
...... commonwealth.pl . The Polish--Lithuanian Commonwealth was one of the largest and mo...
published: 27 Mar 2008
Author: mikolajoskierko
...... commonwealth.pl . The Polish--Lithuanian Commonwealth was one of the largest and most populous countries in 17th-century Europe. Its political structure—that of a semi-federal, semi-confederal aristocratic republic—was formed in 1569 by the Union of Lublin, which united the Crown of the Polish Kingdom and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, and lasted in this form until the adoption of the Constitution of May 3, 1791. The Commonwealth covered not only the territories of what is now Poland and Lithuania, but also the entire territory of Belarus and Latvia, large parts of Ukraine and Estonia, and part of present-day western Russia (Smolensk and Kaliningrad oblasts). Originally the official languages of the Commonwealth were Polish and Latin (in the Kingdom of Poland) and Ruthenian and Lithuanian (in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania). The creation of the Commonwealth by the Union of Lublin in 1569 was one of the signal achievements of Sigismund II Augustus, last monarch of the Jagiellon dynasty, in an effort to preserve the monarchy by adopting elective monarchy. His death in 1572 was followed by a three-year interregnum during which adjustments were made to the constitutional system that effectively increased the power of the nobility and established a truly elective monarchy.

Malaysians' Warning to Terrorists: Get out of Malaysia!
Namewee or Abang Meng Chee, we are still waiting for your reply. Our leader is getting a l...
published: 30 Aug 2007
Author: isaboleh
Malaysians' Warning to Terrorists: Get out of Malaysia!
Namewee or Abang Meng Chee, we are still waiting for your reply. Our leader is getting a little bit impatient, so he has already gone to his sex party. Again, we would like to invite you to sing in our parties. Negarakuku. Muar Mandarin. And the song about bikini girls. You da man. Peace. Here's something about Malaysia: Malaysia is a federal constitutional elective monarchy. It is nominally headed by the Paramount Ruler or Yang di-Pertuan Agong, commonly referred to as the King of Malaysia. The Yang di-Pertuan Agong is selected for a five-year term among the nine hereditary Sultans of the Malay states; the other four states, which have titular Governors, do not participate in the selection. This makes Malaysia an elective monarchy. The system of government in Malaysia is closely modeled on that of Westminster parliamentary system, a legacy of British colonial rule. In practice however, more power is vested in the executive branch of government than in the legislative, and the judiciary has been weakened by sustained attacks by the government during the Mahathir era. Since independence in 1957, Malaysia has been governed by a multi-racial coalition known as the Barisan Nasional (formerly the Alliance). The bicameral parliament consists of the lower house, the House of Representatives or Dewan Rakyat (literally the "Chamber of the People") and the upper house, the Senate or Dewan Negara (literally the "Chamber of the Nation"). The 219-member House of Representatives are <b>...</b>

Monarchs of Poland
Poland has a long and colorful royal history. Since the 9th Century Poland was ruled by du...
published: 11 Sep 2009
Author: MadMonarchist
Monarchs of Poland
Poland has a long and colorful royal history. Since the 9th Century Poland was ruled by dukes, high dukes and kings at various times. Sometimes hereditary the Polish monarchy was more often elective, the throne often passing back and forth between competing forces. From 1386 to 1572 the Jagiellon dynasty provided the Kings of Poland and Grand Dukes of Lithuania. After that the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth came into being and was, for a time, a major force in central Europe at one point even threatening to dominate Russia. In 1795 it all ended with the partition of Poland between Prussia, Austria and Russia. During World War I the Germans and Austrians set up a Kingdom of Poland under a regency but after their defeat a new republican Poland was established.

The celebrations of the 440th anniversary of the Union Of Lublin
The Union of Lublin replaced the personal union of the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duc...
published: 04 Jul 2009
Author: Dawid Markoff
The celebrations of the 440th anniversary of the Union Of Lublin
The Union of Lublin replaced the personal union of the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania with a real union and an elective monarchy, since Sigismund II Augustus, the last of the Jagiellons, remained childless after three marriages. In addition, the autonomy of Royal Prussia was largely abandoned. It was signed July 1, 1569, in Lublin, Poland, and created a single State, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. The Commonwealth was ruled by a single elected monarch who carried out the duties of Polish King and Grand Duke of Lithuania, and governed with a common Senate and parliament (the Sejm). The Union was an evolutionary stage in the Polish-Lithuanian alliance and personal union, necessitated also by Lithuania's dangerous position in wars with Russia.[1][2][3] Constituting a crucial event in the history of several nations, the Union of Lublin has been viewed quite differently by many historians. Polish historians concentrate on its positive aspects, emphasizing its peaceful, voluntary creation and its role in the spreading of Polish culture. Lithuanian historians are more critical of the Union, pointing out that it was dominated by Poland. en.wikipedia.org

National Flag and Anthem of the Vatican City
www.youtube.com , www.facebook.com National Flag and National Anthem of the Absolute and E...
published: 13 Nov 2011
Author: TheBEICNet
National Flag and Anthem of the Vatican City
www.youtube.com , www.facebook.com National Flag and National Anthem of the Absolute and Elective Monarchy of the State of the City of the Vatican O felix Roma -- o Roma nobilis: Sedes es Petri, qui Romae effudit sanguinem, Petri cui claves datae sunt regni caelorum. Pontifex, Tu successor es Petri; Pontifex, Tu magister es tuos confirmans fratres; Pontifex, Tu qui Servus servorum Dei, hominumque piscator, pastor es gregis, ligans caelum et terram. Pontifex, Tu Christi es Vicarius super terram, rupes inter fluctus, Tu es pharus in tenebris; Tu pacis es vindex, Tu es unitatis custos, vigil libertatis defensor; in Te potestas. Tu Pontifex, firma es petra, et super petram hanc aedificata est Ecclesia Dei. Pontifex, Tu Christi es Vicarius super terram, rupes inter fluctus, Tu es pharus in tenebris; Tu pacis es vindex, Tu es unitatis custos, vigil libertatis defensor; in Te potestas. O felix Roma -- O Roma nobilis.

Monarch High School students protest in Coconut Creek
Students from Monarch High School protested the proposed merit pay system approved by the ...
published: 13 Apr 2010
Author: flandmines1
Monarch High School students protest in Coconut Creek
Students from Monarch High School protested the proposed merit pay system approved by the Florida State Legislature but not yet signed or vetoed by Governor Charlie Crist, as well as budget cuts at their own school that they said would result in the loss of teachers and elective classes..

The BRITISH QUEEN MOTHER's BOOK (Mental Imprisonment resulted + Untimely Death)
The QUEEN MOTHER's BOOK (Mental Imprisonment resulted + Untimely Death) Courtesy: step...
published: 20 Sep 2011
Author: youlawmaster
The BRITISH QUEEN MOTHER's BOOK (Mental Imprisonment resulted + Untimely Death)
The QUEEN MOTHER's BOOK (Mental Imprisonment resulted + Untimely Death) Courtesy: stephenfuller.szm.com Queen Mother's Book was a book that was anticipated to be presented to the QM re her 100th birthday. One of the contributor's placed comments in a "BOOK OF CONGRATULATIONS" that TPTB felt were "not appropriate"! What resulted was Mental Imprisonment of the commentator of the written comments - subject to HM pleasure + surprising prescribed cocktail of medication + untimely death!

Thom Hartmann: The Supreme Court has become a cancer on our Democracy
In last night's Daily Take - I said that I agree with Newt Gingrich when he said that ...
published: 14 Jul 2011
Author: TheBigPictureRT
Thom Hartmann: The Supreme Court has become a cancer on our Democracy
In last night's Daily Take - I said that I agree with Newt Gingrich when he said that the Supreme Court has to work under rules set by Congress; that Congress can limit the Court's powers; and that the court has taken onto itself the power to both shut down legislation and to create doctrine - like the ideas that corporations are persons and money is the same thing as speech. I pointed out that the Founders never intended - as you can read in Federalist 78 and Federalist 80 - for the Supreme Court to have jurisdiction over Congress and the President. The Supreme Court was beyond their Constitutional power when they handed George W. Bush the victory in 2000. They were beyond their Constitutional power every single time they struck down a law passed by Congress and signed by the President and - most importantly - every single time they created out of whole cloth new legal doctrines like "Separate but Equal" in Plessey versus Ferguson or "Corporations are people" with Citizen's United. If you want to see the whole thing, complete with the quotes from Hamilton and Jefferson, it's the July 12th, 2011 Daily Take on our YouTube page, and you can easily find it via thomhartmann.com. So - in response to yesterday's daily take, a number of people have posted messages over at thomhartmann.com and on youtube and other places asking a few questions about this. The first is, if the Supreme Court can't decide what is and what isn't Constitutional, then what is its purpose? What's it <b>...</b>

published: 11 Apr 2010
Author: youpolitics

A wonderful conversation between God and the bride by way of question and answer. It conce...
published: 01 Apr 2010
Author: johnrigs54321
A wonderful conversation between God and the bride by way of question and answer. It concerns the king and his hereditary rights and those of his successors in the kingdom, and also how some territories should be reclaimed by the successors in the kingdom and some not. Book 4 - Chapter 3 SAINT BRIDGET PATRON SAINT OF EUROPE PART IV Again she answered: "O Lord, do not get angry if I ask just one thing more. The present king has two sons and two kingdoms. In one of the kingdoms the king is elected by hereditary right, in the other by popular vote. Now, however, the opposite has been done, inasmuch as the younger son has received the hereditary kingdom, while the older son holds the elective kingdom." God answered: "There were three incongruities in the electors as well as a fourth that they had in plenty: inordinate love, feigned prudence, the flattery of fools, and lack of confidence in God and in the common people. Hence, their election was against justice, against God, against the good of the nation and against the welfare of the people. Therefore, in order to provide for peace and for the welfare of the people, it is necessary for the older son to receive the hereditary kingdom and for the younger son to come to the elective one. Otherwise, if the earlier actions are not repealed, the kingdom will suffer loss, the people will be afflicted, discord will arise, the sons shall pass their days in sorrow, and their kingdoms will no longer be kingdoms. Instead it will be as <b>...</b>

A wonderful conversation between God and the bride by way of question and answer. It conce...
published: 31 Dec 2009
Author: johnrigs4321
A wonderful conversation between God and the bride by way of question and answer. It concerns the king and his hereditary rights and those of his successors in the kingdom, and also how some territories should be reclaimed by the successors in the kingdom and some not. Book 4 - Chapter 3 SAINT BRIDGET PATRON SAINT OF EUROPE FINAL PART Again she answered: "O Lord, do not get angry if I ask just one thing more. The present king has two sons and two kingdoms. In one of the kingdoms the king is elected by hereditary right, in the other by popular vote. Now, however, the opposite has been done, inasmuch as the younger son has received the hereditary kingdom, while the older son holds the elective kingdom." God answered: "There were three incongruities in the electors as well as a fourth that they had in plenty: inordinate love, feigned prudence, the flattery of fools, and lack of confidence in God and in the common people. Hence, their election was against justice, against God, against the good of the nation and against the welfare of the people. Therefore, in order to provide for peace and for the welfare of the people, it is necessary for the older son to receive the hereditary kingdom and for the younger son to come to the elective one. Otherwise, if the earlier actions are not repealed, the kingdom will suffer loss, the people will be afflicted, discord will arise, the sons shall pass their days in sorrow, and their kingdoms will no longer be kingdoms. Instead it will be <b>...</b>

Obama Was Once Against Ruling By Fiat, Before He Was For It
Barack Obama Was Once Against Using Executive Powers To Pass Legislation and Bypassing Con...
published: 08 Nov 2011
Author: Truthseeker2112
Obama Was Once Against Ruling By Fiat, Before He Was For It
Barack Obama Was Once Against Using Executive Powers To Pass Legislation and Bypassing Congress...Before He Was For It! Big Surprise! It's Good To Be the King! Congressional complacency married with judicial complicity produced an evil offspring that erases the checks and obliterated the balances. Presidential signing statements are "cherry-picking" the parts of a law that presidents wish to follow or ignore. The uses that signing statements have been put to since they began to flourish in earnest during the Reagan administration show that no matter the "getting things done" tenor used to pronounce them by an ostensibly frustrated President, their clear intent is to subvert the law and slam the weighty wrecking ball of "executive discretion" into the paper barricades that divide the three provinces of power. James Madison, writing as "Publius," wrote in The Federalist, No. 47: "The accumulation of all powers legislative, executive and judiciary in the same hands, whether of one, a few or many, and whether hereditary, self appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny. " Madison himself was restating in his inimitable style, one facet of federalism that was universally considered to be an essential pillar of liberty. French philosopher Baron de Montesquieu wrote in his influential treatise l'Esprit des Lois (The Spirit of the Laws), ~ "When the legislative and executive powers are united in the same person, or in the same body of <b>...</b>

Again she answered: "O Lord, do not get angry if I ask just one thing more. The prese...
published: 08 Sep 2011
Author: johnrigs654321
Again she answered: "O Lord, do not get angry if I ask just one thing more. The present king has two sons and two kingdoms. In one of the kingdoms the king is elected by hereditary right, in the other by popular vote. Now, however, the opposite has been done, inasmuch as the younger son has received the hereditary kingdom, while the older son holds the elective kingdom." God answered: "There were three incongruities in the electors as well as a fourth that they had in plenty: inordinate love, feigned prudence, the flattery of fools, and lack of confidence in God and in the common people. Hence, their election was against justice, against God, against the good of the nation and against the welfare of the people. Therefore, in order to provide for peace and for the welfare of the people, it is necessary for the older son to receive the hereditary kingdom and for the younger son to come to the elective one. Otherwise, if the earlier actions are not repealed, the kingdom will suffer loss, the people will be afflicted, discord will arise, the sons shall pass their days in sorrow, and their kingdoms will no longer be kingdoms. Instead it will be as is written: 'The mighty will move from their seats and those that walk upon the earth shall be exalted.' Hear now: I will give you the example of two kingdoms. In one there is election, in the other hereditary succession. The first kingdom, where there is election, has been ruined and afflicted, because the rightful heir was not <b>...</b>

FREEMASONRY & 666 - 3 IMPORTANT CODE: Understand the Colours of the OCCULT: [These are...
published: 25 Aug 2011
Author: youlawmaster
FREEMASONRY & 666 - 3 IMPORTANT CODE: Understand the Colours of the OCCULT: [These are found on the logo of the OLYMPICS (2012 = ZION)] Colours of the Occult: GREEN [North][Power comes from the North] RED [South] BLUE [West][Senior][Note the "Royal Arch" (ie the path of the Sun) it is minimal in the east and deemed maximum in the west] YELLOW [East][Junior] The fifth [as in Pentagram or Pentacle] colour relates to the "INTENTION" of the person using the symbol - in the logo symbolising the Olympics it is BLACK - therefore it implies the logo relates to the DARK powers of the Occult or BLACK Magic of Freemasonry [ie DECEIT] Note that Freemasonry has 2 (two) major HQs in London: The UGLE [ie the United Grand Lodge of England] is located at 60 [note the symbolism] Great Queen (SEMIRAMIS)(ie the Consort of Nimrod) Street - its foundations go down 60 [note the symbolism] feet! Be aware that the more senior HQ in Freemasonry is located very close to St James Palace [Home of the Grand Master - the Duke of Kent][Prince Philip is also a "Free-Mason"]! HQ of ENGLISH Rite [86 St James Street][West of KING Street - thus Senior!] HQ of SCOTTISH Rite [the SUPREME COUNCIL located at 10 Duke Street St James][East of KING Street - thus Junior to YORK Rite] It is due to the symbolism of the Occult that the monarch has her Audience Chamber located in the north west of "BP" [ie Buckingham Palace]! Number "10" equates to "Perfection" Note the 3 very important addressess around St James Park <b>...</b>
Vimeo results:

Elections Cantonales Masevaux 2011
La rencontre avec un journaliste correspondant de Masevaux et l'équipe de campagne de l'Al...
published: 17 Mar 2011
Author: Alliance Royale Alsace Lorraine
Elections Cantonales Masevaux 2011
La rencontre avec un journaliste correspondant de Masevaux et l'équipe de campagne de l'Alliance royale.

Nepal's Constituent Assemby Elections 2008
The following questions are dealt in this interview.
* What is at stake in Nepal's upcomi...
published: 04 Apr 2008
Author: Samajvad
Nepal's Constituent Assemby Elections 2008
The following questions are dealt in this interview.
* What is at stake in Nepal's upcoming Constituent Assembly (CA)
elections? Specifically, what are the most contentious issues that are
going to be on the table after the CA delegates are elected and
* What were the shortcomings of Nepal's previous (1991) constitution,
and why wasn't a CA convened then?
* Does it seem that these elections are going to be held in a free and
fair environment, by international standards?
* What are the forecasts for the outcome of this CA election? Which
parties will come out on top and what sort of coalitions among parties
do you foresee?
* Will the CA delegates make official the status of Nepal as a republic,
as is planned? Or will there be a last minute effort by the
pro-royalists to preserve and restore the monarchy?
* If in fact Nepal does become a republic officially, will there be a
president instead? Will it be a strong executive? or a ceremonial
office, as in India? And what are the chances the CPN/Maoist leader
Prachanda will become president?
* Much of the violence occuring in the run-up to the CA polls is being
blamed - in the press at the least - on the CPN/Maoist cadres. How
accurate are these reports?
* What role has Jimmy Carter played in the process of negotiating
agreement between the political parties and the Maoists, and what role
do you see him playing during the CA polls?

Ancient Teachings From the Musa (Meredith M. Quinn)
Tribal Teachings From the Musa (Meredith M. Quinn)
Presented by: Lester Howse (Wapo Piesew...
published: 16 Aug 2010
Author: StrongFront A/V Productions Inc.
Ancient Teachings From the Musa (Meredith M. Quinn)
Tribal Teachings From the Musa (Meredith M. Quinn)
Presented by: Lester Howse (Wapo Piesew)
Winnipeg, Manitoba, 2006
No where in the pages of history can there be equaled in total, the injustices done to man, when one realizes the injustices done to the INDIAN of this hemisphere. Never has a civilization contributed so much to the comfort of another, such as, the INDIAN did in providing: - a government system, a defensive method, a new freedom, his foods and 95% of his medicines. All that the INDIAN asked was to be left alone and not have their culture disturbed nor their lands destroyed. In turn the INDIAN PEOPLES became a nation without a country: unprotected from exploitation, they became the most suppressed, the hungriest and the sickest. Never has so much land been stolen under a flag of progress and millions upon millions of lives murdered from the table of peace, that not even the great Genghis Kahn, the Pharoahs, Caesars, Natchi or Hitler - totaling their murders, could equal the number of deaths among INDIANS. (estimated by white scholars to number 120 MILLION.)
In the beginning, white men in government agencies converted certain Indians (uncle tomahawks, soup-bone Indians, hang around the fort Indians, Indian Scouts for the US and Canadian military, Indian policemen and the AUTONOMOUS SELL-OUT CHIEF & COUNCIL GOVERNMENTS, etc.) Today we still see them converting Indians, working in these same government agencies. In addition, by allowing the police and military to recruit our young INDIAN men and women into their forces, they knowingly-treasonously have our children give up their allegiance to the INDIAN and give it to the crown.
1. Rebellion or Insurrection against INDIAN NATIONS.
2. Seditious conspiracy against INDIAN NATIONS.
3. Advocating the overthrow of INDIAN GOVERNMENTS.
4. Registration of certain organizations.
5. Activities affecting Police Forces generally.
6. Activities affecting Police Forces during wars.
7. Recruiting for services against INDIAN NATIONS.
8. Enlistment of services against INDIAN NATIONS.
9. Giving aid and comfort to Indians and non-Indians committing these crimes.
How will THESE sell out Indians answer THE CREATOR, when asked, 'DID YOU LIVE THE LIFE AND LIE OF THE WHITEMAN?'
We have also learned that the terms 'first nation', 'native', 'aboriginal', 'metis' etc., are legal terms that place, those who identify themselves as such, UNDER the 'assumed jurisdiction of the crown,' therefore their classification would fall under 'PRISONERS OF WAR.' or 'INHABITANTS.'
The PURPOSE for this additional information is:
to re-educate the world as to the true legal identity of Signatory Tribal People, specifically the Signatory Indian Tribes of North and South America and their descendants. [eg;] Indian Tribes of the Western Hemisphere, fed the starving world of Europe and parts of Africa , by fulfilling their responsibility according to the stipulations of a treaty signed before the sanctioning of the Columbus Commission in 1492. This treaty is known as the Treaty of the Camels Eye, The Eye of Isis and The Eagle Bowl Treaty, and it was signed July 2nd 408 A.D. upon the surrender of the Roman Empire. STILL LAW TODAY, no treaty can be changed without the consensus of all who were originally involved, or their descendants.
The Foundation Of International Law
There are six aboriginal treaties that are the foundation for all international law, hence from them comes the Law of Nations which has Clanmothers who hold Territorial Right, also referred to as Cession Jurisdiction. In all International Law including today, Clanmothers hold Title to the Territory of a Nation, both White or Indian.
The Six Aboriginal Treaties
*Wampum Belts
*Canes of Authority
*Peace Pipe Treaties
[These treaties cover all Indian Tribes of North and South America]
*The Seal of Solomon Treaty
[Covers all Blacks, Arabs and Israelites]
*The Paladium of Troy Treaty
[Covers Asia and Minor Asia]
*Noah’s Ark Treaty [Covers all Anglia, Saxon, Mercia and Northumbrian Groups or The White Tribes of Europe]
The Law of the Signatory Tribes supercedes the domestic law of the white governments both here in what is called Canada and the United States. The United States of America are ruled by Corpus Juris Secundum or Second Law of the Land.. Canada is a Defacto type government or Corporation and is registered on the stock markets of the world as such. Canada goes by Crown Law which is the law of the Crown of England, but remember at the time Rome surrendered it’s power in 408 A.D., England was given the responsibility of fulfilling the articles of the Camel’s Eye Treaty, because England was the second Rome. The ROMAN EMPIRE included the Crown of England, France and Spain. To this day, should you follow the bloodlines of the ROYAL FAMILIES, you will find them to be the descendants of the OLD ROMAN EMPIRE or the ROMAKOS who are the descendants of GREEK ROYALTY.
The RULE OF LAW binding t

Bangkok plunges into chaos
Reporterinexile.com's insight into covering the first three days and nights of the Thai cr...
published: 18 May 2010
Author: reporterinexile.com
Bangkok plunges into chaos
Reporterinexile.com's insight into covering the first three days and nights of the Thai crisis. An inside look at covering a conflict.
By Kenneth Todd Ruiz
BANGKOK – A sniper’s bullet struck a rogue army officer revered by anti-government demonstrators, plunging the Thai capital into a night of chaos Thursday which left at least one civilian dead and scores injured.
Maj. Gen. Khattiya Swasdipol, an incendiary figure known here as the "Red General,” was shot in the head just before sunset as the Thai army moved to seal off an expansive area occupied by “red shirt” protesters the past six weeks.
"You have decided to crush us, we are being surrounded,” said Sean Boonpracong of the National United Front of Democracy Against Dictatorship, which is orchestrating the effort to depose the government of Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva. “We are ready to sacrifice and we are preparing our defenses ... we will fight you.”
Khattiya, who had been suspended from the army and even disobeyed directives from red-shirt leaders, was still in critical condition Friday morning. Tasked with red-shirt security, he had bragged of recruiting former soldiers and training his own “Ronin Warriors” to fight the government.
In the aftermath of the attempted assassination, enraged protesters threw rocks and petrol bombs throughout the night while exchanging sporadic gunfire and grenade attacks with soldiers positioned nearby.
Assaulted by rocks and fireworks from a taunting mob of red shirts, a group of soldiers crouching in the darkness of Bangkok’s large central park opened fire with M16 rifles just before 11 p.m., killing at least one civilian.
Despite the government’s pledge to cordon off the protest area, red shirts took control of a major road and stormed a bus carrying riot police. The police agreed to turn back and leave the area after a tense exchange.
Ambulances rushed eight red-shirt guards to the hospital after they were reportedly poisoned. Witnesses said they had been given free coffee from a van that quickly left the scene.
Thai authorities made no visible effort to block traffic from the conflict zone. A motorist caught in the crossfire of automatic weapons and M79 grenade launchers was hospitalized after stumbling from his car with a head wound.
Red shirts encamped near the Silom Road financial district exchanged rounds of sustained gunfire with garrisoned soldiers.
Although the red-shirts proclaim to be unarmed and nonviolent, a number of their black-clad security have been seen carrying and firing weapons.
Thursday’s violence followed a botched crackdown last month that killed 25 people and injured more than 800. Grenades fired from M79 grenade launchers killed a 26-year-old Thai woman in Bangkok’s financial district three weeks ago.
Thai authorities announced earlier Thursday their plan to disperse protesters – whose numbers fluctuate from about 5,000 to 10,000 – after red-shirt leaders abandoned a government-sponsored reconciliation plan they had earlier agreed to.
Under that agreement, Abhisit would have dissolved parliament and held new elections in six months.
But his “road map for peace” offered no provisions to politically rehabilitate the former prime minister whom the red shirts are fighting to return to power.
Thaksin Shinawatra, a telecom billionaire turned populist politician, is widely believed to be orchestrating and financing the red shirts.
His pledges in 2000 to address growing class disparities won support from the rural poor who now comprise the red-shirt rank and file. The military deposed his government four years ago, the 11th such coup since Thailand became a constitutional monarchy in 1932. Thaksin subsequently fled Thailand after being convicted of corruption.
A Thaksin-loyal government followed, but was toppled in 2008 after middle-class royalists, the so-called “Yellow Shirts,” crippled Bangkok by shutting down its airports.
The yellow-red conflict between the rural poor and urban elite underscores ever-growing class divisions the “Land of Smiles.” Bangkok has enjoyed decades of a booming success from which the rice-basket provinces complain they have not benefited.
Youtube results:

Macedonian Kingdom Political Organization History Ancient Coins Numismatic Investment
www.TrustedCoins.com - Ilya Zlobin, world-renowned expert and dealer of authentic ancient ...
published: 05 Jul 2012
Author: Ilya Zlobin
Macedonian Kingdom Political Organization History Ancient Coins Numismatic Investment
www.TrustedCoins.com - Ilya Zlobin, world-renowned expert and dealer of authentic ancient Greek, Roman, Biblical, Byzantine coins and artifacts, reads an informative history and introduces you to the benefits of buying ancient coins from him. You can search his store for authentic items that are related to the topic the video discusses. You are invited to visit his website, http for a selection of over 6800 authentic ancient Greek Roman Biblical Byzantine artifacts and coins all certified authentic and guaranteed authentic for a lifetime. These items make a great gift, and make a great numismatic investment. The political organization of the Macedonian kingdom was a three-level pyramid: on the top, the King and the nation, at the foot, the civic organizations (cities and éthnē), and between the two, the districts. Macedonian institutions were near to those of the Greek federal states. The king (Basileús) headed the central administration: he led the kingdom from its capital, Pella, and in his royal palace was conserved the state's archive. He was helped in carrying out his work by the Royal Secretary (basilikós grammateús), whose work was of primary importance, and by the Council.Which was a small group formed among some of the most eminent Macedonians, chosen by the king to assist him in the government of the kingdom. The title "king" (basileús) may have not officially been used by the Macedonian regents until Alexander the Great. The king was commander of the army, head <b>...</b>

Free Royal Election
...... Free election was the election of individual kings, rather than of dynasties, to th...
published: 28 Dec 2008
Author: mikolajoskierko
Free Royal Election
...... Free election was the election of individual kings, rather than of dynasties, to the Polish throne between 1572 and 1791, when "free election" was abolished by the Constitution of May 3, 1791. In 1572 Poland's Jagiellon dynasty became extinct upon the death, without a successor, of King Zygmunt II August. During the ensuing interregnum, anxiety for the safety of the Commonwealth eventually led to agreements among the political classes that, pending election of a new king, supreme authority would be exercised by the Roman Catholic primate, acting as interrex; that confederations of nobility would assume power in the country's respective regions; and that, by the "Warsaw Confederation" of 1573, peace would be maintained among the realm's various religions. The most important decision, however, was that the next king would be chosen by election, whose terms were finally established at a convocation sejm (sejm konwokacyjny) in 1573. On the initiative of southern-Polish nobles, supported by the future Crown (ie, Polish) great chancellor and hetman Jan Zamoyski, the election would be by all male nobles who assembled for the purpose. The nobles voted by province (voivodship) in the presence of deputies, who conveyed the votes to the senate: the choice of king was announced by the senate's marshal and solemnized by the primate. Prior to the abolition of "free elections," 13 were held in Poland, resulting in the elevation of the following kings: - Henry de Valois (1573-1574 <b>...</b>

Flash Elective Class - Q1 - International School Bangkok, 2010-2011 ......
published: 05 Oct 2010
Author: FlashAnimations100
Flash Elective Class - Q1 - International School Bangkok, 2010-2011 ...

Delfines en MUNDO MARINO
Los delfines nadando en el acuario de mundo marino. gracias fede por el video...
published: 30 Jun 2012
Author: skimboley
Delfines en MUNDO MARINO
Los delfines nadando en el acuario de mundo marino. gracias fede por el video