
"Coke 1944"
"Coke 1944" Directed by: Jeff Jingle www.archenemyfilms.com Camera: Arri by Pana...
published: 07 Apr 2010
Author: F430challenge
"Coke 1944"
"Coke 1944" Directed by: Jeff Jingle www.archenemyfilms.com Camera: Arri by Panavision Optics: Panavision Film: Kodak 5279

D-Day, June 6th 1944
This is a documentary I made about D-Day for my 8th grade school project. It goes through ...
published: 31 Jul 2006
Author: jpkeenan24
D-Day, June 6th 1944
This is a documentary I made about D-Day for my 8th grade school project. It goes through the planning, execution, and impact of that monumental day. In relation to the "largest invasion force question" I based the fact off of this military website: www.militaryhistoryonline.com

Private SNAFU - Booby Traps (1944)
Private Snafu learns about the hazards of enemy booby traps the hard way. This is one of 2...
published: 27 Dec 2007
Author: shaggylocks
Private SNAFU - Booby Traps (1944)
Private Snafu learns about the hazards of enemy booby traps the hard way. This is one of 26 Private SNAFU (Situation Normal, All F***ed Up) cartoons made by the US Army Signal Corps to educate and boost the morale the troops. Originally created by Theodor Geisel (Dr. Seuss) and Phil Eastman, most of the cartoons were produced by Warner Brothers Animation Studios - employing their animators, voice actors (primarily Mel Blanc) and Carl Stalling's music. Production Company: US Army Signal Corps / Warner Brothers

Solid Potato Salad - The Ross Sisters (1944)
Never underestimate a woman who can get both legs behind her head and wrap her feet around...
published: 15 Jul 2008
Author: clotho98
Solid Potato Salad - The Ross Sisters (1944)
Never underestimate a woman who can get both legs behind her head and wrap her feet around her face. (HINT: Watch past the first 45 seconds or so. Whoah!) Solid Potato Salad? No, it's not what you get when you leave the deli container out of the fridge too long. It's a 1940s term for...something (I have no idea what. ) In this classic footage from the movie "Broadway Rhythm" (1944), the Ross sisters, Aggie, Maggie and Elmira, sing and move in ways that don't look humanly possible. Yoga anyone? Movie buffs will recognize the tune as one of the background instrumentals from "The Godfather." It starts out looking like another kitschy 40's tune, but give it a minute. Things get wild! Now if I can just figure out what apples have to do with potato salad... (Extra trivia: While the Ross Sisters are billed in their act as Aggie, Maggie and Elmira Ross, their real-life names were actually Vicki, Dixie and Betsy Ross.)

KSU - 1944
KSU - 1944 Kiedyś dadzą Ci karabin Każą równo stać Kiedy&#...
published: 28 Apr 2010
Author: sekrecik
KSU - 1944
KSU - 1944 Kiedyś dadzą Ci karabin Każą równo stać Kiedyś każą załadować Potem oddać strzał Siłą wpędzą do okopu Błoto wbiją w twarz Potem padnie rozkaz :"Umrzyj!" I skończy się czas Ref.: Rozkaz, rozkaz, idziemy ze śpiewem! Rozkaz, rozkaz, a sztandar powiewa nasz! Tamten frajer z drugiej strony To odwieczny wróg Rozkaz padł, rzucasz granat On już jest bez nóg Miał dwadzieścia lat jak Ty I chciał rzucić też Ty dostaniesz wielki order Z niego tryska krew Ref.: Rozkaz, rozkaz, idziemy ze śpiewem! Rozkaz, rozkaz, a sztandar powiewa nasz! Deszcze niespokojne potargały sad A my na tej wojnie ładnych parę lat Deszcze niespokojne potargały sad A my na tej wojnie ładnych parę lat Do domu wrócimy w piecu napalimy Nakarmimy szarika a potem Gustlika Ref.: Rozkaz, rozkaz, idziemy ze śpiewem! Rozkaz, rozkaz, a sztandar powiewa nasz! kmiot!

Goofy - How to Play Football (1944)
Goofy sports series. Fantastic animation ;) Enjoyy...
published: 26 Apr 2008
Author: edgelee84
Goofy - How to Play Football (1944)
Goofy sports series. Fantastic animation ;) Enjoyy

◀Iron Front: Liberation 1944, Exclusive Game Play Preview
SideStrafe takes an exclusive look at a fantastic new WW2 tactical simulation using the Ar...
published: 04 May 2012
Author: SideStrafe
◀Iron Front: Liberation 1944, Exclusive Game Play Preview
SideStrafe takes an exclusive look at a fantastic new WW2 tactical simulation using the ArmA 2 engine! Iron Front: Liberation 1944! Set to release May 25th, 2012 Learn more! ironfront.deepsilver.com Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more! Also, stay up to date with facebook www.facebook.com

Warsaw 1944
Uprising in Warsaw 1944....
published: 11 Oct 2006
Author: DonBadylios
Warsaw 1944
Uprising in Warsaw 1944.

◀Iron Front: Liberation 1944, Multiplayer Game Play
SideStrafe n00bs it up during a special Iron Front multiplayer session! And for the first ...
published: 14 May 2012
Author: SideStrafe
◀Iron Front: Liberation 1944, Multiplayer Game Play
SideStrafe n00bs it up during a special Iron Front multiplayer session! And for the first time he plays a game depicting a German and Russian conflict with REAL German's and Russians! Check out Iron Front! ironfront.deepsilver.com Stay up to date with facebook www.facebook.com

Eruption Of Mt Vesuvius 1944
Mt Vesuvius erupts near Naples, Italy in 1944. Footage from this film is available for lic...
published: 20 May 2008
Author: travelfilmarchive
Eruption Of Mt Vesuvius 1944
Mt Vesuvius erupts near Naples, Italy in 1944. Footage from this film is available for licensing from www.globalimageworks.com

1944 D-day Secret Gadgets!
www.unknownww2incolor.tk http 1944. Outstanding footage of "secret gadgets", mos...
published: 09 Dec 2011
Author: UnknownWW2InColor
1944 D-day Secret Gadgets!
www.unknownww2incolor.tk http 1944. Outstanding footage of "secret gadgets", mostly British, used in the D-day in Normandy. Hundreds of phony tanks, planes and landing boats were displayed in front of Calais in order to fool the German reconaissance. Anti-mines devices, barbed-wire smashers and various secret items, including self-constructing bridges, are also shown. Music score (Demo Only) produced and added in 2011 by ROMANO-ARCHIVES (Opus 78 Suite B). Encoded by ROMANO-ARCHIVES. "SUBSCRIBING to this Channel is a MUST for researchers and RARE HISTORICAL FOOTAGE fans!!!" V. Romano This is a clip from the ROMANO-ARCHIVES' new website-"Unknown World War 2 in Color"-"WW2 Europe" section. At: www.unknownww2incolor.tk Visit also www.romanoarchives.tk Or digilander.libero.it A broadcast quality silent version of this clip is available for licensing or private use. Hi-Res videos from our Collections are available on DVD, CD or directly in your inbox. Clips and movies can also be downloaded from our servers using a PW or uploaded by us to your FTP.

1944-45 "THUNDERBOLT" Uncensored Complete Version (2 of 5)
published: 02 Aug 2007
Author: UnknownWW2InColor
1944-45 "THUNDERBOLT" Uncensored Complete Version (2 of 5)
THIS VIDEO DOES NOT CONTAINS ANY CONTENT FROM CRAZE PRODUCTIONS!!! A new HD version of this complete film is available here: www.youtube.com www.romanoarchives.tk "Thunderbolt" (1947) (Part 2 of 5) Director William Wyler, John Sturges Production Company: Carl Krueger Production Introduced by James Stewart Filmed in 1944 and early 1945 but edited only in 1947, this 45 minutes well preserved and almost forgotten documentary (by the great William Wyler) is about the P-47 Thunderbolt fighter bomber and its use in missions over Italy. In the prologue outstanding shots showing various placements of 1944 late model automatic color movie-cameras on board of the planes. "SUBSCRIBING to this Channel is a MUST for researchers and RARE HISTORICAL FOOTAGE fans!!!" V. Romano This is a clip from the ROMANO-ARCHIVES' new website-"Unknown World War 2 in Color"-"WW2 Europe" section. At: www.webalice.it Visit also: romanoarchives.altervista.org Or: digilander.libero.it Hi-def version of the complete film is available. Hi-Res videos from our Collections are available on DVD, CD or directly in your inbox. Clips and movies can also be downloaded from our servers using a PW or uploaded by us to your FTP. --------------- THIS VIDEO DOES NOT CONTAINS ANY CONTENT FROM CRAZE PRODUCTIONS!!! "The material used in the video is in the public domain and the original film is preserved in the Archives of Congress. The video contains a part (on a total of five) of this film. The film and ALL this kind of <b>...</b>

Groovie Movie (1944). Funny jitterbug instructional video.
"Groovie Movie" by Metro Goldwyn Mayer, 1944. Funny jitterbug instructional vide...
published: 16 Apr 2007
Author: avorobjovs
Groovie Movie (1944). Funny jitterbug instructional video.
"Groovie Movie" by Metro Goldwyn Mayer, 1944. Funny jitterbug instructional video.

Tali-Ihantala 1944 trailer
Trailer from the official site of the upcoming movie, www.tali-ihantala.fi...
published: 26 Nov 2007
Author: Urquelll
Tali-Ihantala 1944 trailer
Trailer from the official site of the upcoming movie, www.tali-ihantala.fi
Youtube results:

The Lord Of The Rings (1944)
The original Warner Brothers version of "The Lord Of The Rings", recently uneart...
published: 02 Oct 2009
Author: flyingmoosedotorg
The Lord Of The Rings (1944)
The original Warner Brothers version of "The Lord Of The Rings", recently unearthed by the intrepid film restoration scholars at flyingmoose.org. Accept no substitutes! (Replaced after YouTube's previous version developed mysterious sound-sync issues.)

Normandy invasion (1944): D-Day German footage
Combat footage. Die Deutsche Wochenschau. 6th June 1944, Normandy invasion from German per...
published: 11 Oct 2007
Author: WW2GermanNewsreels
Normandy invasion (1944): D-Day German footage
Combat footage. Die Deutsche Wochenschau. 6th June 1944, Normandy invasion from German perspective. As late as 13:35 the German 352nd division was reporting that the assault had been hurled back into the sea. From their vantage point at Pointe de la Percée overlooking the whole of the beach from the western end the German perception was that the assault had been stopped at the beach. An officer there noted that troops were seeking cover behind obstacles and counted ten tanks burning. However, as early as 07:35 the third battalion 726th Grenadier Regiment, defending Draw F-1 on Fox Green beach, was reporting that 100--200 American troops had penetrated its front, with enemy inside the wire at WN-62 and WN-61 under attack from the rear. Casualties amongst the defenders were mounting and at the same time that the 916th regiment, defending the centre of the 352nd zone, was reporting that the landings had been frustrated, it was also requesting reinforcement. The request could not be met because the situation elsewhere in Normandy was becoming more urgent for the defenders.

IL2 sturmovik-Norway 1944
published: 12 Jan 2008
Author: doktorkop
IL2 sturmovik-Norway 1944

St. Crispin's Day Speech - Henry V (1944)
Laurence Olivier's 1944 version of Henry V Here's the speech, I'm pretty sure ...
published: 17 Apr 2007
Author: robbbie85
St. Crispin's Day Speech - Henry V (1944)
Laurence Olivier's 1944 version of Henry V Here's the speech, I'm pretty sure it's word for word and the film version: What's he that wishes so? My cousin Westmoreland? No, my fair cousin: If we are mark'd to die, we are enow To do our country loss; and if to live, The fewer men, the greater share of honour. God's will! I pray thee, wish not one man more. Rather proclaim it, Westmoreland, through my host, That he which hath no stomach to this fight, Let him depart; his passport shall be made And crowns for convoy put into his purse: We would not die in that man's company That fears his fellowship to die with us. This day is called the feast of Crispian: He that outlives this day, and comes safe home, Will stand a tip-toe when the day is named, And rouse him at the name of Crispian. He that shall live this day, and see old age, Will yearly on the vigil feast his neighbours, And say 'To-morrow is Saint Crispian:' Then will he strip his sleeve and show his scars. And say 'These wounds I had on Crispin's day.' Old men forget: yet all shall be forgot, But he'll remember with advantages What feats he did that day: then shall our names. Familiar in his mouth as household words Harry the king, Bedford and Exeter, Warwick and Talbot, Salisbury and Gloucester, Be in their flowing cups freshly remember'd. This story shall the good man teach his son; And Crispin Crispian shall ne'er go by, From this day to the ending of the world, But we in it shall be remember'd; We few, we happy <b>...</b>