
USAID Celebrates 50 Years of Progress
USAID staff describe what makes them proud to work for the US Agency for International Dev...
published: 05 Aug 2011
Author: USaidVideo
USAID Celebrates 50 Years of Progress
USAID staff describe what makes them proud to work for the US Agency for International Development, as the agency commemorates its 50th anniversary year.

Education: USAID in Kenya
Education is an important component of reducing poverty, promoting peace, and empowering i...
published: 12 Sep 2011
Author: USAIDAfrica
Education: USAID in Kenya
Education is an important component of reducing poverty, promoting peace, and empowering individuals to participate in democratic institutions. Since 2003, primary school enrollment has increased more than 50 percent in Kenya. In recognition of USAID's 50th anniversary working in partnership with Kenya, this video provides an overview of USAID's education programs and particularly focuses on efforts to reach vulnerable, marginalized children.

USAID: Following The Money
USAID: Following The Money - House Oversight Committee - 2011-05-11 - House Committee on O...
published: 13 May 2011
Author: HouseResourceOrg
USAID: Following The Money
USAID: Following The Money - House Oversight Committee - 2011-05-11 - House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. Subcommittee on National Security, Homeland Defense, and Foreign Operations. Witnesses: The Honorable Rajiv Shah, Administrator, US Agency for International Development; The Honorable Donald Gambatesa, Inspector General, US Agency for International Development. Video provided by US House of Representatives

Why 5thBDay?
Every Child Deserves a 5th Birthday is an awareness-raising campaign led by USAID in coord...
published: 19 Apr 2012
Author: 5thBirthday
Why 5thBDay?
Every Child Deserves a 5th Birthday is an awareness-raising campaign led by USAID in coordination with many partners who work tirelessly on behalf of the world's children. A child is much more likely to survive into adulthood if the severe risks of infancy can be mitigated and they reach that important milestone of their 5th birthday. By inviting individuals to remember their own 5th birthdays, we hope to inspire the global community to do more to ensure children in all parts of the world are given the same opportunity for health and happiness. More than 7 million kids die needlessly each year of mostly preventable causes. Together, we will end those preventable child deaths. Visit 5thbday.usaid.gov for more information.

Occupation 101 US Aid to Israel
Documentary on what is really going on in Palestine...
published: 09 Jun 2006
Author: MethodicalMadness
Occupation 101 US Aid to Israel
Documentary on what is really going on in Palestine

USAID Gender Policy Rollout
The White House, in conjunction with USAID, launched USAID's new Gender Policy regardi...
published: 01 Mar 2012
Author: whitehouse
USAID Gender Policy Rollout
The White House, in conjunction with USAID, launched USAID's new Gender Policy regarding integrating gender equality and female empowerment throughout the Agency. March 1, 2012.

Powering Agriculture: An Energy Grand Challenge for Development
Rajiv Shah, Administrator, USAID Gunilla Carlsson, Swedish Minister for International Deve...
published: 05 Jul 2012
Author: USaidVideo
Powering Agriculture: An Energy Grand Challenge for Development
Rajiv Shah, Administrator, USAID Gunilla Carlsson, Swedish Minister for International Development Cooperation, Ministry for Foreign Affairs Kathleen Merrigan, Deputy Secretary of the US Department of Agriculture Kathleen Rogers, President of the Earth Day Network David Mohler, Chief Technology Officer of Duke Energy Frank Sesno, Director of the School of Media and Public Affairs at The George Washington University; Creator and Host, Planet Forward Powering Agriculture: An Energy Grand Challenge for Development is a multi-year initiative focused on increasing food security and driving economic growth in the developing world through effective and affordable clean energy solutions for farmers. This effort aims to bring renewable energy technologies to all points in the agricultural value chain, including on-farm uses like water pumping, cold storage to decrease post-harvest loss, and value-added processing like grinding or drying. USAID has been joined in these efforts by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), Duke Energy, the US Department of Agriculture, the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC), and the African Development Bank and through the Powering Agriculture Energy Grand Challenge, USAID and its partners invite innovators to help find the clean energy solutions that will empower farmers and help transform agriculture in the developing world.

Tags:2012 Cashcapital47 SRAEL Training Soldiers For War With IRAN. Is MILITARY ACTION With...
published: 28 Sep 2012
Author: CashCapital47
Tags:2012 Cashcapital47 SRAEL Training Soldiers For War With IRAN. Is MILITARY ACTION Without US AID Possible? As the US prepares for the November presidential election, officials have warned Israel against launching a military strike on Iran. But, Tel Aviv seems to have ignored pledges to both the US and Europe and is now training soldiers for a possible war. Tags: Iran Israel US USA Alex Jones Gerald Celente Nuclear Bomb Zion Middle East Infowars Intelligence War WW3 Weapon government Trend People Truth Obama Zionist New World Order Control Freedom Michael Rivero False Flag Attack Illuminati Occupy Revolution Capitalism Revolution Conspiracy Endgame Russia China Attack Dollar NATO Army Military Navy Democracy Rebels Violence Power Regime Change Trade Dictator Election Military Strike Soldiers Washington Obama Category: News & Politics

USAID's WINNER Project in Haiti
USAID's WINNER Project helps improve the lives of Haitians. The project supports the c...
published: 26 Sep 2010
Author: MsJlaurente
USAID's WINNER Project in Haiti
USAID's WINNER Project helps improve the lives of Haitians. The project supports the country's agriculture sector which employs approximately 60 percent of Haitians. It also helps protects natural resources and reduces risks from natural disasters like flood control. WINNER works in Cul-de-Sac, Cabaret, Mirbalais, Archaie and Gonaives and is backed by $126 million in funding from the US Agency for International Development (USAID) starting in 2009 and running through 2014.

Russia kicks out USAID shows them door. US insulted and humiliated (September 25, 2012)
Thank you for your PayPal donations. mary240qgreeley@hotmail.com english.pravda.ru "C...
published: 25 Sep 2012
Author: Marygreeley1954
Russia kicks out USAID shows them door. US insulted and humiliated (September 25, 2012)
Thank you for your PayPal donations. mary240qgreeley@hotmail.com english.pravda.ru "Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use." § 107.Limitations on exclusive rights: Fair use Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phonorecords or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright. In determining whether the use made of a work in any particular case is a fair use the factors to be considered shall include — (1) the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes; (2) the nature of the copyrighted work; (3) the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole; and (4) the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work. FAIR USE NOTICE: These pages/video may contain copyrighted (© ) material the use of which has not always been specifically <b>...</b>

Secretary Clinton Delivers Remarks at USAID Town Hall Meeting
US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton delivers remarks at a USAID town hall meeting...
published: 15 Feb 2012
Author: statevideo
Secretary Clinton Delivers Remarks at USAID Town Hall Meeting
US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton delivers remarks at a USAID town hall meeting in Washington, DC on February 15, 2012. [Go to video.state.gov for more video and text transcript.]

Radiohead, MTV EXIT and USAID - All I need
Radiohead, one of the world's top bands, has joined the MTV EXIT (End Exploitation and...
published: 30 Apr 2008
Author: jafredericks
Radiohead, MTV EXIT and USAID - All I need
Radiohead, one of the world's top bands, has joined the MTV EXIT (End Exploitation and Trafficking) campaign, a partnership between the US Agency for International Development (USAID) and MTV to raise awareness about human trafficking. The collaboration takes the Asia MTV EXIT campaign to a global audience, reaching as many as 560 million households worldwide. "Radiohead is taking MTV EXIT to a new level and expanding the Asia campaign, which is on air, online and on the ground," said Olivier Carduner, USAID's Regional Mission Director for Asia. As part of this effort, Radiohead is releasing a music video on MTV tomorrow (May 1) to the track All I Need, from its album In Rainbows. Filmed by Oscar-winning cinematographer John Seale ("The English Patient") and award-winning director Steve Rogers, the video depicts a day in the life of both an affluent youngster and a child making shoes in a sweatshop, sending a message that everyone plays a role in trafficking and exploitation. Radiohead is also inviting anti-trafficking organizations to distribute information about human trafficking at their upcoming concert tour through North America, Europe and Asia. "It is cool that MTV is taking on this issue. The video is a powerful piece, and I hope that the emotion of the song will jump out at people in the context of these images of exploitation," said Radiohead's Thom Yorke. MTV is looking for innovative ways to present important issues such as human trafficking to its audience <b>...</b>

Has US Aid Helped Pakistan? - Imran Khan
Complete video at: fora.tv Pakistani activist, politician and former cricket star Imran Kh...
published: 27 Feb 2008
Author: ForaTv
Has US Aid Helped Pakistan? - Imran Khan
Complete video at: fora.tv Pakistani activist, politician and former cricket star Imran Khan argues that acceptance of US financial and political support has had mostly negative effects for his country. ----- Elections vs. Democracy: Post-Bhutto Pakistan and the International Community with discussant Imran Khan, the World Cup cricketer turned political activist and opponent of military rule in Pakistan. Ali Ahsan, associate officer in the executive office of the UN Secretary-General, provides commentary. With the assassination of Benazir Bhutto at the end of 2007, an already turbulent country in the front lines of many of the international community's most pressing concerns - terrorism, nuclear weapons, development, and democracy - was thrown into even greater political turmoil. Parliamentary elections have been rescheduled to February 18, but will elections signify democratic change? And what are the stakes for the international community? - The Century Foundation Imran Khan is Chairman of the Pakistan Tehreek‐e‐Insaf Party (Movement for Justice). A former cricket legend, Mr. Khan was international cricketer of the year in 1989‐1990 and led Pakistan to a World Cup victory in 1992. He transitioned into politics in 1996 and is now an outspoken political opponent of the military regime led by Pervez Musharraf. Born in Lahore, Pakistan in 1952, he earned degrees in economics and politics at Kebel College of Oxford University.

The USAID Plastic Recycling Project was initiated in 2005. One of the Projects major goals...
published: 31 Jul 2009
Author: USEmbassyMacedonia
The USAID Plastic Recycling Project was initiated in 2005. One of the Projects major goals is to create an effective, economically valuable and sustainable system for the collection, separation and recycling of plastic PET waste. A few years ago, illegal dump sites and scattered plastic bottles were regular scenery throughout Macedonia—in the capital, along main roads, and even at tourist locations. This desperate situation could only by changed through the commitment and engagement of local governments, public utility companies, NGOs and citizens. Through the Projects grant program, 24 municipalities purchased containers for the collection of PET plastic waste. Municipalities invested as well by providing locations for the containers named Ecological islands and by widely promoting the program. 8 companies were also awarded grants for start up, new equipment, and protective clothing needed for the collection, separation and recycling of plastic PET waste, thus creating thousands of new jobs. Public awareness campaigns under the motto Collect PET for a better world were a key element in promoting the concept of recycling. To reach the youngest generation, USAID provided funding for recycling clubs in 14 schools. Students participated in community clean-up activities, distributed collection bags for plastic waste to their neighbors, and found creative ways to promote the benefits of recycling. In 2008 and 2009, the USAID Plastic Recycling Project organized an International <b>...</b>
Vimeo results:

National Television’s introductory spot for LAUNCH: a series of forums hosted by NASA, USA...
published: 16 Mar 2010
Author: Geologie
National Television’s introductory spot for LAUNCH: a series of forums hosted by NASA, USAID, US Department of State, and Nike.

Muse and MTV EXIT: MK Ultra (low resolution)
MTV EXIT and Muse, in partnership with USAID, release a music video that dramatically high...
published: 09 Sep 2010
Author: MTV EXIT
Muse and MTV EXIT: MK Ultra (low resolution)
MTV EXIT and Muse, in partnership with USAID, release a music video that dramatically highlights the dangers and impact of human trafficking.
Produced for the band's track MK Ultra from the album The Resistance, the video is the third in a series of award-winning music video collaborations launched in 2008 with Radiohead for their track All I Need, and was followed up with The Killers in 2009 with a video by David Slade (Twilight: Eclipse) for the song Goodnight, Travel Well.

Changing the Landscape: 10 Years of Impact and Learning in USAID's Global Conservation Pro...
published: 19 Sep 2010
Author: Olivia Yeo
Changing the Landscape: 10 Years of Impact and Learning in USAID's Global Conservation Program

Cápsulas educativas hechas para USAID con apoyo de la Universidad de la Florida...
published: 17 Nov 2011
Author: Jorge Caballero
Cápsulas educativas hechas para USAID con apoyo de la Universidad de la Florida
Youtube results:

Agriculture: USAID in Kenya
A robust agricultural sector provides both food and economic security to a country. In rec...
published: 12 Sep 2011
Author: USAIDAfrica
Agriculture: USAID in Kenya
A robust agricultural sector provides both food and economic security to a country. In recognition of USAID's 50th anniversary working in partnership with Kenya, this video provides an overview of how USAID has worked to improve the growth and sales of maize, dairy, flower, and passion fruit products in Kenya.

US aid agency helps revamp Afghan city
USAID, the American aid agency, has started operating in the Afghan city of Herat after ye...
published: 06 Aug 2011
Author: AlJazeeraEnglish
US aid agency helps revamp Afghan city
USAID, the American aid agency, has started operating in the Afghan city of Herat after years of widespread unrest subsided there. Now that the Taliban's presence has dropped sharply in the city and stability has risen, USAID has implemented various development projects to revamp its roads, irrigation system and food production. Bernard Smith reports from Herat.

Western Union's African Diaspora Marketplace
The African Diaspora (ADM) is an entrepreneurial business program that seeks to boost econ...
published: 16 Feb 2010
Author: corporatephilanthrop
Western Union's African Diaspora Marketplace
The African Diaspora (ADM) is an entrepreneurial business program that seeks to boost economic opportunity in Sub-Saharan Africa through sustainable start-up and established enterprises. ADM winners received grants to match their own funds to support the execution of their business plans. This is a rare public-private initiative that successfully harnessed the entrepreneurial spirit of US-based African diaspora members to address poverty through business innovation, said Anne McCarthy, Executive Vice President of Corporate Affairs, Western Union. The ADM program advances our goal of creating economic opportunity around the world, which is the core focus of Western Unions Our World, Our Family® corporate citizenship initiative. We are excited to move forward and see these plans come to fruition and foster economic development in Sub-Saharan Africa."

USAID provides Livestock to Vulnerable People in Senegal thru 'Pass on the Gift' grants
Thru the USAID/Yaajeende project in Senegal funded by the "Feed the Future" init...
published: 27 Mar 2012
Author: usaiddakar
USAID provides Livestock to Vulnerable People in Senegal thru 'Pass on the Gift' grants
Thru the USAID/Yaajeende project in Senegal funded by the "Feed the Future" initiative, USAID is providing animal grants to vulnerable people that simultaneously bolster food security, improve nutrition and health and increase people's incomes through livestock businesses. Vulnerable families receive 3-5 animals as an initial grant and, as the animals reproduce, the families "pay forward" the same number of animals that they received to another family. In this way, thousands of families will begin livestock businesses over the course of this five year project.