believe your image/media has been used improperly, please send us a message at info-at-factxtract-dot-com and we will investigate it. Websites: en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org Images: en.wikipedia.org upload.wikimedia.org CC upload.wikimedia.org upload.wikimedia.org upload.wikimedia.org upload.wikimedia.org <b>...</b>
Youtube results:
"Flab Jab" Obesity Vaccine
As if we didn't have enough vaccines as it is, someone is working on making a Flab Jab...
published: 13 Jul 2012
Author: thetruthergirls
"Flab Jab" Obesity Vaccine
As if we didn't have enough vaccines as it is, someone is working on making a Flab Jab that will let you 'gorge on junkfood yet keep trim'! Somehow, this doesn't sound like a good thing to me. And while vaccines for every human mental and emotional condition are being developed, new propaganda tools are being rolled out for the kids to remind them that vaccines are fun! I feel like I'm living in a weird dream. www.dailymail.co.uk www.dailymail.co.uk Monster Candy Vaccine thesurfingpizza.com Picture of vaccine candy: www.google.ca www.policeone.com www.theeasywaytostopsmoking.com www.cbsnews.com io9.com
Jane Burgermeister - pandemic update 25 June 2012
Jane Bürgermeister's blog: birdflu666.wordpress.com Hundreds of reports have appe...
published: 25 Jun 2012
Author: monitorpolski
Jane Burgermeister - pandemic update 25 June 2012
Jane Bürgermeister's blog: birdflu666.wordpress.com Hundreds of reports have appeared in the mainstream media in the past couple of days hyping the danger of a new bioengineered bird flu virus which is transmissible between humans as the Globalists try to condition humanity to accept a new pandemic emergency and a mass vaccination campaign with a toxic pandemic jab. http www.telegraph.co.uk Yet again, the people of the world are facing the monolithic threat of a mass vaccination campaign with a pandemic vaccine now proven beyond a doubt to cause harm. In 2011, the danger of a new pandemic emergency declaration was increased when Big Pharma was allowed to get significant control of the WHO pandemic virus warning system. www.gsk.com In a clear conflict of interest, Big Pharma is now in a perfect position to hype a new virus and also call for speedy vaccinations which the drugs companies also stand to profit the most from. In 2009, Baxter created a similar type of deadly bioweapon when it contaminated 72 kilos of the transmissible seasonal flu with the deadly bird flu virus in its biosecurity level 3 facilities in Orth an der Donau and sent it to 16 labs in four countries. A police investigation was halted in September 2009 just before a mass pandemic vaccination campaign with a vaccine now confirmed by the governments of Ireland, Sweden, Finland and Norway to have caused narcolepsy. The way Big Pharma used its financial clout to influence WHO to declare a pandemic emergency <b>...</b>
Nancy Banks on Vaccines
Nancy Banks speaks out on the problems with vaccination. See more in-depth conversations a...
published: 21 Dec 2011
Author: GaryNullTV
Nancy Banks on Vaccines
Nancy Banks speaks out on the problems with vaccination. See more in-depth conversations and investigative reports at garynull.tv
New Mass (mandatory?) Vaccination Propaganda Exposed! - 25 June 2012 update - Jane Burgermeister
whynotnews.eu ~Shocking Testimonies About Vaccines!: youtu.be ~reupload from: youtube.com ...
published: 26 Jun 2012
Author: women4truth
New Mass (mandatory?) Vaccination Propaganda Exposed! - 25 June 2012 update - Jane Burgermeister
whynotnews.eu ~Shocking Testimonies About Vaccines!: youtu.be ~reupload from: youtube.com Jane Bürgermeister's blog: birdflu666.wordpress.com Hundreds of reports have appeared in the mainstream media in the past couple of days hyping the danger of a new bioengineered bird flu virus which is transmissible between humans as the Globalists try to condition humanity to accept a new pandemic emergency and a mass vaccination campaign with a toxic pandemic jab. http & goo.gl Yet again, the people of the world are facing the monolithic threat of a mass vaccination campaign with a pandemic vaccine now proven beyond a doubt to cause harm. In 2011, the danger of a new pandemic emergency declaration was increased when Big Pharma was allowed to get significant control of the WHO pandemic virus warning system. ~more info: goo.gl In a clear conflict of interest, Big Pharma is now in a perfect position to hype a new virus and also call for speedy vaccinations which the drugs companies also stand to profit the most from. In 2009, Baxter created a similar type of deadly bioweapon when it contaminated 72 kilos of the transmissible seasonal flu with the deadly bird flu virus in its biosecurity level 3 facilities in Orth an der Donau and sent it to 16 labs in four countries. A police investigation was halted in September 2009 just before a mass pandemic vaccination campaign with a vaccine now confirmed by the governments of Ireland, Sweden, Finland and Norway to have caused narcolepsy. The <b>...</b>